AN: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening my sweeties! Wha-?! A new adventure?! Yes please! Here's a brand new adventure for y'all to enjoy and I'm really happy y'all enjoyed the mini series! I had a lot of fun with that one and may do another for the heck of it, it would also be a little longer than the last. Also, WynonaRose I'm so happy you loved your prompt! I'll try to get around to answering yours and the other reviews there. Just a reminder for some and a heads to new sweeties, updates this week and next are going to be at a minimum. I'm going to Virginia on vacation and I'm undecided if I'm taking my laptop with me, even if I do updates will still be at a minimum. I'll be taking my notebook for sure so if I come up with any new adventures I can share them when I get back ;) I also want to try and get my episode tag for last Friday out before I leave, if I can't I'll do a bundle tag with this Fridays episode when I get back. Cool? Cool! Anyways. Can you believe it's the season finale already?! But than again, they did start earlier than other shows, so it makes sense that it's over already. Most shows started in October and MacGyver started in September. So yeah. But hey, season 2 y'all! Whoo! Still celebrating XD And I will until it comes out. Anywhoozles. Before I ramble on anymore and probably bore y'all to death, what do you say we get the show on the road? Here we go!
Summary: Mac seems to be fearless, like nothing can scare him. Nothing. What being buried alive? Lying in a box underground with not much room just waiting for the air to run out and then you're gone. Not even your pocket knife can save you. So. Scared?
Join me at The Foundation as Mutilated Pancake on Facebook or Twitter MissPancake9
All mistakes are my own and flames are not welcome
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Screams
Mac jerked awake while stifling a scream and sat up in a cold sweat. This was the seventh time this month he has had a nightmare, and it's been the same. He wakes up screaming in a box. He crying and pleading to be let out but nothing and he dies. He gets out of bed and heads into his master bath to splash some cold water on his face. Once he feels more aware of reality he goes back to his bed and sits down. He groans softly and falls back when he sees it's only three in the morning. He wasn't due for work until seven. Since he knew he wasn't going to sleep anymore tonight, he got up and headed into the kitchen and made coffee, then fixed a bowl of cereal for a snack.
'I wonder if my mind's trying to tell me something?' Mac wondered to himself.
When your mind races faster than you do, you tend not to dream but lately I've been having nightmares when I should be floating in darkness. But I'm starting to wonder if my brain's trying to say something or if I should stop eating whisky flavored ice cream before bed.
He finished his snack and decided to read for until it was time to leave for work. By the time he and Bozer got to work, Mac was yawning. He was also sleepy eyed and it was adorable.
"Good morning everyone. I have a brand new assignment for you all, so I hope you're rested and ready." Matty greeted as she came into the War Room.
The others greeted her while Mac more or less just nodded.
"Looks like someone didn't get enough sleep. MacGyver do I need to take you off the mission?" Matty asked.
"M'good." Mac said grabbing a paperclip and bending it into a shape.
"You better prove it or I will take you off." Matty said.
"Yes ma'am." Mac said.
"Good. Now this mission is right in our own backyard. A girl aged 23 was found buried outside of LA on farmland. According to forensics she was buried alive." Matty said. "Riley anything to add?"
"She was a straight A college kid majoring in field medicine for the Marines. Her grandfather, father, and four older brothers were all in the Marines and wanted to carry the tradition. She has no criminal record or anything." Riley relayed. "Oh hold on!"
"Catch something on Ford Tough girl?" Jack asked.
"She was the ninth victim to be taken and buried alive this past year." Riley said.
"Can bring up the other victims?" Matty asked.
Riley typed away and brought up the other victims on the bigger screen. There were five girls and four boys. All in their twenties but with nothing in common.
"Five girls and four boys. But there's nothing in common with them." Bozer pointed out.
"Actually there is." Mac said getting up and walking to the screen. He pointed to what he was talking about. "They all were going into some form of government or were apart of it already. Two of the girls were already in the army and the other three getting ready to head out and the boys were all in the Air Force."
"Damn. So whoever our killer is going after the troops." Jack swore.
"Guys. New victim found." Riley announced. "Davis Gaines, 25, returned home after being discharged. Buried alive two months ago but found a few moments ago."
"Alright. We can't waste anymore time. Get to work and be safe." Matty said.
Mac heard Matty but didn't move. He shivered. All of his nightmares lately were about him being trapped in a box and unable to escape. He dreamt about being buried alive and now their case is the same as his nightmares. He shook his head and chalked it up to being coincidental. For now. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach about this. He caught up with Jack and the two headed out to last crime scene to see if they could dig anything up about their killer.
'Please let this be an easy case with no Boogeymen that want to kill me.' Mac thought.
Uh oh. I think Matty should Mac stay home, but we all know that's not going to happen.
Until Next Time! I want some cake...but I has no cake...