Hi reader, this is really a bit of experiment, for each question I wrote whatever came to mind with minimal editing. I hope that you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.And don't worry I am still working on the I Know Your Dirty Little Secret fic, and will have an update for it very soon.

Who constantly tries to get the other to shower with them?

Her showers were her sanctuary, when it was too much when she could feel herself starting to lose control, the world starting to spin, she would shower. The sensation of the water hitting her naked skin allows her to escape, all she can feel is the water, all she can hear is the water. She breathes in and out slowly. The tension drains from her body and she can feel herself coming back to herself. She hears a knock on the bathroom door and he pokes his head in. He asks her if she is okay, feeling better and she nods, he makes a move to leave when she asks him to stay to join her in her private sanctuary, now safe enough for two.

Who is incredible in bed and completely knocks the other off their feet the first time they have sex?

They lay there on her pink duvet struggling to catch their breath. Their hands clasped in the middle of the bed. They had done it. The big 'it'. She couldn't have imagined it with anyone else, she didn't want anyone else. He was attentive, loving, yet unbelievably raw in that moment, whispering affirmations in her ear. The way he had moved had taken her breath away, the way he had touched her, her skin still feeling like it was tingling all over. He seemed to instinctively know where she needed to be touched and how.

He knew that she would have read up on things before they had done it. She was a Grade A student, dedicated 100 percent to everything that she did and this would have been no different. Her hands had moved meticulously over his body, touching all the right places, the way she had twisted her hips once he was inside had almost made him lose it then and there. Remembering the things she whispered to him made blush and all his blood rush south all over again.

They looked at each other, each thinking the same thing, time for round two

Who plays video games and who snuggles up next to them as they play?

The first time he introduced her to video games he didn't know what he was getting himself into. She found a release in it that she had not yet found elsewhere. He was a little scared the way she took to it, his usually sweet as pie girlfriend barking orders down the mic, as he snuggles into her side. Laughing maniacally as she snipes from her vantage point, setting the controller down as, Red Team wins flashes up on the screen. He looks up at her in awe as she flashes him that brilliant smile, delivers a quick peck to his lips, tightens her ponytail and prepares for her next match.

Who is horny ALL OF THE TIME?

The first time they have sex seems to set something off in her. She craves his touch more and more. Not just the gentle caresses and comforting hugs but the more intimate and aggressive touches she knows he can deliver. She craves the feeling of his tongue along her skin, touching the most sensitive of places. She pulls him into broom closets, under the bleachers, the bathroom at Pop's, her bedroom. Wherever she can get him alone. She's giving him that look now as they sit across from each other at Pop's, and he feels her foot move up his calf, almost spluttering his coffee all over Kevin. He quickly makes his excuses and heads out the exit. She soon makes her own excuses and follows. Kevin and Ronnie give each other a knowing look. She finds him waiting in the truck he borrowed from Fred for the night. She swings open the door and thinks to herself that they haven't done it in a car before.

Who is sleepy and cuddly ALL OF THE TIME?

She hadn't expected him to be 'cuddly'. When you think of Jughead Jones the phrase cuddly does not exactly spring to mind. Even when they are in a group he is in contact with her in some way, a leg touching hers, leaning slightly into her, an arm around her shoulder. She leans into the touch just as eager to feel him as he is to feel her. Their friends will laugh and tease them for it, joking that they need to get a room, Betty pokes out her tongue in response and Jughead only pulls her closer.

Who knocks on the other's door crying at 4am?

The sharp sudden knock on the door echoed through the house jolting her awake. Bleary eyed she looked at her phone, 4am, confused she slipped on her slippers and made her way downstairs, running into her mum in the hallway who already had the baseball bat at the ready. They reached the front door and Betty looked through the peep-hole to see her boyfriend standing there, head downcast. Usually for their late night visits he would use the ladder by the side of her house, never so bold as to ring the doorbell and face Mama Cooper. She opened the door immediately and he faced her, his face crumpling immediately, the sobs racking his body, as he collapsed into her, she held him tightly as he continued used to cry. Alice not knowing quite what to do offered to make some tea before placing a sympathetic hand on the boy's shoulder as her daughter continued to whisper to him that it was all going to be okay. That was the night his dad left.

Who would have 10 pets if they could and who is adorably shy around animals?

Jughead had never been allowed a pet when he was younger, there was enough chaos in his life without a pet to look after and it would have made the whole homeless thing more of a challenge. But he wanted his little girl to have a pet, to have a companion to grow up with, a friend for life. Betty was not as keen on the idea, she had never been an 'animal person' and was nervous around them. She had relented under the pressure of Jughead and his co-conspirator their 5 year old daughter and found herself with them at the local shelter looking around at the numerous animals looking for a home. Jughead and Emily hurried around to each one, excitedly petting and talking to each one. She heard her daughter excitedly ask if they could have more than one, she shot him a look from across the room and he advised her that they would only be getting one, before whispering for her ears only, today.

Who takes like 10 minutes of persuading to get out of bed each morning?

When he was living at the drive in, or under the school stairs he didn't have the luxury of sleeping in. Now she has to drag him out of the large bed in their room. She starts lightly peppering kisses along an exposed shoulder, the warm blanket having moved down his body during his slumber. The sensation gently rousing him from his sleeping state. She brushes his hair from his forehead, smiling brightly at him while he grimaces at the bright sun coming in from the open blinds. She tells him gently that it is time to get up and she will pull his arm gently to get him to move. He groans and moves to cover his face with the blanket as she tries to steal it from him, huffing as he grasps it tightly. Hands on her hips she smiles to herself as he peeks out from his warm cocoon, and makes her way to the bathroom. She disappears behind the wall. Soon after her hand holding her silk robe emerges, dropping the item to the floor. She has his full attention now, he hears the shower start running and is quickly out of bed almost tripping in the process. So far this is his favourite of her strategies to get him out of bed,

Who collects rocks and shells when they go to the beach and who thinks it's dumb?

