The Ironborn rebellion had been short lived, forward thinking and planning had seen to that. House Greyjoy and their most loyal vassals had been slain and put to the sword. And though Jaime knew he would never get the image of that little boy and girl out of his head, he knew that it was for the better that the Greyjoys not rule the Islands. They had brought nothing but pain and suffering for many people since taking over all those years ago. This would be a relief for many, not only on the mainland but in the Islands itself. Consequently, Jaime found he could muster no sadness as great keep at Pyke where the Greyjoys had resided for some time, was torn down and reduced to rubble, the stores were sacked and food taken and distributed out amongst the hungry populace, and the gold taken for the crown's treasury. All in all the war had been a decent expedition, but he was glad it was over now.

The journey from Pyke back to the mainland had been a cheerful one, a lot of people had sung and danced and drank to celebrate victory over a much hated enemy. Jaime had joined in, as he had felt relief. Relief that the war was done and he could now go home to his wife and children. Dany had written to say that she had given birth to a baby boy who she had named Daeron, in honour of the Young Dragon and her direct ancestor, a strong name and one he was proud of. His wife had waited for him at Lannisport during the war, and now they were together again, for the great tourney he had declared would happen in celebration of the end of the war. Mother had planned everything, as she always did, with great efficiency and precision and no matter where he looked, he saw her detailed hand there, it filled him with pride.

The lords and ladies of the realm had all flocked to Lannisport for this tourney, winter was finally starting to break, and Jaime knew now was the perfect time for this event. He stood atop the podium, his crown atop his head, dressed in red and gold, with a blue cloak wrapped around his shoulders, and spoke. "My lords and ladies, thank you all for attending today. This tourney is being held, not as some vainglory for our own ego, but to celebrate the conclusion of a war against a foe that has given many people great difficulty over the years. It is to celebrate the end of winter, and success of the reforms that have been channelled throughout the kingdom. We are here to celebrate Westeros. I say that we enjoy the revelry and enjoy the growing seasons as they come. We are all young, or enjoying our youth, let us not forget that." He clapped his hands together and said. "Begin." A great cheer sounded out across the grounds then as the herald announced the first contestants for the jousting, Ser Arthur Dayne, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard against Ser Jorah Mormont, a man Jaime had knighted himself, after his feats in the storming of Pyke.

Jaime watched with rapt attention as Ser Arthur and Ser Jorah prepared themselves for the joust. Both men took their lances, their horses were prepared and ready, the herald looked at Jaime, and he nodded. "Begin!" Was the cry, Ser Arthur spurred his horse on first, as Jaime suspected he would, Ser Jorah followed. They came thundering down the lanes at one another, their lances raised, there was a crunch as their lances met and shattered. Their horses rode on passed one another. Both men turned, took another lance, and then prepared to do the same thing all over again. Jaime watched fascinated as Ser Arthur kept his lance lower than Ser Jorah did, Ser Arthur's lance was perhaps at rib level whilst, Ser Jorah's lance was at shoulder level, though Jaime had seen Ser Jorah joust before and had never seen him do that. Perhaps he was nervous, or perhaps he desperately wanted to win. The horses charged down at one another, the lances met, and shattered again. The horses turned around, lances were taken, and horses charged down, or rather thundered down. On the third time, Ser Arthur raised his lance at the last moment and knocked Ser Jorah in the stomach, with what appeared to be such force that Ser Jorah moved almost completely to one side, but managed to remain a horse. The crowd gasped at that, the man remained, turned his horse around and charged back, on the fourth pass, it seemed as though Ser Jorah had finally overcome his nerves, he moved quickly his lance darting lower and lower, until it hit Ser Arthur squarely in the chest, at the point that would knock a man off his horse. Ser Arthur managed to hold on for a time, but as his horse turned around, he slumped down and fell. The crowd looked to Jaime to see how he would react, and he clapped, making the crowd cheer. Ser Jorah stopped next to Ser Arthur and extended his hand, Ser Arthur clasped it and got up.

The herald stepped forward as Ser Jorah and Ser Arthur got off the lane. "Ser Jefforey Mallister and Lord Jon Connington." This would be interesting Connington had much to prove and had always been a good tourney knight, whilst Mallister had a fierce prowess with a sword and a lance, as he had shown during the storming of Old Wyk. The two men bowed before the throne and then saddled up. Jaime nodded, the herald cried for them to begin and the charge started. On the first pass both men's lances missed their mark, soaring harmlessly over the other, on the second, the lances shattered, on the third, the lances shattered, on the fourth, Connington nearly fell, on the fifth Mallister did fall. Jaime clapped with the others though he was slightly disappointed, he did not really like Connington. At his side Dany laughed. "What?" He asked looking at his wife, though she had given birth some four weeks ago, she did not seem to be feeling the effects of it.

"You really don't like Connington, it shows on your face, every time you see him." Dany replied.

