It felt horrible.

So this is how Joe and Iris felt in those nine months.

One moment ago someone you loved was jumping around. And the next second he/she's in a coma.

Kara was lying on the bed. Lifeless. But we knew that she's alive. Alex and J'onn were informed as soon as I brought Kara back to STAR Labs. Caitlin pulled out the kryptonite bullet and able to close her wounds. But judging from the toxic on the bullet, it would take a long time for Kara to completely heal, even though she's under Solar Lamps.

"Security footage showed the Lex disappeared into nowhere." Alex said, "We don't know how he did that."

"And more importantly, how did he manage to dissolve Savitar?" Cisco added in. I nodded in agreement. "Who the hell is that guy, anyway?" J'onn asked.

Team Flash looked at me. I sighed, "It's my future-self." I explained how the time remnant of my future-self turned evil and got trapped into the speedforce the first time. "Oh." Alex commented though I could see some wonders in her eyes.

"Don't worry. She will wake up. Even if it takes a longer time for her to heal." J'onn patted my shoulder. I gave him a sad smile and quickly left the cortex. I couldn't face the fact Kara's unconscious. But someone chased after me, "Barry!"

I turned around and saw Alex. She was panting, "Do you have a minute?" I frowned at her words but nodded. She led me to Cisco workshop. She closed the door when both of us entered. I found a chair and sat on it. "Everything ok?" I asked.

"It's not me who should answer that question." Alex crossed her arms as she leaned on the wall, "How're you feeling?"

"Terrible." I admitted, "I'm not fast enough to save her. I should have been faster."

"I'm not gonna pretend that I know how you feel because I don't. But you shouldn't blame yourself for this..." I cut her off, "NO! It's because of me! Savitar IS my future-self! If it wasn't me then Lex Luthor couldn't possibly plan all of these!"

"The future hasn't written yet!" Alex snap. She said the exact same thing Jay Garrick told me a year ago, "I don't care if this Savitar is your future-self because I know you won't become something like him." I looked at her in the eyes and all I saw was that she's sincere about what she said, "These few months, Kara dating you, was the best in her life. I saw her smile was even much brighter than the ones when she's dating Mon-El. You made her happy. And that's all the confirmation I need. I can trust you with her life."

She paused for a while. The silence took over the entire workshop. It was as if I could hear a pin dropping on the floor. "So don't you ever blame everything that has happened to Kara on you, because the person who should be blamed at, is Lex Luthor." She finished. She left the workshop immediately after she finished her sentence. I stared at the floor and thought about what she just told me. I looked around and sighed.

I left the room and rushed over to the hills. I remembered that place was where I went when we discovered Zoom's identity. I sat on the cliff and looked around. I could see the birds flying around, trees waved at each other through the wind. I tossed a rock into the river beneath me. It dropped and created a small ripple on the river.

'I needed someone to talk to.' I thought. So I ran to a place where I could find that person.

Star City Mayor's Office.

~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~

"He'll be meeting you shortly." A worker in the mayor office led me to Oliver's office. I looked around as I sat on the chair. It was exactly the same as I remembered. I guess the Merge (that's what we call now) didn't change the decorations of the Mayor's Office. I sighed. Even though it was 5 minutes, it felt like 5 hours.

The door opened. 'Finally!' I thought. I turned my head and saw Thea walked in, "Barry! What are you doing here?" She frowned as she placed an envelope on Oliver's desk.

"I need to talk to Oliver about something..." I replied.

"Well...Oliver is in his lair..." Thea said.

"But that guy told me..."

"He told you Ollie will be back soon...that's not true. He usually slips away from his office to the Arrow Cave." I sighed and gave her a 'You should have told me' look. She sighed and nodded her head.

I left the Mayor's office. And since I don't want people to know the Flash knew the Mayor of Star City, no, I didn't run.

I arrived at Oliver's Campaign Office. I looked around, the tables filled with dust. Similar to the STAR Labs in 2024. I walked into a corner and looked for a secret button. Since it has been a while I came to this place, I forgot where it is. I gently knocked on the woods, then after a few attempts, I noticed one of them had a hollow sound. I pressed the wood and the elevator doors were opened.

'Note to Self: It's the second wooden block on the right.' I thought.

I tugged both of my hands onto my pocket and sighed, 'Ding!' The doors were opened and I saw Oliver was training with his team while a girl, whom I had no idea who she is, saw me. She looked frightened and opened her mouth.

Her screams were like the Black Canary/Black Siren. A metahuman. I groaned in pain and quickly covered my ears. I glanced at Felicity who told the girl to stop. Once I made sure she wasn't screaming, I slowly removed my hands.

