Blue Pearl was desperately running. She couldn't remember exactly what happened. It was all a blur. Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, Yellow Pearl and her were all together discussing what to do about the colony and the rebels when they were attacked by something. Rebels. They had come out of nowhere and started poofing all the quartzes assigned to protect them.

Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, Yellow Pearl, and Blue Pearl all tried to escape, but in all the chaos Blue Pearl was separated from her Diamond. She dodged and ducked from every weapon and danger until she was, well, she wasn't sure where she was.

Blue Pearl could tell that she was in a place on the planet that had yet to be touched by Homeworld. She was surrounded by many tall trees. It was all so strange to her. She didn't understand this planet. She had never been anywhere without knowing where her Diamond was. She was scared.

A cool breeze blew against Blue Pearl. She hugged herself in an attempt to find comfort. She shook from the cold temperature. Usually she wasn't affected by weather but there seemed to be an exception in this situation.

Blue Pearl leaned against one of the trees and slid down until she was sitting on the ground. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her knees. She waited. She waited for her Diamond. She waited for somebody, anybody, to find her and bring her back to the safety of being a Diamond's Pearl.

Meanwhile, Yellow Pearl had been separated from her Diamond, too. She was now wandering through the same forrest as Blue Pearl was.

Blue Pearl was still sitting there when she heard something swish by. She stood up. She quickly dried away her tears and spoke up.

"Who's there?" Blue Pearl managed to say on a whisper.

A gem suddenly dropped down in front of Blue Pearl.

"Y-y-you!" Blue Pearl exclaimed backing up into a tree.

"It's been a while, Blue," the gem said as she approached her.

"Aside from the few minutes ago when you attacked us," Blue Pearl said trying to walk away.

The gem grabbed Blue Pearl's wrist and pinned her to the tree. "I'm not here to attack you," the gem said.

"You're making that very clear by pinning me to a tree," Blue Pearl said.

"I'm sorry," the gem said. "But apparently this is the only way to try to talk to you."

"I wonder why that is," Blue Pearl said. "You're only the feared renegade Pearl!" Blue Pearl pulled her wrist out of Pearl's grasp and backed away from her.

"Blue," Pearl said approaching the gem.

"Stay away!" Blue Pearl said turning around and trying to run away.

"Wait!" Pearl said grabbing Blue Pearl by her waist and forcing Blue to look at her.

"Let go of me!" Blue Pearl exclaimed.

"I need you to stop being so stubborn and listen to me!" Pearl yelled pinning Blue against the tree again.

***Minutes Earlier***

"Ugh," Yellow Pearl said as she walked in the forrest. "This planet can get so annoying."

Yellow continued on through the woods for a minute or two until she heard someone yell out, "Stay away!"

"Blue?" Yellow questioned out loud. Almost immediately after Yellow heard the first cry, she heard another say, "Let go of me!"

"Yikes," Yellow said as she moved quicker. She suddenly saw a clearing up ahead. She was about to head into it when she suddenly stopped. She hid behind a tree at the sight of the renegade Pearl. She peaked her head out from behind the tree to watch the two.

"What do you want from me?" Blue Pearl said as she struggled in Pearl's grasp.

"I want you to be free and be yourself," Pearl said.

"What?" Blue Pearl said. Pearl let go of her and backed up bit. Blue Pearl rubbed her wrists as she stared at Pearl.

"Yes," Pearl said. "I want to to be free. I want you to join our cause."

"What?" Yellow Pearl whispered from behind her tree.

"Um," Blue Pearl said wringing her hands.

"Please," Pearl said approaching Blue. "You can be so much more than a servant. I know there's more to you than that. If you just…" Pearl outstretched her hand towards Blue. "join us."

Blue Pearl stared at Pearl's hand. She wasn't sure what to do. A part of her did want to be something more, but she was just so unsure.

"No," Yellow Pearl whispered as she continued to watch.

Blue Pearl started to reach for Pearl's hand.

"Wait!" Yellow Pearl exclaimed jumping out of her hiding spot. Blue Pearl and Pearl turned their heads to look at Yellow Pearl.

"You?" Pearl said.

"Yellow?" Blue Pearl asked.

"Blue," Yellow Pearl said. "Don't listen to her. She's dangerous. You saw what she did to all those quartzes."

"I did that for my cause," Pearl said. "Blue wants to be more than some possession. She's not as blind as you."

"Blue," Yellow Pearl said as she outstretched her hand. "Please. Come home."

Pearl put an arm in front of Blue Pearl. "She's not going to be treated like a slave any longer."

"I can speak for myself," Blue Pearl said. She started to reach for Pearl's hand.

"Wait," Yellow Pearl said. Blue Pearl froze with her hand inches away from Pearl's.

"Blue, I know you," Yellow Pearl said. "I know you. I know you want freedom and that you want to be something more. But think about this for a second. We're Pearls. We don't know how to fight and we've never been alone before. If you join her, you won't be safe anymore. You could die."

"Since when do you care if I live or die?" Blue Pearl asked.

"I always have," Yellow said taking a few steps closer. "Please." She outstretched her hand again. "I can't lose you."

"Don't listen to her," Pearl said out stretching her hand, too. "She never cared cared about you. I'm offering you a chance at being free. Don't let her lies get to you."

Blue Pearl looked back and forth at the two hands outstretched to her. She was so uncertain about what she wanted.

Yellow desperately looked at Blue Pearl. She had already lost too much thanks to the war. She couldn't lose Blue, too.

Blue took a deep breath in and sighed. She looked at Pearl.

"I'm sorry, Pearl," Blue Pearl said as she turned and walked over to Yellow Pearl. Blue slightly smiled and took Yellow Pearl's hand. Yellow Pearl smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around Blue Pearl. Blue blushed, but she wrapped her arms around Yellow Pearl, too.

"What are you doing?!" Pearl exclaimed. "I'm offering you freedom. All she's doing is bringing you back to your awful life."

Yellow Pearl scowled and held onto Blue Pearl tighter. "You're not taking her away from me, too," Yellow Pearl said.

Blue Pearl turned to where she could look at Pearl, but she still held onto Yellow Pearl. "I'm not leaving her, Pearl."

"Y-y-you're a fool!" Pearl yelled as she leapt up in the sky and disappeared.

"Is she gone?" Yellow Pearl asked.

"I think so," Blue Pearl said.

"We should… find our Diamonds, now," Yellow Pearl said as she let go of Blue Pearl and stated to head back into the woods. Blue followed and caught up with her.

"So," Blue Pearl said as they walked. "You really do care don't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Yellow Pearl said.

"You care about me," Blue Pearl said.

"I…I…I…I…" Yellow Pearl said as she blushed.

"Aww," Blue Pearl said. "You're so cute when you're flustered."

"Shut up," Yellow said trying to hide her blush.

Blue Pearl smiled and grabbed Yellow Pearl's hand. "It's okay to care, Yellow," Blue Pearl said with a smile.

Yellow Pearl's face turned a darker shade, but she smiled as she and Blue continued to walk through the woods.