Alarmed, Jaime turned to face his wife and asked. "Does it show so clearly?" He knew that such an open display of emotion, especially a negative one was like to have negative consequences for everything that would come to be their dealing with Connington, and that was something they could not afford, regardless of his own personal feelings of the man.

Dany touched his cheek and whispered. "No, not to anyone but me. And it shows to me, because I know you Jaime."

Jaime smiled, and took his wife's gloved hand in his own and said. "I know. But still, can you blame me? If Connington spent as much time actually ruling as he does complaining about some minor detail or the other, the crown would not need to spend so much time increasing its patrols throughout the Stormlands. I understand that he loved your brother, but I am not sure that this grief is doing him or us any favours."

"And I understand that, my love, truly I do. But I think that Connington is a part of the old regime that can actually do some good. He has helped implement the reforms despite his own protests, and despite his own grief, he has still done much to help us in the Stormlands. I think we must just give him some time. Some time to heal and be free." Dany replied.

Jaime nodded, kept his wife's hand clasped in his as he turned to watch the rest of the jousting. There were some interesting fellows about, a man with as true an aim as he had ever seen who knocked off every opponent he came across, including Ser Boremund Rivers of the Kingsguard. There was a man who looked as though the lance was far too heavy for him yet he managed to knock off just about everyone as well. In the final four, Connington and Mormont broke some thirty lances against one another before Connington was knocked off his horse. Lord Mallister who had also enlisted in the tourney broke some forty lances against uncle Tygett before he finally won. The final round was a heated one, it seemed that Mormont was on a mission. Who had caught his eye he did not know, but whoever they were, they clearly inspired some devotion in him, for he kept going through numerous blows, he refused to fall when falling perhaps might have been the wise course.

Forty-one lances were broken before the joust ended, with Lord Mallister lying on his back, and Ser Jorah the champion. Jaime applauded, stood and said. "My lords and ladies, people of Westeros, I present to you, our champion, the Knight of the Lion, Ser Jorah Mormont." He clapped and the realm clapped with him, Ser Jorah circled around the arena a little, before coming back to take the wreath for a floral crown from Jaime. The man rode for some time and then placed the crown atop Lady Alysanne Hightower, a raven-haired beauty. Jaime was slightly surprised at this, but from the way Lady Alysanne smiled it seemed that she was not. Jaime smiled and whispered to Dany. "I think we might be having a marriage on our hands soon enough." Dany said nothing, but soon enough the crowd settled down as the lanes were removed and tidied up in preparation for the melee that came after. The melee demonstrated some of the much rawer efforts of the Westerosi knights and lords, even some of the ladies, as the women of Bear Island took part in the fighting. Lady Maege Mormont a big burly woman swinging a mace knocked out three men, including Jon Connington, before losing the final bout to Ser Oswell Whent. It was an interesting time and one that Jaime enjoyed thoroughly, once the melee ended, they retired to the greater grounds for the feasting.

Before the meal began, Jaime stood up and spoke. "My lords and Ladies, we have enjoyed much throughout the past day. Feats of strength, feats of endurance and now, we bring to you, the ultimate test, how much can you reasonably eat, before you need a break." There was a rumble of laughter at that, Jaime grinned. "I would like to thank Lord Lannister for hosting us here, for providing the means for such a great feast and tourney." Tyrion blushed happily and smiled. "Now, enough talking, let us eat and celebrate." A cheer went out at that, the food was put before them and they ate merrily.

Somewhere during the first course, Mother was sat next to him and she spoke. "I am proud of you, Jaime, of what you have done to make the realm a better place, of how you are as a father and a husband. I know your father would be proud of you as well."

Jaime smiled. "Thank you, Mother. I know he'd be proud of us all." His mother smiled, and Jaime found himself asking. "How are you doing, Mother? As regent for Tyrion and generally?"

His mother did not reply immediately, she took some time, evidently considering various things, but when she did reply, there was a hint of tiredness in her voice. "I am doing okay, sweetling. I am living my life as best as I can, I do miss your father, and you and Cersei, but Tyrion is a joy to be around. He truly is quite smart. As for the regency it has its good days and its bad days as does everything in life."

Jaime nodded, and as the first course was removed from in front of them, his mother got up and moved back to where Tyrion sat, holding court with some of the squires, talking animatedly about something or the other. Jaime watched the entire room, seeing men and women drink, laugh and joke, they were smiling, that was good. It showed things were good, the image of Balon Greyjoy in Pyke would not leave, but perhaps the memory would be less pressing in time. He felt his wife's hand on his arm, and looked at her and smiled. "I love you." He said. "I don't say it enough."

Dany smiled, and his heart soared, like it always did. "I love you too."

