Hi, hello and hey! And also sorry. I know that this has taken forever to be published and I do apologise. But it's here and hopefully it's a satisfying ending.
Hermione sighed as she pressed a warm cup of tea into Ron's hands. He thanked her dully, eyes red and tired. She sat next to him, her own cup in hand, and ducked her head.
"Why are you here, Ronald?" she asked him quietly.
He took a long sip and swallowed heavily. He leaned forward and put the cup onto the coffee table before turning to look at Hermione. "For close to seven years, I thought you would be my forever, Hermione."
She didn't know what to say.
He shook his head. "Seven years and no matter who else was in the picture; Krum, Lavender, McLaggen. I thought that at the end of it all, it would be me and you."
"Ron," Hermione said softly, putting a hand on his leg.
He smiled at her. "No, I need to get this out 'Mione. Let me get this out. Please."
She nodded in agreement, and motioned for him to go on.
"That night, at Hogwarts, the battle… we kissed. And I felt something and I know you did too and I was sure then that it was finally our time. But we never really got it together, and I know you think it's for the best. Deep down, I think I do too," he closed his eyes. "There's a voice in my head, though, just a little voice that asks me every day what our lives could be like if we'd just given it a real shot."
He fell quiet and Hermione took that to mean she could speak. "Ron," she began, drawing his eyes back to hers, "you and I both know it wouldn't have worked. Not really."
"Do we?"
"Yes, Ron. We were friends, best friends, for seven years, and in that time, we fought nearly every day. Even if it was just an exchange of words we could never just agree. And after everything we had been through, I think we both deserve some peace, someone who we feel content with, relaxed."
"Some people would say that what we have is passion."
"Maybe, but it can't all be passion. There has to be the space in between."
It fell quiet between them as Ron stared at her, eyes unreadable. Then something changed and his jaw locked. Determination, courage, a little bit of recklessness. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, pulling them together. It wasn't like it had been those years ago, when they came together in whirlwind of adrenaline and desperation. Hermione just felt sad, alone, and heartbroken for the boy she had loved as a child. She pulled away and pressed a hand to his chest, smiling softly.
"Why Fred, 'Mione?" he asked her desperately. "You promised me that there wasn't anything but we can all see it. Out of everyone, why him?"
She shook her head and dropped her gaze to her hands, squeezing them together tightly. She felt her eyes burn with unshed tears. "I'm so sorry, Ron. I am so so sorry."
He shrugged. "Maybe I should have seen it coming. He's always been a little bit more than me."
For the second time that night, Hermione's heart broke for the boy in front of her, he sounded so much like the jealous little boy she had met back in first year. "Please don't think that. It's not like that. Fred and I – I don't even know if there is a Fred and I."
"Of course there's a Fred and you," Ron scoffed. "Fred's always been interested in you. Even back in school. He didn't do anything about it because of me."
Hermione didn't know what to say to that. "I guess I'll have to deal with it," Ron continued. "Just, Hermione, promise me that this will make you happy. If I am going to be okay with this, with you and Fred, I need to know you'll be happy."
"I can't promise that right now, Ron," she said gently. When he started to protest she stopped him with a look. "But I can tell you that he makes me laugh, and he challenges me, and he makes me feel important every moment of every day."
"Then you'll be happy," Ron nodded. Slowly, he stood. "I'll go. I shouldn't have barged in like this. Shouldn't have had that last firewhiskey."
Hermione stood up with him and drew him into a hug. She rested her head on his chest and took a deep breath. "We needed it Ron. We've needed this for a long time. And I want you to know that I do love you. You are so important to me."
"You're important to me too, Hermione, always will be."
She let him go and he walked towards the door, smiling sadly at her as he left. Merlin, she thought, what had become of them. She hadn't lied to him. She loved him so much. But it wasn't the love it had been, might have been, the love they both deserved. In a way, she felt like she had set him free from any lingering dreams of the two of them coming together. She should have done it ages ago. Drained, she turned off the lights and went back into her room, desperate to get some sleep.
She woke up the next morning and felt lighter. Lighter because she had finally had the talk with Ron they had both needed and lighter because she had kissed Fred Weasley. She had kissed him and he had kissed her and it was the fireworks she had been hoping for. Now all she had to do was pluck up the courage to go and see him. After rushing through her morning routine she looked at the time and decided to get it done. She gritted her teeth and apparated into Diagon Alley. It was a Sunday and that meant he would be in the shop all morning before George relieved him around noon. She could go and see him and ask him to meet her for lunch and they could work all of this out.
Apparating into the busy streets Hermione made her way through the crowds to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, which was as busy as she had expected and she smiled when she looked in the window and saw Fred holding court, demonstrating some new products to a crowd of awed onlookers. She pushed open the door and slipped inside, heading towards the counter, knowing he would have to appear there sooner or later. She didn't have to wait long. He came sauntering up, followed by a family with their arms laden with merchandise, she smiled at him and waved. He looked a little surprised to see her, his eyes went wide and he stumbled, before quickly recovering and leaving his customers with a handsome boy who must have been Sebastian. Hermione approached him shyly.
