Hey there folks and welcome to..well this story. Yeah idk where I was going with that. Anyways, this is an idea I've had kicking around in my head for a bit so..may as well get started with it.

Chapter 1: Prologue

-Patch, 4 months ago-

Ruby hadn't been expecting Blake and Yang's talk to go all that well. Having known for a couple days now about what Blake was intending to say, she knew it would probably lead to a mess. Shortly after they'd left to take a walk, She'd been outside playing with Zwei when she'd heard shouting voices coming up the path back towards the house. Hurrying back inside she sent a frantic text to her girlfriend, Weiss Schnee who was currently visiting Winter in Atlas.

Ruby: Weiss? Are you up? Oh man…this is SO not going to end well.

Weiss: I am NOW. What's wrong? Are you okay?'

Ruby: I'M fine. I can't say the same for the house when they get in here. I haven't heard Yang yell that loud in a long time..

She felt her scroll vibrate with the reply, but had her attention torn away from the screen with the harsh slamming of the front door. "Ohh no…" she whimpered

"You are being completely ridiculous Yang!" She heard Blake snap, followed by several loud thuds, probably Yang punching a wall or two again. Ruby was grateful Taiyang was out on a mission right now..though she didn't look forward to explaining the holes when he returned.

"I'M being ridiculous?! You're the one running away halfway across the god forsaken world and leaving me behind!" Yang yelled, the mixture of pain and fury in her voice making Ruby, and she could imagine Blake, wince a bit.

"Im going to come back! Why the hell can't you get that?! Im not leaving for good!" Yang let out a humorless laugh that trailed off into a growl.

"I'm so fucking sure." Blake let out an exasperated sigh, clearly running out of patience with this argument rather quickly. "You know what, Blake? Go. I won't even try to stop you, just GO!" Another loud thud. Ruby glanced down, realizing her scroll had buzzed a few more times.

Weiss: Ruby? Ruby are you still there?

Weiss: Ruby, come on you can't message me with that then go silent, your going to start worrying me.

Weiss: Ruby Rose, you answer me right this instant!

Ruby allowed herself to tune out the the continued argument downstairs for a moment, lifting the scroll back up to type her reply.

Ruby: Weiss I'm really freaking out..

Weiss: Maybe you should get out of the house until it's over. Maybe go stay with Jaune and Pyrrha?

Ruby: I can't get an airship this late to Vale, or I probably would. Then again I wouldn't want to bother them with this anyway. Maybe I should say something to them..

Weiss: Only if your sure. Your sister isn't exactly reasonable when she's in the state your describing.

Ruby: She wouldn't do anything to me, I'm sure of that. I can't stand this anymore..I'm going.

Weiss: Let me know how it goes. I love you, Ruby.

Ruby felt a smile break out onto her face. They'd been together since the start of their fourth year at Beacon and she still never got tired of reading or hearing those words.

Ruby: I love you too, princess.

Tossing her scroll aside, she nervously made her way down the stairs, seeing she'd been correct in what the thudding sounds were. Their yelling halted for the moment, Blake was watching Yang pacing around, her eyes full of new tears to go with the streaks already running down her face. Yang's hair was glowing faintly, her eyes a deep crimson as she muttered under breath. Blake looked up when Ruby cleared her throat, turning away when she realized her leader had heard everything.

"I tried to keep the conversation outside but..you know her,"

She said, her voice trembling, but eyes narrowed at Yang who snapped her eyes towards Blake, lips curling back into a snarl.

"You know what-"

"HEY!" Ruby said, raising her voice to make Yang turn her full attention towards her sister. The angry look faltered briefly, but didn't leave. "Yang, you need to take a few deep breathes, and calm the hell down. God, look at what you've done! Dad's going to have a fit."

"Ask me if I care right now! Guess what Ruby? Blake's going on a nice little trip to Vacuo. You know, the place that's basically in a civil war right now? And hoo boy, wait until you hear the best part! Im not allowed to go according to her! Isn't that the most idiotic thing you've ever heard?" She stared at her sister, expecting to see shock, irritation towards Blake, anything like that. But she saw only sympathy towards..her. It took a second for the gears to click, her hair glowing a bit brighter. "You knew?'!"

