Hello everyone! Here's another chappie of this story.

Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VII and My Hero Academia, along with other references are not mine. Only this story.

Cloud rubbed his eyes, yawning. Opening the door, he went downstairs, Seeing Izuku eating breakfast.

"Oh, morning, Cloud." Greeted the timid boy.

"Hey, Izuku." Seeing his mom bring him a plate of breakfast, the stoic blonde grabbed a spoon and fork and ate his bacon and pancakes.

"So...Cloud? How did things go with Kaachan yesterday?" The emerald Quirk user asked his adoptive brother.

"Surprisingly...well. He wasn't even screaming at the top of his lungs like a banshee. Yeah...he's still arrogant, but I think...he's starting to learn on his mistakes more." Izuku nodded his head in agreement. Before the swordsman arrived at the picture, Katsuki was a spoiled brat. The guy loved to pick fights with anyone that comes in his way, planting the seeds of arrogance and pride within his psyche, giving him a superiority complex. The blond veteran knocked his pride a few pegs down and despite being understandably insulted at first, the red eyed blonde warmed up to Cloud and Izuku.

"He's certainly more insightful than the first time I met him. Knowing him, he wouldn't even listen to All Might. I...was actually surprised when Kaachan wanted to come with you to train with us." The blond nodded his head, eating some bacon after.

"Alright, we'll be going mom!" Both boys grabbed their backpacks and headed out the door.

Minutes later...

Izuku opened the door, revealing their whole class.

"Hey, Midoriya!" Waved Ejiro Kirishima, waving at him. The timid green haired boy waved back. Shoto glanced at Cloud and gave him a subtle greeting, which the blond took notice. Nodding his head back, Cloud went to his seat next to Ochako.

"Hey, Ochako." The round faced girl smiled brightly at him.

"Hiya, Cloud!" Seriously though, that energy of hers is rather infectious. Giving a small smile, he saw Aizawa looking sleep deprived as ever.

"Hi, Cloud!" Mina waved back at him, her usual smile on her face. The blond waved back.

"Alright then let's go over what happened yesterday. Bakugo, you were too reckless and hell bent on trying to beat up Strife. Next time, stick to what you're told to." Katsuki scoffed but said nothing.

"Strife, excellent reflexes and skills, but when it comes to using that sword of yours, make sure to inflict non lethal blows. As a hero, we need to make sure the villains are alive, but incapacitated." Knowing that already, he merely nodded his head.

"Midoriya. Exemplary strategy thinking and martial arts, but you tend to hesitate occasionally. Try to get rid of that."

"Right!" Was his reply.

"Okay, Class. Today, it's time for another activity." Everyone but Shoto and the Musketeers tensed.

"Is it another Quirk Test?!" Were their collective thoughts.

"You will all decide who's gonna be class rep." Everyone sighed, happy that they won't get booted out.

"Pick me first, I can do it!" Suggested Sero, raising his hands.

"Yeah, you're gonna need me." Added Kyoka, the earphone girl raising her hand.

"Someone with style should suffice, no?" Asked Yuuga, once again sparkles surrounding his face.

"When I become class president, the skirts of all the girls must be above the knees!" Declared Mineta, which earned him a punch from Cloud. Katsuki snickered when he saw his fellow blond smack the little lech.

For the next few seconds, everyone was trying to figure out who would represent their wacky class, even Katsuki, who was yelling at the top of his lungs like a banshee. Only Izuku, Cloud, Momo and Shoto didn't raise their hands.

"Everyone, please stop!" Declared one Tenya Iida, the bulky male standing up.

"Since that this class can not decide on who should become the president, I believe the best idea is to hold an election to choose!"

"It's obvious everyone wanted to vote for you!" Were everyone's words to him. Tenya's body shook, his hidden agenda caught.

"Wait...how can even know who to vote for we've only known each other for a couple of days?" Asked the frog girl.

"Not to mention everyone will vote for themselves." Said Kirishima.

"Yes, most people will, but then that would suggest that he or she would be the best candidate suited for presidency." Replied the second heir of the Iida family.

"So...it'd be okay for us to have a president whose desire is to have women wearing revealing clothing? 'Cause yeah, I'm all for it." Remarked the blond sarcastically, pointing his thumb at Mineta. His childhood friends couldn't help but snicker at the insult. Mineta didn't take it so well, glaring at him icily, which he ignored. The blond does have friends that are perverted, So normally he would ignore them. It's more or less normal to have such thoughts at this age, but from the time he knew the very short boy...he tends to take his perversity up to eleven. Hell, Cloud even caught him going inside the women's restroom, only for him to be kicked out the premises. Seems the thought of copping a feel outranks that of rational thought.

Izuku Midoriya: 7

Momo Yaoyorozu: 6

Cloud Strife: 5

Tenya Iida: 3

Izuku merely sighed but he nonetheless accepted the fate set out for him. Katsuki scoffed in annoyance that he didn't get any votes but wasn't one to complain. Cloud merely shrugged his shoulders, not really caring about the situation.


The swordsman was getting his lunch, then sat with Katsuki, Izuku and Tenya.

"Uh...what's wrong with him?" Asked the red eyed blond, looking at the taller man's shaking bulky form.

"He's still hung up that he got a few votes." Laughed the freckled boy, eating a piece of teriyaki.

Cloud patted him on the shoulder. "Look, you want some advice?" Tenya merely looked at the blond veteran.

"You're too...uptight. I'm not exactly one to agree with someone like Katsuki, but he isn't entirely wrong when he said that you have a stick up your ass. Try to loosen up a little, be more friendly. I know you're a nice guy, but you can also be a bit...odd with your mannerisms."

Then again, our class isn't exactly what you'd call normal...he thought within his mind. From a girl whose tongue can reach up to 5 feet, to a delinquent who's idea of talking is screaming at the top of his lungs, and a boy who isn't even 4 feet tall who's surprisingly not banned in the school for all his perversity...there's not shortage of oddities in 1-A. Even his adopted brother can be a bit...wack when he analyzes a fight or a hero. The dude just mumbles way too much.

"Also, try not to take everything seriously. Your villain acting is cliche and subpar at best." He finished.

"Besides...Katsuki can be a better villain than you are."


Never change, Katsuki. He thought shaking his head.

"Speaking of which...has anyone seen him?" Izuku raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Mineta. Only been here for about a week and he's already peeping on the girls." Tenya spoke with disgust.

As if to answer his question, the boys heard a loud bang and feminine screams echo in the hallway. All of them getting up, they saw the grape boy and Kaminari on the ground, both their eyes comically swirling and blood flowing out their nose.

"Didn't know sparky was like that." Snickered the red eyed delinquent.

"Hey, Denki..." Cloud helped up his other fellow blond.

"Let me guess: you also joined the club." With shame, the electric user nodded.

