Valerie sighed and turned to him.

"When I was young I use to be a part of a powerful witch coven. They created this Hallow. They wanted more power and this was a way to get it. The Hallow is a spirit of one of our former leaders. But the way to strengthen it's power is sacrifices. They started with their own blood, then small animals, until finally..."

Elijah finished for her. "Children."

She nodded. "I was cast out of the coven at this time because I was a siphoner."

Hayley looked confused. "A what?"

Freya explained. "A witch that has to draw power from an object or a person."

"I decided that I wanted to do some good so I became I nurse in a TB ward. That is where I met Lily Salvatore."

The boys and Hayley seemed to understand more so then Freya. Valerie continued.

"She had just become a vampire and she was...magnetic. People, outcast, just flocked to her. We became a diluted little family. I followed Lily as she traveled and she took care of me like a mother. Then she asked me to do something for her. Before we left for the old world, she wanted to know that her sons were okay. So I went to check on them for her. I met Stefan. I fell in love for the first time. That's when everything changed. I went back to Lily and told her that I may stay behind and find a way to stop The Hallow from taking anymore innocent lives. But more importantly I wanted to hide myself. I was pregnant."

Klaus seemed stunned. "With Stefan's child."

She nodded and looked close to tears. "Lily's lover Julian found out and he was determined to get Lily on the boat. He knew she wouldn't want to leave me alone or her son...So he beat me until there was nothing to tell. I woke up on the ship. Lily had healed me with her blood. But I wanted to die. I killed myself only to reawaken as a heretic. Once Lily saw how powerful I was she changed all of our family. We became unstoppable. Lily and I even came up with a plan to stop the Hallow if it ever threatened us. But my old coven caught wind of it and stopped us. They sent us to The Prison World where we were forced to relive the same day for over a hundred years. But the blood supply ran low. My brothers and sisters and I decided to allow ourselves to desiccate so that Lily could live. We were finally freed when Damon came looking for Lily. He brought with him the new leader of the Gemini coven, Kai. He tried to trap us yet again but when he died we were freed. I reconnected with Stefan and...well I lived for a while. But then I started hearing whispers and I knew that The Hallow had been awoken. So I set Lily and I's plan into motion. I first needed a powerful witch to help me perform the spell required. Stefan's friend Bonnie was more then willing to help me. I then needed to create a power unlike any other. For that I needed blood from someone powerful. Bonnie told me about The Mikaelson's, the powerful Original family. She told me about the once mighty Klaus Mikaelson. The Hybrid himself. I knew he was perfect. So I made the trip here and I asked Marcel Gerard for some of Klaus's blood. He was more then willing to give it over. But then I needed a host here in New Orleans. So I did some research and I found out about what had happened at the local church. How the O'Connell family were known to be the keepers of the balance here. Meaning they all had a natural protective instinct. But I learned that Cami had died ending the line. Ergo problem. Bonnie came here and we found Davina as well. We channeled her magic and used it to help us resurrect not only her but Cami as well. Then we took Cami's blood and created the child that would be part of the puzzle to destroy The Hallow."

Klaus found his voice. "Part of the puzzle?"

"No one person can have that much power. It would destroy them. So Siblings were needed. I adapted the spell to include Hope. Together they can destroy The Hallow."


Hayley looked at her. "Why would you create a child to do that?"

"Because The Hallow feeds on children."

Klaus spoke angrily. "So you created a child to basically have it be killed by The Hallow?"

"He will not be killed. He and his sister will stop The Hallow and protect the next generation of witches."

Klaus was livid. He was about to explode but Cami put her hand on his shoulder.


He calmed slightly but shook her hand off his shoulder. She sighed and adjusted her son. He was starting to fuss. Cami took a bottle out of his bag and stepped into the kitchen. She started warming it up under the hot water when Hope walked in.

"You're Radley's mom."

Cami turned and smiled. "I am."

Hope walked over and grabbed Radley's hand. "He's my brother."

"He is."

"Are you going to come live with us? Everyone else does."

Cami smiled. "No I need to take Radley somewhere he will be safe. You understand right?"

She nodded sadly. "I just kinda like the idea of having a brother. I would have someone to play with."

Cami turned off the faucet and smiled at her. "Do you want to give him his bottle?"

She nodded excited and followed Cami back into the den. Hayley looked surprised.

"Hope? I put you to bed almost an hour ago."

Hope sat down on the couch. "I heard voices."

Cami gently laid the baby in her arms and handed her his bottle along with a burp cloth. She then sat down and watched as Valerie paced. She looked over at her.

"We need to find Davina and quickly."

"I get that but we don't know how to find her."

"And she has the bone."

That triggered the Mikaelsons. Freya spoke to them.

"What bone?"

Valerie motioned for Cami to explain. "Davina followed you all to find out what you knew. She heard you mention some bones so we started our own digging. We found out about Hayley's parents dying to protect a bone so we traced the bones back to te witch ancestors. One of which was a realative of Davina's. So we dug up her finger."

Hope looked grossed out. "You dug up a finger?"

Valerie seemed to be deep in thought for a minute before sitting next to Hope and Radley.

"Hope when you see The Hallow...what does it look like?"

"Blue light. Bright blue light and a voice...whispering."

"Can you find out where it is if you listen really hard?"

Hope sighed and closed her eyes. She waited a minute. Radley's eyes shut along with hers and he reached for her hand. When Hope opened her eyes so did Radley.

"It's in the place where all who are lost go to find themselves."

Klaus spoke sarcastically. "That clarifies things."

Cami jabbed him in the ribs. "A cemetery."


They left the children with Freya and went to the cemetery. As they walked in Klaus grabbed Cami by the arm and pulled her away from the others. He spoke to her harshly.

"How long?"

She cocked her brow and he elaborated.

"How long have you been awake?"

She sighed. "Ten months."

"You knew we had woken."

She nodded.

"You followed us and yet you never spoke to us."

"Klaus things were...complicated. I didn't understand what was happening to me and I was afraid that I would put you in danger if I came back into your life."

He looked surprised. "You were afraid that you would bring chaos into my life?"

She nodded. Before she could say more Valerie yelled.


Cami and Klaus turned. Davina was on the ground and looked like she was frozen. Valerie nudged her and looked up at them.

"She's ice cold."

Hayley looked around. "We're alone."

Elijah lifted Davina with ease. "Let's get her home. Freya can help figure out what's wrong."