Disclaimer: FBNFH belongs to its rightful owners.

Chapter 1: Passionate

Oftentimes, Fine wondered if twins were bound to get more and more different to each other as they grow up. Starting from their appearances, people were already surprised when they learn that they were actually twins: she with the bright red hair and cerise eyes and Rein with hair of a radiant blue and sea-green eyes. Their friends had commented several times about how much they contrast each other not only with their looks but personality: Fine's tomboyish while Rein is boycrazy. Despite all their differences though, they get along so well that they considered themselves the other halves of each other.

Fine liked to believed that she was the one who knew Rein best but she's getting an inkling that this might no longer be true now. There were a lot of things she couldn't understand about her twin sister and she's sure Rein was also going through the same thing. She couldn't understand why Rein still wouldn't let go of her age-old crush on Bright when it is awfully clear for even a dense girl like Fine that he only sees her as a friend. And she also couldn't understand her when Rein told her while Fine's mouth was still full of lemonade that she had gotten over that ill-fated crush, causing her to spat out a mouthful of the cold drink on Rein's unsuspecting face. Fine wondered, was seeing some poor guy get rejected by his crush in front of many people finally compelled Rein to move on?

Maybe it's because Fine wasn't an expert on love-related stuff like her sister was. She decided not to pry. She couldn't forget her dejected look when Altessa told her that Bright already likes someone else. She didn't want to see her sister look like that again. Rein was supposed to always to have a bright smile and eyes that are full of life on her face.

Besides, Fine would probably gain another headache trying to understand the antics of the bluenette. She was just glad Rein's unhealthy obsession had reached its end and she would no longer have to worry about the unlucky girl Bright set his eyes on.

What Fine did care about was Rein's new hobby. Instead of fantasizing about her nonexistent relationship with her precious prince Bright, she was now obsessed with the love lives of other people.

"Matchmaker?" Fine repeated incredulously after her twin sister unceremoniously dragged her to her room to explain her new pastime to her.

So now Rein wanted to play cupid with their friends? Right after she realized that her feelings for Bright will never be reciprocated no matter how long or hard she tried? Did that mean she's still bitter over that? Wait, if that's the case then, why would she want to help other people get closer with the person they liked? Why would she even try to do that when she herself wasn't able to get Bright to like her?

"Ugh." Fine said aloud.

Rein gave her a disapproving look.

See, that's why she had no interest in these kinds of stuff. It's confusing. Well, at least for her, it was. This was why she engaged in sports instead. There was no need to think deeply. All she needs to do was to follow what her coach says and have confidence in her skills. And then, there's food. There was not much needed to be said about it other than food is life. Which was why Fine was daydreaming about cake instead of listening to Rein go on and on about her new passion.

Despite her blatant disregard at her sister's monologue, Rein still recruited her for her first 'mission.' Or at least Rein considered her to be participating in it as Fine didn't really contribute much aside from telling the self-proclaimed matchmaker it was a bad idea.

Fine knew she should discourage Rein the moment she learned who her first target- Fine liked to call these people that because you can never be sure how Rein's plans will turn out- was.

Seriously, why on WonderPlanet did she think Chiffon needed her help? Chiffon, prioritizes school over love life like Fine (okay, before Rein could scoff about that, Fine does make food her priority over boys). More importantly, Chiffon was their friend. You don't put your friends in unnerving situations just so they can be with the person they liked without even telling them your supposedly good intentions.

According to Rein, Chiffon apparently liked Toma.

"You know how Chiffon likes all things mysterious? That also applies to her taste."

"She likes…mysterious food? What sort of food is mysterious anyway? Is it like exotic food you wouldn't see anywhere or the ones you weren't sure if they're safe or poisonous… That could be dangerous! What is she thinking-"

"Oh, Fine. I meant taste in men." Rein looked strangely disappointed. She shouldn't be. "You're always thinking about food."

"And you are always thinking about Bright." Oops. That slipped out without warning.

But Rein's only reaction was a smile. "Were. This," she unashamedly pointed at Lemon and Noche who were, for some reason, holding hands. "is all I'm thinking about."