After that, Cloud and the boys eventually began to continue munching on their food, though Cloud was able to heal his injuries by using his unique "Quirk". Oddly enough, he can still utilize magic, albeit only healing ones. He can't cast high level magic spells like Meteor, Flare...basically any black magic that can decimate a block of a city. Sephiroth's power was dormant within the young lad's mind, thus allowing him to use magic without the need of Materia, which was really convenient too, as he didn't wanna explain what those were. Plus, if they were to find out that he possesses the same power of a man that can not only singlehandedly end wars and cause massive destruction on his lonesome...yeah it was a good thing that Sephiroth isn't even present.

"Uh, Cloud you okay?" Ochako waved a hand at his face. Shaking his head, he merely gave the bubbly girl a nod.

"Yeah...just fine." He lied, eating a piece of fried beef and some rice, the softness of the grain and the juicy taste of the cooked cow temporarily alleviating the thoughts that clouded his mind.

"You seem to be zoning out lately...there something wrong?" Asked Mina. Cloud repeated his answer. Just then, the bell rang.

"LEVEL 3 EMERGENCY ACTIVE! ACTIVATING SECURITY PROTOCOL." Suddenly, student body went into a frenzy, screaming and trying to push each other towards the exit.

Shit! Too many people! Thought the stoic blond, trying to push people out the way, but due to the students frequently pushing each other, he could do little to move. The warrior was pinned to the wall.

"Damn it, I'm stuck!" Yelled Katsuki, his face pressed against a glass window.

"Can't you use explosions?!" Izuku yelled towards his childhood friend.

"No! Too many people and don't want them to get caught in the blast!" Cloud gritted his teeth.

Wait, that's it! Cloud took off from the ground and ran towards Katsuki, with using a student's head as a foothold.

"Grab on!" The red eyed blond made no hesitation to take his fellow blond's hand and helped himself up as well. Fortunately, there was a small foothold the boys could use in order to avoid the two way crowd. Exits were on both sides, making the flow of human traffic VERY messy, especially in such a small amount of space.

"Cloud!" The warrior saw Mina and Ochako hanging onto one of the footholds.

"Hey, where's Tenya?!" Asked Cloud.

"Down there!" The pink skinned girl pointed at the tall glasses wearing man who was getting dragged along the crowd despite his protests.

"The exit's on both sides, and the traffic's fucked up because of it. We're gonna need two people on each end of the hallway to tell them everything is alright." Cloud nodded his head.

"Yeah. It's just the news." The girls raised their eyebrows. Cloud pointed at the swarming news crew trying to enter the building.

"Round face and pink hair! You go after Nerd Boy. Strife and I will get to Deku!" Neither of the women were amused to their new nicknames, but nonetheless complied.

"I think there's enough space for me to use my Quirk without blowing someone up." And so, using his explosions as a makeshift thruster, Katsuki made his way towards the emerald Quirk user while Cloud ran alongside the windowpanes, making light yet quick steps to avert potential collateral damage.

"Yo, Deku!" Katsuki grabbed the freckled boy mid flight, setting him on a foothold.

"Thanks." The explosion boy nodded his head.

"I need you to go to the right end of this hallway. Tell them everything's alright." Izuku nodded his head.

"Yeah. I saw the newscast and people think it's a villain invasion." Using his Quirk, The created a slide made of emerald and skated his way towards the end. Craning his neck, Cloud saw Ochako lifting up Tenya via her Quirk, with Mina helping her. The tall boy took off the opposite end, using his Engine Quirk to propel himself to the air.

"EVERYONE! IT'S ALRIGHT! IT'S JUST THE NEWS!" Fortunately, Kyoka's Quirk allowed the two boys to transmit their voices over the frantic shouting of the crowd, making it so that they can hear the voices of the two boys.

Eventually...things started to calm down a bit after that fiasco. But Cloud felt that something wasn't right...that this was the part of a bigger scheme. From the corner of his eye, the stoic blond made out a humanoid figure, covered in many hands.

"Strife, time to get back." Katsuki patted his shoulder, prompting him to glance back.

"Yeah. Be right there." His fellow blond left, heading for his classroom. The blue eyed blond looked to the shadowy figure, but was gone.

Something tells me this wasn't coincidental...

Class ensued like normal. Fortunately, his adopted brother was showered with compliments for averting the crisis, further cementing his position as Class President much to his embrassment. Cloud felt like this was something he needs as even though he was significantly much more outgoing, Izuku needed to grow out that shell. Their home room teacher now called everyone to pay attention.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make." The class went silent.

"We will be playing Capture the Flag with another class." Questions suddenly arose, everyone trying to get more info.

"Which class?" Asked Tsuyu.

"Class 1-B." Katsuki scoffed.

"You mean those losers next to us?" Cloud shook his head.

"Confidence will lead to arrogance. Hope you can back up those words." His fellow blonde gave him a grin.

"Don't worry, with you, me and Deku, we'll scrape their asses off the street!"

"But sir, why is this happening?" Asked Tenya.

"As Pro Heroes, you will eventually need to collaborate with others. Work with those whose powers vary from your own and you can formulate strategies to reach the end goal. Sometimes, one Hero isn't enough to do the job." Answered Aizawa.

"I get it. This strengthens our teamwork while possibly getting us to know anyone outside our class." Added Momo.

"Well...it should be interesting to say the least." Admitted Izuku.

"Plus, I've heard that they...have a bone to pick with us." Added Sero. Cloud raised an eyebrow.

"What for?" Asked Tenya.

"They envied us because we have some of the best people in the class. With Todoroki, Midoriya, Strife and Bakugo here, they REALLY wanna see us go down, especially since they all saw you all during the entrance exam. Not a lot of people can reach over 80 points, you know." Said Sero.

"So they're trying to challenge us." Summarized Fumikage.

"Let those losers come. We'll crush them!" Katsuki punched his fist into his other hand, causing a small explosion to ignite.

Oh, boy. This'll be fun. Thought the swordsman.

"But apparently...it seems that there is also another newcomer in the playing field, with abilities just as unique as yours, Strife."

"How so?" Asked Cloud.

"According to the homeroom teacher, via utilization of tarot cards, he can summon beings out of them and allows him to perform various supernatural feats. But that's all I know." Explained Aizawa.

"I've seen him before. He looked like the gentlemanly type, and was kinda like Aoyama, but less self absorbed. He can also speak French." Hearing that made the laser boy brighten up.

"Alas! Someone who is glorious and magnifique as me!" He interjected, sparkles emitting around his face...which were met with blank stares. While Cloud himself is called out occasionally for being a pretty boy, it certainly didn't create bishonen sparkles. It probably helped that the blond veteran is not narcissistic. Seriously, he could see Aoyama making a female cutout version of himself and marry the damn thing...strange as it is. Then again, he has seen tons of weird shit in his travels, so this doesn't really make the Top 10.

"So...how's this gonna go? We gonna have a meet and greet now?" Asked Shoto.


With across the hall was Class 1-B. They were quite as rowdy, if not rowdier than 1-A. Many people were talking amongst themselves, excited to see a match go down between the two classes.

