Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Author's Note: To anyone that read the original version of the story that was put up on the site and are confused as to why it has been deleted so quickly, this may help explain my reasoning.

Shortly after uploading the second chapter I decided that I wanted to take the story in a different direction and since id only uploaded the first two chapters I concluded that it was still early enough to delete the story and make the necessary changes. As some people may have realised this was originally going to be an Amourshipping story but due to the high amount of this ship already present on this site, I've decided to try something different to help differentiate my story from others. This is why ive decided to change this into an Aureliashipping story ( Ash x Lillie )

I apologise to those who originally followed the story for taking it down but I believe this change will not only better the story in the long run, but also help to motivate me to produce chapters at faster rate. I am hoping to average around one chapter a week, but currently the first four chapters are ready to be published so I might upload more frequently than this.

Again apologies to any confusion caused and if you have any further questions, don't be afraid to private message me.


Strong winds moved across the nights sky, pushing along the unbreakable cloud barrier that blocked out the shining starts above. The dark skies were contrasted by the choppy waves below. The waves created a thin mist that hung in the air, adding to the already gloom setting. The view was dark, the air was cold but it had an element of beauty to it. The scene was watched over by a man and his Pokemon.

He was dressed head to toe in black. Black combat boots and black cargo pants, partially covered by a long black coat that covered a black T-shirt. To top it all of a black baseball cap sat atop his head and a black scarf rapped around his neck. His Auburn eyes and messy beard the only stand out features, other than the Pokemon next to him.

He had grown notorious in the nearby towns that sat in the hills behind him and the small fishing villages that ran along the coast below him. The Sinnoh region knew him as a hero. A guardian that watched over the lesser half of society, however his name was unknown to all but only a few. His companion for almost 4 years now stood, or more accurately floated alongside him.

"You're thinking about something. I can always tell when your thinking about something and it's never a good sign. What is it?" The man broke the silence between the two causing the Pokemon to turn towards his trainer. "How so master. How do you know I'm up to no good again." He replied, looking up towards his trainer, returning the accusing look.

"Aura, remember." He replied simply, shooting a smug look towards his Pokemon. "You won't be able to sneak anything past me Darkrai, so don't even try it." He finished with a serious tone. "So I'll ask you again. What is it?"

The shadow Pokemon turned his gaze back towards the horizon, he may as well get this over with. "What are we doing Ash? 2 years now we've been wandering around these mountains, and for what reason? When I joined you all those years ago I did so because I saw a trainer with the potential to be one of the best in the

world, and you know what?" He turned to look Ash in the eye once more. "You lived up to that potential. I've grown stronger than I could ever have imagined. You've trained an army of strong Pokemon of which some can make some legendary Pokemon look like a Wingull. So why in the name of Arceus are we wasting that potential on stopping petty crimes in towns we haven't even ever heard off! Why aren't we challenging a league or something! Your wasting my time, your wasting the rest of your teams time, and your also wasting your own time!"

The sudden outburst caught Ash by surprise, Darkrai wasn't usually one to challenge his views, but he wasn't at all surprised that one of his Pokemon had finally strung up the nerve to say it. He was only surprised it hadn't been sooner.

"Darkrai if I had an answer to that question I'd give you it, but I don't. I've gotten to the stage where Im questioning my own judgement. I'm just a shadow of what I once was." No emotion was shown on his face, just his signature blank stare.

"Are you not happy master?" Again Darkrai's question surprised him. However it was a question that both of them knew the answer too. "I've not been happy for over a long time Darkrai. I've not got a purpose anymore."

"Well let me ask you this then master." He waited for Ash to look at him again before continuing. "Are you proud of us? Me and the rest of the team. And Bastian, what about him?"

A chuckle escaped from his mouth, a now uncommon sight. "Darkrai you guys are all I have left. Let's not try and think about what would happen if I lost you guys. Of course I'm proud of all of them, and you. We've all grown stronger together over the years, why wouldn't I be?" He replied, a gleam from days gone by in his eyes.

