~A few minutes later on the opposing ends of the battlefield on Cryer Estate Nol and Michiru appear standing strong with Paul and Monique spectating on the sidelines as battle referees~

(Michiru:) Ok, Celeste. Let's give him a great show.

~Michiru takes out two master balls from her trench coat pocket.~

~Just as Nol steps on his side of the field a Pokemon runs up to him from behind.~

(Nol :)"Huh, Hakamo-o, I mean, knight, what's up?"

(Knight :) "Were you really about to battle without me!?"

(Nol :) "Of course not. I knew you were going to show up sooner or later."

(Michiru:) "Oh. You're using Hakamo-o. Interesting. Well, as they say, the best defense is a strategic offense."

(Knight :) "Correction, I'm battling cause I want to, not because Nol wants me to."

(Michiru:) "Hmmph."

Nol's POV

(If Knight wants to fight first, he can go ahead and do so. I just hope Michiru doesn't use anything he can't handle.) "Nol, I can sense that you're worried about me." Knight suddenly said turning from Michiru to face me. "No, I was just-" "Nol, calm down, Hakamo-o's going to be fine." Blaster calmly said placing his claw on my shoulder. "Knight, we believe in you!" Lycan shouted. (Jeez, I hate them so much.) I smiled at Knight and signal him to face the battle. "Alright, let's do this Blaster, Lycan, and Knight! "Yeah! They cheered.

(Michiru POV)

(Wow, his team is….really…..mushy but cute.)

I immediately shut up any irrelevant thoughts and focused on the two pokeballs in my hand. Observing Nol's team, I immediately smirked at his determination. (Damn, at least he has more heart than N. Ugh! Not that again!) Celeste pecks my head. "Stop that, Michiru. We need to focus on the fight." "Oh. Right. Let's do this, Celeste." I adjust my glasses.

(Knight:) "Come on, Michiru, I can't wait to meet your team."

(Michiru:) "Hmmph." ~Smirk~ "Hope you like pretty girls. The Maiden of the Sea, Siren! Come forth!"

(Blaster :) "Define pretty."

~Michiru tosses her master ball from her left hand. From the purplish, pink, and white ball, a Milotic appears, slithering around gracefully. She looks very beautiful despite being so huge.~

(Siren:) "Lady Michiru, I am here to fight for our honor." ~winks~ "Oh, my. What beautiful opponents I see. Thank you for this opportunity, Lady Michiru."

(Michiru:) "Eh. I try." ~shrugs~

(Nol :) "Knight, Iron Defense!"

~Knight suddenly flashes with a bright grey light. His defense sharply raises~

(Michiru:) "Already, huh? You waste no time at all. Personally, I like that in a man, but I digress. Siren, time to dance. Twister!

~Siren twirls around gracefully, creating a large tornado. After the last two spins, the tornado flies towards Knight's direction. ~

(Nol: ) "Knight counter with Dragon Pulse!"

~Without a seconds hesitation Knight launches a powerful Dragon pulse towards the twister that disrupts its airflow dispersing it.~

(Michiru:) "I made the right decision not to toy with you….Disarming Voice."

(Knight :) "She's so quick!"

(Nol :) "Knight pay attention!"

~Siren begins to sing her sweet Melody of the Sea, creating pink and blue sound waves that fill the area. Michiru stomps her feet to the rhythm. At the same time Knight is hit by the super effective attack, bringing him to his knees in pain!~

(Michiru:) "That was Aquamarine Symphony by the wonderful Siren. Bravo!"

(Siren:) ~giggles~

(Nol :) "Knight, are you-"

~Knight slowly stands~

(Knight :) I'm fine, let's just end this battle!"

~Nol nods his head in assurance smiling~

(Nol :) "Right."

(Siren:) "Your determination, although cute and remarkable, won't be enough, my dragonic little friend." ~smiles~

(Nol :) "Knight, use payback!"

~Knight quickly dashes at siren at extreme speeds. Now at close range he uses the dark type move a repeatedly jabs at her.~

(Michiru:) "Wrap."

~Siren quickly wraps around Knight's neck, choking him.~

(Siren:) "You have some nerve hitting a lady!

(Knight :) ~Smerks~

(Nol :) "Dragon Pulse!"

~In an instant Siren is blasted by a powerful close range Dragon pulse by Knight. An explosion suddenly engulfs the both of them!~

(Siren:) "Ow! Oof! Gosh, he hits hard."

(Celeste:) "He's not her majesty at least."

(Siren:) "No. Pretty sure she's worse."

~When the smoke clears Siren and Knight appear standing facing each other.~

(Paul :) "Master Knight is unable to battle! Round one goes to Michiru Sangatsu!"

