Disclaimer: I do not own Fast and Furious.
Chapter Seven
Brian pulled up around the back of Hector's garage and quickly got out of the truck. He glanced round, there was nobody in sight. He quickly climbed the fence and onto the roof and towards the back widow of the garage. He pulled his leather jacket tighter around his shoulders and used the torch he'd bought with him to smash a widow.
He unlocked the window from the inside and opened it. He climbed through and switched on the torch shining it around the inside of the garage. He walked down onto the main floor and walked towards Hector's cars. He pulled the drug testing paper from his back pocket and headed towards the first car. It didn't take him long to get into it and he tested the seats and boot for trances of the drugs the Tran's were smuggling.
But the car was clean.
So was the second.
And the third.
Brian cursed and quickly climbed back up to the widow, shutting it and locking it behind him. He careful, climbed back down and dropped the used papers as he went. His feet hit the ground and he turned to walk back to the truck when a hard object hit the back of his head, knocking him out.
Brian groaned as he regained consciousness.
"He moans like a cop," Brian heard Vince say.
Brain blinked his eyes open and came face to face with the barrel of Vince gun and suddenly the drowsiness was gone. Before Vince had a chance to react, Brian was up on his knees. Brian knocked the barrel sideways and spun on one knee, while stretching his other leg out and knocking Vince's feet out from under him.
Vince landed on his back and Brian quickly kicked the shot gun from his grasp and drew his own gun from under his leather jacket and pointed it at Vince's head. Vince just stared up at him in shock from where he was lying. Out the corner of his eye, Brian saw Dom step out of the shadows.
"Brian, this is one of those times you need to be clear about what you say," Dom said.
Brian took a step back and put away his gun.
"Tell me what the hell you're doing down here," Dom demanded quietly.
"That's none of your god damn business," Brian said, as he reached up to feel the back of his head, his finger came back sticky with blood. "Shit."
Vince suddenly started to move towards him and Brian drew his gun again and pressed the barrel to Vince's forehead.
"Back up," Brian ordered.
Maybe pulling a gun on Vince a second time was overreacting but the guy had knocked him out and pointed a shotgun at his face… He also thought Brian was a cop and Brian didn't want to find out what Vince would do, should he get his hands on him. Brian had a job to do and as long as Dom and he crew weren't smuggling for the Tran's which was very unlikely seeing the reaction Jonny had to him, then Brian couldn't care less what they got up to in their spare time.
Vince backed up.
"I was just checking out the competition," Brian turned back to face Dom. "Race Wars, remember? I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. And on top of that, he just came into Harry's and he ordered three T66 turbos, with NOS and a MoTeC system exhaust."
"So, what are you saying?" Dom glanced at Vince. "You're gonna check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?"
"Something like that," Brian answered.
"He's a cop," Vince exclaimed. "He's a cop!"
"Could you say that a little louder?" Brian turned to Vince. "I don't think they quite heard you down at the beach. You know what saying shit like that can do? Huh? If the wrong ears hear you say that, I'm a dead man! Plus what kind of cop would break into a garage? In case you hadn't worked it out yet, breaking into a private property is illegal! A cop would just get a warrant!"
The last thing Brian needed was for the Tran's to hear him being accused of being a cop. They'd probably just shoot him to be on the safe side regardless. Plus he was a F.B.I. Special Agent, not a cop.
"Let's go for a little ride," Dom stared at Brian.
Before Brian could do anything his phone rang.
"Hey, Harry," Brian answered the phone. "What's up?"
There was a pause as Brian listened to Harry's reply.
"Okay," Brian said. "I'll be right there."
Brian hung up and turned to Dom and Vince.
"Sorry about that, guys," Brian smiled. "But I'm going to have to cut this short. Something's come up. I'll see you around."
Brian walked into the garage and looked round the place seemed empty and none of the light were on.
"Harry," Brian called out. "You here?"
"In the back room," Brian heard Harry answer.
Brian quickly made his way over to the back room and opened he door. Harry was sitting between the stock and parts stored there with a women Brian hadn't seen before. She was in her late thirties if Brian had to guess and she had clearly been crying. Her dark blonde hair was a mess and her cloths were scruffy and out of place, like she'd been running recently.