"Because sometimes you don't act like you are. We're a family Ash. But sometimes you don't treat us like it. You block us out. We don't know know what goes on inside your head. We try to help and you block us out, just like you did with your friends and family before you left them!" He knew he had struck a nerve and looked towards the ground. "You aren't the man I met 4 years ago. You've changed." The usually dark and calm Pokemon's voice bad rose to one almost of desperation. A hint of anger lingering within. He looked back towards Ash, who had now sat on the grass below them, his chin resting on his knees.

"You're right Darkrai. I have changed. I'm not the person I used to be and believe me, I want to go back to the ways of old, but you know just as well as I do that's it's not that simple. We've both experienced things in the past few years that nobody should ever go through. Things that you can't just push to the back of your head and forget about. It's not that simple."

"But you can surely try master!" Darkrai shot back, his voice regaining it's strength once again. "Have you even been here the past year Darkrai! You've seen what I'm capable off. In the past year alone I've lost control of my aura 3 times. One of which resulted in me almost killing Bastian. I can't go back, what if I hurt someone else!?" Ash stood his ground. Darkrai did the same. "We can work on that Ash! Lucario said he only needed a few more months to help you perfect it. Plus that was Bastian. It was his fault for trying to intervene in the first place and all has been forgiven." The shadow Pokemon looked back towards the forest they had came from. Where the rest of the group awaited. "You say you don't have a purpose Ash. You don't have a goal to strive towards."

"That's correct Darkrai, I don't." His voice was cold, void off any emotion. "Then what is that in your coat pocket then huh?" Darkrai began to rise in confidence feeling that he was beginning to get to his trainer. Ash put his hand into the pocket, pulling out the peculiar golden gem. The very item that he'd left home in search off, and he didn't even know it's purpose. He placed the gem back into the pocket and returned his attention to Darkrai. "Your point being what exactly?" He replied. "That master is the very thing we spent too god damn long looking for. It serves a purpose. Who knows what it is but surely somebody does. So don't tell me you don't want answers."

Ash didn't speak. He didn't know how but the nightmare Pokemon had finally gotten to him. "There's only one way to get answers Ash. We'd have to go back. It's what the rest of want. However at the end of the day the decision is yours and we will accept that decision." He began to float back down the path towards the forest. He turned back towards his trainer once more. "All I ask is for you to think about it Ash." And with that he retreated back into the forest, leaving his trainer to his own thoughts.

After a few minutes, Darkrai finally returned to the camp-fire that the group had set up earlier in the day. Bastian and all the Pokemon had been asleep for a while now. Or so Darkrai thought.

"Any luck Darkrai?" The voice belonged to the Alpha of the group. One of only two of Ash's Pokemon that could beat him. This Pokemon was one of only a handful that Ash had caught before he joined him. "Believe it or not Garchomp, I think I finally got him." The land shark sat up from it's sleeping position, clearly intrigued. "No. There's no way in the distortion world you've actually got him to change his mind." Darkrai chuckled at the excitement laced in the dragons voice. "I didn't say I had, I said I think I have."

"Well I hope your right because as much good as helping these people is, it's not what any of us want to spend our days doing." Garchomp replied, glancing at the other sleeping figures around the camp site. "The sun's going to be up soon. Think we should wake the others?" Darkrai gave a small nod in response. The shadow Pokemon floated back out onto the path, looking to see if Ash was coming back yet. He'd have to wait for now. He turned back to the camp to see the rest of the group beginning to rise for the day.

It was quite the army. You could pick any six from the group and they could give any champion a run for their money. Obviously first of there was him. He'd confronted Ash as he'd left Canalave City four years ago, and had stood along side him ever since. Wanting to grow stronger, he seen Ash as the only trainer worthy of his trust.

Second up was Garchomp. According to the dragon he'd met Ash just over 4 years prior on his return to Sinnoh. However this Garchomp was different. Its usual dark blue body was now an icy white. It still displayed its usual red underbelly and lower jaw, but had lost its trademark golden star and stripe, which were now also an ice white.

