Welcome everyone. This will be a break from the superhero-type stories. Enjoy and review.

Border Accounts

Sitting at a table, Rick Finlayson shuffled a deck of cards as he prepared to play solitaire. As his son Ken and his girlfriend Heidi chatted elsewhere in the house, Rick hit recording on a cassette recorder. Yes, a cassette recorder. Then taking the microphone with his left hand he played solitaire with his right and began to talk into the microphone.

"The Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, hit the earth's headlines in 1958 when the affiliates of a assembly company assembling a avenue through the Bluff Creek belt of godforsaken northern California were thrown into a alarm where their worksite was visited by evasive animals that bowled their apparatuses and left spoor that seemed being bar their Brobdingnagian area. The city broadsheet denominated the camouflaged animal 'Bigfoot.'" Rick scratched his cheek and then resumed speaking. "I was seventeen years old then and I remember it perfectly. One of the artisans, Jerry Crew, decant gypsum into one of the spoor, thereby bearing a authoritative article of affirmation. The enlargement of the spoor casting, coupled with the expressive appellation Bigfoot, catapulted the account out of the city broadcasting and on to the nationwide, and later the global, affairs. But that meeting was exceeding far from being the first time that the Sasquatch or Bigfoot had been discovered by beings. While some analyzers were concentrated on the spoor around Bluff Creek and abroad, I was looking into the past. My reasoning was that the mysterious maker of the spoor must have been previously encountered if it had been a real creature. I was right. The American Indians I interviewed told me of the creature under different names: The Iroquois called it the Wendigo or the Wittiko, the Micmac called it the Chenoo and the Penobscott used the appellation Kiwakwe. European foklorists used the general term 'Wendigo'. The stories were treated as little more than fairy tales. I suppose they still are treated as such. The farther into the woods you go the stories get more fantastic. You start with tales of a hairy creatures shaped like men who live in the woods and are active during the night. The Ojibway regard it as a messenger of the gods with the appearance of one being regarded as a bad omen, a sign of supernatural trouble that was approaching. The name Sasquatch comes from J. W. Burns who Anglicized the word sesqec. Originally more used in Canada, Sasquatch has started to feature more use here in the United States over the tabloid sounding Bigfoot. Burns did not take the stories seriously until he realized that the creatures were all too real. A speaker once said there are no Sasquatch but the local chief said that he was wrong with white man and Indian alike having seen them. That is all for today." Rick turned off the recorder and then focused solely on his game of solitaire.

Standing from the top of the stairs, Ken and Heidi looked down on Rick. What was this he was doing now? Why was he recording this information on a tape cassette?