Darkness, it has always existed, long before the warming embrace of light. Space itself was mostly a suffocating blackness that only the stars could hope to penetrate, the only hope for life to exist in the coldness of the universe.

Darkness however did not just exist as the natural lack of light as it was commonly known for, in the case of the Grimm it was their very nature, creatures of Darkness that sought only the destruction of Man and his creations, tirelessly pursuing Man in a bid to return man back to dust for whence he came from.

Yet darkness was not exclusive to the Grimm, Man was also capable of using darkness as well.

The Helghast Empire was an example of Man's ability to live his darkest of desires born from his intensions of goodwill and well-meaning to his fellow man.

From the ashes of the Mantle Empire this nation formed as members of Mantle's failing government and its most profitable partner, the Helghast Corporation escaped the wrath of Vale's King and the world it had tried to force its policies upon in a bid to ward off the Grimm that plagued Remnant.

Upon a distant landmass, the Helghast Corporation had previously setup a colony where Mantle's more radical leadership tried to retain their status, thus started a long perilous war between Mantle's Remnants and the various corporations that funded the initial venture. Chaos and unimaginable hardship took the lives of many, the Grimm joined the fray making the already brutal war for survival bleaker as the air itself seemed to want the colonists dead.

Hope however came in a most unlikely form.

A man formed alliances with his founding corporation and the larger Helghast Corporation, a man whose influence and charisma united a starving sickened desperate people, a man that gave them pride, honor, courage, and the ability to not only conquer the land they now called Helghan but make it into a powerhouse that would eventually take its place in the world..

The conditions of their new home spelled the highest death tolls at the start of the war, but the newer generations were able to adapt and evolve to the hostile climate, conquering it as the war itself came to a close with Visari declaring the people of Helghan the Helghast Race.

All Helghast were an offshoot of the Human Race, none of the Faunus that originally came to Helghan were able to evolve, they either died because of the poisonous air or died fighting, therefor preventing their race from transcending to that of Helghast status. The non-Dust mineral Petrusite was the cause for the poisonous atmosphere, Dust that was found on Helghan however did not come close to the potency of Petrusite and was valued less that the toxic mineral.

Years would pass and eventually during the Faunus War of Independence the Kingdoms would discover the Helghast Empire by mere chance as a Vacouian war ship had the misfortune of crossing into the waters of the Helghast nation. In a show of force the ship was sunk upon the beach of Pyrrhus, but as a show of mercy the Autarch of Helghan allowed one survivor.

A month after the massacre at Pyrrhus a Helghast gunboat delivered the survivor, beaten and starved, traumatized from inhumane torture to the leaders of the Human Kingdom Vacuo, soon word spread to all Kingdoms and people that an Empire inspired by the teachings of the Mantle Empire lied just beyond Menagerie to the Southwest of the world.

Envoys from multiple Kingdoms and even the Faunus themselves attempted to contact the Helghast leadership but all they received in return were the thunderous roar of guns and the savage warcry of the Helghast boarding parties, it was made clear that the Helghast intended to be friends of no one.

Though years have passed since what was known as the Helghast Emergence War, a war that saw to the recognition of the sovereign Empire over the islands near the Empire's reach, as the years passed Visari began to age and his ambitions yet broaden, now after claiming their place in the world he steadily began making peace treaties with the Kingdoms to establish trade to make the Helghast economy flourish with Dust exports as the material to them was inferior to Pertisite.

Thus, began their relations with the Schnee Dust Company.

Five years post Helghast Emergence War…

The Schnee Mansion was all in a buzz, servants were about preparing the mansion for its foreign guests that would soon be arriving, everything had to be perfect by Jacques Schnee's standards so he'd be able to give his guest a good impression of Atlas' prime aristocrat family. The guest he would be entertaining would be staying in his home for the duration of business and international negotiations.

His family stood beside him with erect backs and tried their best to look regal, the guest should be arriving in but a few mere minutes and yet he was still unsatisfied with how his house looked.

"Winter, back straight." He chided at his eldest daughter.

"Yes Father." The shorter girl said with a forced stoic face.

His eyes went over both of his daughters and young toddler son with a very serious glare, "I want all of you on your best behavior, we are having a very important guest coming, he and his retinue will be staying here for the next month or so. Do not do anything that will embarrass the family."

"Yes Father." All the children said with their eyes cast to the ground.

