A/N: I know I said I was busy, but I've been hyping myself up about his fight for too long. I had to get it out. You may have noticed the rating changed, and that's because this chapter is... a little more grisly as a fight to the death tends to be. I changed the rating to M just to play it safe.

And I just need to say that all of your reviews definitely help. Whether its pointing out my mistakes, or just telling me you enjoy the story. You guys rock!

Flippy3131: Blackfoot... is being the Blackfoot that I've created? So he both is, and isn't if that makes sense? I don't know how to answer it without giving stuff away so I'm going to stay quiet XD. I'm glad you like the series.

WolflexZ: Lol well here it is!

Ran: Fireheart really can't catch a break can he? But don't worry. Everything works out in the end, right? I just hope that the tension between him and the Clan seems more natural in this story than just some stupid petty racism(cuz honestly that's what it is). I wanted to evolve it somehow... On another note I'm happy that you enjoy this!

Clear Water: Fireheart may not have many friends, but those he has are close! Wetfoot is one of the cats I chose even before writing this to expand upon and make him a part of the story. I'm happy you like him! And thanks for the supporting words. But damn exhaustion! I can sleep when I'm dead! That's what I have copious amounts of tea for! (I can't stand coffee).

Guest: *plays dj Khaled* And another one!

Dark hart: Well, I really wanted the next chapter out too so we're both in luck!

Infinitypoptart: I'M SO SORRY! I did not mean to say that to you last chapter! I think I was beginning to type out a sentence and forgot about it. So instead you were left with this sentence that was cruel and snide and I'm sorry! As soon as I saw you post your review I went back and fixed it... I'm sorry.

Two days came and went too quickly for anyone's liking. They passed by in the blink of an eye, and before anyone knew it, the day had come. He woke up that morning to find the outside of his nest as stiff with frost. Frost covered everything and made him reluctant to leave the warmth of his nest. But there was no way he could stay, too much was happening today.

As he stepped outside, he immediately noticed the lack of sunlight. Clouds thick and heavy rolled slowly across the sky. They coupled with the slow breeze and the impending fight to make it a genuinely chilly morning. There weren't any cats out besides Runningwind watching the entrance, he gave Fireheart a curt nod.

Grabbing a finch from the fresh-kill pile he made his way into the nursery. There he found most of the queens asleep. Brindleface was up looking over her sleeping kits. Fireheart felt a pang of worry when he didn't see Cloudkit. His nephew had been moved to the medicine cat den last night when a sudden fever had taken him.

Brindleface smiled at him as he placed the finch in front of her. "Fireheart. Thank you."

"How are your kits?" He asked politely.

"Good," She said, her voice full of relief. Sickness amongst kits was quite deadly and heartbreaking. And the worse thing is that it often spread easily. Luckily it seemed that this wasn't the case. Brindleface paused as her kits stirred before speaking in a hushed tone. "Cloudkit is still with Yellowfang… His fever isn't good."

Fireheart took a deep breath and nodded. He left without a word, his nerves a tense ball of led in his stomach.

As he stepped out, he came face to face with Sandstorm. She was still blinking sleep out of her eyes, and she seemed to have run out of the nest without grooming herself.

Fireheart ducked his head and went to walk by her, but she had other plans. Falling into step beside him, she nudged him. "Hey, listen… we need to talk."

"About?" Fireheart said slowly.

Sandstorm huffed and stretched, watching as he grabbed a vole. "About the other day… I need to apologize to you. Since you wouldn't let me do it then I'm doing it now." She yawned before sitting up and looking at him evenly. "And I do mean it. I'm not going to pretend I know what it's like being in your place, but I want you to know that I'm sorry, and I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to, or, I don't know, vent?"

Surprised, Fireheart looked into her eyes for some hint of deception. When he found none, he closed his eyes and took her apology to heart. With a soft smile, he opened them and nodded. "Thank you Sandstorm… That means a lot to me."

"Yeah, yeah," She said before a wide yawn cut her off. "I… I just thought you should know with… everything that's going on."

Fireheart grew tight-lipped at that and set the vole back.

He wasn't hungry anymore.

The morning was a sober rush of activities. The morning patrol went out, cats talked in hushed voices, and several extra hunting parties were sent out. Bluestar and Tigerclaw spoke together at the base of highrock as they watched the Clan go about the day.

Graystripe was taken into the medicine cat den. Fireheart went to check in on Cloudkit and maybe see his friend one last time before he had to fight to the death. Imagine his surprise when it was Ravenpaw who stopped him.

