A/N: Okay guys, this is the epilogue. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. This chapter is a little different. Hope it doesn't disappoint. xxx

Disclaimer: Twilight and all it's recognizable characters belong to the brilliant Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 5: Everything


Sam wasn't an emotional guy. Never had been.

If it hadn't been for Bella Swan and the fact that he'd imprinted on her, he would still have been convinced that he wasn't built to experience emotions such as love. Love for another woman, to be more specific. He loved his family, sure, but that was a different kind of love.

Seeing Bella Swan for the first time in Jacob Black's mind, had stirred something deep within him: His latent and numb heart. He had the constant urge - no, need! - to be near Jacob as much as he could, just so he could catch one more glimpse of this woman that had completely taken over his entire being. The image of her was like a fix to an addict, providing a high that only seemed to increase his need to see her again and again. She was like a hit of heroine...or ecstasy, maybe. He couldn't seem to get enough. She pulled him deeper and deeper into this tempestuous whirlpool of yearning that he couldn't seem to escape. Didn't want to escape. And, for the life of him, he couldn't understand why he was so drawn to this girl who was constantly on Jacob's mind.

...until the day arrived that Jacob brought her to the Reservation for the first time. That had been the day he had finally understood why...

Never in his life had he experienced anything close to the emotions that threatened to consume his very being as his eyes locked with hers for just a split second that day, as Jake dragged her along by her arm, into his house.

A pull so strong that it very nearly brought him to his knees, tugged at the tender flesh of his soul, where just minutes ago, there had still only been a gaping hole in stead of a heart. A love like he had never known to exist, burned to life inside of him, razing everything else to ashes.

The sheer need that she awoke within him! Oh dear Jesus, that overwhelming need...to be close to her. To touch her, to kiss her, to taste and claim her in the most carnal and basic of ways possible. The need to mark her with the potent scent of his seed; to mark her as his, was driving him very nearly insane. It was more than his mind could grasp. He had never wanted any woman as badly as he wanted Bella Swan.

With this new-found need and love came pain, loss and mourning for a woman who barely saw him. A woman who had given her heart and her body to one of his pack. It was simply put, the best and worst day of his life.

For almost three years he had to witness Jacob Black kiss his imprint. Touch her. Embrace her and make love to her. The images of them together, were on a constant replay in Jacob's mind, driving Sam wild. The scent of Jacob that lingered on Bella on an almost permanent basis, was like a dagger to the heart. It was a scent that didn't belong on her body. It was a scent that made him sick to his stomach.

What he knew without a shadow of a doubt, though, was that his imprint was happy with one of his pack brothers. And that was all that he wanted for her - happiness. This small fact had been enough to dulcify his wolf...for the time being.

He always kept a watchful eye out for Bella, longing for the day (if it ever came) when her eyes would meet his with the same passion and need that burned in his own.

He watched even closer as the fire that had once burned so savagely between Bella and Jacob, cooled to glowing embers and faded slowly to ash.

And just like unexpected surprises always tend to creep up on you and startle the bejeezus out of you when you least expect it; when you blink and look away for just a second, Bella's warm, brown eyes locked with his one winter's day in Leah Clearwater's kitchen, as he strolled in to fetch himself some food.

The look she had given him, had knocked the air right from his straining lungs and rooted him to the spot. Her eyes were once again filled with hunger and need, but this time it was directed at him. It might have been hours or only a second that their eyes met, but for the first time since he'd met Bella Swan, those molten chocolate eyes saw him. Really saw him. Those brown orbs bore right into his soul and reached into his chest, pulling out his raw and bleeding heart, and slapped a band aid onto it. Hope.

For the first time in two-and-a-half years, Sam felt hopeful that she might still become his. That she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

He kept watching, calling, screaming silently for her to accept him. To love him. To give herself to him. Give everything.

And every time he saw her, she met his yearning gaze with a challenge blazing in those endless eyes of hers. She, too, was calling out to him. But she wasn't ready yet.

So like he did so well, he waited still...until the day came when she would be ready.

Finally, on that fateful night, while celebrating Leah's birthday, Bella kept meeting his gaze over and over, with a kind of boldness and hunger that made him so fucking hard that he couldn't get his body under control. He was standing there, amid his friends, with a painfully raging boner just for Bella. And only she noticed. Her reaction toward him had been frighteningly intoxicating, as her scent of arousal filled his nostrils, making his head spin and his blood burn a searing path through his veins. His heart beat loudly in his ears; so loud, in fact, that he almost didn't hear her tell Jacob that she was going down to the beach for a while.

