Spending time with Lisa as they dyed each other's hair once again gave her mixed feelings, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't push away the nagging sensation in the back of her mind insisting that they were being deceitful to the Parks by not revealing the identities of their informers.

The whole thing wouldn't be possible without Paul and Pauline, dammit, they have the right to know…

As unpleasant as the guilt was, she couldn't bring herself to blurt out the truth, especially there and then, she was too afraid of the potential consequences, including the Walrider's reaction if she made such a decision all by herself. The thought made her mentally pause as she continued combing the dye through Lisa's hair, she briefly considered dismissing it before changing her mind and addressing it within herself. It was true, as much as she didn't like it, imagining his ire directed at her sent chills down her spine, she recalled how even though it felt like it had been forever since she left home that dreadful afternoon, in reality it had only been a couple of weeks, and even less since she met him, she didn't know him that well, she couldn't even really tell if he had changed at all in that time apart from treating her mildly more gently, it wasn't pleasant to accept, but she had to admit that the thought of getting on his bad side was still terrifying.

Then.. why the heck did you sleep with him?

The thought came immediately after, making her discreetly shake her head at herself then doing her best to dismiss it before she began questioning her sanity again.

"Ow!" Lisa suddenly yelped when she accidentally pulled the comb too roughly through her hair, drawing her attention


"It's fine, are you okay? You've gone quiet."

Alyssa forced a brief smile "Yeah, just thinking about.. making sure everything will turn out well."

The thought crossed her mind that she couldn't afford allowing those old conflicting feelings to return and distract her, it was the wrong time and place, so she did her best to focus on the task at hand and engage in conversation with the woman.

Once both the task and the waiting time were done, she returned to her bedroom, not surprised to find it empty. In the bathroom, she carefully undressed while keeping the towel around her shoulders, careful to avoid staining, before removing the towel as well and stepping into the shower cabin. Mildly cold, she first turned on the hot water, softly sighing in delight as soon as it began traveling down her body, then turned to slide the door closed, whose glass surface was considerably frosted, allowing the visibility of silhouettes beyond it but not much else.

Removing the hair clip from the top of her head and undoing her bun, she gently began washing the dye out of her hair, making an effort to relax and keep her mind away from stressful thoughts, which was made considerably easier by the sensation of the hot water, soapy loofah and the sweet coconut scent of the shower gel.

Eventually, when she had to suppress a yawn, the realization struck her that she had spent more time than necessary under the warm stream, and thoroughly rinsed her hair one final time. Turning around to keep her head away from under the flow, she wrung as much water as she could out of her hair, but still refused to reach over to the faucet and turn it off. Instead, she brought her hair over her shoulders, placed her palms on the wall ahead and stretched her back, savoring the sensation of the hot stream flowing down her back and body.

Reflexively, she regretted delaying exiting the shower when, through the corner of her half opened eyes, she caught sight of a dark blurry silhouette on the other side of the glass, even more so as its large clawed hand pressed against it, drawing a panicked scream out of her as she scrambled to the other side of the moderately sized cabin, placing an arm across her breasts and the other over her crotch.

Even before the Walrider slid the door open and poked his head inside, she had already exhaled in relief upon realization of the silhouette's identity, relief instantly replaced by playful outrage

"Do you need something?!" her voice raised further thanks to the expression she noticed on his face, seemingly amused with a toothy grin exposing noticeably pointed canines "You think this is funny?! You scared the shite out of me!"

Once he shamelessly stepped inside the cabin, Alyssa would had taken a step back if her back wasn't already touching the cold tiled wall.

"You think I would let anyone else do this to you?" he spoke with mild amusement, taking one large step towards her, enough to place his hands on the wall she leaned against, but thanks to the height difference, she easily barely leaned down as she stepped under his arm, around him

"Oh, only you have the right to invade my privacy, huh?" she commented with playful annoyance, then halted when he turned and placed a hand on her abdomen. For whatever reason, she got the impression that something more serious had happened in her absence and required the corresponding attitude

"Alright, what happened? What did you come here to discuss that couldn't have waited?" she dismissed her amusement and craned her neck to look up at him with a mildly concerned expression, but he didn't take her latest questions into account, and the still amused look on his face only puzzled her, even more so as he spoke up

"Invade your… privacy? I am here to invade a lot more than that."

His words promptly increased the temperature in her cheeks, she didn't want to admit how quickly she thought she figured out what he meant before she dismissed the thought and continued to act confused.

"What do you mean?.." she suppressed a smirk as he placed his hands on the wall she leaned against, this time near her sides, low enough to block her in, while the shower faucet turned off seemingly by itself, shutting off the water stream

"In certain situations, I am not good at… being discreet." his words puzzled her, but when he leaned ever so slightly closer and she felt something brush against her skin, her eyes widened at the sight of his fully erect cock lightly poking her stomach. More out of reflex, she attempted to take a step back before being reminded that she was already pressing against the wall. Trying to ignore both the warmth in her cheeks and the smug look on his face, she cleared her throat and pushed herself to speak up as she glanced to the side

"And I'm going to need to be able to walk properly.."