"So we're finally going up against those losers. Just because they're 1-A doesn't mean they're the best." Snidely remarked a blond boy with navy blue eyes and white pupils. Ladies and gentlemen, here comes one of the most annoying bastards in the class.

"What do you have against them so much, Monoma?" Asked an orange haired girl with a long sideways ponytail with green-blue eyes, crossing her arms.

"People like Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and that Strife kid thinks they're better than us, Kendo." Answered back the now named Monoma.

"You do realize that they rarely did anything to us." The martial artist answered back.

"It's just whenever I see them walking down the hall, they think they're kings of the world. It's damn annoying!" He ranted.

"Hey, Vincent, what do you think?"

" . . . "


"Hm? Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought," a person in the front leftmost seat stated. Like all others in the room, he was clad in the Yuuei Academy school uniform. He was clearly a foreigner of European descent with shock-white hair, though the latter in of itself wasn't all that unique when you consider that there were at least five other people in 1-B with white/silver hair. His hair was brushed straight and shoulder-length, running down to cover most of his face, but his bright crimson eyes shone like rubies. It was only his lightly-tanned skin that prevented him from being considered an albino. Raking his fingers through his hair and brushing it out of his face, he was revealed to be slightly effeminate, but closer to a bishonen.

"Are you fortune telling again?" Blood King, the teacher of 1-B, asked. He'd long since gotten used to the foreigner's eccentricities, and since he was always able to answer correctly when called upon and his grades were some of the best, he decided to let it slide. Especially since his Quirk was seemingly tied to his interpretation of the Arcana portrayed in those European cards.

"Something like that," Vincent replied as he looked upon the cards on his desk. "Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, and Cloud Strife..." he hummed as he looked down at three Tarot Cards situated before him; the Heriophant, The Fool, and the Death Arcana respectively. "Today... will be an interesting day..." he hummed thoughtfully as he eyed the scythe-wielding Death Arcanum.

"Well... That's rather ominous," the student sitting next to him said as he looked at the Death Arcanum card, it and the others printed in blue-backed paper with the fronts resembling stained glass windows.

Ignoring the comment of the student, the gears of his mind starting to turn. "No...that can't be him...can it? He does have the spiky hair, blue eyes and even the height, though his face is made to look younger. Yet...I feel a strange aura from him...one that reeks of death." The red eyed French doesn't know Cloud personally, but...let's just say Vincent knows him or rather has seen him before.

Just then, a knock was heard on the classroom door. Blood King slid the door open and revealed Aizawa, with Class 1-A following behind.

"What's this all about?" Asked the homeroom teacher of 1-B.

"Introductions is all. I wanted the class to know who they're going up against." The sleep-deprived looking teacher gestured his students to enter the classroom and stood upfront on the board. Class 1-B looked surprised to say the least.

Like their own, 1-A is filled with a couple oddities like Mineta or Fumikage. But only four people really stood out of the whole group. On the right hand corner were four boys who in a span of couple days gained some attention from the other students. While the rest of the students were looking jolly or excited in some way, these four students looked like they could care less about the new arrivals.

"HEY, YOU!" Vincent glanced behind him and saw Testsutetsu Tetsutetsu, his fellow classmate point at someone. That someone had blond spiky hair, glowing sapphire blue eyes and had a bishonen looking appearance. His height was average for his age and his facial expression was that of an emotionless teenager, shaped by trauma. Vincent can tell that much because the look in his eyes...it's almost dead. The lad turned his eyes onto him.

"Just 'cause your class has some of the best doesn't mean we can't whoops your ass tomorrow!" It was obvious that he wasn't paying attention to his words, as he merely closed his eyes, hoping for the incessant noise to go away. Katsuki and Izuku snickered at their friend's actions.

"No fucks given." Commented the red eyed blond.

"He was like that too when you first met him." Noted the green eyed lad.

"So...that aside, may you all introduce yourselves?" Ochako went first, the bubbly girl going in front.

"Hi, my name's Ochako Uraraka! Nice to meet you!" Said the girl cheerily, bowing in respect.

"Mina Ashido, it's a pleasure!"

"Tsuyu Asui, ribbit."

"Kirishima Eijirō, I'm the man!"

And so the rest of the class introduced themselves, with some students of Class 1-B looking at them with interest or boredom. This was the first time either of them has done an activity involving another group of students.

"You four, introduce yourselves." Aizawa mentioned towards the remaining four students, standing side by side.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya." Said the emerald Quirk user, bowing respectfully.

"The name's Katsuki Bakugo. I'll kick all your asses." Hearing that made Monoma grin.

"Shōto Todoroki. Don't get in my way." This further confirmed the annoying one's claim.

"AHA! SEE WHAT'D I-" He was cut short when Cloud gave him a scathing glare with enough to make him back off. Everyone felt the immense killing intent in the room, with Vincent, Shōto, Katsuki and Izuku unaffected by it.

"I go by Cloud Strife. See if you wish to test my patience." He replied smoothly, his voice somewhat molding in with a certain silver haired hero of Shinra. Realizing that the Copy Quirk user looked scared shitless, he softened his glare, leaning back into the chalkboard.

"Gotta say, Strife didn't think you'd make him back off." Regarded the son of Endeavor with a small smirk on his face.

"Fools like him need to learn to keep their mouth shut, especially since he's all talk and no substance." Monoma gained a tick mark on his head.

"Oh, shut up asshole! You think you're the best huh? Just because we're 1-B doesn't make us worse than you."

"Then prove it. Show me you're capable of more. All you've done is gripe and complain about how our class is better than you. Instead of reminiscing on your failures, try to fix the problem. If you desire to show us you're not to be trifled with, then do so. Don't just talk, but try. I grow tired of idiots like you, complaining on their problems yet seeking no ways to try to remedy it." Cloud responded back with a stoic expression but his eyes made it all clear. They were conveying, "try me" to Monoma. The three other people beside him couldn't help but also smirk at his confidence.

"Apologies, Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Blood-King for causing a ruckus." Aizawa merely smirked.

"No, you did fine kid." The home room of Class 1-B laughed a bit.

"Enough fighting. You all can stay here and get to know each other until the next hour passed. I feel like we should try to get to know each other before we do this activity."

Both classes started to mingle amongst themselves. Despite Monoma and Cloud's buttheading episode, neither side seemed to hold a grudge, quite the opposite in fact.

"I don't time for trivialities such as these." Said Cloud, putting his hands in his pockets.

"You tell me, I wanna play Mortal Kombat tonight." The blond swordsman raised an eyebrow at that.

"Didn't know you were a fan of video games." Katsuki merely gave him a sadistic grin.

"I like games where I can beat the shit outta people. Especially online when they rage." Cloud merely rolled his eyes.

"Wonder what happens when you lose, then." Interjected Shōto with a small witty smile.

"Yeah, bet he smashed the controller." Added Izuku.

"I DON'T SMASH THE CONTROLLER DAMMIT!" He yelled back comically.

