A/N: In regards to the lack of condom use in the story, I'd like to explain it: While I attempt to depict prostitution it is on some level romanticized prostitution. While escorts have to deal with pushy customers who want to ride them bare-back and STD's are a rampant danger, it wasn't something that I wanted to include in this story.

So just imagine that no one has STD's and that Sakura is on the pill. After all, what's the fun in describing a penis that is covered in latex?

Also, shit is going down in this chapter.

Chapter 8


Sakura stared at the pill bottle on the kitchen table, lost in her thoughts after the revelation that Itachi had fundamentally betrayed her. Of course his loyalty was with Sasuke, thinking otherwise had been stupid.

She swallowed hard and fought against the thoughts that continually told her that she was an object, a tool to be used for others. Had he even cared for her feelings? All those times they had tea together, just chatting about everything and nothing, was that just fake? She had only known him for three weeks, but she had felt as if some tender relationship was forming, she was starting to trust him.

But like a child that touches a hot stove, Sakura had been brutishly burned.

She had been used to that, from men. But Itachi had never alluded to any sexual interest in her. She had felt safe.

Sakura heard the front door open and her every limb sprung forwards to the table. She accidentally kicked the foot of the kitchen table and cursed, throwing herself onto the table and locking her hand hard around the bottle.

Hinata just can't see this!

Sakura didn't remember what Hinata had been hooked on, since Sakura wasn't much for drugs and she didn't really know what Adderall even was. But she was sure it would be extremely triggering for the bluette to suddenly have drugs in her new sober environment, no matter which they were.

I don't want to be the reason for why she would relapse either. I have enough on my conscience.

She shoved the pill bottle in the butt pocket of her jeans and ran to her room. She heard Hinata take off her jacket and place her untied shoes gently on the floor.

Sakura rooted through an old heap of old clothes and found a faint red hoodie, she slipped it on and waited by her room's door, listening to Hinata's progression throughout the apartment.

She waited until she heard Hinata enter the bathroom and turned on the water. She was going to take a shower. This was Sakura's chance and she took it quickly.

She sneaked out of the apartment, feeling desperately on edge. She tried to dampen the sounds of her steps as she walked down the common corridor. She couldn't deal with Hinata's optimism, her belief that justice could prevail. Sakura felt absolutely crushed. She hadn't really put much faith in her plan, though any hope she had had for it had now vanished.

She was going to have to leave Konoha. Where was she supposed to go? Kumo? Iwa? She shuddered.


She had never been anywhere else than Konoha. She had been raised there. She felt indebted to the city, the soup kitchens and all the kind people who ran the homeless shelters which she had to seek comfort in more than she could admit. She was also afraid of the unknown she would have to face in the other cities, Konoha was the last stable thing she had in her life.

Itachi knows.

That damned paper that had been lying on the floor! She wanted to hit something out of frustration, would he have been so direct if he had not seen the file? Could she have prevented this?

Itachi was a smart man and she knew now that he was fiercely protective of his family. What had she been thinking? Sasuke was her employer and Itachi his brother, that was like telling her boss by extension that she wanted to quit. Did he know to what extent she was conspiring against him? She just didn't think it was possible to have such strong emotional bonds to such a vile creature that Sasuke was.

The cold air made her shiver, but she sought refuge in her hoodie, hiding her hands in the front pocket where she kept her phone.

She finally arrived to the somewhat crowded Uchiha plaza, even though the time was around eight pm. There were stores as far as the eye could see and some small booths trying to make a living. She observed all the people and wondered about their lives, feeling at loss what to do while she waited. The people were all somehow related to the Uchiha, or some other clans who had strong trade connections with them.

Kakashi was one of them. While he had a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and worked for the Uchiha he had also taught at Konoha's university part time.

She felt a hot, slick hand land on her shoulder. The hand was large and the fingers were spidery.

She gasped, jumping slightly and slowly looked down at the hand. It was deathly pale and had a slight sweat to it. The fingers long and spidery. She trailed her gaze upwards and saw the piercing yellow eyes above her.

She swallowed. This man was tall.

He towered over her and she felt pathetically small, his form was lanky but she could tell by the force of which he grabbed her shoulder that he was deceptively strong. His hand didn't stray from her body and she straightened her back, though choosing to stare at his chest instead of his eyes. She didn't have the gall to face him. He was way too intimidating.