To make up the strongest trio within the group was a Pokemon that joined Ash around the same time Darkrai did. Back then it was just a little Ralts. Now it was an immensely powerful Gallade, undoubtedly the strongest off his kind and one of the most loyal Pokemon in the group.

To his left sat the two oldest members of the group. Ash's starters from the Kanto and Hoenn regions. Charizard was still one of the strongest in the group but was slightly outmatched by the other three. He'd been with Ash the longest out of anybody here, a title that held a fair share of authority within the group. He hadn't been Ash's starter but that was a subject that was best to be avoided, even when their trainer wasn't around. Sceptile, the single grass type within the group had also been with him for many years. However unlike Charizard he preferred to keep his head down and very rarely stated his opinion. In battle however his personality changed. The lizard lived for the thrill of battle.

Next to them stood the two giants off the group. Aggron and Tyranitar. Ash referred to the two as his 'Wall breakers'. The two's strength came from not speed, but shear power. Both able to take a hit and give one back twice as hard like it was nothing. Together the two made an incredible duo.

Then there was the three remaining Steel types in the group. Lucario, Scizor and Bisharp. Lucario, much to Darkrai's disappointment was Ash's choice for second in command. When he wasn't around, Lucario's word was law. He was loyal, never setting a foot out of line against his masters orders. Scizor, just like Sceptile preferred to keep to himself. However for what he lacked in words he made up for in power. Second only to Garchomp for his savage battle style, it was usually enough to scare many opponents into submission. Bisharp was the newest member of the team. If he didn't get his say he'd storm of and sulk for a few hours but he was working on his temper, that's all that Ash asked from him. The rest of the group however were already growing tired of his antics.

The second dragon amongst the team, Salamence. Also one of Ash's newer additions, had recently evolved from its previous form. He was still learning the ropes of flying but was still making extremely fast progress, growing stronger by the day.

Next to the winged giant sat the smallest members of the group. The Jolteon was the sole electric type in the group and wasn't to be underestimated for his size, the little guy packed quite the punch. Next to the electric Pokemon was it's Ice type counterpart, Glaceon. She was the only Pokemon in the group that Ash had nicknamed, referring to her as Krystal. The duo were seen almost as a replacement to his previous starter, as one usually sat upon his right shoulder.

The remaining Pokemon in the group were all Dark types. Over the years it had become Ash's speciality in training Dark types. This group was made up of an Absol, Houndoom, Hydreigon and Ash's starter from Kalos, Greninja. It was the Kalos native that spoke up first.

"What's going on Darkrai? The sun isn't even up yet so there better be a good reason for waking us up." He said, glaring towards the nightmare Pokemon. "If you'd shut that mouth of yours and give me a chance to explain myself first I might find a moment to tell you." He shot back, sending his own glare at the water type who proceeded to back down. Before he could continue Garchomp spoke up. "Darkrai thinks he's managed to get Ash to see things from our perspective. If he has then we could be out of this place and away back home before the day is done."

All the Pokemon shared shocked looks. Ash was infamous for standing his ground. It wasn't often they got their own way. They cheered loudly in praise of Darkrai before he then proceeded to bring them back down to earth. "Everyone shut up!" He waited for everyone to return their attention to him. "Like I said to Garchomp, I'm not sure. He hasn't given me an answer yet." He paused glancing around the group. The scene had gone from looking like a party to that of a funeral within a moments notice. "We're just going to have to wait and see what he says." He finished.

"Well you won't have to wait long then." Everyone's head turned to the where Ash now stood. The gleam in his eyes confirmed Darkrai's hope. He'd made the right decision. "I'm sure your all aware that Darkrai spoke to me earlier this morning about setting our sights on a new goal correct?" He looked to all his Pokemon, receiving nods from all of them. He smiled inwardly, Darkrai just couldn't keep it bottled up for more than ten minutes.

"Well then you'll all be pleased to know that I, believe it or not, have decided to take his advice and before any of you guys say anything, let me explain what the course of action is." He paused briefly, taking a seat around the now extinguished camp-fire. "Since I can guess you guys don't want to stay here any longer, we'll be leaving right after breakfast." He was about to continue before being interrupted.

