After coming back from Gemma's and the talk with Stahl, Jax took a quick shower to wash off the trials of the day. Slipping into a pair of sweatpants and walking across the hall, he isn't surprised to find Cheyenne in Abel's room. Abel had fallen asleep in Cheyenne's arm while they were still at his mom's. He thought it would take a crowbar to separate Cheyenne from Abel.

But he understood where the severe attachment was coming from. He didn't want to let Abel or Cheyenne out of his sights. And if he was honest, he wouldn't have a problem bringing Abel's crib into his their room to keep his family close.

After all, his time with them is limited. Stahl had managed to get their fifteen years reduced to 5, but with good behavior parole could be out in two. In those two years, he will miss the birth of his second child, birthdays, the first words and steps of both of his children.

And he is worried how these two years will change his relationship with Cheyenne. It was a long time to be separated. A long time for her to be raising their children on her own. He knows how time away can hurt couples he had seen it with his own eyes between Opie and Donna.

He steps quietly into the bedroom where he comes up behind her. She jumps startled and he can see her hastily wiping at her eyes.

"I'm sorry." He tells her and his arms pull her close. His hands come down to her flat stomach. A baby bump is barely there and he is going to miss this. He is going to miss seeing her grow with their child unlike with Abel. "Abel's home and safe." He assures her again.

Cheyenne risks a look at him with watery eyes. He doesn't know if she believes him, but she nods her head anyways. And god he wishes he could just hold her face between his hands and wipe away her tears and kiss away her fears. And as he takes in her face with the swollen bruised lips and neck with Hector's handprint across the smooth skin, he feels like he could kill the bastard all over again. He thinks he killed the man too easily as not only Cheyenne was in danger, but his unborn child.

"You're safe too. You and the baby."

"How long are you going to be gone, Jax?" She asks him.

"It could be up to 15 years considering all the priors." He tells her truthfully. The deal with Stahl wasn't set in stone. He wasn't going to give her false hope and he couldn't tell her everything. Not yet.

"Jesus Jax," Cheyenne mutters.

"Babe, let's just worry about this tomorrow. We still have tonight."

Jax's eyes spring open. His eyes immediately fly to the spot beside him and he finds it empty. Panic claws at his throat and heart at Cheyenne's empty side of the bed until he hears the babbling of Abel and Cheyenne's soft voice traveling down the hallway. With this early in the morning, he thinks she is probably going to make him some milk.

Kicking his legs over the side of the bed, he runs his hands through his hair. This will be his last breakfast with his family for a while. He doesn't want to waste it. He doesn't bother putting on sweatpants as he walks down the hallway and into the kitchen. He smiles at the scene of Cheyenne holding Abel as he rests his head on her shoulder as he drinks his milk.

"Are you going to be able to handle another Teller boy?" Jax asks her teasingly.

Cheyenne's eyes flicker up to him. She gives him a soft smile. "It could be a girl."

Jax smiles a little as he looks at her flat stomach. "I have a feeling it's a boy."

"Well I hope you're not disappointed when it's a girl." She tells him.

Jax brings Cheyenne and his boy into a hug. "I'm sorry, I won't be there."

"I know." She tells him trying her best to keep the heartbreak out of her voice.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

It was an understatement to say that Cheryl wasn't all that receptive of their new house guest. She really didn't like when Viktor did indeed bring work home. She's even more disgusted when she finds his men rolling a body back into a tarp.

She certainly hasn't hid her displeasure from Viktor. She knows it comes down to money, but Cheryl has never cared for the Irish or their agenda. She had made it known to her husband that it's bad to do business with them. They have no integrity. It's all about the cause and money. She had warned him that this will come to haunt them down the road.

So she finds herself on the other side of her house away from Viktor and his guest. It's best she doesn't know about their plans. Keeps her out of the crossfire. Besides, her mind is too distracted by other things.

