A/N: So here's my attempt at 50 Moments, for Octavia and Lincoln. I love this couple so so much, and I hope I did them justice. I tend to have difficult keeping characters in character, so I tend to stick to these little bursts. Some words I was more inspired than others, which is why some are a little longer than others. I have no intention of making these full chapters myself. However, if any of these little snipits inspire you, you are more than welcome to make it a one-shot. Just let me know! I'd love to read it!

Also, This is not beta'd so my apologies for any spelling/grammar errors.


Fear was the first emotion she felt when she saw him, in the dark he brought her back to his cave. Even when he tended to her wounds, she was fearful of him. It wasn't until he caught her for a second time and saved her again, that the fear began to dissipate. Replaced with curiosity.


He always left flowers for her, specifically white flowers. The first time, she almost didn't understand. But she remembered seeing one of the same flowers in Lincoln's cave. Figuring she was just being wishful, Octavia followed the path of flowers until it ended at Lincoln's feet, just steps from the entrance to his cave. There was no hesitation when she stepped into his arms, leaning up to kiss him.


He was beyond proud when she snuck up on him, even though he heard her, and though he'd stopped her mock attack, but then he saw the second knife, resting on his throat. A smile tugged at his lips "We'll make a warrior out of you yet," Her heart fluttered at his gravely voice, dropping the knives at his urging to wrap her arms around him.


He was her first love. In so many ways. He wasn't her first kiss, but he was the first to touch her, to shed her clothes, to see her loved him so completely, so fully. Trusted him so completely, that there was no fear when he tugged her clothes from her, sure there were some nerves, but that was natural.


She cherished Lincoln's sword, that Finn had returned to her, when he believed Lincoln wouldn't return. But he did, though he never asked for the sword back. It was hers now. He liked knowing she had something of his, something that she could use to defend herself. So he taught her to use it.


The safest she's ever felt, was in his arms. The brief moment of the first kiss at the drop ship. When she followed the flowers to his cave. When they reunited on the bridge. And so many times after that. No matter what was going on around them, the moment he wrapped his arms around her, she felt totally safe.


She loved that cave, it belonged to them. The small fire in the corner, the bed of furs, so many times she wished she could just live here with Lincoln, never return to the camp. Tonight they sat around the fire, her back against his chest, his arms around her waist as they cooked dinner that he'd hunted.


Lincoln laid there, half asleep in their cave, enjoying the feel of Octavia's fingers as she traced his black tattoo on his chest, she swore she could spend hours tracing the unique tattoos on his body.


He'd witnessed a changed in the woman he loved. When he first met her, she was weak, just a Sky Girl. But she'd changed, learned. She was strong now. A member of Trikru as much as he was. She fit right in, like a long lost soul finally finding where she belonged.


The love they felt for each other was unlike anything anyone else had ever seen. It happened so quickly, so intensely, and it lasted. No matter what the world threw at them, they always found their way back to each other. Others admired it, and enjoyed seeing a couple thrive in the chaos of the world.


She seemed to have a knack for getting poisoned. Though admittedly she did it to herself the first time. She poisoned herself in order to save Lincoln from the torture her brother caused. She didn't regret it. But the arrow, that wasn't her fault. But nonetheless, it still terrified Lincoln each time her body struggled to fight the poison.


She was scrawny when they first met. She knew it, and he occasionally teased her about it as he trained her to become a warrior. He flipped her body after her failed attempt to attack him. She landed in the plush grass of the field they were sparring in. She groaned as he offered a hand to help her up. "Again." He ordered with a smirk.


No matter where they were, Home was with each other. It could be their cave, or a spot in the forest, Arkadia, or his village, Home was with each other.


She loved that stallion. Lincoln gave him to her as a gift, after she'd learned to ride, when she was appointed Indra's second. She would often spend time grooming the chestnut horse, or just sitting, watching him graze.


When he was being tortured, it felt like she was being tortured. She couldn't watch, and no matter what she did, what she said, could make her brother stop. Lincoln never screamed, never said a word. It only made her fight harder to make it stop.