Noche blushed and withdrew his hand upon being caught while Lemon's only reaction was a delighted grin. Rein winked at her. Fine sighed.

The bluenette then started elaborating about what kind of guys Chiffon likes but Fine was only half-listening. She's getting hungry…

"…Chiffon likes mysterious guys. Well, all girls like mysterious guys. You know, those kind of guys who don't open up much even to their friends. You just want to know more about them."

"Like Bright?" She hoped she was right for once. She didn't know much about him because she always tuned out her sister's nonstop lovestruck rants about him. However, she did know something about him that Rein doesn't even know.

Rein chuckled. "I wouldn't put him in that category. He's a prince! You know what I mean, right?"

Fine didn't.

"I am talking about guys of the aloof kind. They are not one to show emotions a lot nor do they do talk about themselves but if you managed to be one of the very few people they open up to, you'll realize that they actually have a big heart. Also-"

Fine glanced at the clock behind them, trying to will it to move faster. Predictably, she failed. "…like Toma! Seriously, the guy's dreamy. Very kind and polite too. He's more than what meets the eye though-"

She wondered if she's also this bad when it comes to food. Speaking of food, why aren't they allowed to eat during class hours?

"Okay, you mean guys like Shade," Fine decided she should interrupt her sister's monologue as soon as possible before she starts blurting out how bored and hungry she is.

"Oh, Shade!" Rein exclaimed, her hands on both sides of her cheeks as she adopted the look Fine is all too familiar with.

Fine gave her the look. The look she gave Rein whenever her crazy fangirl mode reared its ugly head and started freaking people out.

Her cheeks flushing, Rein placed her hands on her lap and gave a sideward glance at… someone. Fine thinks she was looking at Shade. Or Bright. She's not sure. Suddenly, her cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red. Huh.

This is odd. "So what should we do to help Chiffon?" Fine changed the subject.

Back to her usual bubbly self again, she recited the plan like she thought about it for a long, long time.

Fine wanted so badly to back out.

So why didn't she back out then? Two reasons. One, she didn't want to appear more and more like an indifferent sister than she already appears to be to Rein and two, so she can quickly assure Chiffon that they didn't mean to hurt her on the (likely) occasion the plan fails.

After all, Rein's 'brilliant' plan involved keeping distance from their brainy friend for a while so Chiffon will have to seek the company of others, more specifically, Toma. Also…

"Chiffon needs to make new friends. It's like hitting two birds with one stone!" Rein exclaimed with a confidence Fine only hears whenever the bluenette (tries to) convinces her that Bright will fall in love with her… someday.

How can she be sure that Chiffon will approach Toma? It's more likely that she will try hanging out with other people.

"Don't worry! I'm sure the reason why Chiffon doesn't talk to Toma is that she just doesn't want to be teased about it. So when she thinks that we're avoiding her…"

She'll, what, confess to Toma? That's it?

Rein simply smiled like she's Fine's wiser older sister she can count on and told her to just trust her.

Fine's a hundred percent sure the plan won't work.

The plan did work…somehow.

Fine almost ruined the plan after she saw Chiffon looking upset at their sudden distance and not making any move in socializing with others for days. She was about to go to their friend and apologize to her when Rein stopped her and pointed at Toma who seems to be approaching Chiffon. The bluenette was close to squealing when the two started to talk to each other like two people chatting with one another already confirms that they are now an item.

Instead of groaning at her sister's eccentricity like usual, Fine smiled. At least this hobby of hers won't hurt her in the end.

Fine didn't join her sister anymore on whatever she's planning to do next. Fine only cared about Chiffon making a new friend. She's glad she told Rein she didn't want to participate. Turns out her next move is spying on them like the loyal friend she was. And where were Chiffon and Toma often seen together? Of course, none other than the library. Chiffon has finally found the ideal study buddy she's been looking for so long.

Fine didn't feel any guilt in ditching her sister as she's sure Rein understands. She couldn't eat cake in a library after all. She was there though, when she and Rein told Chiffon about the reasons behind their actions. Surprisingly, the petite girl easily forgave them and even thanked them for it.