"Then explain the busted D-Pads on the PlayStation 4 controllers last month." Replied Izuku, smiling teasingly. Katsuki actually froze up for a second before scoffing, not having any idea what to say in defense. Even Shōto's lips twitched a bit during the exchange, stifling a snicker here and there.

Occasionally, the Hot/Cold Quirk user saw Vincent glancing towards the four of them, but his glances were mostly focused towards Cloud. He couldn't tell what he was thinking but it unnerved him a tad that they were being looked at.

"Strife, is he a friend of yours?" Cloud saw Shōto pointing at the fortune teller of 1-B.

"No, never seen him why?"

"He's been staring at those Tarot cards for a while now, glancing back at us sometimes."

"I'll go talk to him." With that in mind, Cloud slowly walked over to the Tarot user, who was slowly examining the three aforementioned arcane cards, but more particularly focused on the one that depicts 'Death'.

"Excuse me, are you Vincent?" The silver haired foreigner merely looked up from his deck, eyeing him momentarily.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you." Both boys shook hands, testing each other's grip. Neither backed down from the silent challenge.

Vincent analyzed the blond Swordsman. The foreigner can't exactly put his finger on it, but despite looking more or less the same (other than being de-aged into a teenager), he felt something within him. A greater power waiting to be awakened.

"So Cloud, tell me... How was Nibelheim this time of year?" The fortune teller asked cryptically, the smallest of smirks pulling at his features.

Hearing that small statement caught him off guard. He lived throughout there his whole life, shitty as it was and not once has he saw this person there. With his shock white hair and crimson-colored eyes, THIS Vincent would've been impossible to miss.

'Did he also come from my world too? I know Aerith said that I can't go back to my own world because ever since that explosion, it basically cut off my existence there. Yet I didn't see him anywhere before...' he thought inside his head. "I don't know what you're talking about." He lied to Vincent, composing himself shortly.

"Hmmm... Eh, I guess you're right," the fortune teller shrugged as he proceeded to rearrange his tarrot cards. "By the way..." he said beckoning Cloud closer with his finger, the spiky-haired teen leaning forward. "After your little spat with Sephiroth underneath the City of the Ancients, did you happen to check if Aerith was actually dead, or did you just assume she was dead before giving her that water burial?" he whispered quietly into his ear so only HE could hear. "Because from what I saw, a stab wound through the T7 Vertebrae was perfectly survivable. After all... dead bodies don't sink," he added cryptically.

Hearing that made Cloud clench his fists tensely. The former Night Raider narrowed his eyes towards the fortune teller. The statement alone struck a nerve within him. No one else was there when he saw her die right in front of him. Even though his name was coincidental to the vampire in his own world, their faces were different by a mile so there was no way this Vincent could be the same one from his own world, as Cloud was still more or less the same when he was born here except for his age.

"Wait, how did you know of that? You weren't there when she..." Cloud suddenly lost trail of his words, closing his eyes briefly before composing himself. Even though his hatred towards Sephiroth somewhat diminished at this point, the flower girl's death was something he didn't wanna remember.

"Knowing of matters beyond my ken, is old pat for a good fortune teller," the teen replied with an eye smile and a tilt of his head.

"Fortune teller my ass, there's something you aren't telling me." Retorted the Angel of Death with his sapphire eyes taking on a somewhat greenish glow. He wanted to compose himself but he needed answers and he needed them now.

"Cloud... Let me make something abundantly clear to you," Vincent said rising up from his seat, the once-jovial look in his eyes turning to glacial ice as he leveled the teen a narrowed look. "You are not top of the food chain, and you do not get to talk to me like that," he said coldly, the air rumbling *gogogo* around him as an air of menace saturated the air, the teen's eyes briefly flashing golden.

"Hmph. You think I fear you, Vincent? I suggest you choose your next words wisely," Cloud said responding in kind. The Angel of Death's eyes glowed an ethereal green, causing the air to be saturated further. Cloud's eyes turned green and slitted, with a transparent pair of black and white angel wings behind the spiky haired blond.

As the spiky-haired teen clenched his fists and his eyes glowed brighter, Vincent could see a familiar, shadowy silhouette behind him; a tall silver-haired male with green cat-like eyes and a right black wing with a long nodachi in his left hand. A man whose profile was unmistakable.

"I am not saying I am in top of the food chain. But if it means punishing you, allow me to demonstrate." With that, Cloud's left hand began to glow, blue electricity coursing through it. The sky suddenly darkened, with lighting strikes appearing around outside the area.

"Your threat's as compelling as rat shit on the bathroom floor," Vincent replied in turn as a golden flame-like aura shone around him. "You aren't the only one with great power, so allow ME to demonstrate," he said as his eyes shifted to gold, his nails growing into claws.

The Earth beginning to shake beneath their combined displays of power, a couple desks fell over and the sky darkened to pitch black, sans the occasional bolt of lightning ripping its way across the sky. For once, Cloud felt excited. Far too long, people were too intimidated by him or were too weak to even put up a fight. This Vincent...it would seem that for once Cloud has found himself quite a challenge before the Angel of Death.

"I must say, most people were either too arrogant or foolish to even combat me in battle. But you... you show promise," Cloud stated. "However... I've fought worse," he said with a smirk on his face as his voice grew a few octaves deeper, mirroring Sephiroth's own, his classmates exchanging astonished looks behind him as their respective displays of power continued to escalate, sparks dancing through the air between them as wind began to buffet their clothes, sending pencils and school supplies in all directions.

"It's only fair that I warn you... so have I," Vincent returned with an equal smirk, his canines sharpening into fangs and a vaguely humanoid figure taking shape inside the aura at his back.

Both classes could do nothing as the two powerhouses had an intense starting contest. Even Katsuki and Shōto had wide eyed looks. Both of them knew Cloud was powerful...but not to this extent.

"Heheheheh..." A small chuckle escaped Cloud's lips, sounding all to familiar. It mirrored exactly the same laugh Sephiroth did when he burnt down Nibelheim, and it was getting louder.

"You know, I just noticed something," Vincent chuckled.

"What is it?"

"That sound you're making... It's the same one Sephiroth made when he razed Nibelheim to the ground and killed everyone," he said aloud, the two classes' eyes going wide in shock, their mouths falling open in soundless cries of shock. "So tell me, Cloud, am I going to have to stop you from razing all of Yuuei and killing everyone here? After all, you are Sephiroth's clone."

Vincent expected a look of fear upon Cloud's face, or at the very least, one of shock. To his surprise, instead, it was one of competition.

"No, I assure you that is not a necessity." Replied Cloud cooly, stopping his fit of laughter. "I was merely testing you, that is all. He no longer holds the reins." Cloud merely looked back, seeing the looks upon the faces of his fellow heroes-in-training. "But... I believe we should cut this short. As fun as it is to initiate a fight, it would do neither of us a favor if the others get caught in our little scuffle. My apologies for that, as I got a little carried away." Cloud added further, reigning in his power, the sky overhead clearing.

