This present was written during the GH Exchange 2017 for the lovely Bee, who is a hardcore Gene fan! As you can easily guess thanks to the title, this story is a collection of Gene-centric vignettes, depicting specific moments of his (hard) life. As per requested, mostly fluff, friendship and romance, so this will most likely stray from the canon path at some point.

Also, an enormous thanks to Teaaddictedghosthunter for beta-reading this collection and providing insightful advice. The best editor ever c:

1- Birth

"Twins," a red-faced Jeffery muttered angrily. "Twins! You had to make twins, uh?"

Kazuko stayed silent as she knew it was better not to argue with her husband when he was this tempered. She felt too tired to do so anyway; too exhausted to even bother wiping the tears still wetting her face as she just laid, motionless, on the hospital bed.

Giving birth had been a nightmare. After hours of pain and suffering, she had finally delivered. But before she could even rejoice about the healthy wailing of her child she had gone into labour again. The second time hurt less, but she was drained and it felt all the more unbearable. It had left her crying— from exhaustion, relief or shock, she couldn't decide.

Jeffery paced the room in large strides when a nurse, smiling obviously, came back with the two infants. The woman in scrubs didn't know about their situation and the difficulties they would probably have, providing for twins. Jeffery didn't get paid that much. One child he could probably support, but two…

The nurse presented the children to Kazuko who found herself opening her arms instinctively. She looked at the tiny infants and couldn't help but marvel at their similarity. Two identical boys with a mop of dark disheveled hair. The second born was sleeping, while the firstborn had its huge black eyes opened as he, looked at her with a somewhat serious expression. No, not the firstborn, thought Kazuko. According to tradition, a child who pushed their sibling aside in order to be born first was not worthy of being called the elder brother. This one would be reported as the younger.

Jeffery's gruff voice interrupted her thoughts. His complexion was back to normal, but he was still sporting a sour expression. Kazuko prayed he would be in a better mood when she was to come home. He could be really violent during his rageful bouts.

"Names?" he inquired in Japanese, looking at the babies with apparent dismay.

Kazuko shook her head timidly. She hadn't been prepared for twins.

Her husband sighed in exasperation and said something to the nurse. Kazuko just watched as she couldn't understand what was being said.

When the nurse finally left, Jeffery deigned to explain what they had been talking about.

"I gave them American names," he grunted. "Oliver," he said pointing at the wide awake baby, "And Eugene."

Kazuko nodded in approval despite her confusion. Now wasn't the time to anger her husband any further. But she would have to think about Japanese names later, because she was incapable of pronouncing the western-sounding ones without struggle.

"Yu-Ji-nnn," she tried nonetheless.

As on cue, baby Eugene started to wail.