Chapter 4 - A New Beginning

~*~Usagi ~*~
I got back home at 8:30. I ran through the front door, straight to the stairs leading up to my bedroom.

"How did it go, dear?" Mom called up the stairs.

"WAAAAAAAAAH!" I wailed, starting to have myself a good cry.

It was then that Mom noticed my tear stained cheeks and my sad face. "Oh, my poor Usagi. What happened?"

"He...he...stood me up! And then that baka Mamoru showed up!"

Mom ran up the stairs and wrapped a comforting arm around me. "There, there, now. It'll be okay," said Mom.

But it wouldn't be okay. There was a hole in my heart that I had thought Earth_protector would fill, and now that hole was empty again. I sobbed into Mom's apron for awhile.

"Rest now, love. I'll make you a nice hot cup of cocoa," said Mom.

"T-thanks Mom," I sniffled. I washed off my tear botched makeup, changed into my pajamas and was about to go to bed, when I heard the computer beep in the study, alerting me that I had mail.

I wondered how Earth_protector could even show his face online. 'This had better be good,' I thought.

My email read like this:

I'm terribly sorry that I didn't show up tonight, and I felt awful when I heard who showed up instead. I can't explain why I did what I did right now, but I promise you, I will tell you in time. I apologize for any of your tears, and know that I shed a fair share of my own. My heart breaks at the thought of you in any pain. If I could, I'd kiss your tears away, bend down on my knees and beg your forgiveness.

Yours always,

Earth_protector ------}@

I smiled, forgiving him instantly. I typed a response,

Can we chat?

Moon_bunny =:)

Soon I got a reply,

Earth_protector: Sure.
Moon_bunny: Have you ever zinged someone? I mean, really let 'em have it.
Earth_protector: More times than I can count, Bunny.
Moon_bunny: Well, I was so upset when you didn't come that I really gave it to that guy we've been talking about, who showed up instead. For the first time, I knew exactly what to say. I actually came up with something witty, Prot.
Earth_protector: Well, given your history with that guy, I'm sure whatever you said was well deserved. However, there's only one problem with zinging someone; remorse inevitably follows.
Moon_bunny: I know. I feel horrible! But this time he didn't deserve it; he saw me crying and offered me a tissue.
Earth_protector: I'm sure he knows how you feel, Bunny. People aren't exactly at their best when they're upset.

I smiled. I felt better.

Moon_bunny: Thanks, Prot. You don't know how much that means to me. Well, it's my bed time. I've got to go. Ja ne!
Earth_protector: Bye.

I went to bed and slept the sleep of the contented.

After signing out of the Azabu site, I felt much better, having been able to help mend Usagi's broken heart. I thought about her screen name: Moon_bunny. It seemed very appropriate somehow. Then it hit me. She had named herself the same way I did; she translated her name into English.(AN: Usagi Tsukino=rabbit of the moon, Mamoru Chiba=earth protector) And it suited her personality; she always was bouncing around like a bunny.

Now that I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Usagi was the One my Princess, my love, I had the confidence to pursue her in earnest. I decided I'd take the direct approach. I went to bed envisioning ways to romance my Usako, and I decided to pay a visit to a store I thought I'd NEVER set foot in. I grinned. 'She won't know what hit her.'

I was daydreaming about what Earth_protector had said in his email...that he would kiss my tears away. Luckily, Ms. Haruna was in the middle of a rant and oblivious to my wandering mind.

A man came through the door holding a bouquet of sweet smelling red roses. "Oh, just put them on my desk," Ms. Haruna said casually.

"They're not for you, Miss. These flowers are addressed to a Tsukino Usagi." said the florist.

I gasped. Who would send me flowers? Was it Earth_protector?

"I'm Tsukino Usagi." I said, still recovering from the shock.

"Here you are miss. Enjoy."

Suddenly, everyone's attention was focused on me. Naru gave me the thumbs-up sign, and Umino was busily typing the news to his buddies on the Internet on his laptop.

