Prologue: Broken Knight


These were the desperate cries of a 17 year old blonde haired young man, as he called out to the red haired young woman, who had just thrown him into a rocket locker, and preparing to send him away so that he wouldn't get hurt, or worse.

Emerald green eyes looked at him with love and sorrow before she hit the 'enter' button.

"Goodbye...," was the last he heard, before the rocket locker lifted off.


The young woman, Pyrrha Nikos, watched as the locker flew away, carrying the man she loved away to safety. She knew what she was about to do was stupid... But she had to confront her destiny, and she couldn't let harm come to Jaune because of it.

She turned back toward Beacon Tower, determination in her eyes. There was no going back now.

"You have no idea how much that'd hurt, you know,"

Pyrrha froze before she could move, as her eyes widened at the voice.

Didn't she just...?

She turned and saw a figure approach her, clad in gold trimmed white armor, under a black red inlay trench jacket, with a hood that was covering their head, the shadow concealing their face. Her eyes then spotted the sheathed sword on the figures side.

Though, it may look slightly different, it was a weapon still familiar to her...Crocea Mors.

"H-how? I just...,"

"Sent me away?," the figure said, cutting her off, as he reached up toward the hood and pulled it off, revealing, to Pyrrha's shock, the same person she sent away to save his life. Despite the slight aging, the tired eyes, and slight greying of his hair, and the short stubble beard, it was none other than Jaune Arc, the Team Leader of Team JNPR. Her partner, and the boy she fell in love, and had just sent away. "You did,"

Pyrrha was tongue tied as she looked at what, or who, was in front of her. The said man only gave a sad smile at the confounded expression on the Spartan's face.

"Cat got your tongue, Pyr?" Jaune said as he walked toward her, "Of course, I would be in the same position if I saw a doppelganger of the person I loved in front of me, too,"

Pyrrha blinked at this before finally, combat instincts kicking in, she snapped Milo into it's rifle form and aimed it at Jaune.

"Stay back!" she warned, "I don't know who you are, but I know you're not Jaune!"

The man stopped as Pyrrha noticed his eyes turned sad and filled with longing.

"But I am Pyrrha...," he said softly, "...and I will give you proof. I remember the time when you unlocked my aura in the Emerald Forest, and the incantation you used to do it. I remember when you took me to the rooftop to offer me training, and I revealed to you how I used fake transcripts to get in. Our relationship became strained as a result of the argument we had, but we made up after Forever Fall. Of course, not after I stood up to Cardin and his team when they blackmailed me into being their dog, and they tried to force me to throw a jar of that tree sap at you, and then unleash a hive of Rapier Hornets, which could've been bad if you had been stung. And of course, I couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me,"

Pyrrha blinked at that, as Jaune never told her about that, making a note to beat Beacon's resident bully team. However, she then blushed, as he processed the part about Jaune being concerned for her.

"Then, as Cardin was about to beat me to a pulp...," he continued, noticing Pyrrha's expression darken slightly, "...An Ursa appeared, and even though I could've just ran and leave Cardin to be eaten, I didn't. Instead, I stood my ground and managed to kill that oversized bear."

The Champion then noticed the smirk on the older Jaune's face.

"Of course...I noticed a faint black glow around my shield and felt it being pulled to block a strike that could've either severely injured or killed me," he said, and Pyrrha's eyes widened, knowing the only people who knew she did that were Weiss and Ruby. And they swore not to tell anyone.

"I never got to properly thank you for that," the Arc said, as he chuckled, "Just me being a dunce as usual."

The man's face then turned, in what Pyrrha can describe as, nostalgic fondness.

"Then...there is our most cherished moment. The night of the dance..."

She saw him choking back a sob, as a sad smile formed on his face.

"You didn't have a date to the dance, because no one else asked you out. I was shocked and I asked how any guy could be so insane to not ask you for a date. And thus, you told me how your fame put you on a pedestal, making everyone who put you there believe you are on a level unattainable, or too good for them." he continued, making Pyrrha's eyes widened, remembering she exactly said that to him, "And then, you told me that you liked me, because I actually treated you like a normal person. Somebody that saw you for you...when you left the balcony, I felt incredibly stupid...I accepted your training, and I did nothing to thank you. It made me think I'm no better than those other guys who never saw you for you. So, after remembering the bet I made, which I lost, I decided to wear a dress, and asked you to dance with me."

Pyrrha could only stare in shock at what the man...Jaune was telling her. The more and more he said, the more truthful it sounded.

"I can still remember your smile, and your laugh. By the Gods, you were so happy and beautiful, I felt like a fool for not asking you out in the first place." he said, making Pyrrha blush at the beautiful comment, "And as we danced...I didn't know why...but it felt so right. My heart felt so light, as if all of my problems just vanished in those moments. You felt that, too, didn't you?"