He loved running his hand over her hair, the many braids she put it in. Often times before they would fall asleep, he lay there quietly, running his fingers over her hair, while she watched him. There was something soothing about it for him.


When she was bored Octavia would often grab his journal, flip open to a random page and ask him to explain the drawing on that page. Even if it was a drawing of her, she wanted to know when he'd drawn it, what had made him want to.


Lincoln always found her. Even when she was angry with him for wearing that damn jacket. When he returned to their room and she wasn't there, he went out of the gates and found her. Not saying a word he just covered her with a blanket and laid down, holding her close.


They were possessive of each other. No one could hurt one of them without enduring the wrath of the other. Octavia was pissed to hear about the scene in Arkadia that ended with Lincoln being hit in the head with a rock. It hadn't taken too much effort to find the man who threw it, and find him when he was outside, to make it very clear that he should keep his distance from Lincoln.


Lincoln often would ask Octavia what life was like in space. She hated that she hadn't experience most of life up there. But she'd heard stories from Bell and her mother. So she told him what she knew as they laid together in the darkness. He always seemed so curious about her life before they met.


She'd paced that bridge for what felt like hours, and the amount of relief she'd felt when he'd appeared on the other side. She'd jogged out to meet him, unaware of her brother watching as She threw her arms around Lincoln's neck, feeling him lift her off the ground as he hugged her. Maybe that was moment she knew she loved him.


Other grounders may not approve of the relationship between Lincoln and Octavia, but they could admire the loyalty both felt for each other. They expected it from Lincoln, it was how he was raised. But they were surprised to see the loyalty that Octavia felt for Lincoln. They respected her more because of it.


She loved the way he said her name. The warmth and the rumble when he was happy to see her, or the low gravel sound when he first woke up. It always sent a shiver down her spine.


Octavia had never experience snow. One day, Lincoln said they were leaving for the day, and to pack a bag. Not questioning him she did as he asked. They mounted their horses and he led her on a long ride up a mountain in the opposite direction of Mount Weather. Up the mountain to a field of snow. Octavia gasped, her eyes sparkled.


The pair could spend hours together, and never say a word. It was a comfortable silence as they worked together, or just lounged around. They would reach out and gently touch each other on occasion, just because they could.


He was so much taller than her, her head barely came to his collarbone. It was just another thing she loved about him. She loved that she had to reach up to wrap her arms around him, or that he could so easily pick her up.


He knew she was strong from the moment he met her. Not physical strength, as it was clear she was very weak. But mentally, she was so strong. He watched was she endured the first few days on the ground, then everything they endured together, she just kept getting back up. Nothing knocked her down for long. It was truly amazing.


She was so in awe of this world when he first met her, almost like a child with the wonder and the happiness to be there. He wished he could've preserved that feeling for her, but soon the realities of life took over, the stress, the fear, the fighting.


He'd been in the trees, watching her as the butterflies landed on her and around her, their bright blue wings surrounding her. His breath had caught as he'd watched her, as in awe of her as she was of the land.


They rarely argued. In fact she isn't sure they ever had a real argument. They had minor disagreements, she yelled at him when he was struggling to recover from the Reaper Drug. She snarled about the jacket. But he never really argued back. She'd grown up with a fiery personality, always squabbling with her brother or arguing with her mother, so she didn't understand, but she never asked Lincoln why he didn't argue back. Why he never got angry with the choices she made, even if he didn't agree.


She loved her brother, but he didn't approve of her relationship with Lincoln, not in the beginning, mostly she felt he didn't understand the fierce, deep connection that she had with Lincoln, and that made him distrust the other man. But she didn't care, she needed Lincoln in a way that she'd never experienced before.


Her clothing had changed since he'd first met her. Gone was the t-shirt and jeans, she no longer like a teenager from those old books, like a sky girl. No, now she wore Grounder clothes and armor. She blended in, and yet to Lincoln she stood out unlike any other. She was truly stunning.

