Hey guys, Liz here! First things first if you aren't new to my stuff, you maybe be wondering why I'm suddenly a Ninetales! And suddenly a girl! Well, it's simple really! Kenny, the original owner of the account, decided to collaborate on the account with me, meaning we work on everything together now! And he was gracious enough to allow me the customization on the account!

Anyways, back to important stuff!

1 - So, we've already got all characters for this season... Season 2... Season 3... XD Yeah I'm planning way too far ahead. I also have another Reality TV Game Show, which is full on characters and getting started! All that's left... Is a third one, XD Yes I'm trying three reality TV game shows at a time. Total Poke-Drama. A Secret One. And Survivor. And Survivor is still in need of four characters, so for those of you who would like to have characters partake in Survivor, simply PM Me and I'll give you a little form to fill out. Not too large at all, should only take a few seconds, and it'll give me and my friend enough info to work with your character. Meanwhile, My Secret Story, whilst season 1 is full, I'd be fine accepting applications for season 2! The form would be pretty much the same. And then we'll also fill for, yes, a FORTH SEASON of a fanfiction series I HAVENT STARTED POSTING YET! XD

2 - It'll be a long time before I start posting Total Poke-Drama: To The Films. My idea is, I want to finish the story entirely, and then post each episode on a weekly interval, once a day each week, at a certain time, so everything stays neat and interest for the story remains. So yeah... It'll take a while. I have episode one and episode two finished already, with still... Eleven Episodes left to go. Keeping in mind that it's taken half a year to get where me and Kenny are in the story now, XD But hopefully we can get ourselves to work harder on it!

Okay, that's pretty much it! I guess you guys can tell me what you think about that in the reviews? And then if you guys wanna submit characters for Survivor Season 1, The Secret Story Season 2, And Total Poke-Drama Season 4 ( XD ) Just PM me, tell me which one you're looking to submit characters for (up to 3), and I'll pm you back a form. Thank you guys for reading, and I will probably update this story with credit for the characters I received (that have nothing to do with this story XD)

Also... I will admit I have been considering just posting the story with chapters as soon as I finish them. I guess I would like to know what you guys think about that sorta stuff too?