"Hang on a second, slow down Ketchum. Where are we going and since when were we even going anywhere?" Ash turned his head to see the bright orange eyes off his travelling companion, Bastian. He had long white hair that fell down to just above his shoulders. He wore a black bandanna on his head and a Banette rested upon his shoulder. Just like Ash he wore a long black trench coat that fell to below his knees. He'd evidently just woken up, his stand out orange eyes still half shut. "You can't just go about telling everyone expect me what's going on." Expecting Ash to continue he stopped, but when he only stared back at him he spoke up again. "So... What is going on?" Ash chuckled at his friends evident discomfort.

"It's time to go back Bastian. We've been in these parts for too long. It's time to do something with our lives." The white haired man's face mirrored that of the Pokemon moments prior. "So that's it then. We're finally leaving!" He shouted, pumping a fist into the air. Ash waited for him to calm down. "May I finish then?" He said, before shooting Bastian an annoyed look. "Oh... Yeah sure." He said sheepishly.

"Right then. After breakfast I'm going to take Charizard and set off for Kanto. The plan is to get back to Pallet Town before nightfall. You guys can stay at the lab overnight and then we can head off the next morning. You'll probably be wandering where we'll be going afterwards yes?" His Pokemon nodded. Ash cleared his throat before continuing. "The Pokemon league are hosting a tournament in a few days time, somebody mentioned it to me in the last village we passed through. It's being held in the Alola region. Somewhere that some of you guys won't have visited before, but trust me it's an amazing place. It'll be one of the biggest ever held and will only include the best of the best so there'll be no easy matches. That is if you guys are up for it." He concluded, shooting a sly look towards his Pokemon, who all cheered in agreement.

"All right, we'll leave after breakfast then. Bastian dish us up." He finished before dispersing back into the trees again, leaving Bastian to breakfast duties.

"Scizor hurry up! Ash wants us ready to go within the next five minutes!" The voice belonged to Lucario who was currently trying to get everyone ready for their impending departure. A departure that none of them were actually currently ready for.

Ash watched over the seen of Lucario trying to rally everyone together. A small grin pulling on his lips as he watched the jackal starting to loose his temper.

"So I guess this is it then Ash." He turned to face the man behind him, who had just released a Swellow out of one of many Pokeballs.

"I guess so Bastian. I have to give it to you, I'm impressed you stayed by me all this time, not many would have. You have my thanks, you've been a good friend."

"You make it sound like this is goodbye Ash. That tournament in Alola starts in four days and I expect to see you there. I want my rematch." He shot back over his shoulder to the Kanto native.

"You'll get it Bastian don't you worry, just remember I'm making a visit home first so I won't be there immediately. I'll meat you there for the opening ceremony." Bastian responded with a nod and jumped onto the back of his Swellow as Ash retreated back down the path towards his Pokemon. "Later Ketchum!" Bastian shouted one last time as he ascended into the air and out of site. The site the met Ash at the bottom of the path did not surprise him.

"Gallade." He called over to the psychic type who currently sat waiting with Garchomp and Darkrai, gaining his attention. "What in the name of Arceus are they doing." They both surveyed the scene. Lucario had ran out of patience and was now throwing aura spheres in all directions in an effort to try and speed things up which was working to a very minimal effect. If anything it had slowed down the process as everyone ran for cover.

"I wish I could say master. For such a strong group of battlers they don't act very smart do they."

"Think I should step in?" Ash offered. Before Gallade responded Darkrai spoke his mind. "Don't. I want to see how this ends."

The free-for-all continued for another 10 minutes before everyone had calmed down and were ready for departure. Before returning them he went over the plan once more, explaining to everyone that they'd be staying a night in Pallet Town before heading for the Alola region.

"Alright, everyone except Charizard return." With a flash of light all the Pokemon where returned to the device on his left arm. A gift of such from Bastian that had proved his worth, allowing him to carry as many Pokemon he desired at once.

