Thanks for your continued patience, though you may have just forgotten about me. Wouldn't blame you there at all.
Thanks to my sister Mandy for the help- she wrote the lemon. That's what had me stuck y'all. For MONTHS. All humor and cursing is mine.
Enjoy! Off to work on Princess.
OPMC Chapter 17
I pay for dinner, making sure to include the Chief and Sue's as well. Can't let her dad think I'm cheap. He's already glaring at me knowing I'm going to defile his daughter later.
'I've come for your daughter, Chuck.' I snort thinking how much Bella has rubbed off on me as that Beetlejuice quote pops out of nowhere.
I'm not quite sure what caused Bella's epiphany but I'm beyond grateful for it. Not that I want her just for sex. Not even close but I am a guy and I am insanely – emphasis on insane- attracted to her.
I have my hand positioned at the curve of her hip as I lead her out. I feel Charlie's eyes boring into my back, but I stay relaxed. He knows I'm a good guy- even pushed her to find me. She runs off to hug Alice goodbye and Sue is heading towards the cruiser. So now I'm alone with the guy even though backup is twenty feet away in various positions around the parking lot.
I wait for more, but he just uses the police officer look.
"I'm not going to hurt her."
He blinks and clears his throat.
"I do know that. It's just…"
"She's your baby girl. I get it. You know I'm not her first boyfriend, right?"
"Those yahoos aren't even in your league."
"Then why are you glaring at me like I'm stealing your daughter away from you?"
"Aren't you?"
"No. Why would you…" I'm confused.
"She's never loved any man other than me. Oh, she thought she loved them, but they never understood her spirit like I do. Like you do. And it makes me thrilled and sad all at the same time."
I steal a look over at Bella, watching her giggle in the gaggle of girls that were with her. Say that three times real fast.
"Chief, that girl adores you and nothing I will do will ever stop that." I look back at him. "Not that I would ever want that. I'm close to my family and I want the woman I spend my life with to have that same support. I know her mother is absent, but she doesn't even let it bother her because she knows she has you. And my mother can step in because my mother and Bella? Two peas in a pod." I laugh.
"You are a great guy, Edward, but what kind of dad would I be if I didn't try to make you sweat a little?" His moustache twitches.
"Understood, but Bella and I are catching a ride with Emmett nonetheless."
He laughs, pats my back twice and heads over to tell Bella bye. I watch her launch into his arms and kiss his cheek- the same cheek that blushes pink when she does so. He waves to everyone and gets in the car with Sue.
I chat with Jasper and Emmett until the girls are done gossiping and then Bella and I climb in the back of my brother's Hummer with Em and Rose in the front. Conversation is normal until Em fiddles with his sound system. The musical stylings of 2 Live Crew blare out.
'What'll we get for 10 dollars?
Every 'ting you want.
Every 'ting.
Ahh! Me so Horny!
Me love you long time!'
Bella and Rose are belting out the lyrics while I glare at the back of Emmett's head. He turns it down when he catches the look on my face much to my girlfriend's disgruntlement.
"Not funny." I tell him.
"It's a little funny. My brother becomes a man tonight." He teases.
"Emmett, I lost my virginity when I was seventeen."
"Yeah, but now they have all that Fifty Shades erotica shit that women like to do."
"Um, no. I'm either gonna fight or I'm gonna fuck. I'm not going to do both at the same time." Bella chimes in.
I choke on nothing while Rose loses it completely, dissolving in a mass of giggles.
"Hey, it's kind of fun, Bella. You don't know what you're missing." Em counters.
"What my nasty friend and you do in bed in your own business. What Edward and I do in ours is not that."
Rose is now choking and Em is banging her on the back.
"Emmett, not so hard!" I protest.
"Oh, she likes it." Bella explains.
"I wish we would have ridden home in your father's car."
"That's what she said." Emmett says gleefully.
"I swear, you are twelve years old."
Bella giggles then snuggles into me. "We're almost home." She whispers.
Home. It's technically her house since that is where we left our cars but I'm beginning to see that home is wherever Bella is.
We're dropped off with wolf whistles and condoms thrown at us. I groan as Bella laughs. She makes a production of gathering them all up, then she tugs me into her apartment then there is other tugging- shoes, socks, shirts, pants- until we are both standing in our undergarments.
She bursts out into giggles when she looks down. I'm hoping it's the Ellen underwear she is laughing at and not my blatant erection. I mean I'm not hung like a porn star or anything but I do believe I am above average.
She bites her lip then and I'm relieved that it is the underwear.
"There's no shit stains in these." And oh my god, why did I just say that?
I groan again.
Her smile is kind with no mirth in it. "Are you nervous?" She whisper asks.
"A little. You?"
"Yeah. It's been a while and never with anyone as important to me as you are."
Her honesty is breathtaking in its simplicity.
"I know exactly what you mean."
I then lean down to kiss her gently letting her deepen it. I'm going to let her lead tonight as my main concern is to make sure she is comfortable.