She barely finished her sentence and already felt the grip of his hands under his thighs lifting her off her feet, pushing her against the wall; just when she reached up to place her hands over his neck for support, she gasped as he pulled her legs up over his shoulders instead and pressed tighter against her, squeezing her between the wall and his hard body as the underside of his cock rudely intruded between her folds. She opened her mouth, more in shock and embarrassment at the position she was pinned in than anything, only to have her breathing partially restricted by his hand quickly grasping around her neck tighter than she was ready for

"There you are…" he spoke almost in a growl, low but with wicked delight, and she dared glance up with a faux innocent but genuinely confused look "That side of you, that lusty little pervert that took so long to surface before."

"I don't know what you're talking about…" Alyssa did her best to suppress her smirk and craned her neck to look down as much as his hand would allow, although she couldn't hide the amusement and playfulness in her voice "That must've been the stress talking."

"Stress?" the way he spoke made it obvious that he did not believe her, and she wondered if she truly chose her words wisely when he suddenly removed his hand from around her throat only to shove two fingers in her mouth and grab her jaw tightly with the rest, drawing a surprised, half muffled yelp out of her, while his other hand moved to her breast, lightly pinching her nipple before squeezing the soft flesh "Then let us unwind, shall we?"

A partly nervous, partly aroused exhale left her as she slid her tongue along his fingers, surprised herself at how quickly she got used to the sensation, and even more so, at how she somewhat enjoyed it, despite not knowing why; she tightened her lips around them and gently sucked, which she immediately thought she regretted when she caught a glimpse of him curiously cocking his head to the side, she was still too lucid to let go of inhibitions, as much as she would've preferred otherwise.

A small moan left her at the feeling of his shaft sliding up and down between her nether lips as he slowly began rocking his hips against hers, but despite the heat in her face and loins, the rest of her began feeling cold after being interrupted from the long soak in hot water and pressed against the cold tiled wall, so she made a muffled sound, glancing to the faucet, prompting him to remove his fingers from her mouth and placing his hand under her ass for more support, claws lightly sinking into her flesh

"I'm cold.." she spoke in a breathy whisper, and almost immediately the warm water resumed its flow over them, but her gasp was interrupted as he took advantage of it to fill her mouth with his tongue instead, drawing another muffled, half surprised moan from her. Feeling herself warm up especially in her nether regions as his cock slid between her lips with increased ease thanks to her slickness, she felt brave enough to kiss him back and tangle her tongue against his with as much of a smirk as she could while she allowed her hands to roam his chiseled chest and abdomen.

When he slithered his tongue out of her mouth, a strand of saliva stretched between them, landing on her breast and getting washed away by the water "You like having your mouth full?" he asked teasingly, but didn't expect her immediate breathy reply

"Only with you."

At first, the way her words made his smirk drop and his hand shoot up to grab her tightly around the neck again as a low growl left him frightened her, some of that fear vanishing with the sudden feeling of the tip of his cock pressing against her entrance, but being met with resistance, enough that it made him cease his attempt and recollect himself. It then struck Alyssa that he wasn't angry, only severely horny, and her words only added to that, to the point that he had to make an effort to not forcefully impale her on his cock in one swift move.

Despite being well aware that she'd be playing with fire, she couldn't help herself, she curled her lips into a smirk drunken with arousal and spoke in a soft teasing tone

"What's the matter, big spooky guy, losing some of that control?"

She instantly wished she had reconsidered her decision before speaking as he paused, then dropped her legs from over his shoulders, still holding her by the throat, but from nearly a foot away while eyeing her down, some of the arousal washing away quickly, reminding her of how terrifying his face was.

"I-I'm sorry…" her voice trembled more than her hands as she raised them to his own on her throat, before he grabbed them both with the other and pinned them above her head. His fingers gave her neck a brief tighter squeeze then began slowly traveling down, his claws barely scraping the surface of her skin, and when they reached her breast, she leaned forward with a pout, wanting to feel more than a teasing caress, only for his hand to retract in response. With eyes growing wide, she watched as it moved to his cock and he began idly stroking it as he stared at her, and the realization of what he was doing struck her

"Oh no…" she whispered more to herself, gently smacking her head back against the wall "God dammit, what have I done." a frustrated but amused smirk stretched on her lips, seeing herself in that position.