~Nol quickly runs over to knight before he falls to the ground.~

(Nol :) "You did good Knight, take a quick rest." ~Nol returns knight to his Pokeball~

(Michiru:) "That was better than I thought."

(Siren:) "Yay! I did it! "

(Michiru:) "Wow. Nol's almost like a big brother to his pokemon. I almost don't know what to say right now."

(Celeste:) "Remarkable, don't you think?"

(Nol :) "At least he took down Siren."

(Blaster :) "Huh, wait, that bitch's still up?"

~Siren slithers back to Michiru, but all of a sudden….~

(Siren:) "I finally defeated an Aloha Pokemon…..This...is...oh, no….(faints)"

~Siren faints before being sent back to her pokeball.~

(Monique:) "Oh, one moment. Both Knight and Siren are unable to battle."

(Blaster :) "The fuck!" (I thought Knight lost that battle! How did that mermaid bitch lose!?)

(Nol :) "Geez, Blaster sometime you need to pay attention to detail." (I'm actually a little shocked myself. I didn't think Knight would trade with a pokemon he completely had a disadvantage against.)

(Blaster :) "Ugh, fine, mom." (So lame...)

(Michiru:) (My gosh, I didn't think that would work. I know Knight is physically stronger, but Siren knows his weakness. I didn't think I would go that far, but it was necessary.) "That's the head of PokeTech Company for you. Always on guard. I guess now you know you can't fool around with me."

(Blaster :) "You Bitch!" (This girl and her smart mouth.)

(Nol :) ("Blaster, calm your tits.") "Michiru, besides Navi, you're the first Pokemon trainer to get me and most of my pokemon this excited, adrenaline-wise. Lycan, let's show her what we can do!"

~Lycanroc-Midnight, does not appear to be standing around Nol!~

(Michiru:) "Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Anyways, it's time for her majesty to arrive. Bloody Mary, come forth."

~Michiru rolls her pokeball on the floor plainly. Tsareena walks out of it, hands on her head and posing. She bows before Nol and the missing Lycan.~

(Mary:) "Ugh. This better be worth my time, Michiru. Look at this boy. Lacking in experience and charm, he is no day shorter of a virgin. Alright, you obnoxious wolf, come out of hiding. There's blood to shed."

(Lycan :) "Blood? What a funny little princess! I'll make you bleed for speak to Nol like that!"

~Lycan suddenly emerges from underground in front of Bloody Mary!~

(Mary:) "Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho! Princesses are at the top of the totem poll. Why, just look at my trainer! A princess with brains! Enough talk! Let's have a bloody good time!"

(Michiru:) (Smirks) "Couldn't agree more."

~Michiru snaps her fingers, holding her left hand in her pocket. She directs her fingers towards Lycan.~

(Nol :) "Lycan, you know you're at a disadvantage, are you sure you can fight her?" (He's physically not strong enough to win against her, so why doesn't he want to retreat? Could he be fighting to defend me?)

(Lycan :) "Yeah, I got it. I have to show Null, Tiger, and Knight that I can beat a pokemon even at a disadvantage." (I'm gonna show them that I'm not the weakest on the team!)

(Nol :) (Oh Geez, Lycan I told you about wanting to prove your strength to the team. Strength isn't judged by power alone. However, It's too late to remind him of that now, I'll just have to push him as far as he can go.) "Lycan-"

(Blaster :) "Lycan, weaken her for me as much as you can. I'll clean up the mess afterwards."

(Lycan :) "Right! (That's if there's anything left to clean up.)

(Michiru:) "Mary, I was gonna tell you don't beat him too hard, but now I'm gonna say….Beat the living bitch out of him." (She was mad earlier because of the fight between her and Nyx over a raspberry muffin, so I think she should let off some steam. It will better for all of us when we go to sleep later. Don't feel like hearing that level of bitching.)

(Mary:) "YAY! YAY! YAY!"

(Paul :) "Let round two begin!"

~Mary poses in front of Lycan. Her hands on her hips, she turns her face around to look directly into the Lycanroc's eyes, with her back facing him.~

(Mary:) "You're not ready for me."

(Lycan :) "Nol, this pokemon…"

(Nol:) "Lycan! Calm down, she's only trying to intimidate you, just remember what you're fighting for."

(Lycan:) "You're right! (I know I'm at a huge disadvantage against her, but even so, I have fight and show Blaster and everyone that i'm not weak!)

(Michiru:) "Come at me, Nol."

(Nol:) "Lycan! Stealth Rock!"

~Tons of rocks shoot from Lycan's body and surround the battlefield.~

(Michiru:) "What a droll show. Leaf Storm."