"Yang, don't blame her! I asked her not to tell you," Blake said, turning to Ruby. "I..I'm so sorry. I've been trying to explain what's going on but she wouldn't let me. She just started flipping out." Ruby slowly made her way over to Yang, standing between the two of them. "Ruby..?" Blake asked nervously.

"Yang..I want you to let her talk. Don't yell, don't interrupt." She growled a bit when Yang went to open her mouth. "Let. Her. Speak." Yang kept her eyes locked on Blake, but backed away a bit, fists still clenched tight. "Go ahead, Blake." Blake gave Ruby a brief grateful smile before it dropped and she stared down at her feet.

"L-Look Yang..this wasn't an easy decision to make, believe me. But I need to be there for this. If what my father told me is true..we have a real chance of finally accomplishing something big. HE has been spotted in Vacuo. Yang..Adam is alive." That name caused the anger of Yang's face to finally fall away, replaced by open mouthed shock. Recovering, Yang shook her head slowly.

"No..no..that's not possible." Adam Taurus hadn't been heard from for over two years, following a failed coup in Mistral against the ruling council.. Team RWBY had been one of the teams present when the airship that he had hijacked went down. Though the authorities had presumed him dead, no body was ever found. Blake knew he'd resurface eventually, and here he was, leading another attack but this time putting Blake's own parents in danger. They'd barely escaped Menagerie when the White Fang had been split in two by Adam's movement now he was in Vacuo where they had relocated afterwards. Enough was enough.

"It's true, Yang. They..they spotted him leaving the scene of an attack. My father knows what he looks like, and he wouldn't bring this up to me if he wasn't sure." She saw Yang process this, before sighing internally at the look she gave her.

"You better believe I'm not staying out of this now," she growled.

"Yang I'm asking you, as your girlfriend, PLEASE listen to me on this..i can't let you do that." Yang growled, her body beginning to shake a bit

"Why in the name of Remnant not?!"

"The same reason you had me stay away when you went after your mother!" Another stunned silence filled the room before Yang looked away.

"That isn't the same thing."

"The hell it's not! See, I knew you'd say that. You told me you didn't want me anywhere near your mother after the one run in we had, right?"

"She stabbed you Blake-"

"And Adam cut your damn arm off, Yang!" She snapped. Yang flinched back, her flesh hand unconsciously curling around the cool metal of her prosthetic arm. "You think I didn't go through what I'm asking you to go through now? The worrying, the staying up late because you can't sleep because your scared to death that the person you love is never going to come home? You think, if this wasn't as important to me as it was, that I would even CONSIDER putting you through that hell?

"But that's not-do I not have a right to be there to get even with that bastard?! After everything he put me through?! It's important to me too!" She snapped, frustration once again beginning to overrule her mind.

"Yang…this is something from MY past. Something that I've wanted to settle once and for all for a very long time. Im not saying you don't have a right. But I also know that if you see him again and god forbid something happened..you could get killed. I'm asking-begging- you to stay out of this for me. I respected your wish when you wanted me to stay out of you chasing Raven-"

"Raven wasn't in the middle of a war zone Blake! How the hell can you even compare it?!" Blake sighed, this time in aggravation.

"This is so typical.." she muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"It's just typical that when it's something for ME your outright refusing to listen to reason and keep insisting that you have to be there. But when it was you and something personal for you? You wanted me to understand and even though it killed me waiting to see you again, I dealt with it and I DID understand! Why is it so damn hard for you to do the same?!"

"Yang?" Ruby asked gently, seeing Yang's eyes fall to the floor.

"I won't be alone. I'll have my father and everyone loyal to him, Sun will be there-" she regretted saying that the moment she saw Yang's glare return, even worse more vicious now.

"Sun?! So IM not welcome on this grand mission of yours, but your ex is right?"

"Oh my god are you really going to take this in that direction?!" Blake said, not believing what she is hearing. "Yang he is already IN Vacuo. I can't just throw him in a box and ship him back to Mistral. Now your definitely just being stupid."

"Oh really? Well if Im SO stupid Blake, why are you with me?!"