The aching emptiness in her pussy made its presence increasingly bothersome, her clit growing so sensitive to the point that the stray drops of water landing on it being pleasurable enough to draw her attention and give her an idea. Slowly, she turned her hips in the direction of the water flow, relishing in the massage it offered on her sensitive bits, but only for a few moments, as he quickly took the opportunity to land a hard slap on her ass, drawing a squeal out of her and immediately making her press her hips flat against the wall again, the cold tiles helping to soothe the stinging feeling. If his cock could throb at the punishment inflicted and her reaction to it, it would've.

Just when she was about to whine, she silenced herself as his hand slowly returned, gently rolling her nipple between his fingers, far too gently for her liking at the time, then began sliding down her abdomen with encouraging pressure, raising her hopes the closer it reached to her groin, only to crush them all when his hand dropped to his side the moment it arrived near her folds.

At that, she didn't hold back her protest anymore, she whined and made a futile effort to pull her wrists from under his grasp. He only patiently waited for her little tantrum to be over, she quieted down but kept a needy gaze on him

"I can do this all day." he spoke with renewed amusement, his words surprising her at first, before she put on the mask of a sad but submissive frown, hiding the playfulness behind it.

His hand rose to her cheek, this time she was surprised that he appeared to show her some mercy as he caressed the soft hot skin, albeit not the type of mercy she needed at the time. As his hand slowly began descending, her hopes ascended, until she reminded herself to expect just another tease. Instead of more frustration, however, a yelp left her as he roughly wrapped his fingers around her throat and an invisible force grabbed her ankles, lifting her legs up enough for him to clench his hand under her knees and pin them at her side while pressing his body against hers.

Despite the discomfort, the exposed position only made her more aroused, especially thanks to how he took a few moments to take in the sight of her, she grasped onto his wrist gripped around her neck before clearing her throat

"Does it get you off, you bastard?" she spoke with a mix of playfulness and lust "Doing these things to me?"

He leaned closer, the feeling of his hard shaft pressing against her folds and clit distracting her further

"It does." his tip slid up against her entrance "And judging by the throb in your pussy, it affects you similarly."

At that, she bit her smirking lip and moved a hand over her eyes in a moment of embarrassing lucidity, it was true, she kept feeling the emptiness inside her pulsate in excitement and eager need to be filled.

Whatever shame she felt was quickly replaced with the alertness of pain as without warning, he buried as much of his cock into her as it would fit, the sudden, rather forceful intrusion evoking a stinging sensation from her stretched walls, and she caused herself a dose of pain herself by accidentally biting her lip too hard in reaction. She wasn't surprised, he was still too big for her and her hole too unused, but she grit her teeth and bared it.

To some relief, he placed her legs back over his shoulders and supported her with one hand under her ass while she did her best to hold onto the arm he snaked around her back. He didn't start fast, nor slow enough that she could easily take it, she made an effort to relax her nether muscles as best she could and allow him to slide in and out with less pain for her, when she glanced down and saw the slickness on his cock, she realized there wasn't any issue of a lack of it, it was only an issue of space.

Despite the gradually decreasing pain, she was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain her grip on his arm as each stroke drove the head of his cock into her core, pressing against the sensitive spot at the bottom of her pussy, drawing pleased mewls out of her and the occasional hiss at the lingering stinging sensation of her stretched tunnel. Before she felt ready, he took the liberty of digging his claws into her flesh for more grip, then increasing his pace, not only faster but harder, slamming his hips into hers as if trying to burrow more of his cock into her sheath with a pleased rumble.

It wasn't long until he noticed her discomfort, so he reluctantly eased into slower, longer strokes, allowing her tunnel to loosen up, mainly because that would allow him to take her the way he liked, to pound into her hard and fast without her screaming in pain to stop. Taking advantage of the break given, she made an effort to clasp her hands behind his neck and partially lift herself off his shaft, pulling him into a sloppy kiss, then not bothering to suppress a moan when she slipped back lower, deeper onto his cock.

"Do you.." she lost her breathy voice as she ran her fingers down his chest and over his abdomen "Sometimes I wonder…" she briefly wrapped her fingers around his girth before it entered her nearly fully again, pulling away her palm covered in her own slickness that she ran over his abs, making them shiny before the water washed off her wetness "Do you ever realize how fucking hot you are?"

She spoke drunk with arousal as she threw a glance up at him between her lashes, but judging by the silence and curious tilt of his head to the side, the answer to her question was a resounding 'no'.

Her partly playful, partly lewd smirk quickly vanished when, without warning, he began pounding into her harder and faster, her lips parted with a series of small moans, feeling her orgasm beginning to sneak up on her

He grabbed a rough handful of her breast, mildly increasing the harsh pace further "If you need me to fuck your little cunt harder, all you have to do is say so, don't try to 'seduce' me."