"You can't," Ravenpaw said. He swallowed trying to appear calm but failed miserably. "Yellowfang is with him, but no one is supposed to talk to him while they're completing the ritual."

Confused Fireheart tried to peer past him, but couldn't see anything. His throat tightened noticeably.

Time crept towards sunhigh. And by then, Fireheart was at his wits' end. His nerves were frayed raw by worry. He found himself sitting beside the warrior den with his mind spinning and doubts closing in on him. Feeling trapped and unable to take a deep breath he closed his eyes. He focused on the sound of the dry leaves hissing in the stiff breeze. He focused on the familiar scent of ThunderClan, and the individuals within it. He focused on the beating of his heart until it slowed, and the nearing panic faded.

He continued to focus on this until Bluestar called a meeting. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath Highrock!"

Cats came and settled at the base of Highrock. Fireheart opened his eyes and joined them. Bluestar waited patiently until everyone was quiet before talking. "ThunderClan, today the call of Blood for Blood will be answered! And we will be victorious!"

Cats all around Fireheart yelled their agreement and Fireheart joined in.

"As the rules state, I am permitted to take four of you, and Graystripe is able to choose one more. I have talked with Tigerclaw, and we decided that the four cats I will choose are Tigerclaw, Sandstorm, Whitestorm, and Yellowtail as is custom."

Those called nodded in acknowledgment and stepped forward. Fireheart had to stop his tail from lashing as worried fluttered in his stomach. He was supposed to go! He had been there in his dream! What would happen if he wasn't there?

Bluestar looked down at Yellowfang. "Will you fetch him?"

They all sat there silently as Yellowfang left and returned with Graystripe. Fireheart felt the fur on the back of his neck stand. There was something off about Graystripe. His eyes burned with an unfocused clarity as they jumped from cat to cat, then to the ground, then up at the sky, and then back. He seemed full of unbridled energy. And even from the back of the crowd where Fireheart was sitting, he could smell a strange and pungent smell wafting off of Graystripe. What had Yellowfang given him?

"Graystripe," Bluestar meowed. "Are you ready to answer the call of Blood for Blood?"

"I am," Graystripe said.

"You may choose one more to come with us," Bluestar said. "I have already chosen Tigerclaw, Sandstorm, Whitestorm, and Yellowfang. Make sure to choose-"


Bluestar blinked. "What?"

"I choose Fireheart," Graystripe said more firmly. His eyes danced through the crowd before landing on him. Fireheart felt his frame both freeze and relax as he was caught under the intense gaze of Graystripe. He jolted when he realized he was going and quickly joined the other five standing before Highrock.

Bluestar eyes followed his movement, an impartial frown on her face. "If that is what you wish," She said softly.

"It is," Graystripe said. His eyes shot to Tigerclaw then to the dirt beneath his paws. Fireheart up close could now see his claws were unsheathed digging into the frozen ground. As if he were an apprentice unable to sit still.

Bluestar looked back up. "We will return. Until then no cat is to leave camp. Keep vigilant and stay strong!" Another roar of agreement rose from ThunderClan, one so loud, that Fireheart wondered if it could be heard in the other Clans. "You are dismissed."

Leaping down from Highrock Bluestar walked towards the camp entrance. And the six of them followed, Tigerclaw hurrying forward to talk to Bluestar.

Fireheart felt someone brush against him and turned, his face was hit with the heavy smell of the unknown herb, so thick and pungent it made him cough. Graystripe walked beside him, uncomfortably close, and the heat that rolled off of him was stifling. "Fireheart."

"Graystripe," Fireheart answered.

"I wanted you to know I love you, you are like a brother to me," Graystripe said. His blunt words shocked Fireheart, but not as much as his actions. His eyes burned fervently and flicked back and forth locking onto different parts of his face. Being a mere whisker-length away, Fireheart could see Graystripe's pupils shrink and grow at random intervals. His whiskers trembled with energy and his breath came out in short excited puffs. It was actually quite terrifying.

"If I die," Graystripe meowed.

"You're not going to die," Fireheart tried to cut him off.

"-If I die," Graystripe continued he leaned in close, he breath trailing above him in the cold air. The heat rolled off of him like a wave, blanketing Fireheart like an unwanted second pelt. "I want you to take care of Silverstream."

Fireheart gasped at the statement. Confused as to what he could possibly mean and terrified that someone else had heard. He glanced around. Thankfully they were still in camp, so the murmur of the Clan behind them masked their conversation.

"Promise me Fireheart, you have to promise me," Graystripe said.

The amount of conviction in Graystripe's voice was hard to dismiss and Fireheart, against his better judgment, nodded.