The Champion didn't say anything, but nodded with a small smile etching on her face.

His head turned downcast as the shadow of his hair covered his eyes.

"Then, when the Vytal Festival came around, and we won the first two rounds. You suddenly started acting strange, like you were unfocused, uncertain...scared." he said, "And then, when I tried to help lift your spirits near the mess hall, you leaned your head on my shoulder. Me just being near you seemed to do the trick, and I was happy ...but then, you began to talk about Destiny, and when I said 'the Pyrrha Nikos I knew would never back down from a challenge and not let ANYTHING stand in your way', I suddenly realized that I made a terrible mistake. And when I tried to help you, you accidentally used your semblance on me,"

Pyrrha winced at the memory, of what she had done to Jaune. It was still fresh in her mind, and she knew Jaune didn't mean to hurt her, but the pain of guilt was still lodged in her heart.

"I never blamed you Pyrrha," Jaune clarified making her raise her head up, "I only blamed myself, and I swore I would make it up to you after the tournament. But then...,"

He made a hand motion around the area, showing the destruction.

"This all happened," he said, before he began growling angrily, "And then Ozpin took you down there, while I tagged along to make sure you didn't get hurt...and then, he tried to put... THAT THING in you!"

Pyrrha was shocked at this, as Jaune's shoulders proceeded to shake with anger.

"But then that bitch came and stopped it, before taking the rest of the powers that were in that girl, Amber. Ozpin then told us to get out, and when we did, he was beaten by Cinder, and you decided to go up and face her. I tried to stop you, and you kissed me. And it was during that kiss, that I suddenly realized what the feelings I had for you was love," the moment he finished that, Pyrrha felt her heart soar. Jaune noticed the look on her face.

"I'm sorry it took so long...but, I loved you Pyrrha," he said, as Pyrrha felt tears of happiness beginning to form.

'He...he loves me...,' she thought, before remembering his desperate distraught face, how the tears fell from his eyes as he begged her not to do it. She then felt entirely stupid, as the elder Jaune continued.

"But when we finished, you said the words that would haunt me forever...'I'm sorry'. You then threw me in that locker and sent me off, and when I landed I immediately called for help for anyone I could get on my scroll. Ruby and Weiss answered, and I begged them... I BEGGED to them, to get to you...TO SAVE YOU!" He yelled, making Pyrrha to flinch at the loud tone.

"You fought her, bravely, but in the," Jaune couldn't hold it in as tears began to leak out of his eyes.

Pyrrha, on the other hand, looked at Jaune, and even though he didn't finish, she had put the pieces together. If she went up that tower... Her eyes widen as she now understood. She wouldn't - didn't - make it out.

"After that day, for the past 10 years, we hunted that bitch everywhere... Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, and finally back to Vale. Enduring betrayals, heartbreaks, loss, until finally we came to find her and the true mastermind behind all of this...Salem," Jaune says, as Pyrrha blinked stowing away that information for later, as Jaune continued, "I can't tell you everything, because we don't have much time."

She then saw Jaune pull a scroll from his back pocket and held it out in front of her.

"This...has all the information on Salem, those who work for her, including all her agents and allies, as well as where her lair is. Though I advise not taking her head on. Deal with her pawns first," he said, before his eyes narrowed, "Take it,"

Pyrrha was conflicted, as she still felt determined to do what she believed was her destiny. But, if this Jaune did indeed have information on the enemy that Ozpin told her about, then this would definitely help people in the long run.

She shifted Milo back into Xiphos from and placed it back with her shield as she walked carefully toward him, before reaching her hand out. Just as her fingers touched the scroll, she was suddenly caught off-guard, when suddenly, he let go of the scroll to grab her tightly around the wrist.

Pyrrha's eyes widened in alarm before she looked up and saw Jaune, the somber expression still on his face as they glistened with tears.

"I'm sorry...," with that, the Spartan felt a fist collide with her stomach, making her gasp in shock as the air rushed out of her. "'s my turn now,"

Pyrrha was shocked as she felt her consciousness begin to slip away. In a last ditch act of desperation she reached to try to touch the older Jaune's face.

"J...Jaune...," she managed to breathe out, before her world grew dark, and collapsed forward, before being caught in the man's arms.

Jaune said nothing at first, as he held the woman who he failed to give the love she wanted in his past life. Ever since Pyrrha died, he felt a large piece of himself shattered to nothing. Pyrrha was his rock in a sea of uncertainty, and depression.

And when she died, that rock was not there to support him anymore.

Even though he managed to convince his friends, with the possible exception of Ruby, that he was alright, in truth, he wasn't.

And for ten long years, he wallowed in that misery and pain, unable to live on without her. He didn't pursue another relationship because he felt that he would just make the same mistake all over again.

But then, as he was drowning in his sorrow...he came, and offered him the chance to save her. And like any man who had lost the one they love, he accepted.