"Pleas-s-ed to meet you, Kunoichi-chan…" He gave a smirk and she saw a tongue slither out slightly to wet his lips.

Oh god. I think I'm going to be sick.

"Wh-…" She had to stop because her throat was so dry. His hand left her shoulder.

"Where do you want to go?"

She couldn't keep her emotions leaking into her small, pathetic voice. She was desperate, dreadful and terrified.

"My place." His accent was odd and it was as if he put too much emphasis on any "s" and "c" sounds.

His hair was unusually long but that seemed to be a trend, if Itachi's hair was anything to go by. His visage was hidden under his brown coat so she couldn't see its full length.

They walked in silence for a good ten minutes. She was too frightened to say anything and this… Orochimaru seemed content in allowing her fear to build up.

He gave no feedback. Said nothing. What did he want? What kind of sex? Was he rough? Gentle? Did he do most of the work or none?

She had no idea what was in store for her as he opened a door to a cellar apartment.

"Rent prizes are so high here… The place is a dump but it'll have to do." He criticized.

She looked around and realized that it was a studio apartment, very small and it didn't even have a bed.

With a small distain she noted that there was nothing that indicated that someone lived here. There were stray boxes here and there and some kind of a set up with lights and a steel table.

Kind of like the doctor's office.

"I'll pay you very well for your services, Kunoichi-chan. I have around 218,000 yen I'm ready to spend… If you impress me." His tongue slipped out of his mouth and flickered, before disappearing again into his mouth.

She almost cupped her mouth in disgust because the need to vomit increased but silenced any resistance by thinking about the ludicrous sum of money he had just offered.

So, around 200,000 yen are around a third of Sasuke's pay. Which means for every three times I work for this man, I shorten my duration with Sasuke for one month, before I can escape.

Now… What did he want exactly?

She looked at him and found herself nailed to the spot as his unnerving snake-like eyes observed her.

He knew exactly what she was thinking and decided to give her orders

"Could you undress for me?" He slowly took of his coat and threw it into the corner of the apartment. He didn't sit down, just stood there.

Sakura felt positively unnerved. But she slowly took out her phone that had rested in her front pocket and set on the floor. That way it was easy to reach if she wanted to call 911. It was a safety precaution, though somewhat imaginary. She doubted she would be able to reach the phone in time if that man decided he wanted to do her ill. She pulled her hoodie off and she could feel his eyes appreciating her torso as she stretched to get the other sleeve off.

She was left in a t-shirt and her pants. And she didn't look up, didn't want to look the man in the eyes. She knew that it was best if she got it over with and with that thought in mind she took a deep breath and pulled her t-shirt off, leaving her exposed breasts visible to Orochimaru.

Her pert breasts weren't large, especially since she was so skinny at the moment. She didn't feel the need for a bra most days. Considering her purpose for meeting Orochimaru she had decided to forego it, for comfort.

She could hear him growl slightly in satisfaction.

Hurry it along.

She pulled her panties and her pants off with one quick motion and kicked her pants away, the silence was excruciating and then-

The loud sound of the bottle of pills hitting the floor echoed in the studio apartment. It rolled a couple of meters away from her and she couldn't help the frozen reaction of her body as she stared at the bottle come to a slow halt.

She looked into the eyes of Orochimaru for the first time and she could basically taste his morbid curiosity.

"I-It's nothing." She said quietly and she debated if she should go fetch it. It would put her in clear view of Orochimaru and she was afraid that the sight of her bending over would trigger him into action.

She wanted to scream at him to stop when he languidly walked over to the bottle. She couldn't make him think that the bottle was special in any way, but she could already see from his expression that her efforts were in vein. His interest was piqued.

"My…. Kunoichi-chan. They really do start early, dabbling in drugs." He smiled towards her with a knowing look.

"How long have you been on these?"

" I haven't."

"Excuse me?" He said, relaxed, as if asking her to repeat herself.

"I-. . . I said I haven't tried it. They were given to me, as a fucked up way of motivation. But I don't want them." It felt awkward to explain her reasoning to this man while she stood stark naked in his cellar.

"Mhm…" He processed with a thoughtful tone. He cocked his head in thought.