Even through the moans, a laughter managed to leave Alyssa "I'm not.. trying to.. but it's true-oh.. ah, fuck!" another giggle left her, never before had she found herself torn between laughing and moaning, the former being somewhat difficult as he continued driving his cock in and out of her with considerable ease thanks to her slick canal loosening up as much as it could, ready and able to take the abuse.

Her amusement was quickly cut down by the increasing heat between her legs while her jaw dropped open with a string of moans, her body rocking between his and the wall, and her breasts bouncing with each powerful thrust driven into her core. Before she knew it, her pussy involuntarily began clenching onto his shaft as she felt her peak dangerously close, her toes curled in the air and her nails dug into his forearm and shoulder.

The realization that the warm water flowing over them was only overheating her further also crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it, partly because she figured she could take it until it was over, and mostly because she didn't want to think about anything other than the blissful feeling of his cock ramming into her hard and heavy, the brief thought that she would most likely be sore in the morning struck her, but for reasons she didn't understand, it only made her more aroused

"Are-.. are yo-" she struggled to speak between rapid thrusts that, to her mild disappointment, significantly slowed so she could speak more easily "Are you going to fuck me until I'm hurting again?"

She glanced up at him with a look of lewd desire that would've made his cock throb if he still had blood running through his veins, it still drew a low growl from him that made her mouth open playfully and he made an effort to resist shoving his fingers in it again and hold her by the jaw while he fucked her

"Yes, yes I am, I'm going to break your pussy, then fix it so I can break it over and over again."

It was more than satisfying to see the smirk on her lips drop, especially accompanied by the involuntary throb of her walls against his cock and the feeling of her muscles weakening, he couldn't help but find it both amusing and arousing how she'd try to talk dirty to him only to become putty in his hands once he talked back.

With no warning, he gradually but rapidly increased his pace, pumping into her viciously again and drawing a string of moans mixed with cusses from her

"J-jesus fuck!" she struggled to speak again, but this time he didn't slow, already partially high from the dopamine in her brain and craving the full dose from her orgasm "If some unholy t-tragedy ever happens and I have to have sex with someone else, I'd never be able to get over the disappointment, the poor bastard."

She couldn't help but whimper in a bizarrely delightful mix of arousal and fear at his borderline demonic chuckle "Rest assured, that will never happen."

The thought crossed her mind of how she used the word "unholy" without thinking twice about it to describe herself being with a human man, while she was being fucked silly by something most people would deem "unholy" and loving every second of it, she was too busy moaning to laugh, but it did amuse her in a lewd fashion, and she couldn't chalk it up to her mind being hazy with arousal, she knew the thought would do nothing but turn her on even if she was fully lucid.

Her focus on the increasing tightness in her pussy before her orgasm hit her was suddenly interrupted by the knock on the door

"Alyssa?" the familiar female voice followed immediately after, dismissing the possibility that her mind was playing tricks on her

"Ah, shit! Stop!" she spoke with irritation and hesitation, the Walrider slowed down considerably but didn't stop moving entirely

"Ignore it!" the annoyance in his voice was clearer than in hers

"I fucking wish I could but what if it's important, what if Billy said something stupid, what if he told them about the Pauls, or what if they changed their mind?! I have to check!" Alyssa spoke hurriedly as she pushed against his abdomen, feeling the rumble of displeasure vibrating in his chest.

With noticeable hesitation, he did let her go; a whimper of discontent left her at the feeling of emptiness after he slid his cock out of her and placed her down on her feet, she rushed out of the shower cabin, goosebumps raising on her skin at the cold-by-comparison air outside after being heated up in more than one way.

Mostly failing to stop the cussing under her breath, she hurriedly grabbed a towel, wrapped it around herself and tossed a glance behind in the shower cabin. The sight of the towering entity standing under the water that continuously flowed over each sculpted muscle with his cock at attention, still coated in her juices, threatened to make her forget any urgency to check on Lisa, especially when he clasped his hands behind his neck and leaned against the wall

"Oh, you bastard!" she couldn't catch herself before the words slipped out, dripping of frustration and desire, which only increased when he laughed with satisfaction at the effect he had on her.

Pushing herself to turn away, she hurriedly left the bathroom, ignoring the lingering pulsation of her walls from the proximity of her lost orgasm, and uncaring of her wet hair nor the water it was dripping on the floor.

She forced a smile before swinging the door open, the fast manner in which she did it, along with the sight of her in only a towel and her hair soaking wet took Lisa off guard

"Oh, you were showering, sorry for interrupting-"

Alyssa wasn't sure if she had finished her sentence before interrupting her herself "It's fine! What is it?" it took considerable effort to keep the smile on her face and her tone semi-normal, the slow manner in which the woman spoke and the dismissive flick of her wrist only adding to her frustration

"Just wanted to ask if it's okay with you if we take some sand out of the decorative fountain near the pool to dry and put it in a box as a makeshift kitty litter for Peanut? Just to have something temporary before disaster strikes." Lisa chuckled, and Alyssa's forced laughter was devoid of amusement as her eye twitched

"Sure, not a problem!"