This was his chance...finally.

He followed Bella down to the beach, feeling like an animal stalking it's prey...

With the innocent intention of just talking to her in an attempt to draw her into him even more, he experienced for the first time how even he - the fearless, cold-hearted Alpha - could lose all control.

It was her scent more than anything, that had acted as the unrelenting driving force behind his need to claim her for himself. To take without apology what was rightfully his. To fill her body to the brim with his seed, and make sure there would never again be any doubt as to whom Bella Swan belonged.

Sam was completely unprepared for her response to him. She seemed just as desperate to be close to him; to have him claim her, and she reciprocated his every touch with moans and cries of delight, trembling exquisitely in his arms as he pulled orgasm after orgasm from her beautiful body. When he had finally given in and followed Bella into his own release, marking her (like he had wanted to do for so long) with his scent, he knew that he would never again be the same man as the one who had walked down to the beach, a mere half an hour ago. Bella Swan had changed him irrevocably.

For the first time in three long years, both man and wolf were satisfied. They had finally claimed their mate.

Bella Swan had given Sam Uley, mighty Alpha, everything he had never had the capacity to dream of.

She gave him her heart so passionately, without reservation. Without hesitation. She loved him so fiercely with everything she had.

Bella gave him an even greater, but very unexpected gift nine months after their passionate and fierce coupling on the beach. A child. A beautiful boy that was two parts Uley and one part Swan. Perfection personified in the form of a chubby-cheeked bundle of joy. The two of them had weaved together a child - a miracle - deep inside of Bella's body, after their first night together. With passion, need, devotion and love, they had created a life.

An all-consuming love now tied Bella and himself even closer together. A love for a child that completed them.

A year later, Bella gave him even more. She gave him her hand in marriage, tying them together in the last possible way that was left. She became Bella Uley that day. Neither of them had been in a rush to get married after Bella had given him the news of her pregnancy. They had nothing to prove to anyone and they weren't ashamed of the life they had created. They loved each other very much and, as if that wasn't enough, they had the imprint as well.

Two years later:

Bella peeked her head from the bathroom as Sam watched her from their bed. To this day, she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

"Sam." She smiled with bright, teary eyes and whispered in wonder. "Babe, I'm pregnant."

Sam sat up in bed, blinking twice as he absorbed this welcome news. "We're having another baby?" Another unexpected surprise, just like their first child had been. But not unwelcome; never unwelcome. Sam didn't think he could ever get used to seeing her pregnant with his children. He loved seeing her swollen belly, knowing that he did that to her.

"Yeah." She nodded with a brilliant smile. "Maybe it will be a girl this time."

"One of each would be nice." He agreed. A boy and a girl.

Sam thought back to how far they've come; how incredibly blessed they were.

"You know what, Bella?" He got up from their warm bed and sauntered lazily up to his gorgeous wife, pulling her into his arms and caressing her silk covered hips. "I think we might actually be lucky enough to have a girl this time. Everything we've ever wanted has been given to us without fail, and I think it's because the two of us were really meant for each other. You and me together...it's just right. It's the way it's supposed to be. And I really can't imagine life getting any better than this."

Sam allowed Bella to pull his naked, hard and very hungry body back to bed, pushing gently against his chest and forcing him to fall onto his back. His body ached for her as he watched her carefully.

With slow, deliberate hands, she pulled her barely-there thong from under her ivory silk nightgown, discarding it next to her feet - never breaking eye contact. Her pink nipples rose up to hardened peaks under the silk, straining temptingly against the material, as desire bloomed freely within her pregnant body. Her potent scent of arousal enveloped him like a thick fog, making him even harder for her - it was a scent that he could never get enough of.

"I think," She said as she pulled the silky material over her head, revealing those perfect tits and bare mound to him, " that life does in fact get even better..." She crawled onto the bed, open desire aflame in her beautiful brown eyes. She straddled his hips, twined her fingers with his on either side of his torso, and dipped her head to his to capture his lips in a searing embrace. Bella licked his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, begging for entrance. Without a second thought, Sam parted his lips, and growled as her tongue slipped into his mouth, dominating and wild, just like her need for him.

Bella's hips lifted slowly to settle her heated, weeping core over his obvious need for her, and lowered herself onto him with excruciatingly slow and deliberate hips, forcing strangled cries from their joined lips.