She thinks it might be time to reach out to her children. She's been away far too long and she knows now that it wasn't the best thing for them to keep her distance. She could've kept in contact somehow instead of radio silence. Now she is missing precious moments with her kids and her grandchildren. Viktor doesn't have any kids. So it's just the two of them in this big house with his henchmen. She finds that it does get lonely even with the money and fundraising she does.

She does know that Viktor doesn't really care for the SONS, the club, which her son is a part of. She fears that may cause some tension between the two.

Her thoughts are broken by her phone ringing. It's an unknown number. She hesitantly answers it. "Hello?"

"Mom, it's Lip."

Cheryl freezes. "Is everything okay?"

"I need your help?"

"What's going on is it your sister? Isla?"

"We know Jimmy O is with Viktor."

Dread and disappointment fill her belly. She should have known that Lip wouldn't be calling just to call.

"Lip, I'm not sure if I can be of any help." She tells him truthfully. She did her best to stay out of the way when it came to Viktor's business. She was to be seen not heard after all.

"Well after you hear this you might want to rethink that stance," Lip remarks.

"Why should I even entertain this?" Viktor asks her from the privacy of their study.

Cheryl folds her arms across her chest. "My son is asking for my help."

"No, his club is." Viktor corrects. "Funny how it's been years since he reached out."

"I'm to blame for that, Viktor. You know that."

"Why should I help SAMCRO? What's the benefit?"

"That man tried to keep my grandson from my daughter. My kids – their kids – are your family, Viktor. You can't dismiss that truth." She pleads to him. "I've never asked much from you Viktor. Please, help my family."

"Okay," Viktor agrees a little too easily. "But my help comes at a price."

Cheyenne watches with a fond smile as Jax doesn't seem capable of letting Abel out of his arms. She knows she can't give him shit considering recent events, but also that time with his son is limited. So she sits back and watches as the mood is lifted even more by the announcement of Opie's and Lyla's engagement. But her mind can't stay on those happy thoughts for long because reality is seeping in. Jax will be gone by the end of the day.

Cheyenne creeps out of the clubhouse and heads to the small swing set the prospects built for Abel.

She takes a seat on the swing as she truly thinks about her future. She is going to be left alone with two babies to raise. She knows that it isn't going to be easy especially in the first few months. But Jax has told her it could be years before he is out. She wonders if she has it in her to wait.

The clubhouse door opens and she sees her brother scanning the lot before his eyes land on her. He jogs over to her and takes a seat on the other swing.

"You okay?" He asks her.

Cheyenne shrugs her shoulders. "I wish it was easier to stop blaming myself."

"When you become a parent you tend to blame everything on yourself and second guess." Lip tells her.

"I don't think most parents are in our situations." She informs her brother.

"No, they're not." Lip agrees. "I need to ask you a favor."

Cheyenne looks at her brother curiously. "With me and the guys going to Stockton…can you watch Isla?"

"Lip, you don't even have to ask that."

"I know, but with Abel and the new baby I don't want to overwhelm you. I've been talking to Lowen. I want to make it official that you're her guardian." Lip tells her. She can tell tears are threatening to fall.

Cheyenne nods her head. "Jax told me that it might be years for you guys."

"Yeah, but it's the risk ya know." Lip tells her sadly.

"Does Isla know?"

"I told her. She took it in stride. My little girl is growing up so fast." Lip laments with a broken laugh.

"We'll be there for every visit, Lip." She promises.

"I know, you will. I just don't want her to start hating me." Lip reveals.

"She won't, Lip." She assures her brother.

Lip gives her a sad smile and reaches across the swing and grabs her hand. It's a small gesture, but it's enough.

Lip looks down at his daughter and he swears he has never felt this conflicted. He can see what this Life is already doing to her. They are at the top of the clubhouse on the roof. This is going to be his last moment with his daughter as a free man.

"I may be gone for a long time." He tells her truthfully.

Isla nods her head. "I know and I'm going to be staying with Aunt Cheyenne."

"How do you feel about that?"