"I am at fault as well," Vincent replied as he withdrew his golden aura, the silhouette behind him swiftly vanishing and his eyes returning to bright crimson. "In my zeal to determine if you really were, who I thought you were, I let that bastard's ego get the better of me," he said idly scratching his cheek.

"So how about we start over without scaring the other students?" Cloud asked, any traces of Sephiroth leaving his body. A small smirk was present upon the Angel of Death's normally stoic demeanor.

"That sounds quite preferable to leveling the entire school. The name's Vincent, nice to meet you," the fortune teller said extending his hand.

"The name's Cloud. A pleasure." He said towards Vincent, the teen responding in kind as the two shook hands. The hostility between the two was now nonexistent, much to the relief of their peers since it no longer looked like armageddon outside. He then grabbed Vincent by the shoulder, walking him off to the side of the room and whispered into his ear.

"In all seriousness... I feel like we should talk later. I'm a bit on edge that you know so much about me... and HIM," he whispered.

That on top of how he may've actually drowned a still-alive Aerith weighed on him. Because in hindsight, dead bodies don't sink; they float.

"All in good time," the fortune teller replied. "For now, we should probably try and run damage control. Lord knows what the MEDIA will make of our little pissing contest."

"Yeah...shit..." he cursed to himself. Cloud merely shook his head. "Seriously though, sorry about that. I acted stupidly and nearly got everyone on board." He said towards him. Both of them looked back and saw the looks present upon their classmates. Even though the conflict has passed, some students were understandably tense as to how the hell both of them are strong enough to affect the weather itself.

"So... Who wants their fortunes told?" Vincent asked with a bright smile that cut through the tension, holding up his tarot cards with a friendly eye smile as he took a seat on his desk.

"Ooh, me first!" Suddenly, the grape haired lech of Class 1-A jumped from the table in excitement, coming towards Vincent and pushing an unoccupied chair to rest across from the fortune teller's. "Tell me, am I gonna get a harem of ladies to sink my hands into? A haven where I can touch their bodies whenever I want?!" Mineta added excitedly, drool leaking on his face, much to the disgust of everyone especially the women.

"Well... Let's see what the cards say..." he said shuffling his deck of tarot cards before placing them on the table. Snapping his fingers, the first three cards atop the deck leapt onto the desk forward towards Mineta, the top two atop that retreating towards Vincent at an angle, while the last one suddenly shot to the right, creating a triangle. Suffice it to say, everyone was adequately surprised. "Your... appreciation, for the female form is apparent," he said flipping the card closest to Mineta, portraying the Sixth Arcanum: The Lovers. "However..." he said flipping the card on his left over, portraying the Fourteenth Arcanum: Temperance. "If you do not reign these feelings in, your fate will be that of... the Ninth Arcanum: The Hermit," he said flipping over the last card.

At first, Mineta didn't get it for a few seconds. Just then, he remembered the word "Hermit" on the dictionary. Vincent was basically implying he'd be all alone. Or rather, a virgin.

"Damn it!" He yelled into the heavens, a depression cloud on his head. He then slunk himself into the corner, weeping silently much to the amusement of the guys and satisfaction of the girls.

"So...who's next?" Asked Vincent, ignoring Mineta's agonized cries.

"Ooh, my turn!" Excitedly called out the Acid Quirk user, jumping down from the desk she was sitting at, walking towards Vincent.

"Very well, Ms. Ashido, let's see what your future holds," Vincent said dazzlingly shuffling his deck before setting the tarot cards down between them. Snapping his fingers, similar to Mineta, three cards jumped off the top of the deck before forming a triangle; the one closest to Mina was the Second Arcanum: The Priestess, followed by the Nineteenth Arcanum: The Sun, capped off by the Sixteenth Arcanum: The Tower.

"What does it all mean?" Mina asked with wide, curious eyes.

"I see… great success in your future…" Vincent began, Mina whooping excitedly. "Followed by… great failure…" he finished, causing the pink-colored girl to wilt. "Sorry I couldn't give you anything more concrete then that, it just wasn't in the cards," he apologized. "But hey, at least you're not going to die anytime soon. Least not as long as you don't TRY to get killed, so there's always that," he replied, causing Mina to brighten.

"Well...that's a good thing at least. Though I don't know what it all means..." she added sheepishly, scratching her head to emphasize her confusion. She went back to the desk she was sitting at.

"What about me? What do I got Mr. Fortune Teller?" Wondered Ochako, her legs dangling upon the desk she too was sitting on.

"Alright, let's take a look at yours," Vincent replied, shuffling his deck once again. Snapping his fingers, once more three cards formed a triangle. "Alright, let's see here… I see… great strength in your future," he said gesturing to the card closest to Ochako, the Ninth Arcanum: Strength. "I also see… love in your future," he said gesturing to the Sixth Arcanum: The Lovers.

"But wait, doesn't this one mean I'll also die?" Ochako asked pointing to the Thirteenth Arcanum: Death.

"Not as long as the card is upside-down," Vincent corrected tapping the upside-down card. Which to everyone else was weird because when he was shuffling them, he didn't make any effort to turn any of them upside-down. "I must emphasize however, that strength will only come to you, as long as you do not squander the opportunity to attain it," he said pointing to the lion-decorated card.

The bubbly girl had thoughts running through her head to interpret what it means. Like Mina, she came up with nothing.

"Eh, I'm stuck like Ashido. Got no idea what it means, he he." She chuckled awkwardly. Vincent merely gave her a smile in return.

"And I believe it is my turn, monsieur Vincent." Interjected the narcissistic boy, flashing a bright pose momentarily blinding everyone except for Cloud and Vincent.

"Tres bien, monsieur Aoyama," Vincent replied in kind, shuffling his deck with an added flair. Snapping his fingers, FOUR cards leapt out instead of three, forming a line instead of a square. "Well now…" he said flipping over each card. "This is an interesting one…" he said as he and Aoyama eyed the Tenth, Eighteenth, Seventeenth, and Nineteenth Arcanum, the Wheel of Fortune, Mon, Star, and Sun respectively. "I'm… not completely sure how to say this, so I'll just say the first explanation that comes to your mind…" he said rising from his seat and clearing his throat. "You shall be dazzling, with thousands of eyes looking upon you in complete and utter awe!" he proclaimed raising up his arms into a Y-shape as he looked upward, the air around him glowing gold as light radiates off of him like a halo.

"I see! Then I shall glow even brighter as I had before! Beware, fellow classmates for I will outshine you all!" He then did another pose, once again blinding everyone.

"Good luck with that, I guess." Commented Mina with a chuckle. Cloud merely shook his head while the others merely gave a blank stare.

"I believe it's my turn now, fortune teller. Show me what the cards have in store for me!" Fumikage implored towards the fortune teller, his bird mask looking directly into Vincent's eyes.

