Okay, anybody who still reads this story can have the special deal of two chapters in one day. Just pay seperate shipping and handling... or a review telling me you still read this... 'sly grin'.

It wasn't that hard to get the rest of the coven with us. With one stern look from me and Tanya, they all came outside immediately. As soon as they came out, I said "The Volturi"

Like Tanya, their eyes widened in terror. Elizear was the first to speak.

"Again?" he whispered.

I nodded. "This time, they have her. We have a month."

They all were too shocked to speak. At last, Kate spoke.

"We have to hurry, find everyone we found last time and more."

I nodded, then Carmen asked the question that needed answering the most.

"Should we tell them?"

They all turned to me. Realizing this was my decision, I nodded. Even if I hadn't forgiven any of the Cullens yet, they needed to know. We would need all the help we would get, even if we didn't want it.

"Come on guys, let's get prepared. Then we'll leave at sunrise."

They all nodded, so we ran back inside to each of our rooms, promising to meet in twenty minutes to discuss plans. Once I reached my room, I felt like breaking down. How could this happen again? I thought that they might forget, or just give up. I never expected them to take her! Of course, I knew this wasn't Jacob's fault. He would do anything to protect Nessie. Realizing I was having a mental breakdown, I took some deep breaths, then started preparing. What do you wear to go and fight a bunch of vampires? I opened my bag, pulling out my combat boots, black t-shirt, and my brown leather jacket. Perfect. I looked in the mirror. My long hair seemed to be getting in the way, so I got a hair bow and tied it back. Something seemed missing. I dug around my bag until I found what I was looking for. Black leather fingerless gloves. Renesmee had given these to me for my last birthday. I hugged them to my chest, then put them on. Half of me was hoping that the gloves had some sort of magic, and she would appear right in front of my eyes, perfectly fine. The other half hoped the gloves would cause all this Edward mess to end, and we can be a family again. Either way, gloves don't have magic. Who knew?

Just as I was realizing I was going insane, I grabbed Edward's ring and put it around my neck. It was apart of me, and I couldn't go without it, no matter how much I wanted to. Tanya knocked on my door.

"Bella? We need to make plans."

I got up, meeting Tanya at the door. We went down to the basement, where no one could hear us, then planned. Carmen would find the Amazons. Elizear would find the Egyptians. Kate would find the Nomads and Alistair. Me and Tanya would team up to find new allies. We went into the main room, where they all stayed during the night. When they saw how we were dressed, they gave us very confused looks.

Edward asked "What are you all doing?"

We all sat down, motioning for them to sit as well. Alice froze, and dropped the brush she was holding. I said

"Alice, you know what's happening, but we'll explain for you all. And Edward, please don't try to read our minds."

My mental shield covered the whole room. They gave us a concerned look, Alice staring at me in terror, and Edward having a strained look on his face. I took a deep breath.

"It started twelve years ago. Renesmee had been alive for three months, and she looked about three years old. I was trying to figure out how fast her vampire skills were developing. We were in the meadow, in the middle of winter. She was jumping up and catching snowflakes. Then I saw Irina in the distance, watching us. When I tried to go to her, she ran. It wasn't until later when I realized she thought Nessie was an immortal child."

Everyone's eyes got real big. Alice was giving me the most terrified look I've ever seen.

"Bella, what are saying? What happened exactly?"

She asked. I took a deep breath, then said "Long story short, she alerted the Volturi."

Everyone gasped. They all started asking questions at the exact same time, none which I could decipher. Tanya yelled "SHUT UP!"

That stopped them. I looked outside, the sun was about to rise. I gestured to Carlisle and he asked,

"How much of the guard came?"

I looked at everyone, then me and Tanya answered together.

"Everyone. Marcus, Cauis, Aro. Even the wives."

His mouth opened. They didn't seem to believe me. I continued,

"I first went to Tanya, where we traveled around the world to find allies. Renesmee's power was the only thing that showed them the truth. She could put her thoughts into others, by touch. A month later, we met all the Volturi, where we fought. We fought, and they surrendered. But they did promise to come back. My power was the only thing that saved us."

Everyone looked at me… differently. Like they finally realized how much I changed. From being a human in need of protection, to a vampire who fights for herself. They still seemed to think I was lying. I sighed, then said

"If you don't believe me, ask Alice. She saw it, but I don't think she believed it."

Everyone looked at her. She nodded slowly in silence. Edward grunted in frustration, like he was trying to do something he couldn't do.

"What's your power, Bella?" He asked.

"I'm using it right now."

Everyone looked at me with surprise.

"My mental shield. I can pull it off me and cover a huge area. It can stop Jane or Alec, Chelsea, anyone. Even you."

I looked outside, then said

"That is our cue to go."

They looked at us in surprise.

"Where are you all going?"

Esme asked. I looked down, then said

"To find allies. It's happening again, but this time they've got her."

I then put my shield back on me so Edward could read Alice's mind. I motioned to Tanya, and we all got up at the same time.

"Read Alice, Edward. I don't want to explain. We have to go, now."

We went to the door, then I said

"This could be the last time we see each other, so this is a goodbye. Maybe permanently this time."

I looked into Edward's eyes, then removed my mental shield to show the last battle to him. All of the allies. Renesmee holding my hand in fear, me protectively holding her when walking to meet the Volturi. All of them coming for us. Putting and wrapping my shield around everyone. Jane and Alec's attacks failing. Me, Jacob, and Renesmee walking up to Aro, me talking, Jacob protecting, and Renesmee touching Aro's face. Irina being killed. Then we attacked. I ended the vision right there, hoping he would fill in the blanks. All this happened in less than a second, but when he regained himself, we had already left the house.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped, then realized it was Edward's.

"I lost you once. I'm not going to lose you again."

I looked up at him, then said "We'll never let each other go, will we?"

Edward's POV

"I am the worst vampire in the world."

There. I said it. Everybody looked up, looking sympathetic, but none of them contradicted. Not even Esme. Alice just smiled, like she knew what I was going to say. I guess she did. Rosalie was the first to say,

"Edward, thank you. You finally realized what I've known for one hundred years. Finally, you've accepted it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, I'm serious. I'm still stuck in a deep hole that I can't get out of. Bella-"

I stopped when I realized everyone had an angry look. Alice did the unthinkable, and yelled

"No more, Edward! Stop getting upset about what she is doing, avoiding you and giving you the cold shoulder. She has every right to do that. Remember. You left. You left two people there. And there's nothing you can do about it."

I just stared at her. She's never gotten so angry at me, or anyone. As much as I wanted to deny what she was saying, I knew she was right. I was the one who left. I left her all alone in the woods. I let my anger get to me, and left the love of my life to die. There's nothing that can change that.

Just then, Bella burst into the room, looking around quickly and desperately. We all looked up at her, wondering who she wanted. She gave Tanya a stern look, then hurried outside. Just before she ran out, I saw a look in her eyes I had only seen on the day that I left. Despair. Pure despair.