"Please lie with your back against the table. Do you mind it if I take pictures?" His voice was pleasant but uncomfortably slick, it was like thick mud. Warm to the touch, though it would quickly suck you in and prevent you from pulling out.

"As long as you pay me well, I don't mind it." She said resolutely.

"Excellent." He went to get some camera equipment that was kept in one of the steel cabinets. He positioned two lamps illuminating the steel table. He motioned with his hand in a "if you will" gesture.

She placed herself upon the table and found that it had hand and feet cuffs to the side of it. She looked at him questionably.

"It's for the pictures." He didn't elaborate and Sakura didn't object as he fastened her hands and legs, figuring it was for a private (or public, which would arguably be worse) BDSM collection. A lot of people were aroused by tied up women.

Her eyes squinted in the hard light.

He snapped a couple of photos with the big professional camera, careful to get the exposure right.

Orochimaru advanced and his face came so close up to her that she could literally smell him. It took a lot of nerve not to flinch away.

"Sakura-chan, do you want revenge?" She gasped surprised at the mention of her name, since her code name had been to protect her identity. Had he known all along?

"How did you. . . ?"

"Your reputation precedes you, Sakura-chan. Sasuke hasn't been so infatuated with a slave since Karin."

"I'm not a slave." She said, though she felt insecure as she said it, like she was more trying to convince herself rather than him.

He looked at her pink nipple and went to casually run the tip between his pointer finger and thumb.

"Oh really? Did you know that most of Sasuke's fuck toys end up dead?"

She could feel her hair raise on her arms.

"What do you mean by that?" Her voice slightly raised, panicked, something in his words was resonating with the tone of what Itachi had said earlier.

Orochimaru looked up and some of his dark strands moved slightly as he did so.

"I mean, that after you've fulfilled your use, he'll get you disposed of discreetly.

A favorite toy of mine . . . was killed, twelve years ago. I rented her out to Sasuke for a couple of months. The boy was too greedy, I should have seen it coming. By some miracle, the woman managed to become pregnant without miscarrying while she suffered continued abuse under Sasuke. "

Wait. Twelve years ago? How long has Sasuke been into this fucked up shit?. . . Sasuke would have been sixteen then, but could that mean. . .

"Yes. . . Sasuke sired a child, one that still resides in the Uchiha house today. However, he grew agitated by the scandal that it brought the clan and their subsequent hostile reaction to him. Child out of wedlock, at such a young age that wasn't even of Uchiha blood to boot! "

Orochimaru stared at her with hooded eyes.


"Karin came to me, she wanted to escape from him and seek protection with the police. He wanted her dead and the child too in return. The Uchiha Clan wanted her hidden away since she was a mother of an Uchiha descendant. The Clan covered up the circumstances for the child's existence and gave her to the custody of Itachi Uchiha. But Sasuke's cruelty intensified tenfold. Karin was dead within two months."

He looked at Sakura and she could feel her face mold into an expression that was one of pure terror.

"I've done a lot of research. His whores either end up dead or completely off the map. I've confirmed five bodies and three are missing. They never tend to last long either."

His fingers trailed from her breast to her navel, then to her mound. He moved his fingers slowly in circles.

"Except for you. . . Sakura-chan. Maybe you remind him of Karin? A bit of a sweet-bitter spot there?"

He pushed slightly down on her clitoris.

"I can't believe this." She said lowly, completely stunned. What had she gotten herself into? She was already dead. There was no fucking way she would get out of this alive. She had thought Itachi's threat had been bad, now it sounded like a blessing. She imagined her body rotting in a ditch while stray rats had their fill on her flesh.

Orochimaru purred in response and prodded her body further.

"You are a bit too skinny for my tastes Sakura-chan. But my Karin was also very skinny before her death. I'm getting off track though. In consideration of recent information that you have obtained, what do you think of Sasuke Uchiha?"

She blanched at him.

His pointer finger slid along her folds.

What do I think?

"I hate him. I hate him with every core of my being." It was whispered, but Orochimaru was close enough to hear her.

"I want to offer you a deal, Sakura-chan. Sasuke-kun killed my Karin, a prized product that I trained to perfection. None of the other girls compared to her. I want you to be a carrier. A carrier for Sasuke's death. "


"You want to kill him?" She found that she was not opposed to the idea.

He nodded.