The second course was put before them, a steaming beef stew, that tasted lovely. As Jaime ate, he wondered how exactly the Iron Islands would progress under direct rule of the throne. He had told Dany his decision and she had agreed with him, the Islands were too troublesome to be placed under any control but royal control. However, neither of them had quite managed to figure out what changes to implement there just now. They would give it some time, and then make their choice, with the right information before them to make an informed choice. He looked to his left and saw that Ser Jorah was talking animatedly with Lady Alysanne. "Do you think they will marry then?" He asked his wife, nodding to the two.

"I think so, I think that Lady Alysanne has taken a shine to the great northern bear. I do not think she much cares that he is Lord of House that does not have the riches she is used to, but I think that they will work together on that. I think Lord Jorah might well wish for the marriage to gain access to the Dowry that Lord Leyton would provide." Dany said, as succinctly as she always did.

Jaime thought over this for a moment, thinking of what Ned had told him of Bear Island. It was a small isle, sometimes ravaged by Ironborn and Wildlings, more inhabited by bears than actual people. There was a lot of lumber there, but apart from that there was not much else for it sell to others. Consequently, the people were hard, and not exactly impoverished, but not as rich as say the Glovers had become from their access to the coastal west. It would make sense for a marriage into a family like the Hightowers then, for Lord Leyton was a very rich man, and with the tax imposed on the citadel, his wealth was only growing more with every passing day. The thought on the citadel brought another matter to Jaime's attention. "On the matter of the citadel, do you think we should ask them to move into the Remembrance building on Rhaenys Hill?"

His wife nodded. "I think that would make sense. After all, the Citadel is in dire need of repair, and the Remembrance building is right there, we can keep an eye on them and ensure that they are not doing anything completely nonsensical."

"I shall speak with Lord Leyton before we return to King's Landing to make sure the arrangements are all made and that the conclave know all about it." Jaime said, his wife smiled and they resumed eating. The second course continued for some time, and people came and went, Uncle Tygett came and sat next to him and one point. His uncle seemed to have mellowed slightly since his own marriage and the birth of his son. He seemed less angry, and more willing to listen and discuss than merely shout.

"I think that this has been a splendid event so far, Your Majesties. A most worthy event, for a victory so very hard earned." Uncle said.

"Thank you, Uncle, you are most kind." Jaime replied. "How is Lady Darlessa fairing? I hear she took to the birthing bed some two days ago?"

Uncle Tygett's face shifted and changed slightly, but then a smile took hold. "She and the babe are well. A little girl, we've decided to name Daenerys in honour of Your Majesty." Dany blinked and then smiled. Uncle Tygett looked around the room and sighed. "I think these sort of things should not need to happen to bring everyone together."

"In what sense, Ser?" Dany asked.

"I think that the more time that the lords of the realm spend together, the more time they will have to get to know one another and remove any prejudices and fears they have as a result of the others being unknown. Look before you." Uncle Tygett stated, gesturing with his hand. "See how well they talk to one another, the reforms you have implemented have started the process of them all thinking of themselves not as Westermen, or Rivermen, or Reachmen, but as Westerosi. That is a powerful thing. It is something that can be built on and given proper prominence. I believe that the Red Keep would need some work done on it, but it could be done."

"You would suggest having the nobles of the realm, stationed in one place?" Jaime asked somewhere between intrigued and horrified.

"I think that it is something to consider." Uncle Tygett said, as the second course was removed and the third course was put before them. Throughout the rest of the meal, Jaime thought about that. It could be something; it could be incredibly intriguing to see how the nobles reacted to all being in the same place for longer than a few days or months. However, that would be for a later time, for now they would need to continue to heal the kingdom.

The feast ended, and the next day, Jaime, Dany and their two sons and the court made its way back to King's Landing, throughout it all Jaime found himself pondering again, what his uncle had said. He liked the thought, but he would not pursue it now. There was still much work to get done. They arrived in King's Landing some three weeks later, and at the first meeting of court, Jaime decided to bring Dany as well as their two sons with him. They wore their crowns, dressed in red and gold, the banners of House Luciferus flying proudly before them. The herald announced them. "Their Royal Majesties, King and Queen Jaime and Daenerys Luciferus, and their sons Their Royal Highnesses Princes Loren and Daeron Luciferus." The doors opened and they walked in, Loren holding Jaime's hand and Daeron in Dany's arms, the lords and ladies all bowed before them, their heads lowered, the Kingsguard walked behind them as they made their way to the throne. As always the seat of the throne was bigger than he remembered it being. Widened after the war, to seat both of them. Dany sat down first, then Jaime, Loren rested in his lap. The lords and ladies remained bowed, Jaime surveyed them, he looked at his wife, saw the smile on her face, and smiled in return. He turned to look at the assembled court and said. "Begin."

And so, it ends. To everyone who has read, reviewed, favourited and followed this story, thank you. It's been a long journey, especially as originally this was only meant to be a one shot, haha. Thanks for sticking with me through all of the ups and downs of this story, I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it. Thank you.