He walked other to the overgrown fire type, climbing onto his back. "You know the drill Charizard. Set course for Pallet Town." With that he took to the sky at lightning speed, leaving Ash to ponder something he hadn't thought about until now. How was he going to explain himself to his mom.

"Master were here, where should I land?"

Charizard's voice snapped Ash out his thoughts, rubbing his eyes as he took in the surroundings. The long flight had its effect on both of them, Charizard's wings were beginning to cramp and Ash was struggling to stay awake. Next time he'd remember to take a plane, or at least take a break on the way.

"Go for Oak's lab Charizard, we may as well get this over with." Following the order, Charizard descended the final few hundred feet. The residents of Pallet Town looked to the sky in awe as they seen the oversized fire type descending down towards the ground, before landing behind the professors lab.

As Charizard landed, many of the Pokemon at the lab surrounded him, curious as to who the new arrival was. Hearing the commotion, Professor Oak made his way outside, not expecting to be met the gargantuan lizard that stood in front of him once he made it out the door. His eyes shifted from Charizard to Ash, who has now jumped from Charizard's back.

"I don't believe we've met before, state your business. I don't take kindly to strangers showing up unannounced." Oak stated, who was careful to keep his distance. He could tell by just a quick look that Charizard was incredibly powerful.

"You don't recognise me professor, I'm hurt." Ash replied, clutching a hand to his heart. "I expected a warmer greeting than this if I'm honest."

Oak remained un-fazed by his laid back demeanour. "I'll ask you again, who are you and why are you here." However his cold stare disappeared as the man in front of him let out a chuckle.

"Think about it professor, look at Charizard here." Ash said, waving an arm in the general direction of the fire type. "Who do you know who has a Charizard as powerful as this one. Where have you seen this Charizard before. Who does he belong too."

Ash waited for a few seconds, before the look off realisation appeared on his face. He'd never seen the man look so stunned in his life, it brought a smile to face.

"No... no it can't be. They said you were dead. Ash?" The professor finally let out, taking a few steps towards him.

"The one and only professor, it's good to see you again." Before he could react the professor pulled him into hug, before promptly releasing him so he could question the new arrival. Ash was in for a long rest of the day.

"Ash my boy! Where have you been the last few years. We've all been looking for you and trying to contact you but there was no trace." Oak's tone was mixed. Ash wasn't sure if the professor was angry at him or not.

"I've been travelling professor, visiting new places and trying new things. The last 2 years however I've been in Sinnoh... training." He could now tell Oak wasn't angry, as the thought off all the new Pokemon Ash had caught entered the professors mind. "You want to check out all my new Pokemon don't you professor?"

"Am I that easy to read my boy?"

"Your a Pokemon professor, I'd be surprised if you didn't ask." Ash responded, shooting a knowing glance to the professor. "Well it is my job I suppose, so may I?"

Without a word he reached for the device on his left arm. With a press of a few buttons an array of blue light enveloped the ranch. When the light faded all of Ash's Pokemon stood in place. Saying Oak was impressed would have been an understatement.

"Oh my Arceus. Ash I don't know where to start." The look on his face would have been one for the scrapbook, he looked like a kid in a candy store. "They all look so powerful, and that Garchomp." He took a step closer to the land shark. "Why is it coloured so differently?"

Ash was enjoying watching Oak, it reminded him what he would have been like a few years back. "He's unique professor, in more ways than one. More powerful than you could ever imagine, however the unusual colour scheme I don't understand either."

He continued to watch the professor as he ran between Pokemon, looking over each of them in incredible detail before scribbling notes down on the notepad he had produced from his pocket. He was about to put it back in his pocket, before spotting a final Pokemon which sat to the side of all the others.


"Yes professor?"

"Please explain to me why there is a Darkrai in my back yard."

Ash jumped down from the wall he had perched himself on top off and made his way over to him. Oak no longer held the excited look on his face. Now it was one of pure amazement.

