One Toss
Sakura Lena Yuy
Chapter One: Discovery
Pom-poms. The rustle of plastic just grated every nerve in the back of her neck and that annoying chant kept making her head pound. Oikawa kept looking at the cheerful girls in their short skirts and sweaters and snarled her lips in disgust. Her teammates noted her disdain with tickles and hugs. None of the girls of the Aobajōsai High girl's volleyball where into being peppy and cheerful, they were all about attacks and defenses in their game. There was no glory in cheerleading.
Oikawa read the score in annoyance. 19 to 20.
She looked through her fluffy bangs, "Iwa-chan when are you going to break through."
Her teammates giggled around her.
"Chin up Oikawa-senpai, I'm sure Iwaizumi-san will get in a spike."
Oikawa just hummed at her kouhai's statement.
"Ushijima is in rare form today," a voice spoke from behind Oikawa.
Oikawa knew it was the team's ace coming back from her chat with their manager. A discussion that Oikawa herself should had done but she didn't want to miss anymore of Iwaizumi's match so Sakura Motomiya, the vice captain, took the matter into her own hands. Soon the sandy haired girl leaned against the railing beside Oikawa.
The two girls watched as the wing spiker of Shiratoriawa made an impressive jump serve that the boys weren't able to catch. He made another equally impressive serve but Iwaizumi was able to barely able to receive it, which helped their school get another point.
"You see it too Moto-chan," Oikawa regarded the wing spiker seriously. "It might those scouts that are milling about."
The two girls had heard from the boy's team that there would be universities watching the practice matches to help scout for possible new players. Sakura Motomiya nodded in agreement. She wrapped her arm around the setter's shoulder and pointed her thumb over to the stands, "Or maybe he really just like cheerleaders."
"They are so annoying."
"Tell me about it," Motomiya glanced over to the bouncing young girls, "If I only had a ball in my hand."
Oikawa smiled widely, "I could set up the perfect toss so you can knock one right out."
The whistle and roar of the crowd drew the attention of the girls back to the game. Shiratorizawa had scored another point.
Oikawa lifted herself over the railing "Don't mind Iwa-chan!"
Iwaizumi looked up and regarded her and the rest of the girls team with a small wave. The boys team suddenly turned to them and gave them a thumbs up. The girls instantly went into the school's chant to support their classmates.
The two volleyball teams from Aobajōsai High had been this way for years. The girls team supporting the boys team when they were down and the boys teams providing the same support for the girls. The partnership of the two teams branched from the childhood friendship of Oikawa and Iwaizumi. When the pair first arrived at the high school people attempted to tease them saying they were dating and calling them married, but it soon became obvious that their relationship was a genuinely platonic bond.
Although the idle gossip stopped among most their peers there were still some that still questioned why they were never apart. But the duo never paid much attention because their focus soon sharpen on the one thing the two loved more than each other, volleyball.
Each had gained notoriety in middle school which followed them to Aobajōsai High and soon they spend their energies making each of their teams stronger than the other.
Oikawa on the girls volleyball team proving her worth time and time again as a genius setter with a wicked jump serve that she had perfected throughout the years. Even after her knee injury that left the team worrying she wouldn't return, she came back with the same force she had always possessed. Iwaizumi easily became the backbone of the boys team, assisting in tough receives and plowing through blocks with his intense spikes. What he lacks in game sense he easily makes up with his moral boosting words. The two helped both teams reach powerhouse status in their respective divisions.
The crowd roared again as Ushijima lifted off the ground and raised his hand to spike the ball. The girls team gripped each other in anticipation as the boys team formed a wall in an attempt to block the spike.
"Hold Iwa-chan!" Oikawa screamed as Ushijima slammed the ball down behind the boys.
The two teams hung their heads down at the defeat their school took.
Motomiya petted the setter's hair, "Be there for him Tooru-chan, he played well."
Oikawa followed the other girl's hand seeking more affection, which the wing spiker easily gave. Shiratorizawa had always been a thorn in their side and the boys from Seijou fought hard but the sting of defeat was still tough.
"So Bratty-kawa and the girls' scored another victory for Aobajosai," Iwaizumi bellowed at the girls as him and boys left the auditorium.
As if on cue all the girls went into a bow and shouted their gratitude to the boys for their attempt to they stood up and rushed over to the boys, clapping their hands on their shoulders or giving them high fives. The boys team seemed to tear up a bit at the gesture. The two teams knew that they had both worked really hard, even in spite of the lost the boys had done their very best.