"It's going to be weird living with babies in the house."

Lip chuckles a bit. "Yeah, living with Chey…she wasn't a quiet baby."

"Abel's pretty quiet."

"Yeah, but the new one might not be."

"I hope it's a girl."

"Don't tell your uncle that." Lip says as he wraps an arm around his daughter. He presses a kiss to her head and inhales her fruity scent. He is going to be voided of these for at least two years. He is going to miss out on the small moments of his daughter's life.

He's angry at himself for even doing this to her. He's preparing for these years apart to change her. He's prepared for the bitterness at his absence. He's accepted it.

"I know things will be different between us when I get out –"

"Dad –"

He interrupts her. "No that no matter what, I love you so much."

"I know that, Dad."

"So know that you can write and still tell me anything while I'm away."

Isla sighs. "Dad, everything will be okay."

After the breakfast feast, Cheyenne had headed to St. Thomas to request a week's vacation and to get Abel checked out. Despite her check of him last night, she couldn't really see if there had been damage to his heart or if he had been exposed to other pathogens.

She was surprised when Fawn decided to join her. After Abel receiving the medical clear, the two women are heading back home with Abel. Lip had mentioned he would drop off Isla later. Yet, she has noticed her friend has been quiet. She can tell things are different between them.

"So when are you leaving?" Cheyenne asks. She can tell her friend has had one foot out the door. She knows once Zobelle was handled that she would have left, but then Abel and Isla getting caught in the crossfire from Cameron had delayed her leave. What's worse is that Cheyenne has felt such distance from Fawn. She has neglected her friend in some way.

"Probably within a week. Make sure Isla gets settled in. It's going to be hard leaving her."

"You know you're allowed to see her whenever you want." Cheyenne assures her.

"Yeah, I know." Fawn says a bit sadly. "I even actually said to Lip that Isla could stay with me. You know get her out of this and such."

Cheyenne is taken back by that. She can imagine that didn't particularly go well with her brother. "Lip must have been upset."

"This is nothing against you, Cheyenne," Fawn clarifies. "It's just Lip could be gone for a long time and Isla has a future – a bright one."

Cheyenne nods her head. "If Isla…if Isla wants to leave – it would be hard for Lip to accept, but if it what she wants I will support her."

Fawn nods her head jerkily and her eyes look at Abel in the backseat. "I just worry now especially with all that has happened."

Cheyenne doesn't get to reply as her phone begins to ring. It's Gemma asking her to head down to the police station immediately.

Cheyenne had dropped of Fawn and Abel at the house before making her way to the station. She finds Gemma pacing outside smoking a cigarette. Cheyenne almost has a heart attack considering that she is a wanted fugitive.

Cheyenne storms out of Jax's truck and over to Gemma, "What in the hell are you doing!"

Gemma throws her cigarette on the ground. Her face is contorted in pure misery and dread. "All my charges have been dropped. I get three months house arrest."

Cheyenne looks at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I was going to turn myself in. Less trouble for the guys, but as you can see I will be on house arrest by the end of the day."

"What –how is that possible? Did Stahl…?"

"Of course not."

"Does Jax or Clay know?"

She can see the pure fear on Gemma's face at the mention of Clay. "You can't tell Clay."

"Gemma –"

"You can't tell him. At least until I figure out what's going on."

Cheyenne doesn't like the feeling in her gut, but she agrees to Gemma's request.

"So your Mom came through," Jax says to Lip as they sit outside the clubhouse. It was a small break from all the running around they were doing to handle the small details before they head to Stockton.

"For the most part, as obviously we don't have the money. Apparently the Russians don't believe in family discounts." Lip mutters.

"At least your mom was able to do something," Jax says.

Lip nods his head. "How you doing?"

"I can ask you the same thing." Jax counters.

"Yeah, but I'm not the one with a baby on the way."