"Alright, I'll see you late-" the last word barely managed to leave the woman's lips before the door was closed in her face, and the second they couldn't see each other anymore, the forced smile dropped from Alyssa's face, replaced by needy frustration.

Without a moment wasted, she rushed back to the bathroom, dropped the towel on the floor, and as soon as she was within reach of the Walrider, he roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the shower, pressing her face against the wall. At first she squealed in surprise at the sudden impolite manhandling, but the feeling of her breasts and face against the cool tiles of the wall nicely balanced the high temperature of the water flowing down her body.

With renewed shamelessness, her lips stretched into a lewd smirk at the sight of him moving behind her and the feeling of his claws on her hips, angling them up, her walls pulsing with eagerness to be stretched again.

Several moments of nothing happening later, the problem he had behind her unraveled to her as well when she felt the tip of his cock poke above her lower back before he suddenly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her up, high enough that she felt the tip positioned at her entrance, then lowered her down, impaling her on his shaft. She let out an approving moan, but as satisfying as the feeling of being stuffed to the brim again was, she still found discomfort in being held tightly by the waist with no support under her feet.

Just several thrusts later, it became evident that it wasn't going to work, especially as she placed her hands on the wall only to have them slip, and what little support she could get from placing her feet on his knees was too unsteady, she could do nothing but grip onto his wrists as he bounced her on his cock, but as arousing as it was, the sharp claws dug into her waist as he lifted her with each heavy thrust was too uncomfortable, she had to shake her head and urge him to stop, which he hesitantly did

"T-the footrest in the bedroom-" she spoke urgently, and almost immediately a swarm of nanites flew out of the bathroom, bringing back the black leather ottoman footstool, placing it right under her.

Once her feet found stable support on it, she barely had the time to breathe a sigh of relief when he already started pounding into her again, not even needing to exit her while the problem was being solved. Having no other support for her hands, however, she gripped onto his wrists as tightly as she could while his own hands gripped her hips, claws digging into soft flesh, causing mild pain that was easily drowned out by the sensation of his velvety but solid hips slamming against her ass, and much more so by the increasingly blissful feeling of his cock ramming the depths of her pussy.

As the heat built up inside her and her climax began announcing its return with alarming speed, she began finding it difficult to stand up, allowing herself to lean forward against the wall, pressing her face and breasts against it partly for the support, partly for the refreshing coolness. The thought crossed her mind to reach over to the shower faucet and turn off the flowing hot water, but the involuntary clench of her walls on his shaft as her orgasm knocked on the door swiftly changed her mind, managing to realize the noise the running water made would mask her own in case someone was nearby outside and she couldn't muffle herself well enough.

"Yes-yes-yes- don't stop." she barely managed to whisper coherently to herself on the brink of climax, he didn't think he could stop, even if he was cruel enough to try

"Look at me." his demand brought back a sliver of shame, which was partly to blame for her hesitation, plus her desire to reach her peak, her attention was swiftly made to return to him when he dug a hand into her hair "You're going to look at me when I fuck you, when you come undone."

And undone she came with those words, she could only obey for a few moments, glancing up over her shoulder at the wicked grin he sported, before the blissful blast of ecstasy erupted within her, spreading through her body up to the tips of her fingers, overheating her further under the water. Water which, to some relief, helped to mask the cries of pleasure that she couldn't manage to suppress or muffle with her hands that were still busy trying to maintain a grip on his wrists while he continued pumping inside her with increasingly slow thrusts. She would've flinched if she still had the strength when he smacked his head against the wall above hers with a deep satisfied chuckle, more than content with the dose of chemicals that flooded her brain upon climax, and when he stopped moving inside her, her moans and mewls along with her peak finally ended as well, replaced by her heavy breathing.

It took considerable effort to reach over to the faucet and turn off the water, and after she did so, she heard the somewhat heavy, gravelly breathing sounds from him above her; despite not being able to get physically exerted, breathing was a remnant of having a corporeal body that occasionally occurred, lingering like an old habit

"Fuck me…" she whispered more to herself as she took unsteady steps out of the shower, trying to ignore the still cramping muscles in her legs

"Now, again?" the Walrider spoke with eagerness that raised alarms even in her hazy mind

"No! That is not- that is like a figure of speech, it means.." Alyssa interjected quickly, nearly slipping as she grabbed a towel and clumsily patted herself somewhat dry "Like.. god damn, the only thing I like more than hearing your heavy breathing is hearing your heavy breathing above me after I've come undone."