Oikawa rush up to her best friend and slapped her hands onto his shoulders.
"Next time Iwa-chan," she stared straight into his eyes. "It was only a practice match. You will win the spring."
Iwaizumi felt himself tear up at his best friends words. "And you better get your ass to Nationals," he placed a firm hand on the girl's shoulder.
Oikawa smiled and threw herself onto the boy in a warm hug. Her actions were greeted by wolf whistles and catcalls from the boys. Oikawa turned to them giving them her victorious flirtatious wink with her tongue sticking out that had become her signature in high school.
"Let's get back to the school Iwa-chan," she tugged at his jacket sleeve and started to walk ahead to catch up with her team.
The two teams began to segregate themselves after mingling and chatting about their victories and special game moments as they each piled into their respective buses back to the school.
Oikawa leaned on Motomiya's shoulder during the bus ride as she continued to text Iwaizumi silly nonsense to help keep his mind off his lost. Motomiya snaked her arm around Oikawa's shoulders and began to toy with her ponytail. Oikawa sighed at the small tugs and nuzzled deeper into her shoulder.
Oikawa hummed in response as she continued to click at her phone.
"Didn't you notice that someone was outside when we were waiting for the boys to leave?"
"No," Oikawa sighed as she shifted off the girl's shoulder slightly, "why didn't you tell me one of my many admirers was waiting for me?"
Motomiya moved her hand onto Oikawa's neck and the setter responded positively to the touch. "I think Moto-chan is jealous," she breathed with heavy lidded eyes.
The wing spiker scoffed and removed her arm from Oikawa teasingly. "I didn't think I had to be jealous of Ushijima."
"Ushiwaka," Oikawa's eye popped out.
Motomiya stretched her arms to ease the tension that had been created from having the setter resting on her for so long. "He was watching our whole exchange with the boys."
Oikawa's brow furrowed at the idea of that annoying spiker watching their teams be supportive and helpful of one another.
"He waked away the moment he saw you hug Iwaizumi-kun though."
"Ehhh," Oikawa raised an eyebrow, "I always hug Iwa-chan."
Motomiya giggled at the girl's response. "Seriously Tooru-chan, the guy was watching you scream and cheer for your beloved 'Iwa-chan' and then he sees you give him a big hug. Everyone outside of school swears you two are dating, what makes you think he wouldn't come up with the same conclusion."
"Whatever," Oikawa waved her hand dismissively, "still why the hell was he there?"
Motomiya cupped her chin in thought, "Maybe you have a new admirer."
"Ew no thank you."
"Well there are plenty of girls on this team that will easily take your place," Motomiya nudged Oikawa with her elbow, "if you don't to go after that eagle."
"Double ew. No thank you," Oikawa pretended to gag, "that man is not allowed near anyone on this team, he is the enemy."
Motomiya held up her hands, "Now, now Tooru-chan, is he the enemy because he's a man or because he beat your precious Iwaizumi."
Oikawa narrowed her eyes at the girl, "No one beats my Iwa-chan."
Weeks had passed since the boy's lost to Shiratorizawa although the defeat stung deeply soon things went back to normal. The two teams fell into their routine balancing schoolwork and harsh practices along with making vain attempts of having some form of a social life.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi continued to develop their skills and hone their teams the best way they knew and after practices they would walk home together to discuss everyday nonsense.
"Hey Crappy-kawa," Iwaizumi called as he saw the tall girl walking away from the gym.
Oikawa looked at the boy up and down taking in the fact he was still dressed for practice, "Iwa-chan why aren't you ready?"
Iwaizumi sighed at the question. "If it wasn't obvious we're stuck for a bit longer."
"Iwa-chan," the girl pouted at her best friend, "but there's the new Ancient Aliens episode I wanted to watch."
"Well go home then,"
"But, but…"
"Oikawa enough," Iwaizumi growled, "I'm stuck. So either you wait or go home to E.T. it's your decision."
Oikawa stretched out her hand to the boy, "Fine, Iwa-chan, but you owe me."
Iwaizumi dropped the simple key ring into her hand, "Yeah whatever."
"Movie marathon on Sunday," Oikawa's eyes sparkled.
"Yeah, yeah," Iwaizumi began to walk away, "Just make sure one of them is Independence Day."
The slender brunette saluted at him as he jogged by.
"Don't lose those keys moron."