"Hey Fred."
"Hey there, love," he smiled at her widely. She could see the questions in his face.
"Meet me for lunch when you've finished up here?" she asked him. He nodded at her quickly and she laughed. "The Leaky, half twelve. I'll wait for you."
She left him standing there. She had a couple of hours before they met, and she did have some errands to run, and she had to figure out what it was that she wanted to say. Going about her shopping Hermione was thankful she didn't run into anybody that she knew. She was too nervous she didn't think she could have figured out what to say to anybody that wasn't Fred. Her nerves growing, she looked at her watch and decided to head over to the pub and secure a table. Walking in she was met with a wall of sound. The Leaky Cauldron was always popular but even this was unexpected for a Sunday. Perfect, just the venue for a heart to heart.
He burst through the door at a quarter to one with his hair falling over his eyes and out of breath. Spotting her, he fairly ran over and dropped into the seat across.
"I'm so sorry, Hermione, there was a rush and George was late and I couldn't leave Seb alone just yet –"
She cut him off with a wave. "It's okay," she reassured him. "Do you want something to eat?"
He nodded and they ordered quickly, an awkward silence falling between them once their order had been taken and they each had a pint of butterbeer in front of them.
Finally, Hermione broke the silence. "Ron came to see me last night."
Fred winced, pained. "How did that go?"
She took a while to answer, considering her words. "We said what we needed to say. It was good really, though we probably should have had it out years ago."
"What did he have to say about… us?" he asked nervously.
"Honestly Fred, I don't think he was thrilled. But he gets it, how I feel about you," she said slowly.
A grin spread across Fred's handsome face and he leaned forward conspiratorially. "And how do you feel about me, Granger?"
This was her moment, she thought, this was what they had been moving towards for months now. What she said now would direct the course of their relationship, whether it existed or not after this, for years to come.
"I think I love you," she said plainly.
His jaw slackened and his eyes widened comically. Shit, she thought, shit. Had she just said love? Merlin's beard they had just kissed last night and she'd gone and dropped love in his lap. This was it, she knew, he was going to let her down easy with a smile and they'd walk out of here friends but Hermione would be heartbroken. She took a deep breath.
He stood up quickly and walked to her side of the table, reaching out to touch her cheek softly. Cliché as it sounded, she felt like he was looking into her soul.
"About time, Granger," he breathed out before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers softly.
He pulled away, the biggest smile she had ever seen him wear spread from cheek to cheek. "I've been in love with you since I was seventeen years old, Hermione, just waiting for you to catch up."
She laughed and reached up, drawing them together again, the noise and babble of the pub falling away in the feel of his lips against hers. Hermione could have kissed him for hours, exploring the feel of her hands in his hair and the feel of his skin on hers but they were interrupted by a pointed cough. Tearing themselves apart, Hermione blushed at the server who had their food in hand, looking at them pointedly, and George who was standing beside him with his eyebrows sky high. Fred smirked smugly.
"Wotcher, Georgie," he crowed.
His brother rolled his eyes and pulled up a chair, straddling it and picking at the food now sitting in front of Fred. "This the extremely important business meeting that you just couldn't get out of then?" he asked wryly.
Fred shrugged. "Business of the heart."
George turned on Hermione. "I hope this won't be a regular occurrence Miss Granger," he said sternly, but she could see the twinkle of laughter in his eyes. "We have a very respectable business to run."
Playing along, Hermione feigned dismay. "I'm so sorry, Mr Weasley. I just thought that as the clever twin you could do without him dragging you down for an hour."
Fred frowned at her as his twin laughed loudly. Hermione winked at him and blew him a kiss. She felt lighter than air.
"I'll leave you to it, Freddie," George said, swiping another bite from his plate as he stood up. "Be back before two if you can, Seb's got a date."
The rest of their lunch was spent chatting and laughing and before she knew it, the two were walking back to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, slowly making their way through the crowds. About half way to the shop, Fred reached over and intertwined his fingers with Hermione's. She looked up and smiled at him shyly and he grinned back. They stopped at the window, watching the customers as they swarmed around the newest employee as George looked on, holding back hysterical laughter.
"You know, he is very handsome," Hermione said consideringly.
Fred mock glared at her and tugged on her hand. "Think of this like a permanent sticking charm, Granger, you're stuck with me."
Hermione tugged back and grinned. "Doesn't sound so bad."