"Sir!" A butler said running up to the Schnees, "He's coming."

"Places, everyone places now!" Jacques whispered yelled to the Schnee staff.

The butlers and maids scrambled to the empty walls that lined the gallery room, they stood with their heads bowed and with their arms behind their backs.

From behind two double doors several men clad in long black trench coats armed with StA-52s bursted through with their weapons in a low ready rest position, red eye pieces glowing angrily at the maids and the butlers who stared in absolute shock, even the Schnees themselves seemed caught off guard by the soldiers clad in black. Two Helghast Shock Troopers stood by the doors holding them open as the air shimmered around the doorway.

The form of a tall man clad in the finest of Helghast uniforms strolled in with a rather casual attitude, his glowing eyepieces seemed to burn holes into Jacques's head as they seemingly locked eyes.

"Room secured Colonel Radec!" One of the Shock Troopers reported giving the typical Helghast left hand salute.

No word escaped the Colonel as a second smaller figured appeared into existence from the shimmering air, this figure stood head to toe at Radec's waist, clad in a similar uniform albeit at a smaller size and with a red tunic covering the front of his uniform, his mask was less complex as dark brown hair poked out from the mask's straps.

Colonel Radec looked to his side down at the smaller boy for a second before he went back to observing the room itself, his head cocking here and there, examining the staff with a glance, "I see your family takes the theme of white very literally."

Jacques nodded his head to the Colonel, "Yes we do, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Colonel Mael Radec."

"Like wise Mister Schnee, but please, call me Colonel Radec." With his right hand the Helghast Colonel tapped a side of his helmet that deactivated his eyepiece's florescent glow and shift open to reveal his upper portion of his face around his eyes.

"Might I ask who the young fellow accompanying you is?" The Patriarch of the Schnee family asked looking down at the little soldier.

The large Helghast gestured down to the smaller boy with his left hand, "This is my son, Koza. He is my only son, hopefully he will take over my new academy when I retire, though he will have to earn that honor."

Koza Radec performed the left-handed salute saying, "Hail Helghan!"

All the Helghast troopers in the room started chuckling lightly as the Colonel himself let a small ounce of laughter escape as he patted his son on the head, the Schnee children also let the inkling of childish grins cross their faces.

"Good lad." Mael said patting his son's head.

"He's a very lively boy I see," Jacques said using a fake smile, honestly though he was a bit disappointed with how the famed Hound of Visari was being so laxed with his son, "I'm sure he'll be a fine soldier one day."

"Yes, he will, now who are these three little Schnees?" The Colonel asked as his dark green eyes peered down at them.

Jacques set his hand on Winter's shoulder, "My oldest daughter Winter, her younger sister Weiss, and my youngest Whitely."

The Colonel held focus on each child for a few seconds before bringing his eyes back up to Jacques, "Now that pleasantries are out of the way, shall we get down to business?"

Jacques Schnee adopted a more serious expression as he motioned for the Colonel to follow him, "Yes, lets. Just follow me to my office."

Colonel Radec followed Jacques down a hall but he glanced back to his retinue, "Sergeant Benzin, watch him. Be good Koza."

A Helghast Shock Trooper shouldered his weapon and stood by Koza patting the boy's shoulder, "He'll be back soon lad."

The Little Helghast nodded to the older soldier but then his little goggled eyes fell on the Schnee children who had a butler standing near them. Whitely was taken by his mother off to one hallway, leaving Weiss and Winter staring at the black clad crimson eye pieced child.

Weiss looked at her sister then to Koza and raised her hand nervously and waved at the boy. A few seconds passed before he to raised his hand to wave. Feeling bolder the smaller Schnee girl started walking towards the two Helghasts, she looked up at the bigger soldier.

The Shock Trooper looked down at the future heiress and saw she looked somewhat intimidated by his size, "I'm not gonna bite ya."

Still though the small girl felt even smaller compared to the Helghast, out of good will the soldier took a few steps back from the two children, "Don't be strangers now. Introduce yourself to the little lady Koza."

Bright red goggles met icy blue eyes as he blinked at the girl, "Hi. I'm Koza."

"I'm Weiss."

Both children stood awkwardly, looking at each other, then the floor, then back to each other,

"You have very white hair." Koza said in desperation to keep up conversation.

"Thanks," Weiss said stroking her pony tail, "why do you wear a mask?"

