Hey guys I am back for a new story now this will be set in a different universe of miraculous. Now Cat Noir will still exist but there will also be a new Miraculous wielder who will be shown in this chapter. So guys relax and start reading this chapter

Summary:Kendall Taylor Jackson a ordinary teen from America who moves to Paris. Well if you count being famous in the music industry then he is somewhat not ordinary. Then he becomes a hero for Paris. Will he be able to keep his secret,his career and win the heart of his Love Interest

Disclaimer:I do not own Miraculous in anyway or form it is own by their respective owners the OC are my own

Chapter 1:Moving,A New School and A Love Interest?

A Blonde teen haired teen was sleeping on his bed peacefully when his mom came in

"Kendall wake up"His Mom Katherine demanded

"Five more minutes"Kendall responded before his mom dragged him out of bed

"Kendall Taylor Jackson start packing and take a bath"Katherine commanded

"Wait we're moving"Kendall said shocked

"Yes we talked about this last night"Katherine said as she began to pack away Kendall Posters and Gadgets

"Oh Yeah"Kendall said sadly

"Hey don't worry your dad got us a great house and with your career skyrocketing you can still be with the fans you love"Katherine said as Kendall smiled

"Alright"Kendall said with a small smile

"Good now take a bath you stink"Katherine giggled as Kendall stood up and went to the bathroom after a while he was done

He now wore a Black T-shirt with a Dragon Head design. On top of that he wore a Silver hoodie. He also wore a pair of Black Jeans and a pair of Silver Sneakers. After he packed all of his things he took them to the moving truck as he wore his Orange headphones. He saw his motorbike inside as he went to his car.

As he enters the car he saw his Dad inside looking at him

"Ready to go?"His dad Thomas asked

His Dad has Blonde hair and blue eyes while his mom has Black hair and Silver eyes. He inherited his Dad blonde hair and his mom silver eyes which kinda fitted him as a teen

"Yeah"Kendall said as they went to the airport


After several boring hours at least in Kendall mind they were now in Paris then he saw a bunch of his fans waving at him as he waved back

"Well it feels like home"Kendall said with a smile as they went to the taxi as their car and motorbike won't arrive till two days from now which Kendall will start his school

After two hours they saw their house was a normal two story house which has a balcony.

"Dibs on the room with the balcony"Kendall said with excitement

"Alright it's yours now"Thomas said as Kendall went out and checked his room. He saw it was normal sized room with a closet and a bathroom. He went to the balcony as he saw Paris from there.

"Wow"Kendall said as he thought about his new life

(Two Days Later)

Kendall groaned as he turned around in bed then a small Silver and Black Chinese Dragon landed on his head

"Kendall wake up I want some Cookies"The Dragon said

"They're in the cup board"Kendall said as he woke up and bolted straight up as he saw a small Chinese Dragon as they stared at each other for a while

"Hi I'm"The Dragon was cut off as Kendall screamed as he used his tail to cover his mouth

"Sheesh for a guy you scream loud. Anyways my name is Ryu your Miraculous"Ryu said

"Wait what's a Miraculous"Kendall asked then Ryu explained it to him "Wait you mean I'm gonna be a superhero"

"That about sums it up"Ryu said

"Wait how did you know my name"Kendall said

"Remember that old man you bumped into yesterday"Ryu said

"Yeah I apologized and helped him up"Kendall said

"Due to your kindness and humility to acknowledge your mistakes he sent me to becomes your partner"Ryu said as he gave him a Silver Amulet "Now say Dragon Flight"

"Okay DRAGON FLIGHT"Kendall shouted as Ryu went into the amulet as Black Armour appeared on his body

(AN:Think 's Kamen Onyx Armor except replace the yellow and the face mask color with silver)

"Oh...wait it's my first day at the new school I gotta go"Kendall said as he detransformed

He took a bath, ate breakfast then brushed his teeth as he dressed the same except his hoodie has a pocket inside as Ryu went inside

"Are you sure I won't be seen"Ryu asked

"Yeah don't worry your safe"Kendall said

He went to his Bike as he puts on his helmet and zips up his hoodie as he felt Ryu went up to his helmet

"What are you doing?"Kendall asked his partner

"It'll be better if I stay up here so I won't fall"Ryu said

"Oh Okay"Kendall said as he drove to his new school.

