It took the whole night to calm Andrea down from her near drowning experience. During which Dean had gone back to the Impala to get Sam and Lucas before sending Sam to sleep on the couch. Lucas found himself being hugged tightly in his mother's arms as she was starting to cry. When Lucas was finally placed in bed, John and Dean asked Andrea to tell them everything that had happened before the attack and the real motives why they were in town, making her nervous again.

''It doesn't make any sense! I'm going crazy.'' She started to cry, hiding her face in her hands.

''No, you're not.'' John said, as Dean got up and start looking through notebooks on bookshelves. '' Tell me what happened. Everything.''

''well…I heard...I thought I heard...there was this voice.''

''What did it say?'' John asked

''It said...it said 'come play with me''' Andrea explain ''what's happening?''

''hey, look at this!'' Dean said, pulling out a scrapbook that says "Jake – 12 years old" and opens it, flipping pages. He closes it again and goes to his dad and Andrea; he puts the book down in front of her and open to a picture of Explorer Troop 37. ''Do you recognize the kids in these pictures?'' he asked

''What? Um, um, no. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must have been about twelve in these pictures.'' She moves her finger over to another picture of Jake as a child; he is standing next to Pete

''Chris Barr's drowning. The connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It must have been to the sheriff.'' John said quietly ''Mrs. Barr, Bill and the sheriff—they were both involved with Peter.''

''What about Chris? My dad—what are you talking about?'' Andrea was getting angry, but before John or Dean, could say something, they heard a sound as Lucas walk past them, and stares ate the window

''Lucas, what the matter?'' Jon asked

''Lucas, honey?'' his mother called him, but he said anything, instead, it was Sam, who opens the door and walks outside.

''SAM!'' John barked to his son, but no avail, the young man just walk out as if in trance ''Sammy, come back here!'' he yelled, but Sam didn't listen. Immediately, Lucas ran past the adults and tries to hold his giant friend´s hand, but Sam, been adult himself and eventually stronger, just pulled his hand away from the boy's hands.

''Mrs. Barr, take Lucas inside, make him stay there'' Dean ordered and immediately, the woman pulls the boy back to the house. ''Dad, fetch some shovels from the Impala, I will follow Sammy'' John nodded and with Andrea´s help, they dig, till finally managed to pull out a red bicycle.

''oh, God!'' Andrea put her hands over her mouth

''Peter's bike.'' John confirmed, when suddenly, they hear someone approached. It was Jake, who looks furious upon seeing John standing next to his daughter.

''what the hell are you doing here?'' he shouted, pointing the gun to John

''Put the gun down, Dad!'' Andrea was scared, but her father wasn´t paying atentions anymore, instead, he was looking at the bike in front of them

''How did you know that was there?''

''it´s the truth'' John snapped ''You and Bill killed Peter, drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike? You can't bury the truth, Jake. Nothing stays buried.''

As they talked, Andrea noticed that Lucas was standing by the door, looking confused, so the mother just approached him and ordered him to stay inside, so he nodded and walk back to his room.

''I don't know what the hell you're talking about.'' Jake barked, furious

''You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell I'm talking about. And now you got one seriously pissed-off spirit.'' John exclaimed ''It's gonna take Andrea, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them. And it's gonna drag their bodies God knows where, so you can feel the same pain Peter's mom felt. And then, after that, it's gonna take you, and it's not gonna stop until it does.''


Dean was still following his brother having no idea where Sam was going. They were nearing the edge of town when he watched as Sam tripped and Dean quickly seized the moment to grab his brother who began to fight him as if being attacked.

"Sam!" Dean barked surprised to see how strong his brother was. "Sam call down!" When Sam smacked the side of Dean's head Dean had enough."Samuel Thomas I said enough!" He closed his fist and sent it into the side of Sam's head. Dean felt sick as he watched his brother fall to the ground. ''SAM!''

''for a second, Dean thought Sammy would ran away again, but instead, the younger brother just give him, that innocent puppy dog´s look he always give, when he was confuse and scared

''Dee…'' he said innocently, where are we? Where´s Daddy?''

''that´s alright kiddo, Daddy just want us to stay out of Lucas´s house for a bit'' Dean kneelt down and embraced his brother, glad he had bought the excuse

''m´head!'' he exclaimed, holding the spot where Dean had hit him

''it´s ok dude, now let's go find dad'' Dean suggested, grabbing Sam´s by his shirt and helping him up, so they could go back to John.