He rolls his eyes as she picks up another one from the sand. She notices but pays it no attention. She knows he thinks that it's silly that she wants to keep mementos of every part of their road trip. Every beach visited, she reminds him that he is documenting this trip in his own way, the constant snapping of his camera, as she picks up another one, oddly shaped, curves and dips each one unique and special. He captures the moment with his camera, her golden hair shining in the breeze as she bends down to pick down another one. He captures the subtlety of her smile as she delights in her find.

Who picks fights for no reason just so they can have kinky sex?

If anyone ever asked he would say that it wasn't fighting, gentle teasing maybe, but not fighting. He would make a few sarcastic comments here and there while at the office of the Blue and Gold. Gentle teasing remarks that would make her huff and pull that ponytail just a little tighter. Kevin and Archie thought he was crazy, but also knew that she would take more from him then she ever would from them. He could get away with it. He knew the quickest way to send her over the edge was to critique her work for the Blue and Gold. Things not being perfect that was her trigger. He knew if he kept pushing, she would eventually have enough and silence him in the most delightful way possible. And then he would make it up to her.

Who wants to have sex at work/school and who is terrified of getting caught?

She knew it was his weakness, that cheerleading uniform, the short skirt swaying as she walked in front of him talking to Kevin. He was sure that she was putting an extra sway in her step making it only all the more tempting. She waved goodbye to Kevin as she took his hand and pulled him into the Blue and Gold office. He wanted to tell her that he had class, but the words were not out of his mouth before he was pressed against the door, and she clicked the lock behind him. Her lips were on his immediately, her hands on his torso, pawing at his clothes, reaching underneath. He grasped her hand stopping her and she just looked up at him with a devilish smile. This was the third time this week she had cornered him in some part of the school, and kissed him hard and needy. He had so far managed to distract her and escape, with his current record he didn't need an indiscretion like that on there. It was like she was determined to get him expelled. When her hand came in contact with the hard bulge in his jeans he knew that he would not be resisting a third time despite the fear of being caught.

Who smells the hell out of the other's shirts when they're away but pretends that they don't?

She thinks that he doesn't know about her secret stash. The flannel shirts she keeps in her third drawer, neatly folded and hidden beneath her winter or summer clothes depending on the season, away from the prying eyes of Alice Cooper. He imagines that she wears them when he is not there, breathing in his scent, being comforted by it when he cannot comfort her himself. He doesn't mention the missing items, just as she doesn't mention hers

Who believes in astrology and who doesn't care and just wants the other to make out with them?

She felt like maybe he had been brainwashed, or was playing some kind of trick on her. He pointed out their signs, the good and bad points while she continued to kiss up his neck, barely listening as he rattled off the information. She could kill Ronnie for getting him onto this nonsense. She let out a final groan of frustration as she grabbed the stupid book from his hands and threw it across the room. Before he could make a move to collect his book she swung her leg over his lap straddling him in the process. She kissed him full on the mouth, her tongue seeking entrance and her hips grinding against him. She'd make him see stars for real.

Who greatly exaggerates being sick every time they feel even a little poorly just so the other will take care of them?

She snuggles into the cocoon of blankets and warmth on their couch, her feet resting on the hot water bottle, which has just been topped up, her favourite movie playing on the screen in front of her. He comes back to her again for the fifth time in as many minutes to make sure she is okay. She assures him that it is just a 'little cold' and he takes a deep sigh, before insisting that she needs chicken noodle soup. Before leaving he presses the back of his hand against her forehead, and she can see him deliberating whether it meets his standards. Satisfied he smiles kindly at her and makes his way to the kitchen.

She was maybe playing the cold up just a little bit but she knew that he liked to take care of her and she didn't want to take that away from him.

Who enjoys rainy days and who doesn't?

He can't stand the rain, the sound of it hitting the windows, the way it darkens the sky, all of it. Most of all it reminds him of the day his mum packed everything up, in just a few suitcases, Jellybean in her arms and his dad shouting out into the rain from the trailer door. Tears streaming down his own face, asking himself why she didn't take him too. Was he too much like him, would he remind her too much? His dad held him close that night, making empty promises, the alcohol staining his breath, permeating the air around them.

She pulls him closer to her, clutching him tightly. As soon as the rain starts she sees him retreat inside himself, replaying that night over in his head. She had always enjoyed the rain, the smell of it, the feeling of it hitting her skin, the cool change it would bring. She and Polly would run out into it laughing, spinning in circles arms outstretched, Alice Cooper shouting from the porch to come inside. Just thinking about those carefree moments brought a smile to her face. She wanted him to experience that, the freedom and change that rain could bring. But for now she would hold him and keep him safe.

Who gets up first and makes the coffee?

He wakes almost immediately when he smells the warm scent of coffee wafting in from the kitchen, waking him from his dreams. He groans as he reluctantly removes the blanket and makes his way into the kitchen to hear her humming to herself as she pours the coffee into the two almost identical mugs, Mr and Mrs, a wedding gift from Polly and little Evie. His arms wrap around her waist and he presses a kiss against her neck gently. She hands him his mug and he takes it gratefully, taking a sip before placing a gentle kiss to his forehead, thinking just how lucky he is.