~Michiru snaps her fingers, pointing her finger gun at Lycan. Leaves begin to dance around Tsareena. The fruit pokemon twirls around and sends the tornado of leaves towards Lycan.~

(Nol:) (No! She's really doing that is early into the match!?) "Lycan! Counter!

~Lycan draws close to Mary and prepares to receive the attack!~

(Michiru:) "You won't even have the time for that. You should have just quit."

(Mary:) "Are you just a fool or are you just brave?"

(Lycan:) "I am the key to my team's victory of you!"

(Mary:) "Ugh, I hate your type so much. Always so courageous and heroic. So damn stupid as hell bullshit."

(Nol:) "Lycan, here it comes!"

~The storm of leaves hit Lycan dead on as Mary grins devilishly. Lycan is sent flying towards the wall due to the strong winds the attack produced.~

~Lycan takes the attack head on and quickly counters with a powerful uppercut to Mary that sends her flying towards Michiru! However, Lycan is left barely able to stand and breathe correctly.~

(Blaster/Nol:) "Lycan! You better not fall! Stand strong till the very end!"

(Michiru:) "Impressive, Nol. I didn't think you were capable of such a strategy."

(Nol:) "Thanks, but this battle isn't over yet! Lycan use stone edge!"

~Lycan suddenly leaps high in the air!~

(Mary:) "You all are very irritating. Why don't we silence the little fan club over there?"

(Michiru:) "Impatient little princess. Bloody Mary, use Trop Kick."

~Lycan's attack misses, but the rocks formed put Mary in a stone corner. Twirling towards Lycan, Mary kicks him right in the gut.~

(Lycan:) "Agh!" (Blaster, T-this is the best I could do.)

~Lycanroc collapse due to the overwhelming pain


~Mary begins to stomp Lycan over and over again.~

(Paul:) "And that's the match! Round two goes to Mary-Huh! Mistress Michiru!"

(Nol:) "No! Lycan! Mary stop it!"

~Blaster's rage is suddenly felt by Michiru!~


Nol suddenly begins to run towards Lycan, However his is quickly pushed away by Blaster charging a wild Fire Blast!

(Blaster:) "Choke on it bitch!"

~Blaster suddenly launches a large fire blast that completely engulfs Mary in the stone corner made by Lycan! The flames power greatly increase due to Blaster's rage and the ventilation of the stone structure.~


~Mary continues to stomp Lycan until the flames engulf her completely. Her screams filled the entire garden!~


~The explosion sends Lycan's unconscious body towards Nol! He quickly gets in position with Blaster and catches Lycan in his arms.~

(Nol/Blaster:) "Lycan!"

(Nol:) "He appears to be fine, aside from a few bruises, Lycan should recover relatively quickly."

~Nol lovingly hugs unconscious Lycan while Blaster watches Michiru and Mary from a distance. Nol then returns Lycan to his great ball.~

(Monique:) "Master Nol, Mary is also no longer able to battle, round two ends in a draw."

(Michiru:) "Mary! Are you ok?!"

~Michiru walks towards Mary, who is lying on the ground barely conscious from the blast.~

(Mary:) "Ugh….so….blissful….how….sublime….finally...ecstasy…..at last."

~Mary faints with a smile on her face before being returned to her pokeball. Michiru looks up at Lycan, Blaster, and Nol, touched by the sight.~

(Michiru:) "Geez, you can't even get something that tight from regular people."

(Celeste:) "You got that right."

(Paul:) "Mistress Michiru, are you ready to begin the final match?"

(Michiru:) "I intend to see this out to the end so yes."

(Celeste:) "We were born ready."

(Monique:) "Master Nol, Michiru is ready for the final match, are you prepared as well?"

(Nol:) "Of course. Blaster, are you ready?"

(Blaster:) "Yeah, I'm gonna show her what we're capable of."

(Michiru:) "Celeste, you ready to take him down?"

(Celeste:) "Yes! I will show that stupid dragon what for!"

~Suddenly, the garden becomes silent.~

(Celeste:) "Um...Why isn't anyone saying anything?"

(Nol:) "Umm…"

(Blaster:) "Ha! What a dumbass!"

~Nol appears to be looking away trying to hold in his giggles while Blaster is straight up laughing at Celeste.~

(Michiru:) (Adjusts Glasses) "Celeste, that is clearly a fire type, not a dragon. Even when it's fully evolved, it's still not a dragon. Ugh. Never mind. Just get out there."

