Don't Feed After Midnight
It was dark and quiet.
The wooden door with the brass plaque labelled "11" eased open and a dark shape emerged silently.
The black shape moved in the darkness stalking through empty corridors, soundless and certain.
Sliding through another door labelled "23" the dark bulk stalked forward.
A door cracked open and light spilled out. Lighting up narrowed yellow-green eyes, those eyes surveyed the lighted interior for the victims on offer.
Hunger, a force that drove the hunter onwards, demanding to be slaked.
Most victims were discarded out of hand, the various reasons for their unsuitability calculated at lightning speed by the predatory mind behind those intent lambent green orbs.
Only two victims were suitable.
But then another victim revealed itself.
White teeth bared in the darkness at the perfect evil of selecting this one victim, above all others to slake the hunger, the hunger that had woken the hunter from its deep sleep and driven it to this place.
Dean Winchester sat alone in the darkness eating his brothers organic blueberry yogurt.
Luxuarating that for the first time since he was 4, he had a home, a real fridge that was stocked with more than left over takeaway food, and the ability to indulge in midnight feasting.
A/N This isn't exactly a one shot (It's the start of something I wanted to write before TTYH came along and took over my life.) But since it sort of looks like a one shot and I'm stuck in the flooded north visiting the in-laws for a week... and may not survive the experience... we shall shove it onto fanfic as it is and if it never goes any further so be it.
Anyway my thanks go to techno hubby for finding a way to post this, I know you do love me even if you have inflicted a cyclone and inlaws on me