"Most Helghast can't breathe the air, I can for a while but it's also a culture thing too." Koza looked up to Sergeant Benzin, "Right?"

The Sergeant nodded, "Yes young master Koza, you're the start of a new generation of evolved Helghast, the mask isn't a priority to you like it is for your father and others of our race. That's a good thing."

"Oh, okay. Thank you Sergeant Benzin." Koza said to the large Helghast.

Benzin bowed his head slightly to Koza, "Why don't you and your new friend go play or something, I'll be close by."

Koza looked to Weiss, "Do you want to play or something?"

"Sure!" Weiss said, she looked back to Winter, "Want to come play with us Winter?"

The older Schnee sibling nodded and led the children down the hall to a playroom the Schnee children often played in, Sergeant Benzin and the butler followed behind the children giving them some room to be independent of adult authority.

In two years' time the Helghast would leave Atlas and return to the Helghast nation. Of course, during that time any that observed the relationship of the Helghast boy and the young Schnee girl they would tell you that they were good friends and that it broke both of their hearts when his father's business was done with the Schnee's and a trade deal was properly arranged with the Kingdom of Atlas and the Helghan Empire.

Ten years later, Vale Docks…

From the back of a Vale News van a TV played the live broadcasting of a historic event currently unfolding at this current moment, "This is Lisa Lagender, reporting live from the vale news Network. At around 7:00AM Vale Standard time, a ship docked at our harbors bearing students from the Helghast Empire to the Southwest. I'm getting word that we our own Cyril Ian is on the scene. Cyril?"

The view pans out to a man holding a microphone in front of a cameraman, "Things down here at the docks are rather tame Lisa but there are protesters here as well hoping to deter or get the message out to the Helghast that they are not getting a warm welcome to Vale."

"Has it turned violent?"

"No Lisa it has remained rather tame but who could say until the Helghast themselves arrive."

A sizeable crowd had gathered around the fishy piers in the early hours of the day as visitors from across the globe, the crowd varied in their personal opinions of the visitors in a very vocal way that would no doubt get their message to the foreigners without any miscommunication.

A very sizeable part of the crowd arrived with signs that welcomed the visitors with peaceful intentions and mild manners, compared to the protesters of the crowd that held a large measure as well with their signs telling the Helghast that they were not welcome and that their atrocities were not forgotten, some even had the derogatory term of 'Hig' written on the signs.

However, two people stood on the far side of the docks where the Helghast exchange students were going to be dropped off. Of course, these people were none other than Headmaster Ozpin and his Vice Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch, both instructors were well versed in the Helghast culture and history and were anxious in meeting their new students.

"I sincerely hope that no one in the crowd does anything stupid." Glynda groaned as she glimpsed over to see the protesters yelling and screaming a mantra.

"Hey, hey, ho, ho, Higs have to go! Hey, hey, ho, ho, Higs have to go!"

Ozpin raised his eyebrow at the protesters, "Don't worry about them Glynda, the Helghast have thick skin."

She crossed her arms looking out to sea, "Still, they are rather unpredictable."

"Have some faith Glynda, they are tying after all." Ozpin said as the ship carrying the Helghast visitors, the protestors themselves even died down in chanting as the Helghast national flag fluttered in the salty sea air on top of a slender black ship.

Red stripes ran around the black ship as it slowed its speed down as docking procedures began. A Helghast trooper stood manning an anti-air gun at the bow of the ship, he did not look at the crowd instead he stared forward with his hands around the trigger guard of the gun.

The protesters in the crowd kept deadly silent as they fear the Helghast gunner would fire upon them, little did they know that the gun was empty and on safe.

From one of the doors on the ship came a column of Helghast soldiers, they stood by the edge of the ship as it pulled up to the ramp of the dock. As soon as it connected the Helghast stepped back from the edge and filed into two separate columns in front of the door they initially exited from, completely blocking off the crowds view of whomever would be walking out of the door.

The two Beacon administrators could not even see who was going to descend from the ramps.

From the bowels of the dark ship came a man that stood with his back erect, metal armor of Helghast designs covered his shoulders and chest, arm pads and knee pads were plastered with the Helghast Triad, on his shoulder an eagle held said triad for the world to behold. His mask was of a unique design, if one were to guess it was Colonel Radec they would be half wrong as this was not the good Colonel.