Damn Jacket

She hated that damn jacket, hated that he wore it. Even hated that she hated it. She loved his persistence though. He found her in the forest, without that jacket, and laid down beside her, holding her close.


He'd never seen someone take to their language so quickly. They would spend evenings with him teaching her simple phrases, requiring her to speak more and more in their language as her vocabulary grew, until they could hold entire conversations.


Lincoln was quite the romantic. It sort of surprised Octavia when she first discovered this trait of his, but she loved it. That he would just pull her away from camp for a few hours just to them. Sometimes they just walked in the forest, sometimes he brought lunch with them and led her to a pretty spot he had discovered in the forest.


They were so fiercely protective of each other. In the beginning it was mostly him doing the protecting, but soon she became just as capable.


They needed their private moments, after a battle, or after a separation, They needed to be near each other, and neither liked having their relationship on display for others. Sure they'd kiss or hug in public, but they preferred to be private with their affections, whether that was sex, or just sitting with her back against his chest, his arms around her, as they watched the fire.


Once he'd found her laying flat in the middle of a small field, not far form the dropship, just after their relationship begun. Upon asking her what she was doing, she claimed to be enjoying the sunlight, which felt so different on Earth, than it did in Space.


Octavia had been reluctant to swim again, after her encounter with the river snake creature. But Lincoln had assured her that the small spring was perfectly safe. The water was clear all the way to the bottom. Nothing lived there, not even fish. Then he proceeded to pick her up and carry her into the water with him.


He heard Octavia curse from the inside of the cave, a moment later he scented smoke. Hurrying back down the hole and into the cave, he heard Octavia coughing. She'd managed to burn the meat that she'd been trying to cook. He helped pull it from the fire, and pressed a kiss to her temple. They dealt with the mess and restarted she admitted to not knowing much about cooking, causing him to chuckle.


Octavia had beamed with joy when she made her first kill. A small rabbit. She'd grinned and turned to hug Lincoln, who had taught her to hunt. He'd taught her to make the snare, to place it in the forest on a rabbit trail, then how to clean the rabbit to make it a meal.


She knew it was unlikely, but sometimes when they laid together at night, her head on his chest, she thought about the possibility of getting married. She never voiced this dream, they were too busy staying alive and fighting wars. But in the quiet of the night, she dreamed of the time when they didn't need to fight for survival anymore.


Lincoln often had difficulty sleeping, so often he would remain awake once Octavia was asleep. He would lay there and quietly watching her. Wondering how he got so lucky that she literally fell from the sky into his life.


His hands were worn and rough from a life of using them. She loved the feeling of his hands on her, his hand gripping her, or around her waist, a finger skimming down her cheek, or gently repairing some injury she'd gotten.


Octavia never grew tired of when Lincoln would swoop her up, and carry her. The first couple times it frightened her, but soon she grew to enjoy it. Lincoln always enjoyed the chance to cradle Octavia in his arms. It seemed to him she fit perfectly.


Her smile could light up the room. In the beginning he witnessed her smile often, and he loved it. But the world hardened her, she didn't smile as often, but it made her smiles more precious and he enjoyed them even more.


"This is who I am." She was a Grounder. This was were she belonged, with who she belonged. Honestly, if she had it her way, her and Lincoln would have just disappeared into the forest, maybe gone to Luna's clan at the ocean. Or found their own way, deeper into the forest. She didn't want to stay at Arkadia.


She had asked him to teach her to ride a horse. It was a common mode of transportation of Grounders, and she wanted to know. So he picked a easy to handle older mare, but that didn't prevent Octavia from falling the first time she asked the mare to go a little faster He'd bit the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling as he offered a hand to help the young woman up, who groaned but was unharmed.


Lincoln was so incredibly proud of his lover. She was a fierce warrior now, strong and capable, she handled whatever got thrown her way.

Get Knocked Down, Get Back Up

It became a personal motto for the couple, They would say it to each other, or to themselves when they needed it most.