"Darkrai, meet professor Oak. Professor Oak meet Darkrai. When I was in Canalave City around four years back professor, Darkrai here confronted me just as I was leaving. He wanted to grow stronger. Apparently I was the only trainer worthy his trust, so he asked to join me on my journey, the rest is history."

"You never cease to amaze me Ash, you've became more powerful than I could have ever imagined. Your mom will be so proud of you." Oak smiled as he spoke.

"Speaking of my mom professor, I think I should go see her shouldn't I." However as he said this the professor grinned sheepishly. "I'm afraid you won't be able to do that Ash. Have you heard about the tournament that's being held in Alola this week?"

"Indeed I have. Actually I intend to compete why?"

"She's already left along with Gary and Tracey. I'm meant to be flying out tomorrow to meet up with them. I believe they're also meeting up with Brock and Misty as well once their there." At this Ash's mood fell dramatically. He knew it would be hard dealing with his mom but his friends as well? That's something he wasn't looking forward to.

"Well damn, anything you need help with around here professor?" Ash though if he was here he may as well try and be useful.

"There isn't much Ash. Like I said I'm leaving for Alola tomorrow so I don't actually currently have any projects running. However there is something that I'll be studying once were in Alola, perhaps you'd like to help with that?" Oak questioned.

"And what would that be professor?"

"I got a message from the regional professor in Alola a few weeks ago asking for assistance. Professor Kukui, I'm sure you remember him." Ash nodded his head in response, motioning for the Oak to continue. "Anyway he needs my help and asked if I could supply two field workers as well as my help on his latest project. Tracey is happy to help but Gary would prefer to focus his time on training for the tournament." Ash grinned now knowing that his old rival would be competing, revenge was going to be sweet.

"So your wanting my help professor?" Oak nodded in response. "Sure. I don't need to train as much as Gary would so I'll have some spare time on my hands."

"Excellent, well if your looking for something to do then I suggest that you give him a call and tell him that you'll be willing to lend a hand. I need to get these Pokemon fed. Shall I feed yours as well?"

"That'd be nice professor, where's the phone then?" He shouted back, making his way into the lab.

"Where it's always been Ash, the number should be written down somewhere."

Ash made his way through the lab. It hasn't changed much since he had last seen it. The nostalgia hut him hard, why hadn't he came back sooner. He'd not sure if coming back was the right choice but now that he was here, he was sure it was. He reached the computer, taking a seat in the chair and swinging round to face the monitor.

"Right, now where is this number..." He moved the loose sheets off paper from the desk before coming across a sticky note with the number scribbled down on it, which was labelled 'Kukui'. The professor was still as disorganised as ever. He entered the number into the computer, drumming his fingers against the desk as he waited for an answer.

Finally someone did pick up the phone. It was a man that looked barely older than Ash himself. Like all regional professors he wore the traditional white lab coat, but with only a pair of shorts underneath. He wore a tinted pair of glasses and a white cap that covered his hair, which was tied up in a bun.

"Professor Oak good to... oh you aren't Professor Oak my apologies." Kukui sheepishly apologised realising his mistake.

"Not quite Professor, I guess you could say I'm an assistant of sorts for the professor. I've been told to call you to say that I'm willing to help with whatever this project of yours is." The professor wiped the embarrassment of his face at this announcement, and now shot a great smile towards Ash.

"Oh that's great news. I was beginning to wander if the professor had forgotten that we still needed another hand. I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Kukui and I'm the regional professor, that much I guess you already know." Ash inwardly laughed, realising that Kukui no longer recognised him.

"Yeah, the professor was a bit vague however when he was describing this whole project. What's actually going on here?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll explain everything to you when you arrive. I'm assuming your competing in the tournament as well?"

"Yeah I am, what gave it away?"

"You have the look of a battler, I see a certain passion in your eyes. If you wouldn't mind telling me, what is your name?" Kukui questioned.

"I'm sure you remember me Professor. Does the name Ash Ketchum mean anything to you?" He asked the Professor slyly.