It was his son, wearing similar armor to that of his father, from across his chest he showed off his own personal touches to the armor with a red tunic covering the armor down to his belt.

On his right hip was a mace in the form of an unlit torch, on his back another mace that bore similar resemblance to the previous weapon. Across his left forearm and right forearm were nine-inch combat knives, a holster strapped on Koza's calf held a StA-18 pistol. Lastly a grenade bandolier was hidden beneath his tunic.

From behind Koza came another Helghast bearing remarkable resemblance to the Colonel most knew as White Death, however once again this was not the man that inspired fear in both Helghast and Man, it was his son, Sobieski Cobar. His uniform bore the same color of white however it had red lines between the natural black lines of the uniform to give himself somewhat of a separation from his rather animated father.

Next came a Helghast Commando with bulging biceps that had tattoos of Helghast propaganda written in the Helghast language, strapped on his shoulder was a large battle axe that bore the Triad of Helghan along the blades, two pistols were holstered on his hips, with one hand he held onto a LMG that was slung along his shoulders in a casual manner. Dog tags hanging from his neck read, Sergeant Eli Gruber

Lastly came a far more skinner Helghast male, one that bore resemblance to Jorhan Stahl, if he was decades younger. His name was Antoine Stahl, heir to the Stahl Corporation, much like his father he wore a suit that however seemed to be his casual wear as you normally would not see a longsword strapped across a businessman's back but a StA-18 holstered across his chest was not uncommon. What was missing from him however was the signature mask upon his face, it instead hung around his neck in a lax fashion as the air was something he could tolerate.

A common trait all four of them had was that in their left hands were a large duffle bag that carried their necessities, Eli however had two, with one stacked on the other as he was holding onto his favorite weapon for good luck, at least until they left the boat.

"I don't like this place already." Antoine said as he caught a glimpse of the derogative signs the protesters had.

Sobieski snarled at the sight of the protesters, "Do we really have to do this PR shit? Instead of getting some Petrisite warheads pointing at this focking place?"

"Calm down the two of you, a bunch of pricks with signs isn't the whole Kingdom," Koza chided looking over his shoulder.

"Please, please let one of those pussies with signs do something stupid." Sobieski plead to the sky as he wanted to bury his fine leather gloved knuckles into the faces of the Human scum below him.

"Enough of that chatter, we are here on peaceful terms and we will not start anything or so help me by the Autarch's name I will blast your head full of sunshine." Koza warned with an eerily familiar tone of threat his father would use, however with much more censorship to it.

"Fine, it's not like I want to beat some focking Humans to death at all." Cobar grumbled trying to glare fiery red death at the Humans and Faunus protesting their arrival.

A Helghast in a regal officer's uniform cut off the four former students of Radec Academy off before they could head down their ramp, "I have been informed that all of your fathers wish you four the best of luck out there in the kingdom of Vale, the Emperor, our glorious Autarch has prepared a short message for you four before you depart this vessel."

The column took three large steps back to allow the four boys enough room to see the message the Helghast Officer was about to deliver, from his inner coat pocket the Navy Officer removed a tablet-like device and held it at a horizontal angle, red light erupted from the device making up a twelve-inch rendering of the man all the boys looked up to besides their own father's.

Scolar Visari.

"Sons of Helghan, you four were specially handpicked from the ranks of the elite class of Radec Academy. Your fathers before you played immense roles in the construction of our great Empire, if not for them our road to greatness would have been far more treacherous and difficult. You four will represent the best Helghan has to offer, you are the faces of our great nation, the path before you shall not be one to tread lightly upon, many dangers exist in the world outside of Helghan, deceit and corruption is rampant, disunity, cowardice, and greed are the mainstays of the outside world. Guard yourselves well and remember: loyalty, duty, obedience, these are the Helghast Triad, the pillars that hold our nation together, never forget them. Hail Helghan, hail to you, Helghan's pioneers of peace."

The four boys and immediately struck out with their left arms and slammed their left fists against their chests with bowed heads, "Hail Helghan! Hail Visari!"

Both columms and the Naval Officer repeated the action in a thunderous roar, "HAIL HELGHAN! HAIL VISARI!"

As Ozpin saw the first transfer student descend from the ramp up to the ship the Helghast soldiers aboard the ship continued their chant, drowning out the protesters in their sheer volume. By the time all four students made it down the ramp a lot more soldiers had gathered alongside the side of the ship and the bow, continuing their chant and salute to the former students of Radec Academy.

