Chapter 4
"I don't want to let go or go anywhere" Amy blushed. She kept her gaze fixed on Shadow who was lost for words. His heart began racing rapidly. 'What is this?' He asked himself mentally. Not long after the racing heart he felt his face heat up. All he could do was nod. Amy nervously smiled and quickly looked away. It took guts to say what was on her mind, something she hadn't been able to do for a very long time. She was slightly chuffed, Shadow had actually agreed to do as she said. Soon that feeling turned into something else. She began feeling bad about what she'd said to Shadow. She thought to herself that she had no right to tell Shadow what to do, so she once again looked at him. She began to speak.
He looked at her. Still not being able to speak any words.
"I'm sorry…" She sighed.
"How so?" He finally spoke. He was puzzled to why she was apologizing.
"I'm being a too pushy, I shouldn't have said what I had said".
"It didn't bother me" He smirked. Amy too found herself speechless, she couldn't find the words but she knew no searching was needed. She smiled at Shadow. This shone brighter than the sun itself, its beauty had no adjective to compliment it. A smile Shadow found himself drawn too, something so heartfelt. He couldn't help but smile too. They let go of each other's hands in order to get out of the car and grab their school materials but as soon as Shadow had locked his car. He looked over at Amy who was holding her hand out for Shadow to take this time. She still wore that beautiful smile he thought to himself then took her hand.
They walked to the school building. It was still pretty early. School started at 8:35 a.m. and it was only just 8:15. Not many people were around. Shadow had walked Amy all the way to her locker. They stood in front of it, Amy leaning against it and Shadow standing in front of her. They talked to pass the time. Amy was in such a good mood. She pleaded Shadow to tell her more stories of his childhood. He chuckled a little and did so. He couldn't bear to see her gorgeous smile stripped off its equally gorgeous face. They kept talking until Amy lost concentration. She noticed Sally and Sonic walk in through the front door. Her smile had vanished. It felt weird seeing them two together, she just didn't feel like crying. She felt saddened but not as much as she did when she was alone. It was like something had taken away most of the sorrow or was shielding it. She looked up at Shadow who was looking down at her in concern. Was it Shadow? Was he the cause of this? She asked herself. She'd forgotten about the couple at the end of the hallway making their way to her and Shadow.
"OMG!" Sally gasped.
Amy's thoughts had been interrupted by Sally. She completely forgot that she was coming over to her and Shadow.
"Oh, hey Sally" She smiled. Shadow knew this smile too well, it was her distress one. She was put in a position she didn't like.
"DON'T 'hey' ME YOUDIDN'T TELL ME YOU AND SHADZ WERE A THING!" She jumped up and down fan girling.
"It's about time Shadz" Sonic smirked "You even managed to snatch yourself a hot one too".
Shadow glared at Sonic for his rude comment. He was about to say something but Amy stroked his arm. He'd forgotten she was in distress and felt uneasy. He cooled his temper. He wrapped his arm Amy's waist and began speaking.
"Yeah, you're right" Shadow faked a smirk. Sonic chuckled, Sally began talking about plans for double dates while still and fan girling. Amy looked up at Shadow. She felt blush musk her cheeks and a smile curl on her lips. Shadow was something else. She literally forgot about Sonic's existence thanks to Shadow.
"Well, catch you two lovebirds around" Sonic winked as he dragged Sally away who was pouting and complaining about not finished talking. He sighed but chuckled straight afterwards. After they had fled the scene the two hedgehogs were left almost completely alone. People began flooding into the school little by little. Shadow had unwrapped his arm from Amy's waist. They looked at each and then began conversation.
"Well…" Amy smirked.
"I meant what I said, I promised to help you did I not?" Shadow spoke.
"Yeah, I'm glad you did" Amy smiled. The same smile that drew Shadow in was back. He made her happy. She couldn't help but hug him. The hug was filled with genuineness and sincerity. It was warm. She was truly thankful to have Shadow. He was the one. The one that would one day climb up the steps to reach the top of the tower she was trapped in and break her free from the fantasies she longed would become reality. He was the one that would become her hero.