And now, here he was, as he embraced Pyrrha while nuzzling into her beautiful red hair, which he had missed dearly ever since that horrible night. He had missed everything about her, and now with this last chance, he was going to set things right.

After reaching down to pick up the scroll he picked her up in a bridal carry, and proceeded to walk next to a lamp post, and placed her down before reaching behind him and pulled out what looked like a folded black hoodie, with the image of a grey chibi rabbit on the front, and placed it under her head to act as a makeshift pillow before placing her head down on it.

"Forgive me, Pyrrha. But I had a feeling you would try something, despite me telling you otherwise," he said nostalgically, before brushing a few strands of the Spartan's red locks behind her ear, before resting it on her cheek, "I can't risk you following after me, only to die at Cinder's hands. I WON'T allow that to happen"

He then pulled out of his pocket what looked to be a white cube like device before placing it on the out cold girl's chest, before it started beeping.

"This will keep you safe till Ruby and Weiss get here," he said, before he suddenly bent down and laid a tender kiss just above her left eye, before resting his forehead against her own, "I love you, my Spartan...and I will always be with you."

With that, he stood up and proceeded to walk toward the tower, his face now set in a determined expression.

However, he couldn't help but sigh, knowing that what he was about to do, while noble, was definitely considered the most suicidal, and most definitely stupid, thing he's ever done.

"Well, this was a really good idea," he said sarcastically, before turning to look at the out-cold Pyrrha, before smiling, "'s worth it,"

With that, he turned back and proceeded to run into the tower.

"Pyrrha!? Pyrrha wake up!"

Said person groaned as she opened her eyes, and saw the concerned faces of Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee, which quickly turned to relieved smiles.

"Thank goodness! You're okay!" Ruby said happily, as Pyrrha blinked.

"Ruby...Weiss? ...Wha...what happened?" she asked, confusion on her face.

"You tell us!" Weiss said, her tone firm, "Jaune called us and said you threw him into a Rocket Locker and sent him off to Vale, while you went up Beacon Tower to stop whoever was doing this! But when we got here, this is where we found you."

Pyrrha then proceeded to sit up, with the other two girls helping. She then felt an ache on her stomach and immediately place a hand there to relieve the pain.

"We also found these," the heiress said, as she showed a scroll and a cube like device.

As Pyrrha looked at the Scroll, her eyes widened in sudden horror, remembering what happened and snapped her head up to the tower. Her heart sank knowing what she saw wasn't a dream, but right now, was a living nightmare.

"NO!" she shouted surprising the two partners of Team RWBY, as she hurriedly began to stand up.

"Pyrrha! What are you doing!?" shouted the Rose Reaper, as she attempted to stop her.

"We have to get up there! He's going to get himself killed!" the Champion said frantically, confusing the two, as they tried to calm her down.

"Pyrrha, hold on a moment!" Weiss said, "Who are you talking about!?"

"THERE'S NO TIME!" the Spartan shouted, making the two partners recoil in shock, "We have to get up there, NOW!"

With that she managed to wrestle away from the two and mad her way toward the tower.

"Pyrrha! Wait!" Ruby shouted, as she went after her, using her semblance to catch up. Weiss was about to follow, but stopped as she noticed something on the ground. Curious she bent down and picked what looked like a black hoodie shirt, with a, in her mind, ridiculous looking grey chibi rabbit.

She blinked as she recognized this artwork as the mascot to Pumpkin Pete's cereal. She even remembered seeing Jaune wearing this hoodie with his armor off, and thought it was very childish of him to wear it.

She had half a mind to call him out on it, but, decided not to, in order to save him from the embarrassing humiliation.

It then clicked in her mind, remembering Pyrrha's reaction, and looked toward the control and it call came down to her, as her eyes widen.

"Jaune?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper as the image of the smiling Arc filled her head. After this revelation she quickly followed after the two.

However, what none of the three girls noticed, was an individual, clad in a grey cloak, watching the events unfold.

They could only sigh sadly, before looking upward toward the top.

"And thus a Broken Knight, burdened by loss, driven by determination, rewrites the Destiny of the world."

Patriot-112: Yeah, okay, I know, 'another RWBY time travel fic'. But hey, it stars our lovable White Knight, Jaune Arc instead of an OC. Plus, I like Time Travel fics.

Anyway, I know you all want me to get back to Warning from the Future, or Aurea Mors, and any other fics I have on the shelf, but unfortunately, I have what I call, RWBY-itis when it comes to crazy new ideas to this series. That, and Writer's Block has been a BITCH lately. So, until then I can only give you this.

Please leave a review, a fav, or a follow. Constructive advice and criticism is welcomed, flames and trolls will NOT be tolerated, so if you didn't like it, don't comment on it. Until next time my friends, Later!

P.S.: If you haven't gone to my Arkos Child forum, please do so!