Oikawa narrowed her eyes at the boy. She hated the fact that her parents had entrusted her house keys to the boy simply because she misplaced three sets within their first year of high school. She knew it made sense, the two were never apart and if Oikawa did go out without him it normally was with another girl so her parents never questioned a suddenly sleepover. Oikawa pulled out her phone and send a series of crying emojis to Motomiya.
Motomiya immediately responded with a question mark.
Moto-chan, he left me all alone!
Let me guess the boys practice is running longer than usual.
Oikawa sent a sad face emoji in agreement.
Sorry Tooru-chan if I had known I would had walked you home, but I'm on the bus already.
I know Moto-chan.
The creperie is a revealing a bunch of new crepes on Saturday, do you want to go?
As Oikawa walked home she stopped by the playground and sat down on a swing as she smiled at Motomiya's invitation.
Is this your way of asking me on a date?
Motomiya sent her an emoji with a tongue sticking out.
The girl tensed at the sound of the deep voice calling her name. She turned to look at the source of the voice and stared straight into bright gold eyes.
The tall boy continued to hold his gaze on the girl regardless of what she just called him. Ushijima remained silent as the girl stood up from her perch on the swing. Oikawa didn't know what to think, he had called her by name and just stood staring at her without another word. Ushijima was wearing his track suit which meant he must of had come from Shiratorizawa after his practice, which confused the girl even further. Why in the world would he come all the way here after his practice? Suddenly it dawned on her, why else would this boy be standing before her after traveling all the way to Aobajosai.
Oikawa slipped her phone into her bag and placed her hand on her hip. "So what do you want Ushiwaka?"
"To ask you something," he answered firmly.
No shit idiot, Oikawa thought herself irritated at his simple mindedness.
Oikawa waited for the ace to speak but he remained silent. "What is it cat got your tongue? Have I stunned you so much with my beauty?" She flipped her hair over her shoulder, "I know, I know it is incredible, I get love confessions all the time."
"I'm certain you have," Ushijima responded as he watched the her cross her arms over her chest, "and I'm aware you've rejected quite a few."
"So," Oikawa pressed forward.
"I believe I have an offer for you that you might not be so quick to refuse."
"Is that a confession," Oikawa howled in laughter, "You really need a lesson on how to talk to girls." She continued to laugh and hold her stomach in laughter.
"No, it is not a confession," Ushijima remained unmoved by Oikawa's reaction.
Oikawa wiped a tear from her eye and took a deep breath. "So what is it Ushiwaka?"
"You should had gone to Shiratorizawa. You still could."
"What in the world?"
"If you would come to my school they would immediately take you on the team and you could play for us." Ushijima spoke with no hesitant watching the girl closely, "You could be with me."
Oikawa raised an eyebrow at the statement. "So sorry Ushiwaka but I'm no one's cheerleader, I've never been the type of girl to wear a short skirt and wave pom poms at someone else's achievements. So go find someone else."
Oikawa turned away from the taller man. Ushijma put his hand on her shoulder causing her to stop in her steps. Oikawa raised her hand to smack him but he grabbed her hand roughly before impact.
"I want you to toss to me."
Oikawa raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Excuse me?"
Ushijima released her hand and shoulder and straighten his shoulders, "Toss to me."
"Listen I know you're a dense fellow but do you need a lesson in anatomy, I'm a girl and you're boy, how do you suggest I toss to you," Oikawa dismissively waved her hand at him, "Now unless you means something else other than toss and I'll tell you now that is a not going to happen."
"You toss to Iwaizumi," Ushijima simply replied back.
Oikawa rolled her eyes and sighed, "I toss to Iwa-chan! Is that all you can say?"
Ushijima nodded.
"Yes I toss to Iwa-chan, but that's Iwa-chan. I toss to him after practices are over and no one is around, surely you can you understand that."
"Then you can toss to me."
Oikawa threw her hands up in defeat, "I heard you were an impenetrable wall on the court but does your denseness knows no bounds. How do you propose I toss to you?"
"Come to Shiratorizawa," his voice and face unwavering.
"Not a chance," she hissed.
"Then after practices, just like you toss to Iwaizumi."
"And get suspended from school and lose my position on the team," Oikawa fired back raising onto the tips of her toes as she tried to elongate herself to seem more intimidating but barely reached his chin. "Sorry, you may be an ace in the court but you are not worth that price."
Oikawa turned away in a flourish and walked away from him.
"Toss to me now."
Oikawa stopped in her tracks and started to laugh. "Really Ushiwaka if you wanted to look up my skirt stand at the bottom of the stairs like every other guy."