Kukui momentarily blanked out, unable to process the information. It took a good few seconds for him to fully comprehend what he had just heard. "Ash...?" He looked closer at the image on the screen, drawing the similarities. "Oh my Arceus it really is you. Your back? Where have you been?" He stated in disbelief.

"I'll go into more detail in person Professor, it's a long story."

"Alright, well it's great to see that your okay. None of us thought you'd ever come back. We had all feared the worse."

"We?" Ash asked curiously.

"Surely you remember your old classmates Ash."

"They still remember me? I'm surprised anyone still remembers who I am."

"Nonsense, people tend to remember the name of the former Kalos League winner who suddenly disappeared 4 years ago." Ash rubbed the back of his head, he didn't realise how public his disappearance had gone. "Well I'm sure you'll be wanting to get here as soon as possible so I want keep you here for long. Like I said I'll explain everything to you once your here and I'm assuming you'll fill me in as well, that sound good to you?"

"Sure that sounds great, see you soon professor." He replied, before hanging up the call, leaving himself to his own thoughts

He was just beginning to comprehend how much his life was about to change. Not one day ago he was still working his way thorough his usual boring day to day routine of almost constant training. Now he was about to return to the public eye, in one of the biggest tournaments ever held. Not to mention that he had to explain his four year absence. He was going to be way out of his comfort zone. Ash almost completely forgot about one of the points Darkrai had given him for leaving in the first place. He was still curious about the markings on his leg, but where would he even start looking answers, maybe Kukui could help him out after the project was complete.

And then there was that. He had a feeling that this project wasn't going to be any normal type of research. Nothing ever was normal in his life. "I wander what's going to happen this time." He thought to himself, before being promptly brought back to reality.

"So Ash are you ready to go?" Professor Oak appeared at Ash's side, causing him to yell in surprise.

"Arceus professor! Don't sneak up on me like that." He let out, trying to regain his breath.

"Oh sorry Ash, it's just the sooner we leave the sooner we'll arrive in Alola. So did you talk to Kukui?"

"Yeah I did, I'm to meet him before the tournament starts."

"Well we better get a move on then, I've got a car coming to pick us up and take us to the airport. We'll be in Alola by tomorrow morning." Ash groaned at this news, he'd completely forgot that he'd need to take yet another long haul flight.

The streets of Hau'oli City were filled with Pokemon and people. Trainers and Pokemon fans from around the world had congregated in the city for the tournament, some referring to it as the greatest to ever be held. Amongst the streets the people walkedamongst the busy crowd. They where looking for another group, however finding someone in a crowd this size was like finding a needle in a hay stack.

"Brock we aren't ever going to find them this way, we'll be here for days at this rate." The voice belonged to Misty Waterflower, the gym leader of Cerulean City and a competitor in the upcoming tournament. Her companion was Brock Harrison, former leader of the Pewter City Gym but now a well known Pokemon doctor.

"Relax Misty." He drawled out still scanning his surroundings. "If we can't find them here we'll just wait for them at the Pokemon centre." This seemed to calm her down, if only for now.

"Looks like you won't have to wait then!" A voice barely audible above the busy crowd shouted over to them. The duo spun round to see who they'd been looking for themselves. "Looks like we've been found instead." Brock ushered.

The new arrivals made their way over to them. The first was a short boy with messy black hair. He wore a thick pair of glasses along with a navy pair of jeans and a black hoodie with a Slaking drawn across the middle. This was Max Maple. Son to Petalburg City gym leader Norman Maple. Now 15 Max had been a Pokemon trainer for five years and was very well known for his sudden rise to power, but also for his powerful Slaking, just like his dad.

Next to him stood his sister, May Maple. The former coordinator had now left her former career behind and had fallowed in her brothers footsteps and became a battler. This tournament would already be her sixth.

Just behind them walked a blunette girl who cradled a piplup in her harms. Since Ash's sudden disappearance a few years back May and Dawn had developed a strong friendship. She was here to watch the duo compete in the tournament but also to cheer on her boyfriend. He was very different than the rest of them.