"A-HEM!" said Ms. Haruna. "Can we focus on the subject at hand?"

A chorus of "Gomen, Haruna-sensei"'s came from the class and I opened the note.

These roses are almost as beautiful as you. I wish I was there to see your lovely smile. Meet me at the Arcade after school.

Yours Always,

'MAMORU?' I thought. 'But I thought he hated me.' Then I thought about his recent actions towards me, his helping me get in the house, his offering of the tissue, and suddenly, it all made sense. These weren't the actions of an enemy. They were the actions of someone who loved me.

Still, I felt a dull ache in my heart. I felt like I was betraying Earth_protector; what about him? And then there was the mysterious Tuxedo Kamen. I had went from being unnoticed by the male population to being stuck in a weird love triangle. I was beyond confused.

When the bell rang, I quickly gathered my things and rushed out the double doors that served as the exit to Juuban Middle School and began running to the Arcade.

I paced back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

"Hey, cool it Mamoru. You'll wear a hole in my floor," cracked Motoki. So I sat down on the barstool and nervously twiddled my thumbs. 'Did she like the roses? Did she hate them? Did they even get to her?' I wondered frantically.

I heard the door bells ringing and a breathless Usagi walked in the door and sat down next to me. She then put the roses between us and looked at me suspiciously.

"So what are these all about? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"No joke, Usako."

"I don't believe you," said Usagi, eyeing me warily.

I didn't blame her, I guessed. Still, I was nothing if not persistent. "It's not a joke, I swear it." 'And I'll find a way to prove it to you,' I thought. "Can I take you out to dinner?" I asked.

"You on a date?" asked Usagi.

I laughed. "Yes, on a date. I'll pick you up at 6 tonight. See you then," I said, walking out.

I was dancing on air when I came home from the arcade. I saw Mom in the kitchen, working on dinner already.

"What's got you so excited, Usagi?" Mom asked.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," said Mom.

"Can I go out on a date tonight?"

"With who? Is it that Mamoru I've been hearing about?"

I was beyond shocked. "How did you know that?"

"Just a guess," Mom said slyly. "So, do I get to meet this guy?"

"Yeah, he'll be picking me up at 6."

" little girl's going out on her first date! They grow up so fast," said Mom, who was misty eyed.

"Mo-om!" I whined.

"Well, let's just hope your dad's not home when Mamoru arrives. It could get...ugly."

"I know," I groaned. "I've got to call Minako," I said, rushing up the stairs.

I anxiously dialed Minako's number.

"Konnichi-wa! You have reached Minako the fabulous!"

I laughed. "Very funny, Minako. Anyways, can you come over? I need your help with something."

"Sure. What's up?"

"I'm going out on a da-ate!" I chirped.

"Really? With who?"

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"No way! Who is he?"

"Chiba Mamoru. He's picking me up at 6, and I need some serious beauty advice."

"Okay, I'll be there...NOW!" I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin.

"GAAAAAH! How did you DO that?" I asked.

"Cell phone," said Minako, holding it in front of me.

"Oh," I said.

"Well," said Minako, rummaging through my closet, "Let's get you gorgeous, girl!"

Two hours and twenty outfits later, I was sitting in front of Minako and enjoying getting my hair brushed. Suddenly, a beep went off in the study.

"Ohmigosh! I've got mail!" I said. I rushed to the computer, Minako right on my heels, and opened my email box and read this email:

The time for secrets is past. Meet me at 7:30 at the Red Rose Cafe, and I'll tell you everything. I'll be carrying a gift.

Earth_protector ------}@

I gasped. "But I'm meeting Mamoru at six!" I wailed. "Minako, what should I do?"

"Relax, girl. Enjoy your date. This is the guy who stood you up, right?"

"Yeah..." I said, hesitating.

"Then give him a taste of his own medicine."

"I don't know..."

Minako sighed. "Okay, if you want to find out who he is, I'll meet him there. I want to see what he looks like anyways," said Minako.

"Thanks, Mina-chan!" I said, grabbing her in a bear hug. "You're the BEST!"

