This story does not connect to the Civil War Saga (yet). Internal thoughts/journal writing is indicated by italics, narration is indicated by bold text.
I can't remember the last time I could ride Mearas out of town. The rain season has come with a great force, and I truly despise it. The warm kiss of the sun's glow on my face, if I could have it again, I would be happy. But the Goddesses have other plans, I suppose.
The roads have begun being paved, and they do look beautiful. I saw them just yesterday, with Hudson coming in from Terry Town to work on it. I've never seen skill as such as his, it's a spectacle to behold, really. We're getting shipments in from places as far as Gerudo Town, filed with exotic fruits and even weapons that the villagers of Hateno haven't seen in their lives. To see them smile truly brings a great joy to my heart.
If I could only see Zelda's smile again.
Link's thoughts were taken out of his journal as a knock on his door pulled him from writing. He sighed, walking down the stairs of his house, and opened the door, the smell of rain and apples filling his home.
"Shipment of Hearty Durians from Gerudo, Mr. Link!" Called Pruce, the kind shopkeeper of the village, who helped Link with bringing food into the village. He reached his hand out, offering a Durian to Link. "You've earned it!" Link put a smile on his face, and accepted it. He hoped it would wake him up.
He hadn't slept in two weeks.
The Legend of Zelda: New Memories - Part I
The heavy rain pattered against the window, as he tossed and turned in his bed, his head dripping with sweat. He was having a nightmare.
"No.." He mumbled under his breath, as he gripped at the sheets of his bed, his closed eyes fluttering. He was locked in a dream, unable to escape. Voices echoed in his head, accompanied by images Link had never seen before.
"You'll be safe, Link...I promise. I'll come back for you. I'll see you again, I know it." Said a voice to him. A voice he recognized.
"He can never know." Whispered another, deeper voice.
"We must keep him safe. He's the key to everything."
Link jumped up, throwing the blankets off of him, and sitting up, breathing heavily as he rubbed his head.
What was that? He thought to himself, his head pounding. He stood up, and stared at the window, the temptation of the cool rain bringing comfort to him. He opened it, allowing the cold rain drops to filter in, and land on his bare, scar-covered chest, as he calmed down, his breathing returning to normal. He sighed, sitting down at his desk, lighting a candle as he went back to work at his journal.
Who was my father? He wrote, for what felt like the hundredth time.
I can't remember anything about my life before. Who was I? Who were my friends? My family? Nobody's left who would know. Archives were destroyed, libraries burned. All I know now, is the feeling of not knowing. I remember how to swing a sword, that's it. I wonder if I'll ever sleep again.
The night had passed, and the sun had risen, with the rain still coming down hard. Link had been in the forest for hours, chopping wood for the village feast. It had been 2 months since a single monster was spotted anywhere near the village, and they were celebrating. Link normally wouldn't attend, but this was different.
Zelda would be there.
He trudged back to his house, his own firewood in tow, before wiping his boots off, and getting back to work at his journal.
The only joy I find anymore is the smiles on the villagers faces. They consider me one of their own, and it's an honor, to live among the less fortunate. I normally would be fending off beasts, but since they're scarce, I've taken the responsibility of bringing in firewood for the people. It's the least I can do for them.
Zelda will be here for the feast. It's the first I've seen her since I last was at the castle. Hopefully I'll get the chance to speak with her about my nightmare, and what it could mean. Perhaps she knows of my father. To be frank, I miss her smile. It helps me rest.
Again, a knock at the door stopped his writing. He walked over, and opened the door, only to see Purah, the scientist who helped him unlock his Shiekah slate, with a panicked look at him.
"Purah, how can I-"
"Lynels attacked my lab!" She yelled, fearfully looking up at him. Link's eyes widened, as he looked past her, to make sure no villagers were in earshot.
"Come in, please." He insisted, motioning her to enter his home. When she was settled, with a cup of warm milk, he sat down with her.
"We're having a feast to celebrate 2 months of no monster sightings, I'd rather keep this between us." He whispered to the worried woman.
"Of course!" She agreed enthusiastically. "And while you're taking care of the Lynels, I'll take care of your work in the village. You...will take care of the Lynels for me...right?" She asked him. Link glanced at his feet, clearing his throat.
"I haven't fought a Lynel in a while..I'm a bit rusty." He revealed.
"But they'll destroy my years of work!" She said to him. He sighed, and swallowed what felt almost like fear, and nodded.
"I'll take care of them." He mumbled, sighing in defeat. She jumped in happiness, shaking his hand.
"I'll owe you one, Link!"
Link growled in anger as he crouched behind a rock, the heavy rain hitting his hood as he hid from the Lynels. The journey to the lab had taken longer than expected, the heavy rain making the muddy slope hard to walk, and the 3 Lynels guarding the lab made it no easier. He had been sitting behind the rock for what felt like eternity, as he thought of how to proceed. He had but only 4 shock arrows, and he knew if he could hit them dead-on, they would be nearly killed. But Lynels are no fools - once he made his presence known, they would stop at nothing to kill him. He breathed slowly, focusing on what he had to do. He didn't like to think about it.