It took some noticeable effort to get her words out as the post-climax arousal wore off, she noticed the heat in her cheeks as well, and when she heard the deep chuckle in response, with a hint of an echo, she wasn't sure if it caused her goosebumps or the room temperature after being overheated in the shower for so long was to blame.

After patting her hair as dry as she could, she grabbed a white bath robe that she loosely wrapped around herself as she nearly tripped on the way out of the bathroom before allowing herself to fall on the bed and passing out within minutes.

It was nearly noon when Alyssa felt the silky sensation of a clawed hand on her bare shoulder, gently shaking her awake

"Alyssa, wake up." the Walrider's voice briefly frightened her before more of her conscious mind and memory came back as she awoke. With a pleased purr and smile, she tried to wrap her arms over his neck, both hungry to feel more of the velvety sensation on her bare skin and wanting to pull him in bed with her

"You might want to be awake for this. Pauline's here." his words almost immediately made her freeze then slowly open her eyes while her smile faded

"Wha.. oh.. God, no.." with some clumsiness that was quickly washed away by the concern along with any sleepiness, she hurriedly wrapped the bath robe around herself better before leaving the bedroom.

With only a hand combing some of her messy hair into place and a quick glance over her shoulder to confirm that the Walrider was still floating behind her, she swallowed and increased her pace to the living room, stopping in the doorway once she reached it.

Waylon and Lisa sat on one sofa, the man holding his wife's hand whose forehead rested in her other hand, her now light blonde hair obscuring her face, while Pauline leaned back in the opposing armchair, the slightest hint of a smirk visible on her lips. The grim look on Waylon's face wasn't a surprise, neither was his wife's reaction, Alyssa expected something similar when the Parks found out who their informants were, but it didn't make it any less unpleasant.

"Nice of you to join us." Pauline spoke casually, nodding to the sofa next to her.

Alyssa hesitantly took a seat, not daring to look at the couple, her eyes aiming at the small black suitcase on the coffee table in front of the agent "Why.. are you here?"

"Because there's been some further developments." Pauline's voice was louder and more serious, before she returned it to a more nonchalant tone "Plus, I'm here for some last day.. uh, second to last day, details? But before we get to that.." she nodded towards the Parks "Maybe you have something to say to them? We explained to them why I have to help you and why I can't afford screwing you over, but even so.. They don't look so good."

The smirk she flashed drew a scowl on Alyssa's face that vanished when she turned to the couple

"I don't really have anything to say, apart from the obvious.. I'm sorry." she spoke softly but with an air of certainty "We didn't have much of a choice, the only people who would know enough about Murkoff to help us fight them are people from the inside."

A few tense moments of silence passed before Lisa exhaled deeply, and when she raised her head from her hand, seeing her lightly shake it raised her concerns

"Normally, this would be.. far too much. I would be running for the hills and never stopping."

Her words, however, gave Alyssa pause, she raised an eyebrow "Normally? What do you mean?"

Waylon's shoulders raised then lowered with a relieved exhale "It's been on the news earlier this morning, people are coming forward and pressing charges against Murkoff, parents, siblings, friends of the patients, you name it, there's finally more voices speaking against them, real voices, taking real, legal action."

"And as great as that is, even more importantly.." Lisa interjected "When Alex woke up this morning, he could feel his legs in some parts, he can already even wiggle his toes now…" the woman threw a discreet quick glance at the Walrider standing behind Alyssa then gently shook her head "We can't leave, he's only gonna get better, we can't afford to leave.. Even despite this woman." Pauline didn't mind the distrustful glance she received next.

Alyssa could hardly believe what she was hearing, earlier when she woke up and found out Pauline was in the apartment she considered it could be a nightmare, now it felt almost too good to be true, a wide smile stretched on her lips

"My God, that is just so great to hear, thank you, and the trial? I almost can't believe it, finally some good news."

"Alright, are we done here?" Pauline interjected nonchalantly "Can we go back to business?"

Alyssa cleared her throat "Right, sure.. After you."

The agent leaned forward and opened the small suitcase on the table "Now…" From it, she pulled a silver tube in the shape of a toothpaste container, only noticeably thinner "That dress, it shows skin, doesn't it?"

Alyssa blinked with some confusion "Uh, I think? Honestly, I didn't look much in the boxes apart from the masks, why?"

"Where are they then? Take me to them."

Alyssa stood up and began leading her to her bedroom, then paused in the doorway when the agent loudly clasped her hands together "You too, everyone, come with us."

With some hesitation, the Parks followed them, while the Walrider shadowed Alyssa, not allowing Pauline in the same room as his host without him.

In the bedroom, Alyssa lined up the boxes on the bed for Pauline, who pulled out the two dresses and unfolded them over the covers, revealing the way they would expose the back and part of the chest

"Yeah, as expected.." Pauline mumbled thoughtfully more to herself then snapped her fingers and turned to Lisa "You, do you have any visible scars? Birth marks? Anything the dress wouldn't cover?"