"Brian," Harry greeted him. "This is Marby."
"Hi," Brian nodded to her.
"Her husband been taken," Harry said.
"Call the police," Brian answered.
"He was taken by Tran," Harry added.
Brian looked up sharply, "What do you want me to do, Harry?"
Harry stood up, grabbed Brian by the arm and pulled him from the back room.
"I can't just storm into Tran's territory without back up. Phone the police, they'll sort it out," Brian said. "I know for a fact they're dying to get their hands on the Tran's."
If only to rub it in the face of the FBI, Brian silently added.
"I owe her a favour," Harry said. "She just cashed it in."
"Harry," Brian sighed. "This could jeopardise everything. You have to take this to the police."
"We can't," Harry answered. "Ted, he's not someone the police would help."
"What'd you mean?" Brian asked.
"Ted sells illegally obtained goods," Harry replied. "You want to order something on the black market, he's your guy. The police would sooner arrest him then help him."
Brian sighed, "If I do this, if I help you out, it's going to bring a lot of trouble to your door, Harry. More than you already have."
"It'll be worth it," Harry said.
"Then I have to consider what Tran will do to me," Brian leaned against the wall. "Not to mention this could blow the entire operation out of the water."
"Please," Harry said. "Tran will kill him."
"Fine," Brian said. "Meet me out front in five minutes."
"Where are you going?" Harry asked.
"To get my AWM," Brian replied. "If I want to get out of this alive, I can't blow my cover, so I'm going to have to make this look like revenge as well as a favour… That fucker blew up my car!"
"What is an AWM?" Harry asked, confused.
"Accuracy International is a weapons company that makes a weapon called the Arctic Warfare Magnum," Brian answered. "Or AWM for short. It's a type of sniper rifle."
The doors to the Tarn's garage rolled up and Brian walked in as if he owned the place. His sniper rifle resting across his shoulders. Jonny Tran looked up from where he was sitting on man's chest, forcing a hose into his mouth. Lance instantly had a gun pointed at him and Brian just smiled at him as he placed his weapon on a trolley he walked past.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Brian said, nodding towards the man on the floor.
"Well, well," Jonny laughed. "Look what we have here, Torreto's new pet."
Brian raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm nobodies pet."
"Well what can I do for you?" Jonny asked. "You must have come here for something."
"Yes," Brian said, pointing at the man on the floor. "Him."
"Well," Jonny smirked. "You can't have him. Get out of here before I have you shot… Actually, Lance, ice him."
Brian hit the ground and grabbed a wrench. He threw it, knocking the gun from Lance's hand. And then Brian was back on his feet as the rest of Tran's goons charged at him. Brian ducked out the way of their hits the best he could and took them out one by one.
His training really was coming in handy.
Finally it was just Lance, Jonny and himself left standing. Brian had blood running down his face and someone had knocked the injury on the back of his head, causing it to start bleeding again. He pulled out his hand gun and aimed it at Lance. He pulled the trigger and a bullet went through Lance's arm. It was only a flesh wound and nothing life threatening.
"You have shitty aim," Jonny laughed.
Brian turned and shot three bullets into the far wall, where a target board had been pinned to the wall. Every bullet hit the target right in the middle.
"I wasn't aiming to kill," Brian turned back to him.
Jonny took a step back.
"Ted," Brain said. "It's your lucky day. Harry owes your wife a favour and she cashed it in. Get up and get out!"
Ted, the man on the floor, quickly did so.
Brian walked over to his sniper rifle and picked it up.
"Do you mind if I borrow a window?" Brian asked. "No? Fantastic! This won't take a moment, I promise."
Brian walked over to a widow and smashed the glass. He put away his hand gun and took aim with his sniper rifle. He was aim for Jonny Tran's penthouse across the compound and street next to the private garage. He pulled the trigger and there was a small explosion.
"That was for my car," Brian said, turning around and walking towards the exit. "Have fun driving your Ferrari knockoff now. Next time, don't leave it lying around unattended. Shame, it was a nice car, even for a knockoff."
And with that Brian left.
Hey. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time,
Blessed be,