Back at the house, John was getting furious, all he wanted to do, was punch that guy and ran to his sons, in order to help Sammy and found out what was going on with im, but the sheriff, doesn´t wanted to let him go and called him insane, for creating those ghost stories

''Listen, I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of us.'' He barked to the sheriff '' But if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them, and burn them into dust. Now tell me you buried Peter somewhere. Tell me you didn't just let him go in the lake.''

As they talked, they doesn´t realize Lucas was watching everything, while hiding behind the bush. Suddenly, the small boy heard a voice calling him and if in trance, he follow it.

''Dad, is any of this true?'' Andrea was shocked ''something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad, look at me.''

''No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous.''

'Tell me you—you didn't kill anyone.'' She was almost crying as her father look away ''Oh my God…''

''Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one. We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough. We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to. But we held him under too long and he drowned. We let the body go and it sank. '' The sheriff took a deep breath ''Oh, Andrea, we were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris, because of some ghost? It's not rational.''

''All right, listen to me, all of you.'' John interrupted ''we need to get you away from this lake, as far as we can, right now.'' He said, when suddenly, something called their attention, Lucas was walking toward the lake.

''Lucas!'' his grandfather yelled, but the boy doesn´t listen

They all run up to the dock. Lucas was leaning over the side, reaching for a toy soldier in the water.

''Lucas, stay away from the lake, kid'' John shouted at him.

''Dad!?'' Dean and Sam were walking back at the house, when they saw their father running toward the lake.

''Sam, Dean!''

''Dad wha´s happening?'' Sam was beyond confuse

''don´t have time no to explain, Dean, take your brother back to the house, I take care of this! Now, Dean, go!'' John ordered, running back to the lake.

''Lucas! Baby, stay where you are!'' the mother was desperate

As Lucas approached the water, a hand comes up and pulls him inside. The adults have reached the edge of the lake. JAKE stops, just in time to see Peter's head is visible.

John keep running to the end of the dock and dive in.

''Oh my God!'' She takes off her jacket to jump in.

Mrs. Barr, stay there! I will get him! Just stay on the dock!'' John yelled at her

''No! Lucas!'' the mother screamed as John dives under again, coming up a minute later, hands empty ''Lucas, where are you?''

As the hunter, tried to save his grandson, Jake took out his jacket and walk inside the lake ''Peter, if you can hear me...please, Peter, I'm sorry. I'm so—I'm so sorry.'' He yelled

''No! Dad!'' Andrea shouted at her father, realizing he was about to do

''Peter. Lucas—he's, he's just a little boy. Please, it's not his fault, it's mine. Please take me.'' John come up for air, just in time to see the sheriff walking toward him.

''get out!'' John barked, going under again

It happened very fast, as John get up again, holding Lucas, the same hand who had pulled the little boy inside the water, grabbed the sheriff, who screamed in pain and horror and disappear under water.

Trembling, John carry Lucas to the surface and pulled him on the ground, immediately, Andrea hold her son, who gasped water.

As Dean and Sam approached them, John nodded that the nightmare was over and everything was going to be ok.


The Winchesters were loading the Impala, as Andrea and Lucas come around with sandwiches they thanked John and Dean for everything and Lucas even give Sam a bit of his crayons, so he could coloring. As his son and the boy talked, John smiled at the woman

''How you holding up?'' he asked

''It's just going to take a long time to sort through everything, you know?''

''we understand'' Dean nodded sadly

''You saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to hold on to that.''

''All right, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time. John suggested and Andrea laughed ''take care, Mrs. Barr''

''thank you guys for everything'' she said and walk toward Sam ''It was very nice to meet you Sammy'' she said to him and Lucas gives thumbs up to Dean

''Zeppelin rules!'' he said

''That's right. Up high.'' They give high-five ''You take care of your mom, okay?'' he asked and Lucas nodded

''and you take care of Sammy and your dad'' was the answer

''yeah, I will do, kid''


After five more minutes of conversation, they finally have their good byes and John drove the impala away from town, suddenly, a thought came to John´s head and he look confused to his younger son, from the review mirror

''something I don´t understand'' he said ''if the spirit we were hunting, was after the sheriff and his family, what made Sammy acted that way?''

''no idea dad'' Dean Replies ''maybe the spirit himself, wanting to distract us, controlling Sam and making us step away from the family''

''good point'' John nodded ''but i´m very glad it didn´t work'' he said, as they keep driving.


Thank you very much for taking your time to read my story. i hope you have like it.

See you in my next project