Undergarments are slowly shed, hands gently covering unknown territory. We're in her room now and she's on her knees in the middle of her floor and she's staring at me. Well, at part of me. I can see her overthinking so I come down to her level until she is looking me in the eyes.
"You do not have to do anything you are not comfortable with."
"I'm not uncomfortable but I'm pretty sure deep throating is out of the question. I'm used to gherkins not cucumbers."
I laugh and so does she. "It's always about the food with you, isn't it?"
She slyly wraps her hand around me. "Well, not always."
I am definitely not laughing now.
She looks dead into my eyes with a playful smirk on her pretty little face. She kneels and leans her head forward. She still has me in one hand and began sliding her tongue down my shaft.
My knees almost buckle as I grab her hair urging her forward. She guides me into her mouth, slowly at first, then takes me in deeper and deeper still. I can feel my eyes roll into the back of my head and a very primal sound escapes me. That seems to quicken her pace.
She uses her hand to stroke me and her mouth to drive me insane. She begins to whimper and I can tell that she is getting wetter by the second. This is turning her on.
Her eyes smile up at me as she sees what she was doing to me. She takes me all the way into her mouth after all and I'm so deep, I feel her throat tighten and myself getting closer to release, so I remove myself, lift her up and throw her on the bed. She gasps and grins at me wildly.
I position myself over her, my dick throbbing with need for release. She is this sexy, dirty little vixen- my dirty little vixen. Her eyes are darker than usual and clouded over with desire. I kiss her with so much need, we both feel it. She was withering underneath me, bucking her hips up to meet me. I still her with my legs and she whimpers in my mouth. When I lifted my lips from hers, hers were swollen and wet. Her eyes were urging, begging for what she needs.
I kiss her neck and suckle ever so slightly. Her head falls back and she moans loudly. I work my way lower placing kisses down every part of her. I take her nipple into my mouth and she presses my head deeper into her breast. I go from one to the other, driving her wild. She's tossing and turning under me and begging over and over. I go lower still as I lick my way down to her belly button and then slowly I drift down between her thighs.
She's so wet as I firmly lick her clit and she scream out. I gently sucked and she almost comes undone. I put one finger inside her, then two and I thrust in and out while I continue to work on her clit. Faster and faster, I hear her cry out and feel her tighten around my fingers and taste her cum in my mouth. I slow my pace, mindful of the sensitivity, and lick every drop she gives me.
I lift my head and see her in all her post orgasmic glory- cheeks all flushed, eyes closed, chest rapidly moving with her every breath. I choose this time to enter her. Her eyes fly open as she cries out once more. I almost cum so I still because she is fluttering like crazy around me. When she settles down, I began to thrust, hitting deep inside her. I can't help myself. I need her- need to be as close to her as I can be. I thrust deeper and deeper, faster and faster until she cums once more bringing me to my release. I scream her name as I follow. Panting and spent, I fall on top of her.
"Can't. Breathe." She gasps. I use the last of my remaining strength to lift myself off her and settle next to her in bed. I still leave my legs entangled with hers.
She pushes her sweaty hair off her face with a huff then looks at me and laughs.
I lick my lips and pant out, "You're laughing?"
"You'll find out as you spend the next fifty or so years with me, that I laugh at the most inappropriate times. So, yes, I am laughing. Mostly out of relief."
"Did you think I would suck?"
"Speaking of sucking…" She trails off with a mischievous grin.
"You are really good at that. I'm almost jealous of how you got so good."
I lift my head up abruptly then roll my eyes at her expression.
"Besides, I could ask you about your downtown dining experience, but I'll refrain. No ghosts of exes past in this bed." She declares.
"That's probably a good idea. Not that there's been many." I clarify.
She settles into my side, placing her cheek on my bare chest. "It doesn't matter if it was one or one hundred. All that matters is what we have right here, right now."
"Look at you becoming all sappy and shit."
She half heartedly swats me then yawns loudly. "Quiet down. I need my beauty sleep."
"I'll wake you up in an hour, then." Cause my girl is beautiful.
"Okay, we need some rules." She suddenly announces.
"Yes, rules. Rule number one. Don't ever wake me up. I will not be held responsible for what happens to you if you do."
"Um… ok. And number two?"
"There's no number two, only number one."
"Don't wake you up. What if the house is on fire?"
"Then obviously wake me up." She rolls her eyes before yawning again.
"Okay, okay. Sleep. I'll be here when you deign to wake up Princess."
She's already drifting so she doesn't respond. I get comfortable and sleep finds me fairly quickly.
I startle to consciousness as an ambush of sensations over take me. I blink and look down and all I see is a curtain of brown hair and all I feel is teeth and tongue. I struggle to notice the time but it's still dark out.
"What happened to your rule?" I gasp.
She lifts her head up from my… well… head… and grins.
"That rule only pertains to me."
"Fair enough. "I gasp as I let her finish me off.
The lyrics to I think I love you flit through my cloudy mind once again and I wonder what I ever did to deserve this woman. Not sure but I vow to keep doing it for as long as she'll have me.