I was just imagining Hak and Yona's first night back together in Fuuga. It's those nice buildings where Hak first took Yona when they escaped. But now it's many months later, their first time back together since Yona gave him that goodbye kiss, and just after they were able to get the Dragons back from Xing. An inevitable battle with Kai looms in the near future, but for this night everyone has been celebrating being back together again and avoiding war this time.

After all the hugging, drinking, and general merriment, many are going to bed –- especially the Dragons who are partially still healing. Many of the Wind Warriors are still rowdy and will be up partying until they pass out in the morning.

When Yona yawns on the outskirts of the party, she feels the warmth of a hand taking hers. Hak motions for her to come with him. He's taking her to her room for the night. Habit. He likes to know where she is. And that she's comfortable wherever that may be. She watches him every step of the way. His broad shoulders. The way his hair rests on his neck and falls around his ears. The rough foreignness yet familiarity of his hand. She's been drinking a bit, after all. It was hard enough to stop her thoughts about him before… but now he's. right. here. And her feelings haven't weakened in the least.

He opens her door and lets her in, remaining on the hallway side of the threshold to bid her goodnight. Maybe he'd sleep outside her door tonight. He's missed her so much. Worried so damn much. They've been so close for so long, now the thought of sleeping rooms apart feels like miles away. He's been spoiled with being able to hear her steady breath of sleep. Even feel her heartbeat when he's been lucky because she'd nestled up against him just so. He's always known she was safe right there with him. And enough has happened on their journey that he doesn't take that for granted.

"Hak." Yona doesn't let go of his hand. She's feeling the same thing. They slept together for so many nights, then were apart all this time… now that they're back together… she doesn't want to sleep without him next to her. She wants to hold onto him like she had started to in the past (and he had let her, or at least acted like he didn't notice). When she can touch him, she knows he's real, he's OK. That feeling has made her feel safe and warm since she was a much younger girl. But now she's a developed woman and in love with him. And he's a grown man who very well may be aware of how she feels about him.

Yona yanks him in and closes the door. Hak turns red –- what is she doing? She still has his hand. "I really missed you."

"Princess, I…" There aren't even words for what he felt while they were apart. But Yona loses her breath at the look in his eyes. In an instant, they are in each others' arms holding one another.

They feel each other breathe. Smell each others' familiar scent, hygiene be damned this time (let's say they had baths in Fuuga ;-D ). Relax into each others' forms, pressed tightly against one another. A small caress grows until hands begin wandering, touching. There's no protesting. Just this amazing feeling. It goes on and on. Yona rubs her hands up his back over his clothes. Hak moves his hands down her sides. Their faces are so close. Their cheeks barely in contact. They're breathing each other in. Then Yona moves her head back just enough and –- his mouth catches hers in the most natural of motions. A warmth shoots up and down Yona's body at the contact and suddenly their mouths, hands, bodies, everything is rubbing and touching with such an intensity.

Yona runs her hands up over his pecks under his clothes and is surprised when she hears him moan at her ravenous touch. He pulls back ever so slightly, maybe to start a conversation about how they should stop, but Yona pulls him down to her bed. Now he REALLY pauses, his eyes pained with desire. Yona smiles at him, a matching frustration in her eyes. Then suddenly the door opens and–-

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING PUTTING YOUR HANDS ON THE PRINCESS?!" Mundok stands in the doorway, fuming at Hak.

Hak and Yona quickly pull their hands away from each other. Mundok looks like he's about to kill Hak while simultaneously wishing to express his deepest apologies to Yona.

As Mundok starts hitting Hak who generally attempts to dodge the attacks, Yona shouts–-

"I love him!-"

Both Mundok and Hak stop to look at her in awe. Hak starts blushing. He's possibly about to faint and most of his basic functions are probably momentarily suspended.

Mundok smiles great big at Yona with pride, then whaps Hak over the head knocking him down, "When's the wedding?"