She snorted and it turned into a slight gasp as he inserted his finger into her. He slowly moved his finger in and out as a test, curious to see how wet she was. As quick as he had entered her, he slipped out.

"How? It's impossible to kill him, he's too strong." She said, trying to think off a way of killing him that didn't spell out suicide attack. Orochimaru had turned around and was fetching a suitcase. He brought it up to the table and she could see him open it, though due to her perspective she couldn't see the insides.

However, she felt her stomach drop when Orochimaru leveraged the object he was holding so she could see the needle at the end of it.

"Not to mention the police and press will be everywhere. . . His death will be closely investigated." She said wary. She followed the syringe closely.

"What . . . is that? Why are you holding that?"

He grinned and for a moment he looked mad.

"This . . . is a slightly modified strain of a peculiar virus, it is both neuroinvasive and neurovirulent. A wonderful mix. It's rare to acquire it but as soon as you start to show symptoms, you're already dead. The incubation time can be for a couple of weeks. I'm going to infect you with it."

"What?! No!" She started to struggle against her restraints.

His large hand grabbed her wrist and forced it to stay still. She watched through blurry eyes as he stuck the needle deep into a vein in her upper arm. She stared with a feeling of doom as his thumb pushed down, forcing more of the solution into her. She felt as she could count the days that she had left.

"Oh, don't make a fuss, Sakura-chan. You won't die. Probably."

"YOU BASTARD! FUCK YOU!" She sobbed, her chest heaving up and down.

Her life was over. She wouldn't even have a life in poverty to look forwards to, only a few weeks until she would drop dead.

"I wouldn't waste such a lovey candidate. No . . . When this is over I hope you'll work for me. My girls are treated a lot better than those in the Uchiha household."

Work for him? What the fuck is this man on about?!

"No! Fuck you, Orochimaru! I don't even want to be here! I don't want to fuck men for money, I'm so fucking sick of men using me and there is no way in hell that I'd work for you!" She screamed until her throat felt raw. Unlike Sasuke, Orochimaru didn't hit her or violently strike her. Considering the expiration date he had put on her life and his relative passivity, she felt justified for cursing him to hell.

His smirk didn't falter.

"I don't really need your consent, Sakura-chan."

This- This jerk!

She collected saliva in her mouth and watched his eyes widen in alarm.

Then she spat on the motherfucker. She glared fiercely at him through her tears.

"Sakura-chan. I would be very careful with what you do with your bodily fluids. As we speak the virus rapidly replicating inside your cells. Pray that it doesn't reach your nervous system in time. You are essentially a biological weapon now. "

Her eyes widened.

"And I have the antidote. I'm going to release you and you are going to transmit the disease to Sasuke. You spit is especially potent but it requires a wound to enter. You might just bite him, maybe his dick, your choice if you're feeling feisty. Your blood, though not as potent is also infectious if he consumes it or it enters his body through other modes such as a mucus membrane or by consumption. "

His eyes flickered again to hers.

"Now Sakura-chan, I wouldn't push my luck. Infect him as soon as possible and return to me tomorrow for the antidote. While the incubation time is usually a couple of weeks, there have been cases where the virus has reached the brain and caused first symptoms of encephalitis as a result within four days. "

He pulled up a cotton swab from the suitcase.

"One more thing, say "ah". "

She mutely opened her mouth and he took a slight swab of the inside of her cheek.

He untied her and she threw herself off the table as soon as she was able, her knees landing harshly on the floor. She could hear him chuckle in malicious amusement but she paid it no mind, running to her clothes. She pulled them on with fervor.

She hurried to the door and she couldn't stop herself from hyperventilating.

"Oh and Sakura-chan? Take out as many of those Uchiha bastards as you can." It was only on instinct that she was able to whirl around as she heard him hurling something towards her.

Frantic, she grabbed it with shaking hands and wanted to laugh out loud in relief when she saw the Adderall bottle.

"Uchiha Sasuke is a murderer and the other Uchiha covered his crimes up. Seek justice for them, Sakura."

Unsure of what her response should be, she turned around and slammed the door behind her.

This is a race against time.

A/N: A bit shorter than the last one, though I found it appropriate to cut it off here. Orochimaru didn't tell her the name of the disease so she couldn't seek out the antidote herself, but we will find out in later chapters.