"I'm sorry. I screamed because I've never seen you here before." She apologized and approached me. I offered my hand to her, "Barry Allen, aka the Flash." She took mine and introduced herself, "Dinah Drake, aka the Black Canary." I saw Oliver approached us. He put on a smile on his face when he offered his hand, "It's good to see you again, Barry."

"Yeah, it's good to see you too." I replied.

"So what can I do for you?" He and I departed the rest of the team. We walked towards the corner, "There's something I have to talk about."

"You mean Kara being in a coma?"

I looked at him weirdly, 'How did he figure it out?' I thought. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"Your team told me. Cisco, to be more precise." He replied. I took a deep breath, "Yeah...Even after a few years I still feel that I should be faster."

"You know, you literally told me that many times." He crossed his arms, I frowned, "No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"Look, whatever the point is..."

"The point is that this isn't your fault." Oliver cut me off and speaking from experience, it's best not to cut him off, "Whoever did this is held responsible. Not you."

"But if I can get faster..."

"Barry, you're not a god!" Oliver shouted. The entire Team Arrow stared at us. Oliver silently hissed at his team then turned his head back to me, "Just because you're fast and can travel through time or dimensions doesn't mean that you can do everything." He whispered, "You're the one who was struck by lightning. That lightning may have changed your life forever, but that bolt of lightning did not make you a god."

"He's right." Oliver and I turned to the female voice. Felicity approached us, "Barry, you can't blame everything that happened to your friends on you. Don't ever think that Kara being in a coma is because of you. It's because of that lunatic." I gave her a sad smile at her choice of words. Suddenly, we heard a 'beep' sound coming from the computer, "What happened?" Oliver asked.

"There's been a hit in the Glades." Curtis said, "Possibly by..." He opened the security footage. The screen showed a guy with an orange mask. The Vigilante.

"I thought the Vigilante fell out of the rooftop." I commented while I stared at the screen. I turned to Oliver, who sighed, "He did. But until a few months ago he returned."

"So what's the plan?" Dinah asked while she crossed her arms.