"Usagi...let go...I can't....breathe!"


"That's okay, Usagi-chan. Let's see what we can do in the way of makeup."

After my meeting with Usagi at the Crown Arcade, I rushed out of there, leaving a VERY puzzled Motoki. Oh well. I'd explain everything to him later. I drove to the mall and began my search for a gift for Usagi.

And it was a looooong search. I hated malls. For one thing, there were far too many people. For another thing, most of them were women. You can guess why THAT annoyed me.

Plus, I had no idea what Usagi liked. I had spent so much time insulting her that I had very little knowledge of her tastes. I looked through jewelry stores, video game stores, clothing stores, and nothing. At 4:30, I hung my head in defeat.

It seemed as if Lady Luck was with me that day, for then I saw it. The perfect present. I grinned like the lovesick baka that I was. 'She'll flip when she sees this,' I thought. I immediately snatched it up, paid for it, and hurried back home to wrap it.

Minako and I were staring at the clock. We had been doing that ever since 5:50, even when Mom, Dad and Shingo were downstairs eating Mom's delicious cooking. Still, I was a girl on a mission.

"Come on, you stupid time piece from Hades! Stop saying it's 5:59! Say 6!" I screamed at it.

Minako wiggled her index finger at me. "You know, a watched pot never boils, Usagi-chan."

"That's just an old wives' tale," I said pouting.

Finally, it happened. The clock struck 6.



"I'll get it!" I said, dashing down the stairs.

Too late. Dad was already at the door. 'Oh no,' I thought. 'This is bad. Very, very bad.'

"So, you must be Chiba Mamoru." said Dad icily. "My name is Tsukino Kenji."

"Pleasure to meet you, sir." said Mamoru, not wavering one bit.

"My, my, my, what a handsome young guest," said Mom. "I'm Tsukino Ikuko. But you can call me Ikuko."

Mamoru took my mom's hand and kissed it lightly. "And such a gentleman!"

"Now I want to see my daughter back safely at 10:30. No later."

"No problem, Tsukino-sama," Mamoru said, chuckling. "I'll have her back in one piece."

Dad growled and reached for something in his pocket. 'Oh no,' I thought. 'He's getting his gun! He's out for blood!'

Dad took out a small round package and handed it to Mamoru. "Remember, it's not about safety, it's your life," he said, then exited.

Mamoru blushed a deep shade of red. "Er...ah...arigatou..." he mumbled. Minako sat at the top of the stairs, laughing hysterically.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Shingo came running out of the kitchen. He winked at me and sang, "Usagi and Mamoru, sitting in a tree. K-I-S...K-I-Q..."

I took advantage of Shingo's bad spelling. "Come on, Mamoru, we're LEAVING," I said, storming out the door.

"Have a good time dear!" Mom called out.

Mamoru hastily put the package in his pocket. "What's that, Mamoru?"

"N-nothing," he stammered. I went to the passenger side of the car, and Mamoru rushed to open the door. "After you, milady," he said.

I giggled. "Why thank you, good sir." I said in my best English accent. I sat down.

I stole a glance at Mamoru. He looked HOT. He was wearing an expensive black tuxedo, complete with a blue vest and a shiny blue tie, and he smelled like roses and spice.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," said Mamoru mysteriously.

I squealed and clapped my hands in delight. Oh, the suspense was KILLING me!

Luckily, we didn't have long to wait. We arrived at 6:30 at the Red Rose Cafe. I suppressed a gasp. Isn't this where Earth_protector was going to meet with me?

Soon, a valet walked up next to the car.

"Park the car around the back," said Mamoru, handing him the keys.

"Yes, sir!" the valet said, driving away.

Mamoru linked arms with me and escorted me in. The moment his arm touched mine, my heart began to beat a little faster, but my body felt warm and relaxed. Somehow this felt so....right.

As soon as we walked in, I heard Usagi gasp. I chuckled a little bit. "Reservation for Chiba, please," I said. I slipped the maitre'd a $50 bill and whispered, "The best table you've got."