"Very well. Let us begin," Vincent said cooly, raising up his hand and snapping his fingers.

The next moment the lights in the room began to dim, the students of 1-A turning to the nearby light switch to see that the brightness setting was lowering all on its own. The sound of cards shuffling that followed was rather ominous as all other sound seemed to die out, Vincent's movements more reserved and deliberate as he prepared the cards for the bird-headed teen's fortune.

"I see… the Chariot, the Hanged Man, the Devil, and Judgement Arcanum," Vincent said pointing toward the seventh, twelfth, fifteenth, and twentieth Arcanum in that order as the cards formed a line. Stroking his chin, the red-eyed teen looked his cards over before turning to Tokoyami, whose eyes remained completely fixated on the Devil card, portrayed with an upside-down star, a goat's skull, and two devils of opposing gender. "The way I'm seeing this, I see tremendous amounts of power in your future… However, whether or not you'll be able to control that power, will be up to you as much as it will your comrades."

Fumikage's immediately knew what he was talking about. The bird man already knew that his Quirk can lose control should it stay in the shadow in exchange for power. Occasionally, he tried to experiment in putting the shadow under his control, but more often than not, it was comparable to that of a wild beast unable to be tamed.

"I see. Thank you for your wisdom." With that, Fumikage walked back towards his desk, using his Quirk to push the chair aside. Commentators could not find anything noteworthy to say about it.

"Anyway," he said snapping his fingers, the light-dimmer rising and bathing the room in light all on its own. "Who's next?"

"I'll go. Normally I don't believe in this hocus pocus stuff, but I'm interested to see what you'll say." Interjected Shōto, the son of Endeavor donning a look of boredom yet had a curious glint in them.

"Very well then," Vincent said shuffling his cards. "Let us see… where your future lies," he said setting the cards down. Snapping his fingers, the top-five cards of the deck jumped forward, the bottom-most card left behind as the remaining four shifted towards Todoroki, followed by the remaining three retreating toward Vincent at an angle and across before once again retreating at an angle, creating a diamond with one card in the center. "I see…" he said flipping the middle card over. "I see you," he said revealing the First Arcanum: The Magician, portrayed by an infinity symbol at the very top followed by two large eyes beneath it, a flame dominating the center of the card, and two splayed hands. "You stand in the shadow of… an Emperor…" he said revealing the Fourth Arcanum above The Magician, "with a discarded Empress ever-present in your thoughts," he said revealing the Third Arcanum beneath The Magician. "I see wickedness in you," he said as he revealed the Fifteenth Arcanum: The Devil, to the left of The Magician, "but I also see great justice," he said revealing the Eighth Arcanum: Justice; portrayed by a sword and two scales.

Shōto's eyes widened at that. Oddly enough, he also knew what he was talking about. The Emperor resembled his douchebag of a father, who treated him and his family like shit. Empress represented his kind and caring mother, who shielded him from the physical and emotional abuse he endured during his youth. Despite causing the burn on the left side of his face, he still cared for his mother. He carried both the powers of his mother and father, the Empress and Emperor respectively.

"At this juncture, you are not ready to confront the trappings of your bloodline. However, that doesn't mean your fate is set in stone. Eugenics experiment or not, your power is your power. Becoming number one doesn't mean Endeavor does so vicariously through you. At the very most, it means he's dumped down to third, a more-deserving role for someone wicked such as him," Vincent said ominously as he made to return his cards to his deck, The Devil returning last.

Shōto eyes widened further. He knew that one day, as much as he would despise doing so that he would need to utilize the other half of his Quirk. Yet he forbade himself to do so in an attempt to spite his father. Vincent's words rang through his head. He does have a point, as the powers at his command are within his realm of control. No one but him can use this Quirk.

"I see. Thank you." Were his only words, standing by the door crossing his arms.

The moment Cloud stepped forward was the moment everyone drew breath. Considering their display of power almost caused Armageddon outside, both Class 1-A and 1-B could be nothing but draw their breath as the Angel of Death trudged towards his equal, a collected expression on his face.

"Mr. Strife. Back again I see," Vincent said jovially.

"Admittedly, your fortune telling skills have intrigued me a bit. Enlighten and show me what the cards have in store." He replied smoothly. The spectators let out a sigh of relief, since it was further confirmed that the hostility once present has disappeared.

"Very well then," the teen said elaborately shuffling his cards, splitting the deck in half multiple times and shuffling it in varying flourishes for a full minute before setting the cards down in front of Cloud with a powerful downward slam. Raising his hand to snap his fingers, the teen hesitated, before placing his hand atop the deck and rolling his hand at the wrist so the deck formed a spiral-shaped card spread. Placing his finger beneath the centermost card, he then raised it upward, riding it all along the spiral until he got to the very end of it.

"Whoa, why the hell?!" Asked Sero. Izuku and Shōto's eyes had looks of curiosity upon their faces as they saw all the tarot cards, from The Fool to The World in perfect order. What made it more impressive was that with the previous fortune tellings, not all the cards were revealed.

"Huh. So what does it mean?" Cloud asked, a bit impressed at the mini-show.

"I see… a great journey in your future… A pilgrimage of sorts, one stained with the blood of hundreds upon thousands. Humans, demons, monsters, it doesn't matter to whom or how many," he said raising up his finger, a droplet of blood forming where his fingertip had been cut. "By this journey's end, you will be far from what you once were. Heed this warning, Cloud Strife of Nibelheim. Through the course of this fated journey, you stand to either gain everything… or lose it all."

Everyone felt the weight of his words. "One stained the blood of hundreds upon thousands" was in layman's terms, "many will die." "Humans, demons, monsters it doesn't matter to whom or how many" meant that Cloud will fight various beings within this so called "pilgrimage".

It was the last words that got through them the most through: "You stand to either gain everything...or lose it all." While many didn't know what that meant, some had a modicum of an idea and all of them were sure it had to be related to Cloud's little light show earlier. The Angel of Death knew what this meant.

Fate can be a cruel mistress at times. Whatever this "pilgrimage" is, it's gonna test Cloud both physically and mentally. To see if Cloud is worthy and powerful enough to dominate the One Winged Angel.

He knows that the times they fought, Sephiroth didn't gave it his all. He merely held back mostly out of arrogance and even now, Cloud had yet to fully tap into Sephiroth's immense power. He's aware that the more he does it, the more he will change. Yet...despite that, Cloud didn't feel scared. In fact, he was the opposite of it.

Before, the thought of Sephiroth trying to change him would piss him off to no end...but surprisingly enough, not even a twinge of anger could be felt from his very being. Cloud himself felt very surprised at this too. Mentioning his name alone was enough to put him on edge, and despite that...he feels nothing, just indifferent.

That didn't stop his fellow students from looking at him in astonishment, surprise and even fear. They know that a clash between Cloud and Vincent could cause massive catastrophe, yet...many felt somewhat paranoid as to what Cloud will turn into.