Chiffon now spent time more with Toma than them. She was also close with Toma's other friends. Fine hoped Rein's other schemes ended in positive outcomes like this and there were no negative feelings on either side.

Lastly, the most pressing question of all: did the two ever become more than friends?

According to Rein, the answer was apparently yes. Her proof of that was seeing the two alone together in the rooftop. She didn't think much about how Rein spotted them there.

A boy and a girl in the rooftop sounds like one of the clichés found in rom-com movies Rein loved to watch. That must be where Rein got such a ridiculous idea.

"But I saw them looking so happy! I just knew it when Toma hugged her!" Was Rein's defense.

"Maybe Chiffon's research was finally approved for publishing." Yes, that is more likely.

It was foolish for Fine to think that this would be the first and last time she'd ever be involved in her sister's crazy matchmaking schemes. However, sisters didn't abandon one another so Fine couldn't afford to be selfish.

Thankfully. Rein's second target was someone Fine was more than happy to help out: Auler.

Seriously, why hadn't he confessed to her yet? The guy had been smitten with Altessa for years!

The reason why, at least for Rein the love expert, was that he's so insecure with himself. He probably thought that since Altessa's brother is Bright, she must have high expectations towards the guy she wants to be with.

"A push is all Auler really needs." What a simple solution for a guy who's too chicken to admit his feelings to his crush for many years.

"I'll bet my collection of pictures of Bright that Altessa also likes Auler." Did Fine hear what her twin sister just said? "She's just a tsundere."

"What's a tsundere?"

"You don't know? We've been friends with Altessa for years!"


For Operation MAMA (Make a Move Auler), Rein enlisted the help of Lemon and Auler's sister Sophie.

By the way, Sophie was the one who came up with that acronym. Yeah, she's weird.

Rein brought her phone with her, Sophie her usual carefree smile, Lemon her grin and Fine… herself. They never told Fine what they were planning to do to Auler. Which only means that it must be really awful. Worse than what they-no, Rein- did to Chiffon.

"Don't worry!" Fine was even more worried. "The three of us will handle everything! All you need to do is to watch us!"

Then why did Rein recruit her if she would only be a spectator in this?

Immediately after PE class ended, Rein invited Auler to walk with them to…somewhere. Somewhere meant a place with no people around. A place with only plants and trees as their company.

Auler looked like a group of thugs were about to mug him. It wasn't far from the truth, seemingly. "W-what is it you girls want to talk about?"

His traitorous sister and Rein only gave him an innocent smile. Lemon was nowhere to be found.

What were they planning to do to him? Torture him until he confesses to Altessa? Frighteningly, that seems to be the most likely thing they will do by the look of this situation.

"It's about Altessa." Rein replied. Fine thought it's a signal of sorts.

"A-Altessa?" Geez, the guy was already red at the mere mention of her name. He really was a goner.

As if on cue, Lemon showed up. She sprung up from the bushes behind Auler and pulled… huh? Rein snapped a picture before Fine could process what just happened.

Without delay, the bluenette shoved the camera to her face.

Goodness. They really were planning to torture him.

A picture of Auler and his pink boxers with tiny dogs printed on them was burned into her mind.

"REIN! That's uncalled for!" This was the first time she saw a guy's- wait, this wasn't the time for that, she has to help Auler!

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Fine!" Was Rein's only excuse. "Besides no one saw them but us!"

By now, Auler with his jogging pants up looked like he wanted to hide in the bushes forever. Sophie and Lemon weren't being helpful.

"Brother, it's okay!" Sophie comforted him but it didn't work, especially with her next words, "We won't show it to anyone if you tell Altessa you like her!"

"That's all? You guys blackmailed me just to make me confess to her?" Auler spluttered, aghast. "You could've told me normally!"

"If we did it the normal way, you wouldn't do it at all!" Rein argued.

"The end justifies the means!" Lemon added.

