"How's Oliver doing?" Thea asked Laurel as she entered the bunker.

"He's agreed to the bionic arm, so that's a plus, though I think that'll be awhile before he puts that hood back on and we're going have to have Cisco modify it to work cover up the fact that the Green Arrow has the same bionic arm as the mayor." Laurel said.

"I'm just glad that for once, Ollie's seeing reason." Thea said.

"Yeah, but anyway, how's the mission to Samantha's coming?" Laurel asked.

"Lyla loaned the team an Argus chopper and they're headed there now. I just hope they're not too late." Thea said.

"You know, I warned Felicity that if things go south for us on this op, Oliver will kill her." Laurel said.

"No he won't." Thea said.

"And how do you know that?" Laurel asked.

"Because I'll be the one who killed her for causing my brother the type of pain that can only come from losing a child." Thea said.

"By all means. In my opinion, the world's better off without her." Laurel said.

"And you're not just saying that because she used to sleep with your boyfriend?" Thea asked with a smirk.

"I never said that wasn't a part of the reason, but you can't deny that Oliver's a better version of himself when she's not around." Laurel said.

"True. But I like how you're finding a way to make it seem like your desire to see Felicity permanently out of our lives isn't petty." Thea said.

Before Laurel could respond, the comm system went active.

"Spartan, what's the situation?" Thea asked.

"We've just arrived at the location and it does not look good. The house is on fire and there's no sign of Samantha or William. Arsenal, Siren and Wilddog are already inside. The Central City Police Department and Fire Department are already on their way." Spartan said.

"I found Samantha and it's not good. She's still breathing but I'm not sure how long that will be the case. I need help getting her out of here." Arsenal said.

"I'm on it. Siren keep looking for the kid." Wilddog said.

"Copy that." Siren said.

"I hope William's okay." Laurel said.

"Really, well if he is, how would you feel about taking him in if Samantha doesn't make it?" Thea asked.

"I don't know Thea. I mean, I know that Oliver probably will, but no matter what, William will always be a reminder of the man Ollie used to be." Laurel said.

"Laurel, I get it, really, I do. But that isn't William's fault. You just have to decide if you're a big enough person to look past the actions that led to William's birth and see that he had nothing to do with what happened between Oliver and Samantha. I'm headed to Central City now to run damage control if need be and also get Samantha's blessing to tell William the truth." Thea said as she walked out of the lair and left Laurel to think.

"Hey, you're early today." Oliver said.

"I just wanted to see you before your procedure." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get a new arm." Oliver said.

"Yeah, City Hall could really use you back." Laurel said.

"I know that look. I see it on my face every time I'm holding back information. What's going on?" Oliver asked.

After Laurel told him what was going on, Oliver looked like he was torn between rage and grief.

"So, Felicity outed my son to the Rogues, whose fate is currently unknown, Samantha is currently in critical condition and might not survive. Am I missing anything?" Oliver asked.

"No, but you do realize that you, that we, have a choice to make." Laurel said.

"You whether we should bring William to live with us or not?" Oliver said.

"Yeah." Laurel said.

"You don't want him to, do you?" Oliver asked.

"No, it's just, you can't deny that he's a reminder of the man you used to be." Laurel said.

"I know. But that's why he should come and live with us. So I can make sure he doesn't make the same mistakes I did. Besides, you can't deny that it won't be good practice for if we get to that point." Oliver said.

"I believe you meant when, not if." Laurel said with a smile of her own.

"Just making sure we were in agreement on that. So anyway, if Samantha doesn't make it, will you be cool with William coming to live with us?" Oliver asked.

Laurel thought about it for a few minutes and then said "It'll be an adjustment, but considering the man you've become since you found out about William, I think I can give it a try. Especially like you pointed out that it will be good practice and preparation on what to expect when we have our own kid."

"Call Thea and tell her." Oliver said as doctors came in.

"Mayor Queen, everything is prepared for the operation." one of the doctors said.

"Let's do this, I hate only having one arm." Oliver said, causing Laurel to roll her eyes.

"Ms. Lance, while you're here, would you mind if we took x-rays to see how your damaged bones are healing?" another doctor asked.

"Please, I'm getting sick of this chair." Laurel said.