Insult To Injury

By Kracken L.W.

Disclaimer: This is a fan-fic, short for fan fiction. Which means I do not own the story or characters that I'm currently mangling, so you can't sue me. Hah.

It had taken Jaken the better part of two days to convince Ah and Uhn, his master's two headed dragon mount, that they actually had to listen to him when the master was not present. As if it wasn't enough that he was nursing a very nasty double bite on his backside, he also had to remember the fact that it was Rin, and not himself, who had finally persuaded the recalcitrant beast to take them to a certain small village. That it was Rin, and not Jaken, that had figured out where that small village was, when Jaken got horribly lost. But worst of all, was the fact that it was Rin, and not the master's faithful, more experienced servant who had noticed that the lady demons, far from tearing off down a false trail, were in fact following them; and had seen the whole of Jaken's disgrace.

Not content merely to laugh from a distance, they came down off the ridge as soon as the Taiyoukai's three companions landed for the night; only three hours after they'd taken off in the first place. Ostensibly they came down to play with Rin, and according to the youngest one, to make sure Jaken was taking proper care of her. He knew they were lying of course. What they really came for was to try and trick him into revealing his master's whereabouts. The opportunity to torment him with subtle taunts about his appearance and general incompetence was just a bonus. When, oh when, would that damn geisha spell wear off! It was now official, he hated women, of all ages and species. Now he finally understood his Lord's stubborn refusal to take a mate all too well.

Across the fire from the grouchy toad demon, Moon Silver sat in human form with Rin on her lap, supposedly guarding the camp; and making sure the ugly little goblin didn't try to give them the slip while the others hunted for dinner. " Lady Silver, Rin wants to ask, why are you looking for Sesshomaru-sama?" The demoness smiled and shifted the warm weight of the sleepy child to her other shoulder before answering. "Can you keep a secret Rin? I think you can. To tell the truth, I'm not looking for him. My eldest cousin, Lady Dawn, would like his Lordship for a mate, because then her children would eventually inherit the western lands. My other cousin, Moon Song, is more interested in Inuyasha; but only because she knows that with Lady Dawn's rank, beauty, and gracious manner, she herself doesn't stand a chance with his brother. I myself do not really like the idea of mating a male I've never met before for his rank alone. What do you think, little one?" Rin's response was lost in a huge yawn, and Moon Silver could not help but wish for a moment that Rin was Youkai, and her own child, and not a human whelp whose guardian was the coldest and most humorless male in the entire tribe; though the girl's presence spoke well for the absent Lord being a bit softer than rumor portrayed. Other's might call his sheltering of the waif a passing weakness, but she didn't consider it weakness, nor did she think of it as passing. Especially a moment later when she learned that the little girl was used to spending her nights on the road asleep in his Lordship's lap with her head on his shoulder, covered and warmed by his boa.

He might well be the pitiless, humorless tyrant rumor portrayed him as to adults, but at least he was kind the child. "Since your guardian is not here to hold you, and keep the hunters at bay, would you like me to stay with you tonight?" The whelp's eyes widened and she nodded slightly, somehow still giving the impression of a bow of respect. Silver smiled inwardly and then shifted the child off her lap. "Just a moment then, and we will both be more comfortable." When she had resumed her true form, she scraped together a pile of dry leaves between her paws, and then nudged Rin into the cozy nest before curling her bushy tail forward to act as a warm blanket. Rin fell asleep to the sound of a gentle canine croon, while Silver decided that that Jaken creature really was way to inept to care for a child, and that she was going to have to keep an eye on him until they found the girl a proper minder. It was either that, or teach him the basics of child care herself. She couldn't help but think of her dear Kit (A/N: I'm coming up dry for a name. Any suggestions for a male cat demon?); and wonder what their whelps, (or would they be kittens?) would be likeā€¦ And that thought was immediately followed up by an image of her parents' faces as they tried, and failed, to keep invisible their horror at hearing she was pregnant, by a CAT demon, and therefore was quite out of the running for either of the Inu Taisho's sons. It was all she could do not to wake Rin with her laughter.

End Chapter.

A/n: I know, I know, long time no post. But please remember that if you kill me I'll never post again. On the other hand that might make some people happy, so please forget I said that. My internet is being unreliable and I'm squished between college and work so god alone knows when I'll update next. Reviews are appreciated, flames provide entertainment, so make 'em good peeps.