Fireheart heart nearly lodged in his throat as Yellowfang voice rose harshly from behind.

"Graystripe! You know you're not supposed to be talking! I didn't give you those to squander yapping to cats. Remember what we talked about… Focus."

Graystripe face split with a wild, crazed smile and he glanced over his shoulder before trotting ahead to where he was walking abreast with Bluestar and Tigerclaw.

Glancing over his own shoulder, Fireheart looked at Yellowfang who was following behind, a large bundle of leaves held softly between her teeth. The confusion at what had just happened must have been written on his face because Yellowfang sighed an nodded for him to join her.

By her side, they passed through the entrance and began a light trot towards Sunningrocks.

"What's going on with Graystripe? What did you… give him?" Fireheart asked quietly.

Yellowfang watched the cats ahead of them. Her voice muffled through her package, helping keep their conversation quiet. "I gave him a herb that has no name. It will help him to ignore pain and gives him a boost in energy."

"But, what's wrong with him?" Fireheart asked. "I-he's not acting like himself."

"Blood for Blood is nasty," Yellowfang replied. "But the herb helps the cats facing each other. It feeds off of their emotions and amplifies them. For some, it can give them courage, and others peace of mind." Yellowfang snorted. "It also messes with their mind. Whatever he said to you, take with a mouthful of feathers."

While he was relieved that it was the herb that was the cause of Graystripe's behavior, Fireheart couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. That was his best friend, and to see him like… this? It wasn't a pleasant feeling. However the upcoming event was also just as unpleasant, and Fireheart took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen.

Reaching Sunningrocks, They were greeted with the sight of a group of RiverClan warriors as well as Wetfoot sitting off to the side.

"Is Deadfoot here yet?" Bluestar called.

"Not yet," Crookedstar stated.

As they drew closer. Fireheart could see Leopardfur pacing. Her head shot up to watch as they drew near. Her eyes, just like Graystripe's, couldn't stay still. They flashed around from cat to cat while her tail whipped back and forth as if it had a mind of its own. It appears that she too had been given the herb.

The two groups sat in stony silence facing each other. No words were spoken. Graystripe and Leopardfur, however, continued to move about like caged animals. Fireheart could see Wetfoot off to the side, almost looking bored with the situation as he idly groomed himself.

At last Deadfoot came from around a tree and nodded to the group of cats. Everyone rose, and Fireheart followed the lead of Yellowfang as they formed a large semi-circle of fourteen cats. The river with its icy edges served as a sharp background. In the center stood Graystripe and Leopardfur facing off with their eyes blazing. The same strange energy was causing both of them to tremble.

Fireheart felt a heavy stone of dread clutch at his heart as he realized he was going to be sitting here, fighting his gift. He was going to have to watch a cat die while he just stood there.

This wasn't going to be pretty.

By some small miracle, he found himself standing between the two cats that knew about his gift. On his left was Yellowfang and on his right was Wetfoot.

The soft breeze had grown into a strong wind, and Crookedstar called over the noise. "Remember this is a fight to the death! You are fighting for your Clan's honor as much as your own!"

There was no other preamble or indication. There was no call to fight. One moment Graystripe and Leopardfur stood to face each other.

The next they were charging.

Like a bolt of lightning, both of them hit each other in a dead sprint. Fireheart's breath caught in his throat as blood splattered on the ground. Tearing apart from each other Leopardfur sported a gash along her side while Graystripe's shoulder looked like it had a severe bite wound.

Neither of them showed any indication that they even felt the wounds as they jumped at each other. Graystripe used his larger body mass to bowl Leopardfur over. His fangs flashed as he lunged for her throat.

With something akin to perfected grace Leopardfur rolled out and away from him, and in the process knocked Graystripe's front paws out from underneath him. Graystripe made a strange breathless yowl as his head smacked against the ground and was up in a flash, his teeth stained red as his tongue bled. He retaliated by stretching forward, his teeth closing with a sharp snick! Leopardfur hopped back several paces the tip of her ear bleeding.

Fireheart took a half step forward as the tug in his chest pulsed. The sudden onslaught of injuries was surprising, and he hadn't been adequately prepared for it. Both of them moved with a crazed speed, undoubtedly another effect of the herb. Steeling himself, he stepped back taking a short controlled breath.

A tail came to rest on his shoulders, and he looked to see that it belonged to Yellowfang. Her eyes never left the fight. Underneath the permanent scowl she wore, Fireheart could see the pain in her eyes.

Graystripe charged Leopardfur again, but the she-cat easily side-stepped him, using his bulk against him. Her claws flashed out, scoring several deep scratched along his flank.