"You know what? Good question!" Blake snapped back, covering her mouth the moment she said it. Yang's eyes filled with tears and she clenched her fists so hard Ruby was sure she'd be drawing blood soon.

"Get out."


"Get. OUT. Go do your thing in Vacuo, just do me a favor and DON'T come back when your done," Yang snarled, her teeth gritted. Blake's eyes started to water briefly, but she angrily wiped her eyes and turned on her heel, heading for the door.

"Some girlfriend you turned out to be," she mumbled. Yang turned away, her hands dropping from her waist.

"Right back at you," she muttered. The door slammed as Blake left, and that's when Yang finally let some tears run down her face, her chest heaving a bit with a few sobs, Ruby having to run forward and keep her from falling to her knees.

-Anima, present day-

Yang pressed her back against the tree, her breaths coming in quick, pained gasps as she pressed her palm against her side. "Well..this is another fine mess I've gotten myself into.." she mumbled as she felt the blood seeping through her fingers. It had been such a simple sounding mission too. Some corporation-M.I. Whatever the hell that stood for-posted about a group of Grimm attacking their supply caravans. Piece of cake right? Wrong. They had horribly miscounted how many Grimm were in the pack. By the time she was done with them,Her aura had been so depleted d that when..whatever this thing was had found her, she had been easy pickings for the slashing claws of the beast.

She'd never encountered anything like it before. It was some type of reptile, from the way it moved and the scaly appearance. It stood at least a foot taller than her and had massive fangs to fit with its jaw. It had closed in on her quicker than she could blink, tearing into her. She'd managed to get away for the moment, but off in the distance she could hear it searching for her. Checking her gauntlets, she realized she only had a couple shots left in each, not that it mattered. The bony plating of the thing was damn near impervious to her gauntlet shells.

"It'll be alright. I just..got to make it to the meet up point. They said they'd have a ride waiting for me.." she said, shakily getting to her feet. This was the LAST time she was taking on a hunt from this infernal town for a while. "Maybe I should have taken Rubes up on that offer to come with.." she muttered wincing as her side throbbed again. She made it a few steps more but when she had to stop, her blood ran cold when she heard the hissing again. She spun and saw the monster closing in again, but it was moving slower than when it first attacked her. Was it hurt more than she realized? No, that couldn't be it. She knew she hadn't inflicted any serious damage to the thing, a couple flesh wounds at best.

"It's fucking toying with me. Ain't that just wonderful," she snapped trying to pick up her pace a bit, her vision starting to blur at the edges as more blood ran from her wound. She cursed dropping her pack when the Grimm had found her earlier. It had all of her bandages and other aid supplies. She checked her scroll, seeing she was closing on the meet up point, which was along one of the few backroads that led through the forest. She could hear the monster not far behind, it's pace quickened and slowed according to her. It was in no rush to get her, and that was truly terrifying. Whoever they were sending better have a big gun. Padding through one more patch of brown and yellow muck, she broke through the tree line to see a small off-road vehicle parked near the edge, two men with what appeared to be heavy rifles and combat armor walked over to her.

"You're the huntress who answered our mission request, yes?" Yang nodded tiredly, her vision more blurry than a moment ago, legs shaking a bit.

"T-That would be me..and I hope those damn rifles of yours pack a mean punch because theres this nasty bugger following me..."

"Not to worry, we'll handle it. Perhaps you should lay down." Yang shook her head and turned as she heard the monster closer than ever now, raising her gauntlets, ready to at least fire her final few shots into the creature before she passed out. What she hadn't expected was the moment it broke through the trees, one of the guards raised up some strange device. It was about the size of a pocket watch, a glowing green light emanating from it in pulsing waves. The monster stared for a moment at them before turning and retreating back into the woods.

"Okay..what the-" her next words were silenced by the thud of the others rifle against the back of her neck. She stared up, her mind slipping into darkness, the last words she was able to make out:

"Inform Dr Merlot we have a new test subject for him.

So I hope you enjoyed this little intro chapter. Ive got the writing bug like crazy lately.

Review/fave/follow if you enjoyed it, its greatly appreciated

See you next time everyone