The first student, Koza Radec if he remembered correctly came right up to him with his right hand stuck out, "Headmaster Ozpin I presume?"

Ozpin met his grip and shook his hand, "Koza Radec, I remember when you were about as high as my knee."

Koza nodded as he towered Ozpin, "I remember your visit to Helghan and my father's academy, it is a pleasure to meet you again sir. Madame Goodwitch."

"It's Professor Goodwitch." She said with a coldness yet met his grip in a shake as well, "How do you do Mister Radec?"

"Fine Professor, but please, its Captain Radec." The Helghast said in a very cheeky manner.

Professor Goodwitch was not amused by the smart mouthed Helghast but she wasn't too interested in arguing with him, "Come along now, we need to get to the Bullhead docks before the crowd gets too rowdy."

"Oh, I hope it does get rowdy." Cobar said cracking his neck, "Oh boy do I hope it gets rowdy."

"Cobar." Koza said wearily.

The white clothed Helghast pointed at the protesters with a snarl, "They dare insult our glorious leader with crude drawings, how can the thought of breaking bones not pop in your head?"

"Because the Autarch wants us to be a sign of peace," The taller and more imposing Helghast clad in black said as he got in Sobeski's face, "and part of that is maintain self-control. If you cannot keep yourself reigned in then I will reign you in myself. Got it?"

Both crimson goggled warriors kept their stare as the atmosphere in the group turned somewhat tense, Professor Goodwitch looked between Ozpin and the two Helghasts expecting him to do something, Eli and Antoine just stood looking at the stare down with disinterest.

The Cobar boy started chuckling lowly breaking the stare, "Fine. I'll be good."

"Good. If you behave Cobar you get to spar the Huntsmen first." Koza said leading the Helghast team down the boardwalk with the Beacon administrators following them.

"Yes!" Sobeski cheered to himself, pumping his fist in the air.

"Oh Dust." Professor Goodwitch groaned pinching her brow.

Policemen kept the already divided crowd divided from each other to make a pathway to a bus meant to take the Helghast and Beacon administrators to the Bullhead docks, members of the pro peace crowd held out flowers and tossed confetti into the air, their signs depicted Helghast soldiers and a diversified number of representatives from each Kingdom shaking hands or holding hands together in a circle.

It was a stark contrast to the protesters calling them monsters, holding up signs depicting them as great horrific beasts in political cartoons, others just straight up called them Higs, the most derogative thing someone could use as an insult to the Helghast Race, something that greatly irritated Cobar and Eli Gruber as the glared hatefully at the protesters, but both kept their tongues in their mouths and their hands busy with their bags.

A man however, a reporter to be more specific managed to get past the blockade with his camera man, "Sir, after just arriving to Vale what are your opinions of the citizens on the pier?"

The Helghast Captain took the microphone from the reporter and spoke as clearly as possible, "I care very little about people that do not matter or have anything relevant to do with me or my government, the opinions of a bunch of people that have done nothing for their people's security matter as much to me as the nonexistent smell of fish this pier without a doubt has. We have come here as a sign of goodwill to all, to usher in a new era for both of our peoples and though we are insulted by this slander of our Emperor, race, and our glorious nation I still have hopes of a bright future ahead of us if there are more people such as the ones behind me. That will be all we have to say."

The reporter, crowd, and even the Headmaster himself were taken aback by the words the young Helghast had said in a rapid session, in a way he insulted the protesters by comparing them to the fish he could not smell with his mask on but at the same time sent a message of peace and possible unity.

To everyone that had not known Koza Radec such a thing was unprecedented and amazing. Yet to those that knew him, they knew he had thought of every word he was going to say as soon as he saw the crowd.

Hence is why Weiss Schnee was unsurprised to hear such words from her old childhood friend. The Heiress was watching the live report on her scroll while at the same time she was getting ready to greet the Helghast newcomers at Beacon's airship docking platforms, it had been eight years since she last saw him and yet she could tell so much has changed about him.

He looked much taller now for certain, he held himself sort of how the Colonel would, pride was taken in his appearance, he led from the front and did not ever appear afraid of the large crowds, even though she knew he hated having his picture taken by anyone.

If her calculations were correct then they'd arrive in twenty minutes, more than enough time, that's if her team didn't slack around like they usually do in the morning, which they are doing right now in fact.

