Chapter 1: It's Morphin' Time?
"Teleport to us five overbearing and over emotional humans!" Zordon proclaimed.
Rita Repulsa had just escaped from her dumpster after 10,000 years. This world will be conquered without the Power Rangers.
He NEEDED them.
"NO! NOT THAT! NOT TEENAGERS!" yelled Alpha 5, Zordon's trusty robotic comrade.
"Yes Alpha." said Zordon.
"I was afraid of that." Alpha said as he pressed some buttons on the control table.
There was no response.
"Alpha!" Zordon demanded. "Without Rangers, the entire world will fall to Rita's grasp.
"Ai! Ai! Ai! I'm trying to fix it, but I think something is wrong with the Morphing Grid!" said Alpha.
Out of nowhere, five large bursts of light came into the command center.
One green.
One white.
Two red.
One Black.
Their names are Tommy Oliver. They are the same person. Same genetic code and same personalities, to some extent. However, what's different about them is that each of them are from different points in the Power Rangers timeline. Mighty Morphin', Zeo, Turbo, and Dino Thunder. Their five respective timelines have now been merged. This will change each of them FOREVER!
"Where am I?" The Tommy Oliver of the Dino Thunder universe thought to himself. "Did I just teleport into..."
He looked around to see four almost identical versions of him inside of his old command center.
Zordon was in shock. "Who are these people, Alpha?" Zordon couldn't believe it. He knew that they weren't just quintuplets because while four of them looked to be around the same age, one of them was... different.
"I can't believe it! These are not the teenagers I was trying to bring here!" proclaimed Alpha.
"Well then. Guests, explain yourselves." said Zordon.
The Tommy's were still in shock. Each Tommy was very confused and doesn't understand or even comprehend the situation at hand.
"Zordon! You're alive!" exclaimed Dr. Oliver, the Dino Thunder Tommy.
"What?" said the Turbo Tommy. "He was just left, he's not dead. It looks like you came back, though!"
"But Zordon was never gone!" explained the Zeo Tommy, with the Green Ranger and White Ranger Tommy's agreeing with the statement.
"Wait a minute." said Zordon. "I think I understand now. You are the same person, but from a different point in time."
"Shouldn't that create like a time paradox or something?" asked the Green Tommy.
"It should." answered Dr. Oliver. "I guess I should explain myself. I am Dr. Tommy Oliver. Yes, you all become become a doctor, but what's important here is that I've become sort of a Power Rangers historian and there was a team that was from the future."
"Yeah, but you're from the future too." said the White Ranger Tommy.
"Well, what I was getting at was their actions impacted the future. What's happening right now should create some large paradox, but it's not..." A confused Dr. Oliver uttered.
"We need to find Jason and the others so they can become Power Rangers and save the city!" said the Green Tommy. "We should at least attempt do fix this timeline."
"If no one saves the city, many people will die." Dr. Tommy Oliver thought to himself.
"I do have my morpher..."
While the other Tommy's bickered with each other, Dr. Oliver slipped out of the commotion to look for a way to get to Angel Grove.
"Let's see. What would exist at this time that I could use? The communicatiors were invented by Billy as was that weird Radbug car."
Dr. Oliver then noticed five old looking bikes in the Command Center.
"Perfect!" thought Dr. Oliver.
While taking the red Battle Bike, Dr. Oliver had one thing on his mind.
He NEEDED to save Angel Grove.