"Which is why we're going to send this picture to Altessa…" Sophie, that sounded so wrong. Auler's her brother! Just because Auler is a nice guy doesn't mean they can humiliate him for the heck of it!

"Okay, okay! I'll do it if you delete that picture right now!"

"After you confess to Altessa…"

"I'll never get married at this rate!" Auler cried.

And that dear readers, was how Altessa and Auler got together.

Rein is right. All Auler really needs was a push. A brutal push to be specific.

Fine already knew her sister's absolutely abnormal. She wondered, was she also that bad when it involves food? Of course not. She didn't blackmail some poor guy to get cake.

Okay, maybe there's that one time where she pressured Bright to give her some of the cookies that Altessa baked (in which the word 'some' is synonymous to 'many' in Fine's vocabulary). The blonde girl, who was pissed off at Fine at that time, had told her brother not to give her even a bit. Despite that though, Bright still handed her a rather big portion despite Altessa's protests. Then again, Bright is the all-around nice guy so that didn't count.

When Fine noticed Rein chatting Fango up, she felt nervous. The purple-eyed boy didn't interact much with other people but Rein was acting all bubbly like they were friends. And did she actually see the boy blush when Rein held his hand?

And when Fine heard Elizabert huff and saw her frown, she immediately felt an urge to drag Rein away from the anti-social boy. Or better yet, forget about her sister and flee from the raven-haired girl's line of sight.

Rein told her about Elizabert's crush on Fango last night. But what was she doing? Did the bluenette like Fango too?

"That girl's got a screw loose." Someone voiced out her thoughts.

"Do you know what Rein is planning, Shade?" Because as far as she knew, Rein was too gaga for Bright in the past years to notice other guys. Unless she had actually moved on like she had thought.

"You don't know?" Shade gave her the disbelieving look she's so familiar with. "Elizabert likes Fango."

"I know that."

"Oh." Now, Fine felt offended. "Well. just watch them."

Sure enough, Elizabert was approaching the couple like a scene from some soap opera. Her loyal lackeys, Carla and Sasha, followed her with anxious faces.

"What are you doing?" She heard Elizabert say.

Rein smiled as she flipped her hair over her shoulder, giving Fine the vibe of an antagonist of some cheesy TV series. You know, the one who steals the protagonist's love interest. "Fango was looking lonely sitting here all by himself so I thought some company might make him smile. Is something wrong?"

"Yes." Fine made a note in her mind to never anger the usually laidback girl.

"Elizabert, she- " Fango began, but Elizabert was apparently not finished yet.

"Because the one who should be sitting by his side is me!"

The two girls behind the dark-haired girl gasped. Rein's smile dropped; Fine thought she was regretting getting close to Fango.

During all this, Fango had his wide purple eyes trained on Elizabert, staring at her like he's never seen her before.

"I think we should stop them." Fine said to Shade, looking at the people watching the confrontation like it was some form of entertainment.

"Don't worry," he replied, oddly interested at the spectacle. "Rein will fix this."

She tried to retort but Shade spoke again, "This won't end in a fight. I'm sure of it."

After a moment, Rein recovered her smile. "Why shouldn't I be? I just want to be his friend."

"I want to be his girlfriend!"

Fine's jaw went slack. "Did she just say what I thought she said?"

"You heard it all right. Rein certainly has guts," Shade answered her, an amused smile in his face.

Rein gasped, looking surprised. Well, tried to. The bluenette already knew about Elizabert's feelings for the brown-haired boy so she can only be acting. If that is the case, could it be that she's making Elizabert jealous on purpose?

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you like him!" Liar, liar. When the three gang up on you, you're on your own, Rein. "I'll leave the two of you alone now. I'm really sorry!"

With that, Rein ran. She headed toward where Fine and Shade were and dragged them with her without warning.

"Rein, what were you thinking?" Fine scolded her after Rein stopped and released her tight grip on their wrists.

Her sister only panted, still out of breath to answer. That short distance tired her out already? Tomorrow morning, Fine will force her to jog with her.

Or maybe deliberately taking on Elizabert's ire was the reason why she's breathing like she just finished a marathon.