With surprising speed, Graystripe spun around his paw batting Leopardfur's head into the frozen, snow-covered dirt below. She appeared dazed for a moment before it happened again. And again. And again, and again.

Fireheart winced as she screeched in pain jumped back. Her face splattered with blood and her expression murderous. Graystripe gave a bloody grin before leaping again.

This feels so wrong, Fireheart thought. Everyone in the circle was watching in stony silence. So every hiss, yowl, or grunt of pain by the two cats seemed amplified, carried by the wind and echoed throughout the area. How could everyone stand just to sit by and watch this? He had to fight another tug as it came.

The skills and power the two warriors were showing off as they fought, it was breathtaking in a morbid way. It was clear that they had spent their free time wisely training both their minds and bodies for this fight. Fireheart was a warrior, but they were on another level. He would be sorely outclassed if he had to face off versus one of them.

Graystripe and Leopardfur rolled about, blood and fur flying before Graystripe was able to shove her away. Both of them sporting several more cuts. Both of them panting. The river gurgled briskly beside them. The water was black against its snow-covered banks.

This time it was Leopardfur who charged her paws making short work of shortening the distance between them. Graystripe braced himself ready to retaliate, but she suddenly stopped. With deft, sure, movements she swiped at his paws again. Caught off balance, Graystripe was unable to react in time as she headbutted his chest and sent him tumbling down the bank towards the river.

Leopardfur was quick to follow, and when Graystripe caught himself at the very edge of the river. That's when Leopardfur pounced, shoving his head under water.

This prompted a few mutters from the cats silently watching. But Fireheart was on his feet in an instant. Yellowfang's tail pressed down warningly, and Wetfoot put a paw in front of him.

They all watched with bated breath as Graystripe struggled to free himself. The awkward crouched position he was in didn't lend him much support, and Leopardfur had her full weight on him, her claws digging into his neck and drawing blood. There was no way for him to pull himself up and out so he could breathe.

Agonizing second after second passed while Graystripe's struggling grew frantic. His paws went from scrabbling on the bank to swiping at the legs holding him down in hopes that she would let go. Leopardfur ignored the deep scratches he gave her forepaws, keeping her paws where they were. Her eyes burned cold and ruthless as she watched Graystripe struggle underneath her.

Fireheart fought back the urge to yell as bubbles began rising. They were large and angry. Even from this distance, Fireheart could hear the yell of rage and terror coming from Graystripe as the wind carried it over. He didn't even realize Wetfoot had physically stepped fully in front of him until he was forcibly pushed back. He couldn't do this. His best friend was drowning!

Another second passed, and Graystripe seemed just to be crouched there… straining to pull himself up.

Then, there were no more bubbles.

Graystripe went limp, and Fireheart felt something inside him shatter. He could only stare in shock as he watched his best friend… die.

Leopardfur let go and turned towards the group of cats. She walked with a heavy limp. Blood poured from her forepaws, one in particular. It spilled out of her a deep red, spreading out on the ground behind her like a lingering shadow.

Tears welled in Fireheart's eyes as he trembled. No... This wasn't what was supposed to happen! This was all wrong!

A gurgled shout suddenly came from the bank behind her, and all eyes were drawn to Graystripe as he pulled himself upright out of the water. He coughed up mouthful after mouthful of water, inhaling desperately between them. But he stood on steady paws.

Fireheart only dimly heard cats gasp in surprise. But he was just trying to stay standing on numb paws, his mind still reeling from the whiplash of feelings. The wave of relief flowed through him like a fresh breath.

Pure rage was etched into every inch of Graystripe's expression as he lunged towards the stunned Leopardfur. He raked her side, drawing bloody furrows and earned a startled yowl from her.

This caused a sharp tug in Fireheart's chest, and he accidentally stepped into Wetfoot. His friend shot him a worried glance, but Fireheart ignored it. He was starting to get a sense of déjà vu. It made him dizzy. His fear for Graystripe, the tug that was like a physical shove at this point, and now this déjà vu. They were all swirling in his mind. A chaotic cacophony that made him lightheaded and brought bile to the back of his throat. Cats were now shouting around him - when had they started shouting? - They were cheering and encouraging the two cats fighting. Egging them on.

He was struggling to keep up with it. There! He remembered Graystripe tossing Leopardfur, blood smearing along the snow underneath her. Then how Leopardfur swiped for his throat, only to miss and cut into his chest. But then he didn't remember the wind blowing hard bits of snow and dirt into everyone's eyes. Or how the clouds swirled angrily above them.