"Yang hurry up and get dressed!" She hissed at the blonde brawler who was half asleep brushing her hair.

"Take a chill pill Ice Queen, I'm getting there."

Weiss growled as she pulled her boots up, "Stop calling me that."

"What's the rush for anyways Weiss?" Ruby asked as she stretched her arms after getting dressed in her school uniform, "They aren't coming here for a little bit anyways, what's the rush?"

"I want to get a good place to stand that's all." She said lacing her boots ties into bows.

"Or do you want to somehow spy on the Helghast team to get a drop on them for the Festival?" Everyone's favorite bow wearing Faunus suggested.

"It's not that." The Heiress said tightening the other boot laces.

"Then what is it then?" Ruby asked looking at her BFF with confusion.

Weiss's cheeks flushed red for a second, "I just know… someone."

"Someone?" The three girls asked the flustered Heiress.

"It's none of your business, just get dressed!" Weiss said trying to hide her flustered cheeks.

Blake however connected the dots quickly, "Do you know one of the Helghast Weiss?"

While the Helghast were not technically Humans anymore and did look upon the Faunus more favorably then the Humans they still made it clear they thought the Faunus were still beneath them, hence Blake wasn't really a fan of the mysterious and hostile people of Helghan, though personally she never met one she did hear about the stories members of the White Fang and Menagerie naval crews would tell after having a bad run in with the Helghast boarding crews, they did not end well most of the time.

"Well, yes, I do actually, and I'm anxious about meeting him again." She started brushing her hair nervously believing she saw a hair fall out of place, "I mean it's been eight years, a lot has changed."

Yang's eyebrows stood up at the mention of Weiss being anxious, "Oh I see, its your boyfriend coming to town."

"Yang shut up he is not my boyfriend! He's a childhood friend… that's it." The Heiress said puffing her cheeks.

"What's his name?" Ruby asked kicking her feet around as she sat on her bunk bed.

Weiss sighed knowing what was about to come next, "Koza Radec."

The three girls froze and stood or sat deathly silent.

"Radec? Like Colonel Mael, the Butcher, the Hound of Visari, the Devestator, Radec?" Blake said with wide eyes.


"Didn't he, you know, kill a lot of…" Ruby seemed to struggle finishing her sentence.

"Huntsmen," Yang finished, "He single handily killed a dozen Huntsmen. Weiss how did you meet this guy or his kid in the first place?"

"His father lead peace negotiations with Helghan and Atlas, for a few years they stayed in Atlas making trade deals and what not. His father isn't really that bad, plus Koza is really nice, trust me. You should've heard what he said on the news just a few minutes ago." She tried to reason to her teammates.

Try as she might, it was hard to say that the son of a man that slaughtered more than a dozen Huntsmen with his bare hands and on top of that nearly conquer all of Vacuo only to be stopped and reined in by his own leader just did not sit well with the three of them, but Weiss claimed that there was more to the Radec's then simple conquest and slaughter.

They'd give her the benefit of the doubt, but it did not mean that they weren't terrified by the prospect of meeting such a man or the people he associated with, you don't just have a chat with the Devil after all.

Alright, there are some questions to be answered. Slaves of Hate, RWBY The New Blood and many others are not canceled... I'm a busy fucker these days and my inspiration is rather erratic, this is an idea MrGreen my beta reader originally had and wanted to see written, so I added in my own things and I made something I also wanted to make which was a fifth Kingdom type story, the Helghast are basically themselves but with significant changes. Yes they are still the "badguys" we all fell in love with but at this point in time they've cooled down a bit from their initial conception and war, Helghan prospers at a level never before seen in the Killzone games, they were always angry because of the ISA beating them in the Intrastellar wars, this time the Helghasts won but instead of keeping territory they were basically bribed by the four Kingdoms and Menagerie to relinquish the conquered land for an exchange of goods and money. They still have the totalitarian society mentality, but are far more tamed now then they were in the games. Visari is also in his seventies going into eighties now, he was in his fifties during Killzone 1 and 2, his personality is a bit different as you have read, he's less hateful with a hunger for conquest, the old man is winding down now and is preparing to hand over his mantel to his daughter.

This story will take you through some political turmoil between the Helghasts and well everybody, some people want peace with the obviously superior power but a lot of others hate their guts. This will be interesting to toy with.

Have fun, Doomsdayguy12345 out!