To all my supporters, especially those who reviewed, a great, big thank you. I was really worried in the beginning that no one would read my story. You guys gave me the confidence to keep updating. So, without further ado, here's the last chapter of Northern Lights.

Ch. 18- As Long As- BPOV

"Hold still, Bella," Alice groaned. I rolled my eyes and Alice lightly swatted the back of my head. "I saw that," she reprimanded. I sighed. I still couldn't believe Edward had betrayed me by siding with Alice and asking me to prom. My siblings always went every chance they got. Even Rosalie, vain as she was, enjoyed the chance to show off. And since I couldn't begrudge Edward a chance to relax and have fun, after weeks of being stuck indoors, I was now trapped in Alice's room. She was enjoying the chance to play her favorite pass time: Bella Barbie.

"Okay," Alice took a step back. She had positioned me facing away from the mirror, so I wouldn't be able to see my reflection. Now, when I tried to see myself through her eyes, she looked away and started receiting the Irish national anthem. "Your hair, make-up and accessories are done." She handed me a black dress bag. "This is your dress, your shoes are in the corner. Please try not to look in the mirror. I want you to get the full effect and I want to see your face when it happens," she instructed and went out the room.

Working at human speed, I put on the silky blue material, fighting the temptation to glance at my reflection. Finally, just as I put on the three-inch heels, Alice knocked and whirled into the room, wearing a knee-length black dress with geometric cuts at the back, showing her pale, white skin. She grinned when she saw me and spun me by the shoulders.

I gasped when I faced the full-length mirror. Standing in front of me was a stunning apparition. She had on an ice-blue dress, down to her ankles, with lacy full-length sleeves and a simple rounded neckline. Her hair was pulled back by lines of minuscule twinkling blue gems. Blue teardrops hung from her ears, but her neck was bare. "Thank you, Alice," I murmured, staring at myself.

Alice let out a tinkling laugh. "You're welcome," she said happily. "Now come on, Edward just arrived. He's waiting downstairs." Excited now, I followed Alice out on the landing, where Rose was waiting for us in a short red dress, with a gold belt at the waist. With large smiles, we linked arms with each other and walked down the stairs, ready to savor the look on our mates' faces, when they saw us.

An involuntary growl escaped me, causing Edward to frown in mild alarm. "What's wrong?" He whispered. "Rebecca Black is here. She wants to talk to you. Her father sent her here to try and warn you again," I spoke through my teeth. Edward glanced right out of the corner of his eyes, where Rebecca was standing. She was nervous. I didn't have to read her mind to know that. 'I can't believe Dad sent me to do this. And Jake actually agreed! Oh God, I'll be lucky if Edward ever talks to me again. And she's there with him. Wow, she looks gorgeous. No wonder, he's dating her, any guy would be head over heels for her.'

Finally, she worked up her courage and started walking in our direction. "Play nice," Edward warned. "Hi, Edward, Isabella," Rebecca greeted us, stumbling awkwardly over my name. Edward smile at her, while I nodded stiffly. "Um," she began nervously. "Do you mind if I cut in?" Like a robot, I stepped away, letting Rebecca take my place. I badly wanted to kiss him once, just as a reminder to the girl that he was taken, but something on Edward's face made me decide against it. He shot me a glare as I walked away. The message in his eyes was clear: Don't listen in. 'Alright, Edward,' I thought. 'Message received.'

I went to dance with Emmett, while Rosalie stood to the side, promising me silently to keep an eye on Edward and Rebecca. All my siblings took their cue from me and ignored their conversation. It was only when I heard Rebecca's thoughts take a rather inappropriate turn, that I went back and shooed her away, taking Edward's hands in mine.

"Let's go out, shall we?" He asked quietly and led me away to a bench outside, where he swung me up and sat me on his laps, my head tucked under his chin. "Why won't you change me, Bella?" Edward asked, his voice sad. I stiffened, then relaxed. I couldn't let him know how big a part of me wanted just that, so I wouldn't have to worry about hurting him anymore. But, changing him would mean stealing his soul. And I couldn't do that.

"Because, I do not have a soul. None of us do. I cannot condemn you to this fate, love. I just can't," I confessed. Edward shook his head, objecting vehemently. "I don't believe that. You do have a soul. You can't not have one." I smiled sadly. "Let's agree to disagree. And at any rate, your soul is too good, too pure, and far too precious to me to risk it."

He stayed silent. "Alice saw it happen and I'm not going to bet against her," he stated firmly. I sighed. "I'm not going to let that happen, never," I vowed. Then, I looked up at him and smiled serenely. "Besides, I promised to always be here with you, yes? Can't that be enough?" I asked. Edward held my gaze, then lowered his lashes, nodding slowly. "It's enough, for now," he added, before bending down to kiss me.

As I instinctively buried my fingers in is hair, I knew, with a sense of dread and despair, that, someday soon, I would have to break my promise.


My next story will be called: Love, Life and Death. It's a really short story, but tragic. I hope you'll enjoy that too. Meanwhile, I'm going to start writing the sequel to this. It will be called: Dying Sun.