Hey, sorry for updating in a long while, I've been real busy. Sorry if this chapter's a little rusty but I hope it makes up for lost time. Enjoy!
The sun was shining over the grassy landscape Ramsey Nash and Arlo were herding their field of Longhorns towards the other side of the land. Arlo ran on the right side of the herd and Ramsey and Nash ran on the left. Some loose longhorns started to split off from one side.
"Quick Arlo! Head 'em off before they split!" Ramsey called out.
Arlo looked ahead to see a Rocky ridge that would cut off the loose longhorns from the herd.
"Got it Ramsey!"
Arlo used his strength to shove the longhorns to his left before they could go off in the other direction. Arlo whipped them with his tail to keep them in line.
"Whoo! Nice job little brother!" Ramsey cheered
"Look! We're almost there!" Nash hollered
Arlo smiled as he continued looking ahead, but his eyes widened in horror to see a dinosaur coming out from the trees and into the open field. They had their back turned so they couldn't see the oncoming herd charging towards them.
"LOOK OUT!" Arlo yelled. He immediately picked up his speed and ran ahead of the herd towards the oblivious dinosaur.
The other dinosaur only had enough time to turn around to see what was coming. As they were about to scream in fright, Arlo tackled them to one side just before the longhorns could run them over. The two dinosaurs rolled and tumbled behinds some bushes out of safety. When they stopped rolling, Arlo looked up at the dinosaur who was lying on top of him. He managed to get a good look at the dinosaur and realise it was a female Apatosaurus just like him.
"Are you alright?" he asked her with concern
The female, who had just regained her composure, stopped panting and looked down at him "Err… yes I think so…thanks for saving me"
"Oh It's no problem, I'm just glad you're…" Arlo paused as he studied her features a little more. She looked surprisingly familiar….Those blue eyes. He squinted at her for a second before his eyes widened in shock.
The female dinosaur's eyes widened as she got off of Arlo. She backed a few steps away from him.
Arlo took one step closer to her "Is it really you?"
"How do you know my name? Who are you?"
"It's me, Arlo"
Arlo nodded. Bala then screamed in delight as she tackled Arlo to the ground. Then they got back up and started running round eachother laughing.
Bala: "How did you…"
Arlo: "How did you…."
Bala: "Were did you come from?"
Arlo: "This is so cool! It's great to see you!"
Bala: "It's great to see YOU!"
Arlo: "What are you doing here?"
Bala: "What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?"
"Hey Arlo!" The two friends stopped before looking to see two T-Rex's coming towards them. Bala couldn't help but gasp slightly. "What happened back there?"
"Yeah you were doing a great job and then you just…bolted out." Nash stated
"We managed to finish rounding up the longhorns and…" Ramsey paused when she looked to Bala "who's this?"
"Oh guys this is my best friend Bala! Bala this is Ramsey and Nash" Arlo introduced
"Hi" Bala said shyly
"Well nice to meet there Miss!" Nash greeted "Sorry 'bout our longhorns. We didn't see you out there!"
"That's okay, I'm just lucky Arlo was there to save me" Bala then turned to Arlo "I can't believe you're here! Wait till everybody finds out you've been here all this time! And your mother…what will she think?"
Arlo's features dropped "She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know."
"Of course they do! Everyone thinks you're dead"
"They do?"
"Yeah, Carlos told us about the flood"
"He did? What else did he tell you?" Arlo asked
"What else matters? You're alive" Bala replied "And that means… you're the King."
"King?!" Ramsey scoffed "Honey, I think you've got your dinos crossed"
"King?" Nash bowed and then took Arlo's foot "Your majesty, I gravel at your feet!" then he began to kiss it.
Arlo pulled away out of disgust "Stop that" Arlo griped
"It's not gravel its grovel!" Ramsey told her brother "And don't! he's not the king! Are you?"
"No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was going to be… but that was a long time ago."
"Hang on a darn minute. You're a King and you never told us?" Ramsey questioned
"Look I'm still the same guy"
"But with power!" Nash countered
Bala who has just been standing awkwardly between them suddenly spoke up "Hey Arlo can I talk to you alone for a minute?" she asked
"Hey whatever you have to say, you can say in front of us." Ramsey responded before turning to Arlo "Right Arlo?"
"Uh...maybe it's best if we do talk alone."
Ramey blinked a couple of times before looking to Nash "It's starts. You think you know a guy"
The two T-Rex's walked off. Arlo smiled as he watched them leave "Ramsey and Nash, you learn to love them" Arlo turned to Bala but frowned to see her hanging her head in sadness.
"What?... What is it?"
She slowly looked up "It's like you're back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to everyone…." She started to tear up "What it means to me."
"Hey it's okay" Arlo reasured
Bala then rubbed her head under Arlo's chin "I've really missed you". Arlo was a little surprized by Bala's sudden gesture, but then he started to nuzzle her back. "I've missed you too" The two Apatosaurus smiled as they rubbed heads affectionately.
Meanwhile Ramsey and Nash were watching the whole thing from behind some trees. Ramsey groaned in disgust "I'm telling you Nash, this stinks."
"Oh, sorry."
"Not you! Them!" She gestured to Arlo and Bala as they started to walk off into the distance "Him. Her. Alone."
"What's wrong with that?" Nash asked
"I can see what's happening" Ramsey started singing
"What?" Nash responded
"And they don't have a clue"
"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, our trios down to two"
"The sweet caress of twilight, there's magic everywhere. And with all this romantic atmosphere disasters in the air"
Arlo and Bala walked side by side to a magnificent waterfall. They walked around eachother looking into eachother's gaze.
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings?
The world for once in perfect harmony with all its living things
They both bent down to drink from the water.
Arlo: So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past impossible
She's turn away from me.
Bala: He's holding back he's hiding
But what? I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is?
The king I see inside?
When Bala finished drinking looked up and saw Arlo smiling at her craftily at her then ran behind her, grabbed a vine in his teeth and used it to swing himself into the lake with a SPLASH!
Bala ran to the edge of the water but was taken by surprise when Arlo emerged from the water and pulled Bala in with him. When they resurfaced, Arlo laughed hysterically while Bala gasped for air and pulled herself back onto the grass shivering. Arlo pulled himself out of the water only to be pushed back in by Bala.
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings?
The world for once in perfect harmony with all its living things.
They chased each other through a field of fireflies and ended up tumbling down a hill laughing. When they stopped, Bala kissed Arlo on the cheek taking him by surprize, he looked to see her smiling before he smiled back.
Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far.
Stealing through the nights uncertainties, love is where they are.
They stared into each other's eyes before nuzzling eachother lovingly.
What they didn't know what that Ramsey and Nash were still watching them from a safe distance. They were beginning to tear up at the thought of their beloved friend leaving them to be with Bala.
Ramsey: And if he falls in love tonight, it can be assumed
Nash: His carefree days with us are history
Ramsey & Nash: In short our friend is doomed
The T-Rex siblings looked at each other before bursting into tears and embracing eachother.