He stood up, drawing back his bow, the shimmering golden look of the electricity that formed around the tip catching not only his eye, but the Lynels as well. The arrow found it's mark, sinking between the eyes of the great beast, his dark eyes widening before the electricity exploded, the Lynel falling to the ground.
One down. Link thought to himself, letting out a sigh of relief. But it was too early for relaxing.
Link leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the electrifying arrow of another Lynel, the hair on the back of his neck standing up, as he pulled the arrow back, aiming at the moving monster. As he released the arrow, his boot slipped in the mud, the arrow flying past the Lynel, as Link cursed under his breath. He made a mistake.
The Lynel's Club slammed into Link, the sound of his bones breaking filling his ears as his vision blurred, his body rolling down the muddy hill. The Lynels began to circle him, as he drew his bow back, from the ground, aiming once again at the Lynel, letting loose the arrow. It flew through the air, striking the Lynel in the shoulder, the lightning pulsing through the air. The other Lynel struck it's club down, Link rolling out of the way, just barely. He stood up, stumbling out of the way and behind a rock, as the Lynels began to circle him again, as Link's breath began to quicken. He counted his arrows, and panicked as he counted only one Shock Arrow, broken in two from the Lynel's blow. He sighed, and stood up, drawing his blade and holding his shield tightly.
Focus. He thought, his eyes darting between his two foes. He ran over the rock he was hiding behind, leaping through the air, and landing on one of the two Lynel's back, quickly slicing his sword through it's back, the Lynel screaming in pain as it trotted through the slick mud. Link's attacks wore it down, causing it to slip and fall, sliding down the hill, causing Link to fall underneath it, knocking the wind out of him. As the Lynel drew it's last breath, the remaining Lynel raising its club, bringing it down hard on Link, and the Lynel that lay on top of him. Link groaned in agony, his sword slipping from his hand. The Lynel's red eyes stared at Link, as it reached down, picking up the corpse of it's ally, tossing it to the side. Link began to crawl away, as the Lynel rose it's club for a killing blow. Link stumbled to his feet, grabbing his bow from his back.
No more.
In a flash, he pulled another arrow from his quiver, pulling it back and letting it fly. The Lynel had no time to react, as the arrow opened, the blue glow of the tip lighting the area around the combatants, as it soared through the air, sticking the Lynel in the head, his body collapsing on itself, and dissipating in less than a second. Link remained standing for a moment, breathing heavily, before putting his bow away, clenching his side and slumping back towards the village.
The town was bustling quickly, the children from villages around Hyrule frolicking with each other, with Gorons, Zoras, Gerudos, and Hylians alike all talking, as friends. Had Link been in a better mood, he would have joined them.
But Link was furious. He slowly trudged through the town, staying out of the view of the people, as he made his way to his home, a visual scowl in his face. He made it to his house, fumbling through his pouches for his keys.
"LINK!" Purah's voice called to him. He stopped in his tracks, as multiple began to look towards him. Purah ran towards him, a purple rupee in her hands.
"Did you kill them?" She asked enthusiastically. Link sighed.
"Yes. I'd like to be left-"
"EVERYONE, LINK IS BACK!" She yelled. Link groaned, and opened his door. Purah looked at him with a confused look.
"I would like to be left alone!" Link yelled, angrily. Purah looked shocked, opening her mouth to speak.
"But, don't you know who's-" Link interrupted her by slamming his door, stumbling over to his desk. He groaned, as he pulled off his blue tunic, his rib piercing through his side. He yelled in pain, as he reached into his desk, pulling out a fairy.
The only one I have. Don't we have other fighters?! Why did she come to me?!
The wound was healing slowly, as Link wrote angrily in his book.
When I was fighting the Lynels, all I could think about, is what if I didn't come back? What if they killed me? Would the villagers look for me? Would Zelda forget about me? Would I finally get rest? Would I-
A knock on the door made him look up, angry. He stomped down the stairs, and started opening the door.
"I asked to be left alone!" He yelled, as the door swung open. His eyes widened in shock, as he stared at the person in front of him.
Hello everyone, and welcome to a new story! This is very different from my past Zelda stories, with multiple lemons and a different writing style, as well as a dark approach to Link and Zelda's life in Hyrule; what they've been through, how it effects them, etc. For those of you that are here for just the lemons, they'll be in chapter 9 and 12. ;D Until next time, please stay tuned for the next chapter of The Legend of Zelda: New Memories!
PS: This will have slightly slower updates, and will be much longer than my other stories because of it. As per usual, RaidenFarore is an adviser, so go check him out!
-Darth Ganon