Blinking through watery eyes, Fireheart watched as the two faced off against each other. Both of them were trading blow after blow. Fur was flying, and red-hot drops of blood fell beneath them.

The wind picked up, and the yelling around him grew louder. Leopardfur let out a caterwaul as Graystripe scored a well-placed hit on Leopardfur's shoulder, red bloomed underneath her fur. She hissed and retaliated with a kick, shoving him back and separating them.

Fireheart's breath caught in his throat.

This was it.

Graystripe snarled and charged forward.

Time seemed to slow as Fireheart watched his dream come to life.

He yelled out to Graystripe, his shout lost in the discord of cats shouting around him as Leopardfur moved forward to meet the charge. Just like in his dream she suddenly dropped low and rolled over exposing her underbelly. It was something he had seen night after night, and something that he had shown Graystripe.

For a moment it looked like Graystripe wouldn't react in time. Leopardfur's claws arced towards his vulnerable underbelly, but then, Graystripe screeched to a halt and dodged to the side. Her claws slashed against his flank, but they missed their intended target. Graystripe had protected his sensitive belly.

Leopardfur looked surprised, but it was quickly erased as Graystripe came down shoving her head into the ground.

And he did so. Hard.

The impact left an imprint in the frozen ground. Leopardfur laid there limply as Graystripe stepped back. Her eyes unfocused and her body moved sluggishly.

The shouting around him slowly died as Graystripe stumbled forward to stand above her. A deafening silence took over, only broken by the panting of contestants. Red welled underneath Graystripe's claws as he glared down at her. He could kill her, this could be over. As much as Fireheart didn't want Graystripe to kill her.

The wind picked up as blood dripped from their pelts onto the ground. Graystripe's eyes flashed upwards scanning the group of cats. They went from cat to cat before they settled on Tigerclaw, then with a snap, they fixed onto Fireheart.

Graystripe appeared to find whatever answer he was looking for. He backed up and stood tall. "I-" He panted. "I did not call for this Blood for Blood! So instead of a life…" His legs buckled and he fought to remain standing. "Instead of taking Leopardfur's life... I demand a life debt from her!"

The cats around Fireheart seemed shocked by the statement and no one answered. Leopardfur groggily lifted her head and attempted to stand. When that failed she squinted towards Graystripe, her eyes unfocused.

Fireheart glanced at Yellowfang and whispered quietly. "Is that allowed?"

The medicine cat eyes were wide, and her voice cracked. "It is… but I've never seen… I've never seen anyone actually use it!"

Graystripe looked down to Leopardfur. "Leopardfur, in place of your life… I demand a debt you will have to accept one day... R-Remember this." And with that Graystripe collapsed. The ground underneath him awash with blood.

Another tug hit Fireheart, and he couldn't contain himself anymore. He dodged past Wetfoot and ran over to his friend. The number of wounds he sported was awful. Fireheart had to fight with everything he had not to use his gift on him right away.

There was a heavy stench of the herb and blood around Graystripe. It was so sharp that it stuck to the back of his tongue as a disgusting taste. But Fireheart ignored it. He gently nosed him. "Hey."

Graystripe looked up. His eyes were hazy as he gasped out. "I did it…"

"You did," Fireheart whispered. Tears stung his eyes, but they were happy tears, so he didn't mind them.

The next moment was a flurry of motion as cats swarmed the fighters. Tigerclaw nearly bowled Fireheart over as he stood over his former apprentice. The relief in his eyes was evident as he leaned in to whisper something to Graystripe. It drew a tired smile from Graystripe, and Fireheart wondered what had been said.

"You fought bravely," Bluestar stated. She looked down at Graystripe and nodded. "ThunderClan is lucky to have a warrior like you."

Yellowfang came up with the bundle of leaves in her mouth and began barking orders. "Alright everyone, give him some room. I need to start treating him immediately. Once he's stable, we'll move him. Fireheart, since Ravenpaw isn't here, I need your help. Think you can do it?"

Fireheart nodded, ready to help out in any way he could.

For his friends? He would do anything.

End of Book 2: Fire and Ice.

We did it guys! Fire and Ice is done! I know this isn't where the book ended. But I started branching off too far to bring it back without it feeling forced. Plus this is an Au, It's supposed to be different! (I also wanted to end on a happier note).

I do need to take a short break and reread the next couple of books so I can remember how everything went time-wise, but I'm excited! And I'm realizing just how ambitious this was. Two books in and I'm already almost 300 google doc pages in. This is definitely a project I'll be working on for a while.

"There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed." ― Siddharta Gautama