Hello... You guys have waited long enough , Well... Here you go!! XD

I'll apologize for some the next few months if I didn't update fast... DX You know school stuff... And it's getting harder , I need to adapt to the new subjects... blah blah blah blah..

Well... Enough rambling... Here you go! But first :

Disclaimer : I do not own One piece.


" So? So? What happened?!" Nami asked after the Kuraganai Island is out of sight.

The girls were surrounding Luffy in the their dorm after the crew ate dinner.

" What do you mean 'What happened' ?"

" How did you meet Mihawk?"

" Oh... He said that He saw me when he was walking by the shore , so he carried me to his house..."

" Then? Then?" Nami leaned closer , stars in her eyes , like she was expecting something while Robin just sit while listening curiously on her hammock.

" So yeah.. After calling you , I tried to think who he was..."

" What do you mean? Didn't you see him at Baratie? Usopp told me"

" My memories is still a hazy but I think it'll be alright in a few more days"

" Oh I hope you're right" Nami said , a little worried for her friend.

" You need to use Lucy If this thing happens again... But they recognise you.. We'll be in MAJOR trouble" Nami warned.

At the Marine Headquarters


" Yo Sengoku..."


" You can just fix it..." Garp said , waving his hand.

" I JUST had it fixed THREE says ago!" Sengoku said but was ignored.

" Munch Munch Munch... Oh ya! Thanks for letting me borrow Smoker... He really helped... Oh! And I met Luffy on my watch" Garp said while munching some crackers that appeared out of no where.

" Oh...-Wait... What?! Repeat that again.."

" Gee... You really are getting old..."

" HEY! huh... Nevermind... Just tell me.."

" I said thanks for letting me borrow Smoker... He really helped..."

" No... The other part..."

" Munch Munch Munch...?"

" No! You know what I mean.."

" Ohhh... I met Luffy on my watch.."


" Ahhh... That I Forgot.."

" Huh... Should have known..." Sengoku sighed while putting his head in his hands.

Back at the Thousand Sunny

" Ah-Ah-Aahhh"

" Hn? What's wrong Luffy?" The Strawberry Blonde ( or was it orange?) Navigator asked.

" Ahhhhhh AAaachi!" Their Captain's sneeze resounded? to all the parts of the sea... Nah just kidding.. to every inch of her ship.

' C-C-CUTEEE' Everyone thought except for Chopper.

" Are you okay Luffy? Are you feeling sick?" Chopper asked after he popped his head out of the infirmary.

" Nah... M'Fine" Luffy waved her jand to Chopper.

" Oh Okay then.." Chopper got back to the infirmary to make more Rumble balls.

" Maybe Someone is talking about you~~" Nami teased.

" Why would someone talk about me?" Luffy said.

Nami facepalmed " Of course you wouldn't get it... Why did I even try...?" She sighed.

" Ara Ara... Navigator-san... Maybe we can change her so she can get it... Since she's just like a new born baby..." (A/N: Idk what I just did there... Hehe... He.. Yeah... I think it's a little OOC) Robin said.

Nami sighed then stand straight with determined eyes while pumping her fist " YOSHAA! I'll tell you all the things how to be lady-like , steal money and attraction!"

" Fufufu... Better get started Navigator-san... It will take sometime.." Robin said.

" You're righ-! Luffy! Where did you go now?!" Nami said frustratingly while Robin giggled as she watches Nami ran off to find her captain.

Time-Skip" ...So that's why you need to wear a bra , Luffy... Understand?" Nami said.

" Okay Nami..." Luffy replied cheerfully.

Nami blinked , " Are you feeling okay Luffy? You're somehow listening to me..." Nami asked , worried.

" I'm fine... I guess , I'm a little different from the previous-Luffy..." Luffy shrugged.

" It's Okay Navigator-san... The book also said that it could change the user's personality a little or drastically..." Robin said.

" And I guess Her personality got more understanding..." Robin continued.

" Really?! Finally!!" Nami said , a little happy of the new Luffy.

" Better tell this information to the others.." Nami said to herself while walking outside the girl's dorm , Leaving Luffy who is confused and Robin who find this amusing.

" MINNA!!!" Nami's shout was heard from the deck to all the parts of the Thousand Sunny.

Sanji was setting a table for the ladies , Franky was helping himself with a cup of tea (a/n : Weird right? I thought He only likes Cola) , Zoro was napping under the tree while Chopper, Usopp and Brook were trying tocatch some fish.

" Nani Nami?!" Usopp asked.

" IT'S LUFFY!!" She replied making others worried.

" What happened?" Chopper asked , worried.

" Nothing bad... Just that she is now mire understanding!! This is our chance to change her but not too much..." Nami said.

" I wonder if I could teach her how to pick pocket..." Nami said shadily.

" Or I could even tea-" Before Nami can continue Usopp interrupted her.

" HUH?! Is that?!" He said while readjusting his goggles to see.

" Woah... Awesome! It's a fish school!" he said while Chopper and Brook laugh happily.

" Yohohoho... See? Good things happen to those who wait.." Brook said.

Nami approached them , " Nami , You wanna try it?" Chopper asked.

" What's wrong?" He asked after seeing Nami's face.

" Something feels off here..." Nami said , looking around.

The fish went past them and Zoro woke up and saw the sky.

" Those are..." He asked , gaining their attention making the crew look to the sky.

Lots of dark clouds gathered in the sky , Nami said " You're kidding me..."


Then the waves turned into some whirlpool , " It's a Sea Snake Current!" Nami exclaimed.

" Okay... What is that?" Chopper asked.

Instead of Answering Nami immediately warned the crew to brace themselves. The Whirlpool then jumped creating some pillars Of waves.

Usopp screamed and Zoro said " The Waves... It's like they're alive!"

While Franky said " I get why they're valled sea snakes" With a horrified face ( not too horrified) Luffy said " Awesome!!"

" Yohohohoho... This is quiet the sight" Brook commented.


Sorry!!!! I am very late!!! But I just need sometime to think...

I'm really REALLY sorry!! m, ,m (dogeza)

I hope you enjoy...

And I have an exam tomorrow until next week... So , I'm sorry if I didn't update fast.