DSlifer: The next story I'm trying to write after the other one. The first story I ever posted turned out to be a disaster. Thanks to KAylen for letting me know in the worst way she can (At least I hope it's the worst). This story is a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic (to all who didn't know). In this story, I will call Ishizu by her Japanese name: Isis. All other characters are known by their English names unless told later on to go by another name. One more thing, Yugi has the Egyptian God Card "Slifer the Sky Dragon", Marik has the Egyptian God Card "The Winged Dragon of Ra", and Seto Kaiba has the Egyptian God Card "Obelisk the Tormentor". Some of the card effects may use the effects on the Yu-Gi-Oh show, while some other cards will have effects from the real game (For example: Toon World will be used as in the show, making a duelist change any monster he has into Toon Monsters). Oh yeah before I forget, whenever I put these " " it means what a person is thinking instead of talking. If I have made any mistakes or if you want to give me advice on my writing then send it to me in a review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh

Tournament of Eternal Duels

Chapter 1: The Tournament is revealed

Yugi Muto runs toward his friends Tea Gardner, Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor, and Ryou Bakura waving a white envelope above his head. Since Yugi was running as hard as his short legs can go he didn't see the rock that was on the ground. "Waaah", cries Yugi as he trips and falls on his face. He drops his letter in some nearby bushes as he falls.

"Yugi!" yells Tea anxiously, "Are you alright? Did you get hurt badl-"

"My god, Tea. Yugi fell on his face! Do you think he'll be ok? What are the chances he'll be all right?" interrupted Joey.

"Don't worry everybody, I'm alright," Yugi says as he gets up. "I'm not hurt, though my cheek does sting a little. Did I scrape my face!?"

"Nah, don't worry about it. Your face isn't scratched just a little red on the cheeks. (Silently) And I thought only girls cared about their face"

"Yugi, why were you running? Didn't you know it's dangerous to run that fast," Tea told Yugi.

"What were you waving before? It looked strangely like an envelope," said Joey.

"That's because it is an envelope, Joey. Though I have to admit I'm not to sure until we find that thing Yugi dropped when he fell,"
Said Bakura.

"Oh no. I gotta find back that letter. It's very important," says Yugi as he quickly searches for his letter. His friends help him out and in a few minutes the mysterious letter was found. "Hey thanks guys. I wanted to tell all of you about this tournament I'm invited to. Inside this letter it tells of all the rules and the things each duelist is required to have."

"Wait a minute, is that thing given to all duelists?" asks Joey.

"It says here that it is given to all duelists that has ever participated in tournaments."

"Then why didn't I get a letter?"

"I didn't finish. It also says that the winner of the past tournaments gets their letters today and is given a card that's rarity is issued only to top duelists. Then the Duelists who obtained second place get theirs the day after the winners. It goes on by saying that letters are distributed to duelists by their rankings."

"Oh, so that's why. Oh yeah Yugi you forgot to mention one fact for the second place winners."

"What did I forget?"


"Ok. It says that you do get a rare card."


"Here is the letter, it'll show you the rest of the rules and changes for the Tournament. I think the name of this tournament is called "The Tournament of Eternal Duels". See right here."

"Where? Oh here."

The letter said:

Dear Mr. Muto

We are pleased to inform you about our new Tournament. As the winner of past contests we are hoping you will participate in our championship. This Tournament is held to all duelists who had ever participated in any Tournaments in the past.

Today all duelists who had won the championship will receive this letter and an extremely secret-rare card. Duelists that came in second place will be receiving this letter tomorrow along with a secret-rare card. Any other duelists who participated will be issued this letter on the day after the second ranked duelists also with an Ultra-rare card. All duelist who received a letter are expected to participate. If any duelist who can't enter, please write a letter to the return address on the envelope of this letter.

The Tournament will start on March 1st and in an island to the East of China. On March 1st a ship will be at the closest port to your city ready to ship you to our island. The size of this island is twice the size of Pegasus's "Duelist Island". Duelists can be allowed to bring the maximum of 3 companions. Only duelists with the participation letter inside will be allowed into the island.

Listed on the next sheet are the requirements, rules, and changes for the Tournament.

Best of Luck to you,

Yah Mei Wong

"Wow! This is so cool. What else does it say?"

"I hate to interrupt you two, but it's time for lunch and everybody else is hungry," said Tea. Joey and Yugi suddenly realized they were starving too, so they quickly run to the nearest restaurant and ordering the first thing they saw.

DSlifer: I know this chapter is boring and that it is mostly dialogue, but trust me it'll get better later. Though how much better, that is another matter. Again if I have made any mistakes or if you want to give me advice on my writing then send it to me in a review.