Disclaimer: I do not own Fast and Furious.


To be fair Brian had been doomed from the start.

His mother and fathers marriage had been a shotgun wedding. And the result of that union had been Brian's older brother, Fuller O'Connor. Two and a half years later Brian and his twin brother, Stew, had been born at a small hospital on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona. Three years later Brian's younger sister, Theresa, was born.

Two weeks later Brian's father was gone and he never came back.

But he left behind a lot of trouble and when those looking for him realised they couldn't find him, they came the next best thing. His wife. Brian's mother just upped and left that very night. She didn't even pack a bag. She just put her four kids in her car and drove and she didn't stop driving until she reached Barstow, California.

Life was fine for a while, great in fact.

Then it all changed when Brian was sixteen years old. He'd just gotten his drivers permit and was out driving with his mother along the forty freeway, when his mother caught sight of a car in the rear view mirror and told Brian to floor it. So he did. Only for the car that his mother had seen to fire at them and take out one of the back tires.

The car spun out of control and resulted in a five car pile-up.

Brian had been injured in the crash and had barely been conscious when a man got out of the car which had been following them and pulled out a gun, sending people running in all directions at the sight of it. He walked up to the car and crouched down so he was level with his mother's window. He had raised the gun and third three shots.

The last thing Brian saw before he lost consciousness was his mother's lifeless eyes.

So Brian, his twin brother and younger sister were sent into care while Fuller was old enough to take care of himself. It wasn't long after that Brian and his best friend, Roman Pearce, got caught boosting cars and the two of them were sent to juvie for two years in Tuscan. They'd been on the Arizona side of the state border when they'd been caught.

The day Brian was let out he found his twin brother waiting for him in a beat up old 1971 Chrysler Newport, with a duffle bag stuffed full of cash. Brian didn't think twice about hopping in. Roman had gotten six months of extra time for bad behaviour and that was sole reason Brian never started a fight while he was in there.

He wanted to get out of that hell hole as quickly as he could.

So the two of them travelled across the country, skipping from state to state, picking up tricks and skills as they went. Until finally they reached the age of nineteen and decided to go on a camping trip at Yellowstone Park and Brian fell head over heels for a young park ranger… But then tragedy had struck and Stew died in a rock climbing accident.

Brian could still remember the mangled body of his twin brother at the bottom of the cliff.

With no other choice but to return to Barstow for the funeral, Brian began to travel back across the country. Only to pick up his older brother along the way. Which turned out to be a deadly mistake. While they were driving Fuller decided to play with the old CB radio and convinced Brain to play a prank on a truck driver called 'Rusty Nail'. They tricked the guy into thinking they were a girl called 'Candy Cane' who wanted to meet up with him and they told him they were in room seventeen at the motel they were staying in for the night, while they are actually in room eighteen.

The following morning they hear the news that the man who'd been staying in room seventeen had been found on the side of the highway, alive, but with his bottom jaw ripped off. Brian tells the sheriff all he knows and the prank they pulled, but they don't know the truck drivers real name and the sheriff tells them to go.

They continue driving, when they hear 'Rusty Nail' on the radio again, demanding an apology from 'Candy Cane'. Brain quickly apologies and comes clean about the entire thing, all the while not mentioning or even hinting that he knows about what happened to the guest in room seventeen, this truck driver was clearly a maniac. 'Rusty Nail' accepts the apology, but Fuller suddenly started mouthing off at him and insulted him.

And suddenly they had a very mad homicidal truck driver hunting them down.

The two of run, well drove, as fast and as far as they could. But it wasn't enough. In the end 'Rusty Nail' caught up with them, after killing another truck driver. Fuller was killed and just as 'Rusty Nail' was about to turn his attention to Brian, they police caught them. Brian was treated for his injuries and he gave a statement, before returning to Barstow to bury his two brothers.

It was in that moment Brian realised he had to turn his life around, or he was going to end up dead too.

Or worse, sent to prison.

So Brian decided to go home… Well it wasn't really home, just the place he'd been born and lived the first three years of his life before his family had moved. So Brain found himself driving alone, he had tried talking Rome into coming with him and failed, to Phoenix, Arizona.

He got himself a job working in a garage and found a cheap small one bedroom apparent and completed his education up by taking night classes. He even joined a shooting club to fill up his free time and it turned out he was an incredibly good shot. He passed all his exams with flying colours and got a scholarship.

And so he found himself on the move once more, heading for Tucson and more importantly its university, where he'd be studying engineering, mechanics and mathematics.

During his time at university he meet a girl by the name of Elisabeth Abigail Gazelle and the two of them had just clicked. They dated and Elisabeth, or Lisa as everyone called her, which led to marriage. Lisa had been two years ahead of Brain and graduated before him. They married the week after Brian graduated, in Lisa's home city of Sedona.

Lisa dad bought them a house and it was only then Brian found out Lisa came from an incredibly rich family, who owned a ranch. Brian had completed his studies and graduated at the top of his class, so he had no trouble finding a job.

Everything was perfect.

Brian was in love.

He had a home.

A family.

Then Lisa got pregnant not long after Brian's twenty-second birthday and then she got sick. Then the day came that Lisa gave birth to a beautiful little girl, but died in the process. Liver failure the doctors told him, there had been nothing they could do to save her.

Brian named the baby Abigail and mourned the death of his wife and the women he loved and had pictured the rest of his life with. Lisa's family cut him off completely and he pretty much got chased out of town. They seemed to blame him for Lisa's death… Seemed to think he'd planned it to get his hands on the families' money.

Was he cursed?

It seemed like every time he found a family, it was taken from him no matter hard hard he tried to keep hold of it.

So he moved back to Tucson.

Then a couple of months later the F.B.I. dropped in and recruited Brian. Two and a half years later Special Agent Brian O'Connor, a weapons specialist, was pulled for a case in L.A. involving the Tran family and illegally imported weapons.

And that is where the story begins.


Hey, I hope you enjoyed the start of this story. Until next time,

Blessed be,
