Author Note - Vir Nominis Umbra...who do you think he is? Let me know!

Act 2 has finally come to a close, and soon I shall start Act 3 - Shattered Memory! What did you think of this story! Let me know everything you thought of it! What were some of your favourite moments in this Act? Tyrian was one of my favourite characters to write, but the most important character I think I have introduced so far has to be Vir Nominis Umbra, because there is so much mystery to him.

A lot happened in this Act, the Onyx Phantom's identity was revealed! The Silver Eyed Knights were unveiled as well, the backstory of the Knights of Grimm has begun! Tyrian and Watts are now out of the picture, so please review and let me know what were the best moments and the areas you feel I should cover and work on! I am open to all forms of feedback, both good and critical, always looking to improve my writing as best as I can!

I'm also intrigued to know who your favourite O.C Characters are, both good and bad. Who would you like to see more of in Act 3? One thing I can confirm for you all is that there WILL be a lot more focus on Pyrrha and Jaune (ARKOS!) in Act 3 onwards, since that is what the main area of the third act shall be. I know that Arkos is the most beloved of the ships so I know that if I want more people to see these stories and get people invested, I should definitely have her and Jaune's love story be a focus. But I would love to know what you think of my Original Characters, even the ones that do not have much development as of yet, like the Spectre and the Lord of the Wood.

Rate them if you like! I have them all on my profile, along with who I imagine them being voiced by and their theme music that I listen to when I write them.

What places would you like to see in Act 3? I am always adapting the plot and places they go on the fly, I have places already in mind of where they will be going. And what plot points do you want answered as well? Some won't be for a while since they will be saved for the Finale of this series.

Thank you all for the feedback and support! It has been godlike, and I know this story has been a beefy one to read. A solid 680 pages long on Word! The longest book I have ever written, I never expected this story to be that length, I really didn't. Makes Act 1 look tiny in comparison.

I hope you will return to read Act 3!

Stay tuned for the Prologue of that story, it will be an interesting one!

And as always, enjoy the series!

- Onyx Phantom