(A hour later)

"Okay where is that school"Kendall said as he has been driving for a while

"We're lost aren't we"Ryu said

"What no...Yes we are"Kendall said as he saw a teen girl with blue hair tied in pigtails running

(With Marinette)

"I am so going to be late"Marinette said as she ran to the building

"Excuse me"Kendall said as Marinette stopped running as she looks to him

"um yes"Marinette said while thinking 'Hurry up I'm gonna be late'

"I was wondering where Collège François Duport is?"Kendall asked

"Oh I'm going there myself...I'm gonna be late"Marinette said in panic

"Woah...calm down I can give you a ride there. Just point me in the right direction"Kendall said as he removed his helmet but not before Ryu went into his jacket.

Marinette blushed as she looks at him. Kendall was looking at her with a small smile and a bit of a blush

'Wow she's/he's cute'both thought

"I'm Kendall. Kendall Taylor Jackson"Kendall said

"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng"Marinette said

"Hop On"Kendall said as he handed her his spare helmet as he puts his own back own

"Thanks"Marinette said as she puts on the helmet and hopped on the bike

"Where to go"Kendall said as they took off

(Collège François Duport)

Kendall parked his Bike as he grabbed his bag as he took out his schedule

"Hmm...I got Miss Bustier"Kendall said as he looked over his schedule

"Oh then you can join me"Marinette said as Kendall looked at her with a small blush "I-i mean to her class"

"O-okay"Kendall said as he followed her to class

(Couple Of Minutes Later)

Kendall and Marinette knocked on the door as saw them

"Sorry I'm late "Marinette said

"This better not happen again" said with a sigh

"Um...Marinette was late because I got lost on my way here and she helped me get here"Kendall said

"And you are?"' asked as she looks at Kendall

"I'm Kendall...Kendall Taylor Jackson"Kendall said

"Ah the new student I guess you have gotten lost since your family moved here from America" said as Kendall pouted

"No need to remind me"Kendall said as made them sat them down near the back

"Sorry for getting you involve"Marinette apologized

"No problem"Kendall reassured her as Marinette smiled

"Marinette looks beautiful when she smiles"Kendall whispered to himself as he saw Marinette blushed then he realized she heard him as he blushed

"Thanks"Marinette said

(After class)

Kendall went to his locker as he puts his things in as he thought about his class went

A girl in his mind who was a spoiled brat put gum on the back of Marinette chair then a blonde hair guy tried to remove it which kinda made him feel weird

He currently has his hood up as Ryu sat on his head

"Ryu you could expose yourself"Kendall said

"Look I know what you're feeling"Ryu said

"Which is what?"Kendall asked as he grabbed his bag

"Jealousy"Ryu said as Kendall eyes widen as he began to blush

"What i-I'm not jealous"Kendall stammered then a guy with a Red hat and pair of head phones on his neck ran into him

"I am so sorry"The guy said

"It's fine dude"Kendall said

"I'm Nino by the way"Nino introduced himself

"Kendall nice to meet you"Kendall said as he helped Nino up as he saw his Silver Eyes

"Dude you're eyes"Nino said as Kendall looked at him

"Yeah?"Kendall urging Nino to go on

"They're"Nino was cut off by

"Amazing"As Kendall looked behind Nino to see a girl with Red hair and glasses over her eyes

"You are?"Kendall asked curiosity taking over his features

"Alya can i conduct a interview"Alya asked then Marinette came "

Alya why don't you do that tomorrow"Marinette said as Kendall saw her as he blushed a little which was hid by his hoodie

"Hey Mari"Kendall said

"Hi Kendall"Marinette said as she blushed at the nickname which was caught by her best friend

(After School)

Kendall was about to take off on his Bike his clothes protecting him from the rain.

He saw Marinette stranded at the school gate and was about to go help her when Adrien came. He gave her his umbrella and introduced himself as Marinette blushed fully storm.

Kendall looked down on sadness as he grabbed his helmet and took off. Marinette saw this and wondered what came over her crush


It's the end off the first chapter. A little romance seemed to develop between Kendall and Marinette. It also seems that Kendall is beginning to get jealous. Now the question is when it is all done who will Marinette choose. Follow and leave a comment on this story