Paul Shinji, a very famous battler also native to the Sinnoh region just like his girlfriend was also here to compete. He'd been training for months on end for this tournament and was not about too waste all that hard work. He was going to win this tournament and nobody was going to stop him. He still harboured his well known cold and angry personality that only Dawn seemed able to control, never mind put up with.

A thought lingered in his mind. A thought that he found himself thinking a lot recently. "Ash. You've been gone over four years now. Where in the name of Arceus are you. The media say your dead, but you can't be. There was something different about you, and your still up to something, just when will you come back. The others miss you. Maybe even I do. He misses you to, more than anyone." Paul glanced to the Pokemon that sat on his shoulder. Pikachu, the Pokemon that Ash was well known for had not followed him when he left. Pikachu had ran to Brock that fateful day to try and get him to help, but before he could lead him back to where Ash had been, he'd already left, leaving Pikachu behind. Nobody could quite believe it when Brock had told them. So Pikachu went with Paul to try and get stronger, and maybe one day find his master once again. He never was quite the same however.

Paul looked to the sky, watching a plane leave vapour trails in its way. He groaned as he heard an unmistakable voice approach from behind him.

"Hey Paul, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Gary."

"I'll go round and meet him later professor. I want to have a look around first." Ash said to Oak. The two had finally arrived in Alola after a painstakingly long flight.

"Sure thing Ash. Just don't forget, he seems rather keen on meeting you." Ash signalled a nod and with that Oak was off, leaving Ash by himself. However it didn't stay that way for long. "Gallade, come on out." The physic type appeared in front of him.

"What's up, master?" Gallade questioned.

"Nothing Gallade, just thought you'd like to see the sights." Ash replied, motioning to the city around them. The physic type looked around. He looked pleased.

"So this is Alola then? I've got to say it's not bad here." Gallade observed. Ash hummed in agreement.

"Well Gallade first things first yeah? Let's go get registered for this thing." The two set off towards the huge battle complex that stood on a hill to the north of the city. On the way there the saw many new Pokemon. It was an experience that Ash hadn't had in a long time but was still as amazing as he remembered. He made a mental note to himself to go and see what he could catch later, but for now the tournament was priority. After around a ten minute walk they arrived at the complex and made their way to registration.

"Nurse Joy" Ash called out as he entered through the large double doors. The nurse glanced up from her paperwork and shot him a smile. "Alola. I'm guessing your here to register sir?"

"Indeed I am." Ash replied, before handing his Pokedex over to her. He knew this was going to happen sooner or later, as he seen the expression on the nurses face change from calm to shock. He rolled his eyes as he watched her try to regain composure. "Ehh... there you go Mr. Ketchum. Your now registered for the tournament. The opening ceremony takes place tomorrow at 11am."

"Thank you Nurse Joy. Have a good day." And with that he was gone as soon as he arrived, leaving a very confused and shocked Nurse Joy behind him. As he walked out the doors, he couldn't help but notice a familiar figure in the corner of his eye. For once it was someone he considered himself pleased to see.

"You've got to be kidding me." Ash muttered, making his way towards the man, causing him to look up from the Zoroark that was currently sat at his feet.

"Ash? Wow what a surprise. I thought you didn't do public appearances. I guess this is a special occasion?" He joked.

"Darkrai has quite the way with words N. It wasn't my initial choice to be here." Ash replied. "How's she been doing this last we met?" He asked N, motioning to Zoroark at his feet.

"Much better thankfully. I didn't know if she'd be okay to battle but she's determined. I won't stand in her way." He answered, stroking the dark types hair.

"Well I've got a lot of places to be right now, but perhaps we can catch up at the ceremony tomorrow." Ash offered.

"Good idea Ash. I've got a few unanswered questions that you still need to answer." N shot a sly grin towards him.

"Ugh... fine, I'll see you tomorrow then." He finished before walking off with Gallade alongside, leaving N to continue grooming his Zoroark's mane.

"So your competing then." N thought to himself. "This is going to be interesting. Very interesting."