His fellow students expected Cloud to be afraid or even crying...but his face was eerily calm, much to the surprise of his fellow students.

"I already know what I'm getting into by using his power. I don't know if I'll change for the better or worse...but it matters not. I'm already knee deep in bodies. Time to finish this through the end." He let those words hang in the air, calmly sitting down.

Cloud was no stranger to killing. He did a lot of that within the Empire. Hell, he even enjoyed inflicting pain upon those who thoroughly deserved it, Wild Hunt being the most famous example.

His fellow students couldn't help but gawk towards the Angel of Death. It would seem that this one has a path of bloodshed and combat ahead of him, but he takes it in stride.

"Hm. I see," Vincent replied as he sucked on his bloodied finger. "I guess you're made of sterner stuff than most, so it makes sense you wouldn't be shaken by a fortune like this," he hummed. Taking a quick breath through puckered lips, the teen then began to shuffle his deck once more, Cloud noticing that the cut on his finger had disappeared.

"Enough of this bullshit!" Katsuki's voice suddenly rang out from the tense silence created by Cloud's fate. He walked towards Vincent, a look of anger on his face. He suddenly picked up Vincent's Tarot Cards and smashed them together with his Quirk, causing them to suddenly burn and some of them even melt.

"This is fake! No way this shit can be real! Do any of you fuckers actually believe what this dumbass is saying?! Fuck these cards! You may have made that light show with Strife, but remember something: I AM GONNA BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!" He bellowed throughout the whole class as he slammed the charred remains down in front of him.

"You dumbass! What the hell was that for?!" Berated one of Vincent's classmates.

Katsuki merely scoffed. "So what? He's just a Class 1-B loser who can make cards fly, big deal! I'll crush them tomorrow!" Cloud merely shook his head. The Angel of Death thought he learned his lesson after giving him another ass-whooping yesterday. It would seem not. Craning his neck, he saw Vincent with his head lowered.

Yep, Katsuki's gonna die...or at least get his ass kicked to the curb.

Cue Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST - Stardust Crusaders

"Bakugou..." Vincent said coolly as he slowly rose from his seat, his eye downcast as he looked solemnly at the remains of his mother's tarot cards. "You..." he growled as his hands clawed at the remains of his only intact card, the Seventeenth Arcanum: The Star. "...BASTAAAAARD!" he suddenly roared in equal volume, tears gathered in the corners of his eyes as the air behind him began to shimmer, what remained of the card beneath curled fingers emitting a bright sapphire light. "Come out! Star Platinum!"

The shimmering air behind him exploding into a wall of purple, blue, and green stardust motes of light, from it, an enormous humanoid figure appeared. Bearing a physique similar to All Might, the guardian spirit-like entity that appeared had skin in varying purple hues. The so-named "Star Platinum" had long flowing hair similar in style to Izuku's, but with dark purple highlights instead of green, a metallic cap on its chin, and a similar headband divided into three pieces with the middlemost piece shaped like a vertical ellipse. Wavy golden lines running down each arm and each side of its torso continuing down its legs, the entity had a minimal range of clothing and armor including a short circular scarf colored red, golden shoulder pads with a spiral design, long black gloves with studs on the back, knee and elbow guards colored black with gold accents, a white loincloth, and short black boots.

The massive muscular form of Star Platinum looming over him, before Bakugou could gather nitroglycerin to his palms, the entity's massive hand clamped down around his scrawny neck, effortlessly lifting him from the ground as though he weighed nothing. Vincent shaking his extended left hand back and forth, Bakugou's head rolled in all directions as he was shaken forward, backwards, and side to side. The blond-haired teen completely discombobulated and staving off whiplash with everything he had, both Vincent and Star Platinum made a show of rearing back their right arms, curling each finger into a fist. Before Bakugou knew what had even hit him, Star Platinum's fist plowed into his visage as Vincent threw his right fist forward, bone splintering and teeth rattling in his skull under the colossal force of the blow that shook the very air.

"Orararararararara!" Vincent bellowed out as the entity called Star Platinum beat Bakugou to a pulp with his remaining hand, the piston-like speed of his punches making it resemble a dozen fists barraging the teen's body simultaneously, the air pressure whipping back everyone's hair and scattering papers. After five seconds of this brutal onslaught, bruises covering Bakugou's body and blood staining his clothes, Vincent opened his left hand, allowing Bakugou to fall to the floor.

However, before he could touch the ground and land in a broken heap, Vincent let out one last shout of- "ORA!" -, his and Star Platinum's right fists shooting forward with the latter burying itself into Bakugou's gut and sending the bloodied teen flying across the room. His body smashing completely through the classroom's wall, the teen's remaining momentum carried him into the reinforced glass window just outside. The bulletproof glass, capable of withstanding a direct hit from a mortar shell, actually buckled backwards, the bloody teen falling to the floor moments later leaving a distended array of spiderweb cracks.

"Keep the change, ya filthy animal," Vincent spat as Star Platinum faded away.


Everyone merely gaped at Vincent's beatdown of Katsuki. Almost off of Class 1-A and 1-B were looking at Vincent with their jaws firmly planted on the ground. Cloud merely closed his eyes, his prediction coming into fruition.

When he gets up, it seems I'm gonna have to sock it in.

"Vincent...hey, it's gonna be okay..." Kendo walked over and started comforting the foreigner, hugging him tightly. Cloud concentrated on some of his magic energy and used a Cure spell on him, the magic working and mending his wounds and bruises. Still, Cloud felt...disappointment towards Katsuki. While he does care for him, his narcissistic attitude makes him wanna throw the guy off a cliff or leave him hanging by the edge.

Izuku merely facepalmed at his other childhood friend's blunder. He let his pride get the better of him and got beaten. Like Cloud, th freckled lad too get annoyed by Katsuki's prideful nature, as it tends to land the three of them into trouble more times than they could count.

The white-haired teen sniffing, tears falling on the destroyed cards, the teen shakily raised his right arm above his head.

The next moment, a phantom arm of the purest white and gold formed over the teen's own, a violent shout of- "MUDA!" -leaving his mouth as he struck the desk in front of him, scattering jagged shards of plastic and metal in all directions. Bystanders reeling back in shock, before anyone could be struck, the shards of plastic and metal suddenly stopped in midair, before suddenly reconverging before the gold-knuckled fist. To everyone's shock, the charred remains of the tarot cards Bakugou destroyed began repairing themselves, blackened and burnt paper returning to pristine condition until it was as though they were never destroyed in the first place.

As a consequence of this, the destroyed desk was simultaneously rendered down into neat orderly piles of constituent materials.

"Holy shit!" Remarked Mineta, seeing the desk as good as new. Shōto raised an eyebrow at this.

"He can summon humanoid-like beings or a body part of them and all of them have different qualities. Interesting..." the son of Endeavor mused to himself.

The events that transpired today was something no one could unsee. From Cloud's standoff with Vincent to Katsuki getting his ass handed to him, everyone was in a state of shock. Many were trying to process that two students within UA High are capable of potentially causing Armageddon.