Jax shrugs his shoulders. He was trying his best not to think too far about that. The deal with Stahl is risky for him and the club. And if he thought too hard on Chey, Abel, and the baby he knows he will lose his focus to much.

"Ask me when the day is over." Jax says.

"Speaking of the devil," Lip murmurs as they watch Jax's truck pull into the lot. Cheyenne at the wheel. Jax puts out his cigarette as he walks over to her.

Cheyenne gives him a small smile.

"Hey, I need a minute."

"Where's Abel?" He asks.

"Fawn. Neeta, and Isla are with him at home." She tells him. "Your mother was in jail." She informs him grimly.

"I know, I heard." Jax grinds out. Although despite his small subtle warnings, he along with the club had predicted his mom would act this way. It just amazes him how she is able to sniff out everything. Sometimes he wishes she could be docile old lady for once. And now as he looks into Cheyenne's grey eyes, he knows that she can tell there is something he isn't telling her.

"The homicide charges were dropped. She doesn't want Clay to know. She's terrified." She tells him. Cheyenne steps closer to him as she looks into his eyes searching, "What's going on, Jax?"

Jax sighs as his hands go up and cups her face. He had debated on if he should have disclosed what he and the club had planned. Yet, considering what was going on between them, he had been easy keeping her separate from this. He thinks maybe he should give her an inch, but Chucky interrupts them as he drops a box at their feet. The money problem with Putlova easily solved – almost.

Cheyenne stands by an old Impala from that apparently a new Prospect Filthy Phil's father owned. After Chucky had interrupted them, she had been informed that they needed money for an exchange with the Russian's – her mother's husband – to get Jimmy. She had been more shocked that her brother had managed to reach out to her.

And now much to Jax's displeasure, she has been asked to help the club yet again. Worse, as the hours go on, Jax's freedom diminishes.

"You sure want to do this?" He asks her as he snaps everything into place on the bulletproof vest and looks at her. His hands linger on her stomach.

"I'm the only one who can." She replies. "Admit it, you need me." She lets pass by her lips. A teasing smile comes to her lips as she looks at him.

Jax's eyes that were scrutinizing her stomach fly to her eyes. He gives her a small smile and he brings her close.

"More than you know." He admits.

He leans down and presses a kiss to her lips. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

"To us." She corrects.

"Yeah." He agrees.

"You promise you'll tell me everything?" She asks him.

"You'll know everything soon enough, baby." He promises.

Lip can say that he doesn't know too much about his mother's husband. The club rarely does business with the Russians. They all know just to respect the Russians hold in Oregon and Northern California. And from his memory and photos of his mom, this man is way beneath her.

"So you must be my son in law," Viktor states as the men behind him do the initial check of the money.

Lip nods his head. "Appears so."

Lip honestly didn't care that his mother remarried. He was more annoyed with the fact she had left Charming and never sought out to keep in contact with her children. Even if she hated the club and the outlaw life, it didn't make sense for her to up and marry into the Russian mafia.

Viktor smiles, "I hope from here on out when can mend some bridges and come together as a family."

"Be kind of hard with me being in jail and all." Lip comments.

Viktor chortles. "You're exactly how your mother described you."

Lip turns his head to Jax as he shakes his head.

"But I hear that I'm a grandfather to three grandchildren and with the familial connections to SAMCRO. It might be time to expand business opportunities," Viktor addresses more to Clay than him.

"You know how to reach us," Clay says with a wide smile.

Cheyenne is standing with Gemma over where the guys' park their bikes after dropping off Jimmy O. Cheyenne can see that Gemma is a bundle of nerves especially when the guys all arrive back and Jax is noticeably absent.

"Did Jax say anything to you?" Gemma whispers.

Cheyenne looks up at her and shakes her head. "Outside of saying he will explain everything later, no. Why?"

Gemma doesn't say anything as she eyes Clay warily. And fear bubbles in Cheyenne's stomach as Jax doesn't show up until almost 20 minutes later. Cheyenne shoots her brother a pleading look, but he isn't able to meet her eyes. When he arrives, the Feds are close behind.