The tips of Ushijima's ears reddened slightly at her suggestion but he showed no other reaction.
"Naturally I would expect you to change into something other than your uniform. I have no intentions now or ever "look up your skirt" as you suggest."
"You are a nuisance," Oikawa sighed as she tossed down her book bag on the floor and dropped her blazer beside it. She walked directly in front of him. "One toss and only one."
She bend down and grabbed the discarded volleyball by Ushijima's feet. She looked back at him and raised an eyebrow when he didn't move from him place, "Well it's now or never Ushiwaka."
He tossed down his gym bag and walked toward the clearing in the park.
"Now remember you promised not to look up my skirt," Oikawa said with a small smirk as she tossed him the ball and jogged further ahead of him.
Ushijima nodded in regard. He looked over the setter and took her skirt length in account. He was certain the moment she would jump to set the toss anyone walking by would get an eyeful. Ushijima knew he had to time his toss to her with care so he could prevent anyone a chance to see what secrets laid behind the plaid fabric.
"Whenever you're ready," Oikawa waved at him.
Ushijima eyed their surroundings and waited for the right moment to toss the volleyball in her direction. He finally found a moment and took it. Oikawa regarded the high arching ball and readied herself to set up a ball that was higher than she would use for Iwaizumi. She watched with her setter eyes as Ushijima rushed to the ball and slammed it down with a fierceness she hadn't witnessed on the court before.
Her eyes widened at the power in his spike. This close she was able to see the way his muscles tensed and contracted at his movement. She was could feel the aura of power that surrounded the young man that had been labeled as the top ace in their age group. If she didn't have any experience with such force she was sure she would had gone weak in the knees. There was something about Ushijima this moment that left her in awe and she suddenly saw the appeal all her teammates cooed about.
Ushijima had a unparalleled power, his muscles ripped at the force he hit the ball. Even though the track suit she could see that. He was a wall. He was the best. But above all things Ushijima Wakatoshi was freaking hot.
"You damn idiot!"
Oikawa was pulled out of her thoughts by the rough cry.
"You just showed the whole damn world you're stupid spaceship panties!"
She felt her cheeks flame up and immediately noticed Ushijima's ears reddened too.
"Iwa-chan!" She raced up and knocked the dark hair man in the head with her fists. "Why were you looking?"
Iwaizumi grabbed her hands to stop her assault. "Well Bratty-kawa you were the moron that jumped up and showed them off."
Oikawa pouted at her best friend, "Just because you could see them doesn't mean you have to tell everyone about them."
Iwaizumi suddenly realized that Ushijima was standing right there and noticed his red ears. He turned to Oikawa and raised an eyebrow. Iwaizumi saw how deep her blush was and how she wrapped her arms around her body protectively, he suddenly realized he embarrassed her deeply.
Iwaizumi went and grabbed her things. "Here put this on it's getting cold," he pushed her blazer into her hands and he adjusted her backpack onto his shoulder, "let's walk home."
Oikawa pulled her blazer on and looked over at Ushijima as he gathered his things. She felt herself blush as the memory of his spike, his muscles contracting, the height of his jump, his chiseled facial features replayed in her mind.
"Oi, Bratty-kawa!"
Oikawa shook her head and jogged up to keep pace with her best friend.
After walking in silence for a while and the distance between them and Ushijima had grown, Iwaizumi finally spoke.
"What was that about?"
Oikawa walked slightly behind the young man and she look at the back of his head. She could easily be honest with him or tease him. And since he announced to the world her personal business she figured teasing him would acceptable punishment for the moment.
"Jealous," she smirked.
Iwaizumi turned his head and gave her a glare. "Unlike every other guy in town, I don't want in your spaceship panties, dummy."
She waved her hand side to side dismissing his statement, "I was talking about the toss, Iwa-chan."
"You can toss to whoever you want," he said looking forward again, "just don't do something dumb to get yourself suspended."
She jogged in front of him and started to walk backwards, "Oh come on don't be jealous, Iwa-chan, it was just one toss. If I toss to another guy it will only be you and only you, I promise."
Iwaizumi scoffed and walked past her. "Whatever you say."
Oikawa stopped walking and realized Iwaizumi saw right through her.
The way Ushijima held her from walking away, the unwavering way he spoke to her, the aura of his force that consumed her as he spiked her toss, it all warmed her in a way she was unfamiliar with. She licked her lips at the realization that she really did want to toss to Ushijima again, but she would never admit that to anyone.