Good god, he didn't think he could ever get enough of this woman. She still made him feel like a horny teenager, sporting boners left and right whenever he was near her; whenever she looked at him or touched him. Their need for each other had not waned one bit since that first night on the beach, and he hoped to god that it never would.

Bella pulled away from his mouth, throwing her head back as she sheathed herself easily over his painfully hard and throbbing cock. She moaned wantonly as he filled her body so completely, "This moment with you right now, combined with everything you've given me, is the best that life gets, Sam."

"I think you've got it all mixed up, Bells." He breathed and lifted one of their joined hands, stroking her cheek and groaning out over parted lips as her body lifted from where they were joined so deliciously, and lowering again with a swift, determined roll of her hips. She started rocking slowly, roughly, against him, sending his blood racing through his veins in a rush of heat at the feel of her slick walls that taunted him over and over again. "You've given me everything."

The rest of the night was spent without any words, while they took what they wanted from each other without apology. The only words uttered were curses and moans as ecstasy consumed them over and over, until Bella couldn't move anymore - until they were both sated for the time being.


To say life with Sam Uley was filled with surprises, was an understatement.

Finding out that she was pregnant a little more than a month after that fateful night on the beach with Sam, was completely unexpected. She was on the pill. Had been for five years already. There had been no reason (as far as she was concerned) to ask Sam to use protection.

Her constant nausea and fatigue hadn't raised any alarms in her mind to the fact that she could possibly be pregnant...until she had gone grocery shopping with Leah one Saturday. The feminine products caught Bella's eye as she reached for her favorite deodorant - her tampons were finished and she would need some more soon. Her period was due any day now. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more certain she was that she was actually a little late. She had pulled out her cellphone right there in the middle of the isle, selecting the calendar with shaking hands, and counted the days since her last period.

Oh fuck! Almost two weeks late...

How the fuck was it possible? She couldn't be pregnant, could she?

But when her doctor confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, she had questioned the likelihood. She explained to him that she had been taking her pill diligently for the last few years, and to her utter dismay, he reminded her of the antibiotics he had prescribed her just before the conception of Sam's and her baby. The medication she had used was the reason the pill hadn't been effective.

Another surprise was Sam's reaction to the news. Bella had been so nervous to tell him that she was pregnant. She had no idea how he would react; if he even wanted children. In their short time together, the topic of children hadn't yet come up.

Sam had smiled at the news - an honest to god smile. The smile Sam only wore when he was really happy. A smile that was usually reserved just for her. With wonder and pride blazing in those obsidian eyes of his, he had carried her to bed and kept her there for the rest of the night, making sweet love to her until she hadn't been able to keep her eyes open anymore.

But that was Sam. A man of few words. What he felt and what he needed to say, was always shown through fierce and fiery sex. That was who he was and there was no way that Bella was going to try and change him. She loved the way he expressed himself to her.

Charlie's reaction, on the other hand, wasn't surprising at all. She had expected her father to lose his shit...and he hadn't disappointed...

He had blown his top when they sat down with him one rainy afternoon, ready to tell him the good news.

Bella had told Sam to expect nothing less than an incensed reaction from her father, and much to her amusement, she had even seen Charlie eye his gun a few times, where it hung from his belt, next to the door. The smart man that Charlie Swan was, though, he knew that Sam was big and that he'd most likely cause more embarrassment for himself if he tried to shoot the father of Bella's unborn child. And despite the fact that Sam had knocked up his daughter, he had known Sam for much longer that Bella had, and had always liked him. Up until now, Sam had never done anything to piss Charlie off.

After a couple of hours, a few beers (five, to be exact) and a lot of soothing from Sue, Charlie had offered them his congratulations and well wishes, even rewarding them with a small twitch of his mustache - it was the biggest smile that Charlie was physically capable of giving. And it meant a lot to Bella, though she suspected that it might have had something to do with the steady flow of beer that Sue had been feeding him. But Bella was wise enough to take what she could get.

When Bella phoned her mother with the news, all ReneƩ wanted to know was if Bella was happy. If Sam was good to her. And without a doubt in her mind, Bella had confirmed as much.

So here she was now, a few years later, pregnant again and making love to a man who made her happier than she could have ever dreamed. A man who loved her with every fiber of his being; a man that she loved back just as much, and a little boy that she loved even more. Nothing could ever come close to this moment, and she found that she needed nothing more than what she already had in her life. Things were perfect just the way they were.

The end :)

A/N: Thank you for reading. xxx