Cheyenne's stomach gets queasy. Jax parks his bike and their eyes connect briefly but she can see the apprehension before Clay takes his attention and Agent Stahl.

"Where's Jimmy O?" Stahl shouts out and receives no answer. "Look, I can have a dozen agents here in 20 minutes and they'll shred this white trash shit hole." She threatens.

"Get him." Clay orders.

At this point, Cheyenne has moved from her spot and over to Jax. He seems startled at her presence at first and she knows better than to say anything at this moment as she watches the Feds take Jimmy O. Cheyenne's hand finds Jax. Cheyenne's mind is trying to wrap around what Jimmy O being on their property means. After all, Jimmy is a wanted fugitive and the club could be seen as hiding him and aiding. In the chaos that is ensuing, Cheyenne barely registers what Agent Stahl is saying until Stahl finds Jax's eyes.

"…your VP made a deal." Stahl gloats.

Jax rips his hand away from Cheyenne and charges at Stahl. "You son of a bitch."

And Cheyenne watches as Jax tries to explain his reasoning as shoving match ensues between the guys before the Feds begin to break it up.

It isn't until she sees Gemma on the verge of tears that this is very real. And Jax may have made a deal. It's what has her feet propelling her forward and she doesn't know if she pushed an agent or not as she grabs Jax and hugs him tightly.

"It's okay, Chey. It's okay." He tells her ever so calmly that she doesn't realize until later why he was so calm.

She grips him tight and she can feel the agents trying to pull her off, but Agent Stahl lets them have a moment. She hears Stahl remark that she's pregnant and the agents scatter away.

She pulls back slightly. "Jax, what the hell did you do?" She asks tears in her eyes.

Jax looks at her sadly and doesn't answer her. "I love you, okay."

"You stupid bastard." She tells him angrily.

Jax manages a half smile. "I know."

He presses a burning kiss to her lips before he is taken from her.

Cheyenne didn't even get to stay goodbye to her brother as he has already been pushed into the van that waits to take them to Stockton.

Cheyenne was unsure of leaving a distraught Gemma to her own devices after what happened at the clubhouse, but she did. Back at the house, Fawn, Isla and the kids were going to be there. At this point, all Cheyenne wanted was to hold Abel tightly. And some part of her knows that what happened today couldn't really be the reality of the situation. But as the minutes ticked by, she thinks Jax may really be a rat. She knows it is probably the reason why Gemma's charges were cleared and she didn't miss that the club would be doing short time for his cooperation.

Fawn and Lyla had asked what happened, but she wasn't sure she could tell them what happened. Instead, Cheyenne just tells them the guys were arrested and leaves it at that.

Cheyenne is sitting in Abel's room. She is rocking him as she places kisses on his head when Filthy Phil comes in carrying a letter.

Jax already informed her to get use to his presence during his time away.

"This is from Jax. He wants you to burn it after you read it." Phil informs her.

Cheyenne looks at him confused, but nods her head.

The envelope has her name written across it in Jax's chicken scratch. Her heart drops.


It's safe to say if you are reading this that Agent Stahl is dead. Jimmy is dead. It also means that the club will be doing short time. 2 years if something doesn't happen.

So I'm sorry for the worry it probably left you in until this letter reached you.

I'm also sorry for the way I treated you after Abel was taken from us. I'll apologize every day for this if I have to. I can't make any excuses for it. I just hope one day you can forgive me for allowing you and Abel to go through that. I hope one day I can forgive myself.

I love you, Abel, and our unborn son so much. Never doubt how much I love you. I know that these next couple years won't be easy, but I hope in the end it will only make us stronger. I'm sorry I won't be there with you for this pregnancy and for our children's milestones. I promise after this, I won't miss something like this again. I won't let anything else happen to our family.

Know that I love you.

I love you so much. More than you could ever know.

Give Abel and my youngest son, my love.

Your Jax.