How Doflamingo Met His Nephew
Title: How Doflamingo Met His Nephew
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: This is the story of how Doflamingo meets his nephew for the first time. [Modern AU]
It was late at night. Rocinante had just adopted a young boy from the orphanage. He and the four year old were walking to Rocinante's home. "Daddy! Look at me!" Law said, running ahead of Rocinante.
"Oi, don't go too far!" Rocinante ended up tripping over nothing but caught sight of Law running into an alley. "Law, don't go into alleys! You don't know what kind of people are lurking there!" All he heard was silence. Cursing, he immediately got up and rushed to the alley.
The alley was empty.
"Law?" Rocinante called. "Now's not the time to play games, Law," He received no response. "LAW!"
Doflamingo returned to the Donquixote Mansion with a little boy in his car. "Guys! I found a boy in an alley and brought him home!" He held up a four year old boy wearing a spotted hat.
"Doffy…you do realize that's kidnapping, right?" Diamante asked.
"But he was all alone! And he was also in a dark alley!" Doflamingo said. "He probably has nowhere to go…"
"Where's Daddy?" Law looked around. He turned to Doflamingo. "Where did you put Daddy?"
"I'm your dad from now on!" Doflamingo declared.
Law frowned. "No! You're not Daddy! I want Daddy!" His stomach growled. "Law hungry…"
"Let's get you something to eat," Doflamingo offered, heading to the kitchen. He placed Law down on the chair. "So what do you want to eat? A sandwich?"
"NO BREAD!" Law screamed at Doflamingo's face. "Daddy would know that I hate bread!"
"Well, I'm your daddy now and I know that you don't like bread," Doflamingo said.
Law began to cry. "You're not Daddy! I want Daddy!"
"DOFFY!" Rocinante entered, tears streaming down his face. He made his way to the kitchen.
"What's wrong Roci?" Doflamingo asked.
"I can't find my son!" He cried, sitting down next to Law.
"I want my Daddy!" Law sobbed.
"Oh hi Law," Rocinante greeted before continuing to cry. "W-We were walking home a-and t-then he ran into an alley! W-W-When I turned to the alley, he was…was…was gone!"
The two continued to cry for a few more minutes. Law's stomach growled once more. "Law hungry! Law only want Daddy!"
"No bread, right Law?" Rocinante asked as he got up, still crying. "And no umeboshi?"
"Y-Yeah!" Law wiped his years.
"I'll m-make some fried fish," Rocinante headed to the fridge before freezing. He turned to the four year old. "Law!"
"Daddy!" Law jumped into Rocinante's arms. "Daddy, Law missed you!"
"I thought I wasn't ever gonna see you again!" Rocinante hugged him tightly.
"So…he's not an orphan?" Doflamingo asked.
"Of course not!" Rocinante said. "He's my son! I adopted him so I'm his father now!"
"Oh," Doflamingo said slowly.
"Daddy, mean pink man kidnapped me!" Law whimpered.
"Senor Pink!" Rocinante glared at the man in the suit.
"He's talking about Young Master," Senor Pink pointed to Doflamingo. "He was the one who brought the kid here,"
Rocinante turned to glare at his brother now. "Doffy!" His eyes were flaring. "YOU KIDNAPPED YOUR NEPHEW!?"
"How the hell was I supposed to know that you adopted a kid?" Doflamingo responded.
"Rocinante…we live in the same house…"
And that's how Doflamingo first met his nephew. He kidnapped him.