"Barry clear the area. The rest of us draw his attention. This ends tonight." Oliver said, "Suit up."

~~~~~~~Line Break~~~~~~

"In position." I heard Curtis said through the comms. I looked around. The street was empty. "Overwatch. How's the hostage?" I asked.

"Not good. Most of them are in shock." Felicity said, "The Vigilante has placed a bunch of C4s on the front door. So, Barry, you need to get inside through the back door."

"In fact, I can get in through the front door without blowing the building." Oliver looked at me weirdly. I smirked at his reaction and rushed into the store. I phased through the front door and grabbed the hostages one by one and placed them a few streets away. Once I cleared the area, "Let's get this done."

Oliver fired an explosive arrow, which detonated the bombs and blew off the front door. The Vigilante looked surprised when he saw me standing, "Since when do the Central City's hero doing part time here in Star City?"

"Well..." I looked around and the entire Team Arrow standing next to me, "A few minutes ago."

Within a blink of an eye, the Vigilante fired a few shots from his guns. I quickly ran over the bullets and catch them. Oliver fired an arrow but it was blocked by another bullet fired by him. 'How did he manage to pinpoint the arrow?' I thought. Dinah opened her mouth and screamed at the Vigilante. But her powers didn't affect him much. "Is that all you got? Canary 2.0?"

"No, I am just a distraction." She replied. That was when I realized that Curtis had gone behind Vigilante and threw a metallic ball towards him. It exploded before making any contact with him and the explosion made him fell onto the ground. Unconscious.

Curtis approached the vigilante, but a distant 'beeping' sound came from the unconscious body. I frowned at the sound and turned to Oliver, "Can you hear that?"

He widened his eyes and shouted, "Curtis, no!"

"What? He's unconscious." Curtis replied.

"The bomb is about to go off!" Felicity shouted through the comm. I quickly grabbed the entire team away from the scene using my super-speed. The moment all of us were out of the building, the bomb exploded. It set off fire all around the building. Crowds began gathering, wondering what the hell happened. Once I settled down the entire Team Arrow, I spin my arms in circles to draw the air out of the building to prevent the fire from expanding. Within seconds, the fire died down.

"So...the vigilante planted a bomb inside him? Not a very good idea." Curtis commented. Oliver shook his head, "No. That's a duplicate."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"A few weeks ago a humanoid robot was stolen from Stagg Enterprise," Dinah said, "He must have modified the robot and planted a bomb in it."

"Overwatch, we need to know where the real vigilante is." Oliver requested.

From a distant, sirens were sounded and several police officers arrived at the scene. They greeted the Team Arrow and were surprised to see me. I waved at them and they literally dropped their jaws. I giggled at their reactions and approached them, "If you guys keep on opening your mouth you'll catch a fly." I, of course, vibrated my vocal cords before informing them.

Embarrassed, the police officers quickly set up a restricted area around the building and cleared the crowd. "He's in the Star City Museum." Felicity suddenly informed. I took a glance at Oliver and quickly ran towards the museum. I wondered what was he doing in the museum.

Once I arrived, I saw nothing but a closed museum. No lights were on. I scouted the surroundings and found nothing suspicious. "Overwatch, can you hack the security system?"

"Already in. Switching to thermal images and...he's in the vault."

From the distant, motorcycles were approaching the museum. I turned around and saw Oliver and his team. I rushed into the basement and found the door of the vault was opened. Along with a couple of guards lying on the floor, unconscious.

Metal flickering sounds came from the vault. I slowly walked through the guards and took a peek at the inside. A bunch of artifacts like the ones from the Civil War and some Ancient Chinese painting.

Across the vault, a man wearing a black leather mask was collecting a bunch of jewelry. Probably the ones shipped from Cuba weeks ago.

"I've been wondering what brings the hero of National City here." The Vigilante spoke without turning around. "Just lending a hand."

"No, I don't think so." He turned around while holding a bag filled with jewels. The suit looked like the exact copy of the humanoid robots. But then when I looked closer, I found something different.

He doesn't have any guns.

It was then had I only realized none of the guards have any bullet wounds. They were all knocked out. And judging from Oliver's comment on the criminal, he used to favor his guns.

"Took you long enough to figure out, didn't you?" He suddenly said.

"Figure out what?" I said. Team Arrow came into the vault and stood behind me. Oliver grabbed an arrow and aimed at the vigilante.

"That I'm not the...what's his name...oh yes, the Vigilante." He said. However, it was spoken by another voice. A familiar voice.

He giggled at the sight. And slowly remove his mask while looking at the floor. He took a deep breath. Then his face came into my sight.

Lex Luthor.

"Long time no see, Barry Allen." He said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shouted. My reaction must have surprised the rest of the team because I could feel that they stared at me.

"How's Kara, by the way? Is she good?" I had had enough. I rushed towards him with my superspeed. Somehow Kara had become my Achilles' hills. I was also surprised at my emotion but bring Lex in was my top priority. However, I forgot the fact that he also had the power of the speedforce.

He hurled a bolt of lightning towards the team. Since they don't have powers, they couldn't prepare themselves and thus, they fell onto the floor. Oliver let out a groan while Curtis and Dinah went unconscious.

He stopped running when he was at the door, "What's the matter, Flash? Got a soft spot at the alien?"

"Don't you dare bring her into this!" I spat.

"Did you forget why I was doing this? Uh? It's because of her! And her so-called cousin. I've told you months ago, Barry Allen, if God id all-powerful, then he cannot be all-good. It's only a matter of time that they will destroy the entire human race." Lex said.

"And get here you are, tapping into the speedforce by killing Savitar..."

"Aka, Barry Allen." Lex cut in before I could continue.

"So what's the point of this? Stealing a bunch of artifacts. How does that fit into your grand plan." I mocked.

"Oh, it doesn't. But the purpose of it does. It's time for you to search for your precious Kara." Lex said. I was taken back when he mentioned Kara. He grinned like he's planning something evil (though in fairness, he was), and ran away with his speed.

I glanced at Oliver, who nodded, as in telling me to go to STAR Labs to look for Kara. I ran away from the museum and quickly ran back to Central City. Unlike National and Central, Star City was actually 600 miles away from Central City. So it did take me about approximately 10 minutes to get back.

Once I returned, I quickly arrived at the Cortex, papers were all over the place because of my speed, "Where's Kara?" I shouted.

Caitlin, who was sitting by the table, looked at me with surprise, "She left a few minutes ago. And Barry..." I looked into her eyes wondering what's wrong.

"She said she's going to kill you." Cisco said.


Hey, guys! Thanks for reading. I know the grammar can be a little bit off, but I am working on it. Just like Kara, English isn't my first language. I hope you all can support me and continue reading this story.

I know it has been a while since I've updated. And I apologized for it. Since I've just finished my exams, I need some time to pick up where I left. Therefore the several updates in the future won't be as quick as once before. Anyway, I hope you guys like it.