"Blood King-sensei..." Vincent said calmly as he brushed his hair back down over his face. "Do you mind if I go to the bathroom?"

His teacher couldn't help but look at him in pity and sadness. He cared deeply for all his students and wanted to make sure they had a good experience in UA High, hence the reason why the two classes met, but Katuski's brash nature burned it down to shreds.

"Yes. Take some time off." He replied.

"Arigatou," the white-haired teen replied, making his way through the crowd, the students of 1-A parting before him in wake of the brutal beatdown they had borne witness to. " . . . Todoroki."

"Hm?" He looked at Vincent curiously.

"Your father might be an asshole... but I assure you..." he said as blood-colored eyes regarded him. "My father... is the god of assholes, and you'll have a far easier time of beating yours than I will to best mine."

Before Todoroki could inquire as to what he meant, Vincent left the room and went towards the bathroom.

But not before running back over to Bakugou and giving what was left of him a kick in the nads, as-visible through the gaping hole in 1-B's wall that Bakugou made on the way out.

"I knew something bad was gonna happen when this meet up started, but I didn't think it'd be this bad." Admitted Denki, scratching his head.

"Oh, poor Vincent..." cried Toru.

"Itsuka, right?" The orange haired girl looked at Cloud.

"What made Vincent lose composure?" He asked her.

"Those cards of his...they were given to him by his mother. They were all he had left to remind of her by after she passed away. Until he came in." She sneered in Katsuki's unconscious form.

"What an asshole." Scoffed one member of Class 1-B.

"For once, I agree." Cloud said, his voice cold and void of emotion.

"Is Bakugo dead?" Asked Minoru. To answer his question, the red-eyed blond suddenly got up.

"Guess not." Both classes saw Cloud walk towards his location.

"Wait, where'd Cloud go?" Asked Ochako. Suddenly, they saw the normally calm and collected blond walk over to his fellow Musketeer, and he was not happy.

Cue Final Fantasy VII: One Winged Angel (Orchestra Version)

"Strife, where-" Suddenly, a loud sonic boom resonated within the area, much to the shock of everyone. Both classes looked at the damaged area and saw Cloud punching Katsuki in the face. The impact was so strong that it launched him into the Class 1-B roof, where it made an imprint of his body.

During mid-fall Cloud delivered a brutal kick to the stomach, taking the oxygen out his body and made him cough up some blood. The force sent him into the glass, where he hit his head. Grabbing him by the neck, he punched him two times before on the third one, letting him go, causing him to get launched again.

"You stupid dumbass..." like how the Hulk threw down Loki, Cloud picked him up by the leg and slammed his body on the floor, each one making a crater on the ground. Looking at him momentarily, Cloud threw him roughly into the chalkboard.

"Good for nothing..." throwing him in the air, Cloud's left hand began to light up with blue electricity, coursing with magic energy.

"PIECE OF SHIT!" Cloud socked him in the face, creating another sonic boom and launching him into the roof once more.

"Cloud, stop!" once more, his eyes began to turn green and the silhouette of Sephiroth appeared once more, causing the sky to darken.

"Oh, not again." Katsuki was about to get up when Cloud roughly grabbed him by the shirt and said,

"When this is over, you and I are gonna have a very long talk about your damn arrogance." His voice once again resonating with the One Winged Angel before punching him so hard that it broke through the Class 1-B wall and into his classroom, where he hit his head on the glass again, making a crack.


Cloud's stoic face was wracked with anger and disappointment. Katsuki was still alive, he knew that much but he won't be getting up anytime soon. As someone who also held a tragic keepsake, he knows how it feels to hold something dear to him to remember him by. With Katsuki's insensitive action, it was equivalent of an insult to him, as he destroyed what was left of his mother. What was left that reminded him of her.

Calming himself, he reined in Sephiroth's power, causing the sky to brighten once more. Looking to his right, he saw Ochako hugging him tightly.

"Please, Cloud...stop this..." she begged. She knew of their history and it was tearjerking for friends to turn on each other. Just seeing the smack down delivered by both Vincent and Cloud made her wanna wish all of this didn't even happen

"I'm sorry, sensei...I lost control of myself." Aizawa merely shook his head.

"Just make sure this doesn't happen again." Were his only words. As brutal as the beatdown was, Aizawa knew that Katsuki wasn't the type to be changed with words. Someone needed to thoroughly punch his skull in before he can actually learn his lesson. No matter how many times one tells Katsuki, he merely brushes it off.

"You know, when I fought him earlier during the faux hero-villain fight, I thought he learned his lesson. It was foolish to me to think otherwise." Cloud snapped his fingers and the desks and craters formed by his brutal beatings disappeared. Without saying a word, he walked towards the direction Vincent went off to.

Many of his class were wrapping their minds over the event that transpired.

"Sir...is Capture the Flag still gonna happen?" Asked Mina, raising her hand.

"I'll ask Vincent if he's willing to participate. If not, we can do it without him." Answered Blood-King.

"Same with Strife. Both of them really gave it to Bakugo pretty badly and have a lot of anger pent up."

And so both classes were filled with a heavy heart at what happened today. No one could say anything noteworthy.


At the same time in one of Yuuei's bathrooms, one of the sink's faucets was running at full blast.

At the far end of the room, his hair pulled back by a red bandanna, Vincent raked his clawed nails down his forehead, blood pouring down his face and down the drain. As the white-haired teen continued to tear away the emblem that had appeared across his forehead, the teen breathed deeply through puckered lips between each rake of his claws. Once he was satisfied that his forehead was free of any garish markings, the teen breathed deeply once more, oxygen flooding his body and revitalizing him down to his very last cell, the claw marks that had once dominated his face fading away completely. Splashing his face with water and wiping away the last of the blood, Vincent let out a sigh of relief, glad to see it was his own face staring back at him in the mirror.

"Heh... And Todoroki thinks he has problems," the teen chuckled as he made sure to wipe away any of the blood that failed to land in the sink. "Someday, I will beat you, father. Just you wait and see," he growled as he stared into the mirror, his crimson eyes briefly flickering gold as a deep, haughty laughter echoed in the back of his head, taunting him.

{Chapter End}

Oh, NeoNazo356 helped me with this chapter. I give credit to you for the additional assistance.

As compensation for being gone for a RIDICULOUSLY long time, here's a chapter worth over 10,000 words.

This Vincent isn't OBVIOUSLY the one from Cloud's own world. The same person who helped me introduced this OC to me as a way so that Cloud can have a rival that can equal him. I know of his origin, but I'm not gonna reveal it...at least until later on. Besides, I know some of you are thinking how the hell this Vincent knew Cloud. All will be revealed in due time.

Also, let's be real Katsuki may be much better here compared to canon, but he isn't the type of guy to change easily. While he views Cloud and to some extent Izuku at an equal light, he views 1-B as lower class punks...which got him in a heap of trouble.