"Oui, oui, right away, monsieur!" said the maitre'd. We were led to a table next to the fireplace.

"Wow, this is such a nice place, Mamoru."

I noticed that she didn't ask me how I could afford it, but I shook it off. (AN: Remember, he's a well paid model.) I took out Usagi's chair for her, made sure she was comfortable, then took my seat across the table.

It was then that I noticed how beautiful she looked. If I thought she looked good in the park, I was still completely unprepared to be in the presence of the blonde goddess that sat across the table. Her hair was done up in a single bun, a few strands curled around her face. Long, silken lashes framed her beautiful blue eyes as they continued to drink in the decadent surroundings. She wore sparkling diamond earrings, a matching necklace, a shimmering tiara and a black dress that went down to her ankles but still hugged her purely feminine body seductively. Her lips were a cranberry shade and seemed to have been made only for kissing.

"What?" asked Usagi, smiling a bit.

"You...look...beautiful tonight," I said.

"Thanks," Usagi said, blushing profusely.

"So, why did you take me here?" asked Usagi.

"I'll show you later," I said slyly.

"Oh," said Usagi, "I look forward to it," she said, winking.

'God, the things she does to me,' I thought, picking up my menu, even though I wasn't very hungry. Usagi did the same.

Soon, the waiter came over. "Have you decided on what you'd like to order?" he asked.

"Yes," piped up Usagi. "I'll have the ass-car-got," she said.

"You mean the escargot?" he said.

"Yeah, that."

"And for you, monsieur?"

"I'll have the chicken French," I said. I motioned for the waiter to come closer. "And have the violinist play something nice. You know, romantic," I whispered into his ear, slipping him a $20.

"Right away, monsieur!" he said, rushing off.

Soon, another waiter came to our table. "Would you like some champagne?"

"No thanks," I said. I didn't want anything to dull my senses. I wanted to remember every detail of this night. "Some sparkling grape juice will do just fine."


"So, I hear you're a model," I said. "What's that like?"

"How did you know I'm a model?" asked Mamoru.

My face turned as red as a tomato. "Well, you're good looking and you drive a fancy car...what else would you be doing for a living?" 'Yeah, great save, girl! He doesn't need to know that you've seen the Speedo ad.'

'Oh no,' I thought. 'She's seen the Speedo ad, hasn't she? Why oh why did I take that job?'

"You could be a model too," I said.

"Oh, stop it. You know I'm too fat." I said.

"No, you're not. You're beautiful," he said.

"Really? You think so?"

"I know so," he said. "And I speak from personal experience. I work with lots of female models, but you're prettier than any of them."

"Meatballs and all?"

Mamoru laughed. "Meatballs and all. Who knows, you could start a trend."

I laughed too. "Nah. I like being unique. So what is your work like?"

Mamoru then told me all of the details about his work; the long hours, the hot lighting, the long, painful poses and all of the interesting photographers he worked with. As he spoke, a violinist came over and played the most beautiful music.

"Then," he said, "There was this one shoot where I was doing an ad for surfboards," he began, "but it was 30 degrees out! I look a long, hot bath after that," he said.

I laughed hysterically until the waiter came over and set a plate of snails right in front of me. "EEEEK! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" I screeched.

"Your escargot, Madame. And do keep it down," said the waiter as he walked away. Mamoru covered his mouth, but I could tell that he was laughing.


I laughed at Usagi's sour expression. "There is no way that I'm eating THAT," she said, making a face.

"You can eat mine. I'm not hungry," I said.

"Really? You mean it?"

"Of course." I didn't care if she ate all my food. Heck, I didn't even care if this evening drained my savings account. 'I'm happy simply being with her', I thought, watching her gobble down my food with the same vigor that she ate with at the arcade.

She finished her meal and leaned back, a contented sigh on her lips. 'Now is the time,' a voice in my head told me.

"Usagi, would you take a walk with me?"

"Sure," she said.

I took her hand and led her out to my car, which was parked next to a beautiful rose garden. The stars were out above us, and the moon shone brightly, as if showing us its favor.