The woman took a few moments to examine the dress before shaking her head "No.. Nothing I can think of."

"You then." Pauline turned to Alyssa "That tube I left on the table, it's a masking substance used for espionage, apply it over your scars and in a few minutes it'll form a sort of second skin to hide them under, you can just peel it off later."

She nodded slowly, then spoke up when the woman stepped to the boxes and pulled the two pairs of boots out of them, both with narrow high heels

"We have to wear that? I don't know about Lisa but can I find something more flat, easier on the feet?"

Pauline's shoulders rose then dropped with a mildly annoyed exhale that was noticeable in her tone as well "No? It's part of the whole reason why I'm here, these are good enough, you have to wear these so it will mask any height difference between you two and Lydia and Susannah." she threw a quick glance at Lisa "You're both not an exact match of their height so the heels are going to mask that, no one's gonna look down at your feet and start measuring if everything adds up, they're just gonna see heels and forget about any discrepancy."

"Great.." Alyssa mumbled with some frustration to herself, while Lisa nodded, and she had to admit, seeing the focus on her face was somewhat encouraging and relieving, she was willing to work with the Murkoff agent and paid attention to her instructions.

Waylon crossed his arms, throwing a glance at the Walrider who was mostly staring into space, seemingly bored, despite paying attention as well; the man opened his mouth to speak, but Pauline did so before him, answering his unspoken question

"As for you, mister Waylon." his eyebrows lightly furrowed at his former colleague while she spoke, still finding it somewhat unbelievable that she was the one helping them "You're roughly there, obviously the flat men's shoes aren't gonna help you but your extra inch or so compared to Caleb shouldn't be noticeable."

"Right.." Waylon mumbled more to himself

"Now, as for you…" Pauline took a step towards the Walrider, and Alyssa didn't know why she found it mildly amusing how his shoulders slumped and the distance at which he floated above the floor slightly lowered as he looked away "Vincent Miller is not fucking six foot nine, so when the time comes you better work that magic of yours and make yourself six foot nothing, just like him, is that clear?"

The swarm only grumbled in acknowledgement before an invisible force pushed Pauline to take a step back.

"For transport, you're gonna take a taxi and drive to this exact location where you'll be picked up by the limo." the agent handed a folded piece of paper to Alyssa, revealing to be a marked location on the map once unraveled "The driver I hired is pretty much clueless, just like we want, he's gonna get a hefty sum of clean cash in return for taking you where we need without asking questions; and I marked the times on the back of the map, you should get there not much later than nine in the evening."

"Alright, everything's set then?" Waylon spoke once Pauline stopped and appeared hesitant to continue.

The agent shook her head and signaled everyone to follow her back in the living room, where she securely closed her briefcase before picking it up

"The last thing.. I gotta be honest" she glanced to the sofa but didn't sit, appearing mildly uneasy "I didn't think it was worth discussing, but Paul insisted you should know anyway."

"The more we know, the better, out with it." Waylon crossed his arms as he eyed his former colleague, whose demeanor changed to somewhat frustrated

"Ugh, I didn't want to brief you on this because we basically have nothing concrete, all we know is that there's some sort of 'special' VIP invitations that only some of the guests received, we don't know their names, their backgrounds, anything they have in common, nothing, okay? It's pointless to think about with no clues, but my partner insisted to tell you anyway, so there. If these VIP invitations are something fishy, there's a chance we could find more about them on Frazier's laptop, once we decrypt it eventually, I don't know."

Her arms briefly raised to her sides before dropping with a shrug, she began walking towards the door, then halted when the Walrider floated in front of her

"What are the chances of convincing Frazier to decrypt his device for us?"

Pauline gave him a somewhat uneasy look "You can torture him all you like, chances are he's not gonna do it, obviously since he'd be as good as dead if what's on that laptop gets out; even if you convince him that you only need the dirty footage of Blaire and you're gonna edit it to take Frazier out of it, he's not gonna trust you."

"It is worth a try." the Walrider suggested, but Pauline spoke strictly with an undertone of annoyance

"No, no it is not, what it is is a waste of time, just bring the laptop to me and Paul, we'll decrypt it, it will take us some time but we'll do it."

"Once we bring it here, that device will not leave this building, Pauline, you will work on it here."

She exhaled quickly with noticeable anger "I forgot how annoying it is when people don't listen to your orders that are in their best interest… Fine! Fine, bring it here, keep it here, it'll only take us more time to crack it since obviously Paul and I can't stay here for long."

A light scowl grew on Waylon's face "Orders? We're not your Murkoff subordinates, we're not gonna shut up and do your damn bidding, this is our lives we're risking here, my family's lives, so calm down."

