Hi! I'm ba-ck with a brand-new fanfiction! I'm not gonna bore you with author's notes,

so here you go! And I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

WARNING: This story contains yaoi, or boy/boy relationships. Yami/Yugi and

Bakura/Ryou. Possible Seto/Joey. If you don't like it, why are you reading? I warned you

in the summary. I deleted a scene from this chapter, just so you know.

Inner World: Prologue

Yugi Muoto was currently walking home in the crisp February air, his breath

floating up in a white haze. 'I can't believe I even asked her to go with me to the

Valentine's Day dance.' He fumed, still disbelieving what he had done. He had asked Tea

Gardener to the dance, only to be rejected.


"Hey Tea, I was wondering if you had a date to the dance." Yugi said hopefully.

"No, I don't Yugi. I'm waiting for this guy I like to ask me." She replied. "Oh, well, if it

doesn't work out, would you go with me?" "I'm sorry, Yugi, but I don't like you that


~End Flashback~

So now Yugi was trudging through the thin snow, making his way home. He

pushed open the door to the game shop, the bells chiming his arrival.

"Grandpa! I'm home!" He called, his voice reaching out to every corner of the house.

"Yugi, my boy, how was school today?" Solomon said, entering from the back of

the shop. Yugi spoke the universal answer:


"Oh? Then why do you look so downhearted?"

"Don't want to talk about it." Yugi said glumly. "I'm gonna go to bed." He

continued, already heading towards the living room.

"Don't you want dinner?" Solomon asked, concerned.

"I'm not hungry." Yugi's voice faded as he headed upstairs.

After he had showered, he crawled into his bed. The comforting weight of his

blankets gently lulled him to sleep. The edges of his mind receded from his fingertips and

toes until he was safe in his soulroom.

~*~ Yugi's parents had died in a car crash when he was four. He was so traumatized that he

sealed the painful memory away.

"Yugi, I'm sorry, but your parents have passed away." The doctor's voice was
filled with sorrow.

"No, they're just sleeping, you have to wake them up!" Yugi shrieked, not

believing his own words, tears flowing down his cheeks. Grandpa took him home and

Yugi, so depressed, fell asleep instantly.

He woke up in a room filled with toys. He remembered what happened earlier,

and once again started crying. He realized it was not his room, but didn't do anything. It

reflected his personality so much. Choosing to ignore this, he burrowed deep into the


~*~ Yami was lying on the huge bed in his soulroom. It was a darker, more depressing place

than Yugi's room. He suddenly heard the sobs of a child echoing through the labyrinth.

He rose up from the bed and wandered to the hallway.

He glanced into the narrow corridor to the room his hikari possessed. The door

had always been shut, but Yugi's mind sensed him there, and it opened the door. Yami

peered into the room, astounded by the bright colors and cheerfulness it contained. He

spotted a small form sprawled out on the bed. He sat down next to him.

"What's your name, boy?" He inquired, his voice still carrying a cold edge left

over from his reign as pharaoh. Yugi looked up, his eyes flowing tears.

"I'm Yugi." Fear had crept into his voice, barely audible.

The huge amethyst eyes entranced Yami, innocence clearly visible. His

heart clenched at the expression of pure grief, and instantly felt bad for sounding so..

cruel. "What's wrong, chibi?" He asked, his voice now warm.

"My par-ents died." Yugi choked out, breaking down completely.

Yami pulled him onto his lap, soothing him and rubbing his back. He didn't know

why he was being so nice, he was the all-mighty King of Games. Yugi clenched at

Yami's shirt, shaking and crying.

"Shh, hush little one. Dry your eyes, it'll be alright." He whispered calmly, as

Yugi fell asleep. "It'll be alright."

~End Flashback~

~*~ End of Chapter One

So, what did everyone think? I'm sorry if this looks messed up, my typing system's really

weird. I can't make paragraphs! If I didn't skip a line, it would be crunched together in a

huge mess. *shakes head* Please review, I want to know your opinion. Flames accepted.