"I did it," Rein muttered. "I did it, I did it-"

Fine turned to Shade, who just shook his head. "Rein, you oka-"

"I DID IT!" The blue-haired lunatic cried out, jumping gleefully like a child in a candy store. Her sister then grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her vigorously. "Oh Fine, I thought Elizabert's going to tear me apart!"

At that, Shade snorted, and Rein was reminded of the other person she dragged.

"Shade, are you making fun of me?" Rein looked at him in mock hurt. "I risked myself for love!"

Fine slapped her forehead.

Shade covered his mouth with his hand, coughing repeatedly and making Fine worry.

"There's no need to cover your mouth, Shade! You look better laughing than poker-faced!"

That was a laugh? He looked like he was suffering from an asthma attack. Then again, there were even weirder laughs than his.

The guy caught Fine staring and self-consciously withdrew his hand from his mouth, his face set in his usual unruffled expression again. However, his lips were twitching like he's trying hard not to smile.

Now that she thought about this, this was the first time she heard Shade laugh. To think that Rein was the one to draw a laugh out of him…

"Is that so?" There was a warm lilt in Shade's tone. "But why is it when you're the one laughing, people suddenly distance themselves away from you?"

Fine gazed at the two of them. She felt like she was…something. What was it again? Something like a wheel? But why would she compare herself to a wheel?

"I-I'm gonna-" she muttered, feeling awkward. She didn't know why but she had a sudden urge to leave the two alone. "I'm gonna go back and see what Fango and Elizabert are doing now."

Rein nodded cheerfully. "Thanks Fine! I don't think I should show up near Elizabert right now."

"Obviously," Fine and Shade agreed in unison.

Fine gave a quick glance at Shade before she left them. There was a fond smile on his face as he looked at Rein.

Fine was thinking of discussing it with someone. She'll forget it when her stomach rumbles though. Maybe she should write it on one of her notebooks? Nah, she was feeling quite lazy.

Fine surreptitiously peeked at them from behind Bright's back even though she's sure the two people she's spying at were too absorbed in their conversation to notice anything.

"Um, Fine?" Bright turned to her, confused.

"It's just my sister…" Fine tried to explain, her fingers scratching her head.

"Rein seems more animated than usual and that is saying something. Do you know what could be behind it?"

"She thought it was her duty to get people together," she said, her eyes narrowing once she identified what the two were poring over. Was that one of Rein's teenage magazines? "Once she knows a person pining over someone, she'll devise a plan that somehow works no matter how crazy it was."

"Wow. That's so sweet of her."

Fine almost gagged. Bright should see the faces of the people she tried to set up when her plans were in motion. But knowing Bright, he'd just say that it was the thought that counts.

"That girl she's talking with, she's a friend of yours, right?"


"Does she like someone?"

"I'm not sure," Fine lied. Rein would only approach Calorie if it was for something boy-related. Calorie was so much like Fine she felt betrayed when she saw her gushing over something that contained information on girly things like make-up and clothes. Did Rein cast some spell on the tomboyish girl?

No, Rein doesn't possess magic. But this…ability of hers could be considered as one. It didn't work on her own sister though.

"You're really going to buy one of these things?" Fine asked while they browsed through dresses of assorted colors and styles.

"Well, I was always wearing shirts so if I wear a dress for a change, maybe he'll finally notice me," was Calorie's answer, acting exactly like any teenaged girl with a crush (blushing and lots of fidgeting).

"What did Rein do to you?" She tried to conceal the horror in her voice. Tried.

"Now, you're stereotyping, Fine," Rein admonished as she scrutinized a pink dress that Fine, who is not partial to dresses unlike her sister, can only describe as too girly. "Just because she is what people call tomboyish doesn't mean she can only wear shorts and pants for the rest of her life."

"Just who is this Taurine guy anyway?" She must really like him if she was willing to wear something she deemed very uncomfortable to wear. Call her a hypocrite but she had to laugh at his name. Why would someone name their child after an energy drink ingredient? Come to think of it, almost everyone she knew had weird and unusual names.