Pauline reckoned not taking orders from her without questions was more or less understandable on second thought, but once he mentioned his family, her eye twitched, it struck a chord within her

"Firstly, you have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under, between staying undercover at Murkoff and gathering intel and prepping you for killing my colleagues, so fucking pardon me for not having more patience." she made an effort to not raise her voice and took a deep breath "Secondly, do I have to remind you why I'm doing this? You're not the only ones whose lives are at stake, god dammit, do you know how many containment breaches we've had at Mount Massive? How many people were kill-"

"The fucking doctors and guards that were keeping everything under wraps while torturing those people? Really, is that what you're getting at?" Waylon interrupted the woman, only making it more difficult for her to keep her already heated temper from rising further

"No, that is not what I'm getting it, if you would shut up and let me talk, I was getting at everything we lost during containment breaches, not just lives, information as well, destroyed or fallen in the wrong hands!" She briefly pointed to the Walrider, who didn't react in any way "When this bastard broke free, he got in our computers, our files, he knows where my mother and fiancé live, he's going to gut them if I don't do everything he says, do you understand?"

Waylon didn't bother trying to keep his voice down "Well I'm fucking sorry but it's hardly the same, is it? You're the one that willingly works for Murkoff, knowing damn well what they do, you dug your own grave! My family doesn't deserve this, I'm not saying yours does, dammit, but it's not the same, for one, you could just take your folks and move them without him finding out, and there, done deal, he's got no leverage against you anymore!"

Pauline lowered her head as she shook it slowly "That wouldn't work, I'm far from the best or only detective at Murkoff, he could just find someone else, threaten them, use them in similar ways, use them to find me."

At that, Waylon's expression slightly softened, he breathed a deep exhale.

"Please, calm down, this isn't going to help anyone." Alyssa took a hesitant step between them, turning to Pauline, and spoke softly "Is there anything else?"

"No." she quickly replied and began walking towards the door before Alyssa stopped her by raising a hand

"Thank you for all your help, I do realize more lives are at stake here, and you have my sympathies, for whatever little they're worth. Can I get you a drink before leaving?"

Pauline silently watched her for a few moments, then her expression and temper softened with a deep sigh "Fine, some brandy, if you would be so kind." she spoke more calmly, Alyssa walking over to the bar and returning with a glass of the requested drink that the woman took and drank on the way to the penthouse doors.

Pauline left after any minor details were discussed and questions answered, and once she did, the relief was noticeable in the Parks, both from their body language and tone of voice

"Alyssa, could I have that DVD for Waylon and I to look at?" Lisa asked taking a small step towards her

"Of course, I'll probably be joining you guys in a bit after I get ready, if you don't mind." she led the woman to her room, admittedly relieved that once Pauline was gone, things appeared to return to what normalcy they could

"Sure, I took a few acting classes in college but don't expect much.." her words faded upon noticing the Walrider following them inside the bedroom, a chuckle leaving Alyssa before she continued under her breath "From me.."

"Don't worry about it." she handed her the DVD, and the reassuring smile accompanied by the encouraging words made her flash a smile as well "We'll make it, we have to."

When she stepped to leave, even with Lisa's back turned, Alyssa could notice her uneasiness as she walked out, thanks to the Walrider floating too close to the door, and once they were alone, she let a smirk show on her lips

"Stop creeping people out, will you.." she spoke with amusement as she stepped over to the bed to sort out the somewhat messy covers. As she grabbed them and spread them out neatly, the Walrider didn't make a sound while floating towards her, but she squealed in surprise when he shoved her forward, making her fall on the bed.

"I cannot help my very presence being.. unsettling, to humans."

A playful laughter left her when he wrapped his arms around her from behind before she could get up, trapping her in a spooning position, but her giggling died down at the feeling of one of his hands pulling her bath robe down her shoulder, while the other snaked between her thighs, too close to her mildly but noticeably sore sex.

"W-wait, don't!" she felt the grip around her loosen slightly "I'm.. a bit sore, you're not going anywhere near there anytime soon."

A chuckle left her upon hearing and feeling the grumpy disappointed rumble in his chest, followed by his grip loosening enough to allow her to slip out of it and hop off the bed

"Don't blame me, maybe if you hadn't fucked me like an animal I'd be okay right now."

Only when he curiously tilted his head to the side at her, with a surprised but pleased smirk at her words did she realize what she had spoken out loud, a hint of red quickly appearing on her cheeks, she swiftly turned away and hurriedly walked to the armchair where she left her clothes before continuing in a weak voice, almost in a whisper "You.. didn't hear that."

His echoey chuckle was more proof that he did, she ignored the few hairs it rose on the back of her neck as she bit her lip and took her clothes into the bathroom to dress up.

Thanks for reading, please remember to comment/review if you enjoyed since it is the main thing that keeps me going.