She left him with a quick kiss as he walked back into the store, grinning madly and promising to come and see her later. Content, she walked back through Diagon Alley, watching families as they darted around, smiling and waving at acquaintances. So happy was she that she even sent a jaunty wave to a familiar boy with white blonde hair and his girlfriend, Astoria smiling back softly while Draco looked fairly disturbed. That year they had spent at Hogwarts had cleared up a lot of issues, and while they would never be true friends, old grudges had been forgiven over time.
Still, she thought, amused, he had looked almost terrified that she was acknowledging him in public even though they had seen each other fairly recently at the wedding, Astoria being Daphne's sister.
Happily, she walked back into the Leaky and straight to the fireplace, which had a thankfully short line, and scooped out her powder and stepping into the grate.
"I knew it!" Ginny crowed triumphantly. Hermione let her gloat for a while as they sat on the younger's girls couch. "Charlie owes me ten galleons. Bloody sneak, he's jetted back to Romania for the next six months!"
"You bet on me and Fred?" Hermione blanched.
Ginny shrugged, not at all ashamed. "Of course I did. We all did, actually, except the two of you, and Ron."
"Even Harry?"
"Oh yeah, though Harry always held out a little hope for you and Ron."
Some of her happiness melted away at that and Ginny must have noticed the slight drop in her face, reaching out to pat her hand consolingly. "Don't worry, Hermione. Harry just wants you to be happy and he knows Ron'll be fine. It's just nostalgia, wanting things to be like they were at school."
"You mean running for our lives every year and escaping near death?"
Ginny nodded sagely. "He's a bit of an adrenaline junkie, that one, don't know if you've noticed."
They shared a giggle, before sobering up. Hermione looked at her hands. "Is Harry with Ron?" she asked quietly.
Ginny hesitated before nodding. "He sent an owl this morning. Said he went to yours last night…" she said leadingly, giving Hermione the chance to jump in.
It would be nice, she thought, to talk to Ginny but she was the sister of both, it was a little strange. Merlin, Hermione thought, she couldn't have just dated outside of the Weasley clan for once. Or had friends who weren't Weasley's. But as it was, Ginny was her best girlfriend and she was offering. So she told her, everything that had happened at the wedding, from her dance and kiss with Fred to Ron finding them and him turning up at her door later on that night. And Ginny listened to it all without saying a word just drinking in every word carefully.
When she had finished, the red-head took a moment before speaking. And when she did, Hermione was more nervous than she had been before meeting up with Fred.
"I think you and Ron should have had that talk ages ago," she said plainly. "Putting it off so long only hurt the both of you. And I can't say I'm not a little mad that you broke my brother's heart, but on the other hand, you're a big part of Fred's," she threw her hands in the air. "I think I have to be as neutral as possible here and be happy for you and Fred and love Ronnie as much as I can while it all adjusts."
"Do you think your mum will be mad?" Hermione asked meekly, remembering back to her fourth year when Molly had thought Hermione was playing with the hearts of the boys.
"You make Fred happy, Hermione, and after everything we've all been through she can only love you more than ever because of it."
She got her answer at the next Weasley Family Dinner which she attended as Fred's girlfriend hands clasped together as they apparated in. She was so nervous she thought she would start hyperventilating. She needn't have worried, if the beaming smile on Molly Weasley's face was anything to go by. She swept her son and Hermione into a tight hug and whispered reassurances into her ear. Hermione smiled back and squeezed her tightly before stepping back and heading into another room, leaving Fred with his mum who was now speaking to him quietly. Walking into the living room, it seemed that they were the last two to arrive, as the rest of their ever-growing clan were lounging around. George winked at her as she walked in and moved to the seat near Harry who smiled at her genuinely. Even Charlie was there, despite Ginny having said he'd gone back to Romania, and he ruffled her hair lightly with a scowl.
"You lost me a small fortune Granger," he said warningly.
She laughed as Fred appeared at her side and wagged his finger at his older brother. "Now, now Charlie boy, no blaming your poor gambling form on my girlfriend."
The rest of the room barely batted an eye at the announcement but Hermione didn't miss the pleased smiles that appeared on their faces, even Ron, who was sitting with his father, managed to send a smile her way. And after that no one made a deal of it, everyone just carried on, as normal. It was all Hermione could have hoped for.
Later, when they were all sitting around the table and they talked about work and their families and the delicious food Molly had made for them all Hermione turned to Fred and smiled.
"Pass me the beans, would you Freddie?" she asked, grinning.
"For you, I would slay dragons, Granger."
"Oi, what has a dragon ever done to you?" Charlie called from across the table.
"Well, one nearly killed me," Harry offered, laughing.
Fred groaned and Hermione laughed, dropping her head on his shoulder as he held her close. She smiled, content under Fred's arm, with her family surrounding her, happy at last.
And we're out! I hope you enjoyed it. I have something in the works involving this universe - my own headcanon for Seamus and Daphne. Leave me a review if you like. Unless you're telling me off for how long it took to get this out. Then send me that message mentally and I promise I'll get it.