"It's Tauri. We were friends ever since we were little."

"How are you going to confess to him?" Let's see what devious plan Rein has in mind.

"Rein suggested making a bracelet for him. Actually, I've already finished it."

"A bracelet?" Fine repeated incredulously, staring at the item on her friend's hand. There was only one word to describe it: cute. Calorie didn't wear any accessory barring wristbands nor did she have any interest on them yet here she was, doing all sorts of girly things. So this was what having a crush can do to you, huh?

Or maybe Rein had brainwashed her.

"Is it good enough?" Calorie's uncharacteristically timid voice cut off her thoughts before they could conjure up images of various evil deeds Rein might have done to Calorie to get her to join the girly side.

"It's cute," Fine replied, smiling reassuringly at her. "When will you give it to him?"

"Next Saturday."

Next Saturday, Fine ran to their meeting place half an hour late. And too late to do anything.

Sitting on a bench and crying is Calorie in that too girly pink dress. Beside her was Rein who was rubbing her back.

After hearing the story about a guy getting weirded out by the drastic change of his childhood friend and destroying the bracelet after stretching it as if the moron thought the thing was a rubberband, Fine took off and helped her friend in the only she way she can.

She knew she shouldn't put too much blame on the Taurine guy. Calorie should have done things more slowly. The guy was probably shocked to see someone he thought to be one of the boys wearing feminine clothing all of a sudden. They should've let him adjust to it first before Calorie told him her feelings for him.

It's definitely Rein's fault. She was always rushing into things, wanting to make them happen immediately. She failed this time. But Fine is not going to let this day end with her friend in tears.

The sound of a ball bouncing closer to her brought her out of her deep thoughts. She looked down and saw a soccer ball near her feet.

"Hey!" A spiky-haired boy called out a good distance away. He was without a doubt, Tauri, but he acted like he didn't just make his friend cry recently. "Mind throwing it back to us?"

Picking up the ball, a grin that will indisputably prove to everyone that she and Rein are truly twins spread across her face. She ran towards him and threw the ball before Tauri lifted his arms. She threw it towards him with all the boiling anger she was currently feeling at the jerk.

Before he lifted his arms to protect his face.

"Ouch," Shade deadpanned.

"The guy cried like a baby," Fine added with a laugh. "I wish Calorie was there to see it!"

"She wouldn't want to. He's the one she likes, right?"

"Yeah. Even after he destroyed something she put all her heart in making, she still liked him," she said, still feeling bummed out about it. She took a large swig of her milkshake to counter the negative feeling.

"You'll understand her when you fall in love with something that is not made of loads of sugar," Shade chided her but he was not looking at her. Fine followed his gaze and found Bright looking at them while waiting for his turn to order in the cafe. He was not smiling like usual.

"You mean boys?" Fine asked, her eyes still on Bright, who finally looked away.

"Yes, you dense idiot."

Unlike usual, Fine didn't rise to his bait. Instead, she wondered why Bright was frowning at them. She didn't do anything bad to him earlier, right? It must be Shade he's upset at.

"Why are you asking about the crazy things my sister has been doing anyway?"

"It's just weird to see Rein no longer gushing about Bright. For a moment, I thought she was in love."

Fine snorted. "In love? Why would you think that?"

"She was -what do you girls call it?- blooming. Usually, when a person constantly looks like that, you're gonna assume they're in love with someone who has mutual feelings for them."

"She's not in love. She just loves thinking up matchmaking schemes."

Shade leaned against his chair and cupped his chin, seemingly thinking hard about something.

She didn't know why but an image of Shade and Rein teasing each other suddenly barged in her mind. They looked…

They looked very happy.

Does Rein also look that happy when she's laughing with Fine? She doubted it.

Hey, I'm back.

Thought I'm not gonna update this anymore? Sorry for the veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long wait. We all know what school can do to you. Thank goodness vacation has arrived for me. And I'm so excited to write as many fics as I can before it's over!

After almost a year of learning more about writing, I have decided to rewrite the story. The next chapters are still the old ones, with just some edits.