~Blaster and Celeste both enter the field simultaneously.~

(Michiru POV)

(Celeste. Why do you always do that? I know you're an old woman but damn! Do you have to be embarrassing? Whatever. I need to figure out to take him out. Celeste is too weak, even though he's only in his second stage of evolution. If I can just hit him hard one time, that would be perfect, but she has nothing that can get him. Man, I have to play desperate now.) I adjust my glasses, hoping that my poker face would somehow kick in. I look at Celeste, who tried to reassure me with a smile ("Don't worry. I can handle it, Michiru. I love you too much to let you lose like an idiot. I'll go down fighting.") Celeste says telepathically. "Thanks, Celeste. You're the best."

(Nol's POV)

("Blaster. Once again our team needs you to wrap things up. I hate putting all the pressure on you like this but I know you like it. Luckily for us, Michiru's Celeste is a Grass/Ghost type, so it shouldn't be too hard to defeat them.") I softly smile at Blaster the second he glances back at me. He blushes and quickly turns towards Celeste. ("I told you about doing that to me when I'm about to fight Nol.") Blaster telepathically mentions to me. "Oh sorry about, it was an accident."

(Blaster:) "An accident my ass. Anyway, as the bad-ass leader of Team Yaoi, I'm gonna show you the power of my minion-no wait- I mean friends!"

(Nol:) "Blaster, um, you're not the leader of Team Yaoi. Null is the leader, and please don't refer to your friends as minions." (Oh geez…)

(Celeste:) "Oh, please. As the oldest member and leader of Team Neo-Phantom, I will show you why my wisdom reigns supreme."

(Michiru:) "Um, excuse me, Celestia. Frostbite is the official leader of Neo-Phanom, and you don't even know your types. (Here we go again with this shit.)

(Celeste:) "Anyway, let us begin."

(Blaster:) "Whatever! Paul, Monique do the thing!"

(Paul/Monique:) "Let the third and final round, Begin!"

(Nol:) "Blaster, Metal Claw!'

~Blaster dases at Celeste with a basic attack~

(Michiru:) "Celeste, Smackdown!"

(Blaster:) "Shit!"

~Blaster quickly uses Metal claw to defend, however he is still slammed hard on the ground!~

(Nol:) "Are you okay?"

(Blaster:) "Yeah, just a scratch."

~Blaster appears to be holding his arm in pain.~

(Michiru:) "Ok, Nice one, Celeste."

(Celeste:) "We can still do this."

(Nol:) "Now that we know what she's capable of let's counter even stronger!"

~An odd energy begins to connect both Blaster and Nol! It appears to be coming from his Z-ring~

(Michiru:) "A Z-Move?!"

~Nol and Blaster begins to dance in a strange way! The two's dance oddly resembles the motion of a dancing fire!~

(Michiru POV)

(Z-moves are powerful in general, but this could almost knock Celeste out! Nol is stronger than I thought. The fact that he has a Z-ring means that he proved himself to the Tapus. What's more, he has made a powerful Pokemon like Charmeleon completely over powered! Maybe this is what it means to have a bond between Pokemon and trainer.) Celeste looks worried and tries to fly away from the attack, but even I know that it's no use.

(Nol/Blaster:) "Inferno Overdrive!"

~A large fire ball is quickly shot at Celeste! Both its speed and power increase the closer it gets to her! At mere inches from her it suddenly explodes and creates an explosion so large it completely covers the battlefield engulfing both Blaster and Celeste!~

~Celeste tries to dodge the attack as fast as she can, but no matter how fast she is, the inevitable happens. Her wings are badly damaged but she remains conscious~

(Nol:) "Nice shot Blaster!"

~As the smoke clears Blaster appears unharmed.~

(Celeste:) "I can still fight him. Just one more smack down, and I got him!"

~Blaster approaches Celeste smiling.~

(Michiru:) "Celeste, we have to stop. You're hurt. I don't want what happened to Mary to happen to you. A lady knows her limits, and you must know yours. That's what it means to be a true warrior. Besides, you did so well. All of you did."

(Celeste:) "M-michiru…"

~Michiru walks over to Celeste and cradles her in her arms like a baby.~

(Blaster:) "I-"

(Nol:) "Hold your tongue."

(Monique:) "Mistress Michiru Sangetsu, has forfeited the match, Master Nol wins."

(Celeste:) (Giggles) "I'm not a baby, Michiru."

(Michiru:) "I know. You're a old woman, but you are my baby. All of my Pokemon are my babies, and I'll love you all as long as forever will allow it."

~Michiru nuzzles Celeste's beak as she carries the owl archer pokemon in her arms.~

To Be Continued…

~Unfortunately, the next chapter won't be posted for awhile. Sorry for the inconvenience.~