"It's beautiful," said Usagi.

"Hold on, I have something for you." I took out a package from behind my back and presented it to Usagi.

I tore open the wrapping paper excitedly and gasped when I pulled out my gift. It was a rabbit scampering up a crescent moon, made out of pink quartz.

I was too moved to speak. Then I saw the time on my watch. It was 7:30. Then I finally figured it out.

"It's me, Moon_bunny. I'm Earth_protector. I'm the head of the Azabu honor society and I..."

He was unable to finish his sentence, as my lips planted themselves firmly on his left ear. He laughed and gently guided my mouth to his.
A jolt of electricity passed through me as he put his hands in my hair, undoing the bun, and I enjoyed the feel of his silken hair on my fingers and his sweet lips on mine. He began to trace my mouth with his tongue, inviting me to open it. I moaned softly and obliged, and we passionately explored each other's mouths.

After what seemed like ages, we broke apart. "Oh, Mamo-chan, I wanted it to be you," I said. I thought I saw Minako in the shadows, but after giving me a wink, she ran off without making a sound.

"You know what?" I asked happily, snuggling against his chest. "I love the Internet!"

We both laughed and looked up at the stars, staying in each other's arms. We stayed like that for hours, until Mamoru reluctantly broke away, leaving me feeling deprived of his warmth.

"You know what? I think I forgot something."

"What could that be? Everything's so perfect" I said.

"The check!"

Lady Aisheteru: Well, that just about wraps it up. Not bad for a girl who's never had a boyfriend, ne? Stay tuned for the epilogue. Ja ne!
Lady Aisheteru: Hey all! It's the epilogue! That means I'm done! Yippee! Oh, wait...I still have to WRITE it, aw, phooey. Just kidding. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it. Ja ne, and enjoy the epilogue!

Disclaimer: All right, this is the LAST time I say this in this fic. I don't own Sailor Moon, just this fic. Don't sue me, you wouldn't get much.

The next Monday, I turned in my paper to Ms. Haruna. Mamoru had helped me write it the afternoon after our date. I then found out why he was the head of the Azabu tutors; not only was he smart, but he helped me to understand things I would have never figured out on my own, and made me feel intelligent while he did it. With his help, I sprinkled my paper with words like "communication," "multi-media," "hyper text transfer protocol(Mamoru explained that was what the http at the beginning of a site address stood for), "conversationalist" and tons of techie terms. I even understand what html stands for, thanks to my Mamo-chan.

I smiled my biggest smile when I saw Ms. Haruna flipping through the pages, preparing to lecture me on not having all 12, and the shocked expression when she found 13, typed, double spaced, numbered and grammatically correct.

"I trust this meets your standards, Haruna-sensei?" I asked. I was really enjoying this. 'I've got to study with Mamoru more often,' I thought.

Ms. Haruna didn't say anything. She just nodded and made a noise.

Mamoru popped his head through the door. "Are we all set to go, Usako?"

"Well?" I asked Ms. Haruna.

She gave me a blistering look of envy. Even in his Azabu uniform, Mamoru still looked majorly hot. "I expect to see you do your best from now on," she said, having gained some composure. (Another word Mamoru taught me. Isn't he the best?)

I nodded. "See you Monday," I chirped.

The second we got out of her classroom, I heard a girl say, "Omigosh! It's the Speedo man!"

Mamoru took one look at the gathering crowd of eager females, students and teachers alike. "RUN!" he yelled. He took his hand in mine and we dashed into his car. He drove off, tons of screaming girls and women close behind.

"So, Mamo-chan, how many other secret identities do you have?" I asked coyly.

"Just one," he said. "Same as you."

I gasped. "Then you're Tuxedo Kamen!"

"That's right, Sailor Moon."

"That's it, then. No more secrets." I said.

"No more secrets," he repeated. He reached one hand out and gently caressed mine. We drove off to the Crown Arcade, ready to declare our love to our friends, ready for the rest of our lives together.