"Where have you been?" Savitar asked her. "I played with your enemies." She smiled. "You were at S.T.A.R. Labs. I told you not to go there unless I tell you to." Slowly she walked towards Savitar and tried to stay calm. "I know. But I had to..." She began. A shrill cry came out of Savitar's mouth. "NO, YOU HADN'T!" Caitlin shrieked back.

"Yes. I'm sorry." Carefully she walked backwards and let herself into a chair. Then she surveyed the situation the rest of the day. It just wasn't that exciting because she couldn't see anything of what he did. Whatever he plotted, he was totally by himself and walked around, flashed around or talked some babbrish to himself, she never understood anything. Though it seemed that their plan worked because he wasn't suspicious. Weeks went by and Caitlin was able to play Killer Frost perfectly. It didn't seem that something would important happened at all until some weeks before Iris was going to die.

Caitlin was sleeping in their sort of cave until she heard some kind of noise from outside her room. Sleepily she stood up and dressed in her normal Killer Frost outfit and walked outside. Behind some desks she could see Savitar and some hydraulic noises. Savitar's suit was opening and Caitlin watched with excitement. Finally, she would find out who was behind the mask. Then, the next moment she couldn't believe her eyes. There stood Barry Allen, her friend. But that couldn't be. It was impossible. How? Her world broke apart, a massive shock hit her, and she couldn't move. Her brain tried so hard to process that information.

A few moments later she was finally in a position to think straight again. Fast she closed her mouth, which fell open out of shock the moment before.

When he turned around and looked in her face, she tried her best not to show the surprise she had felt. "It's nearly time." He said. The right sight of his face suffered from burnings and his right eye coloured differently. His eyes focused her, a cold sight which she never saw on Barry's face before, but she understood that it wasn't him. "I have a task for you. Team Flash will reach out for a woman named Tracy Dudek. I want you to kill her." Caitlin nodded silently and left the false Barry.

She knew what she had to do now. Fastly she sorted out where Tracy worked and headed that way. On the way there she texted Cisco the address, to be sure that they would be there, too. When she arrived, Barry, Cisco and H.R. were talking to the scientist. "That's way too easy." She said amused and threw ice at Tracy. "Get them out of here." Cisco said. "I'll have her." Barry looked surprised at him. "Yeah, Barry. Just get her out of here." The Flash nodded to his friend and everyone except Cisco and Caitlin was gone. "How did you know that we were here?" Cisco asked her curiously.

Their eyes met, and Caitlin hugged her best friend. " The hug didn't last long. "I don't have much time." She said. "It's Barry. Savitar is Barry. That is how he is always a step ahead, because he did live it before. Cisco, we need to do anything, if we want to save Iris. Say Julian, I'm fine." And then she was gone. Cisco stood there, with the same thoughts on his mind as Caitlin had, when she found out.

Back in S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco didn't leave his room all day until the evening when he shared that ritual with Julian. Devastated he sat himself onto a stool and stared into the nothing. A few moments later Julian entered the room. "What's up, mate? You don't look good." He didn't look up but said quite silently. "We need to get out of here. Come with me."

Cisco slowly walked out of the room and left the building. They nearly walked twenty minutes until he found rest, sat himself on a park bench. "So?" asked Julian curiously. "It's worse anything we imagined…" It was a cold summer night; the wind was blowing hard around them, and the moon was just starting to grow again.

All in all, the weather suited the situation. "Worse than expected?" Julian asked himself what could have been worse. Sure, Cisco looked like he just met a ghost but was it really that bad? "Then who is it?" Curiosity was killing him. "Barry…" Cisco started. "..but Caitlin said he was some sort of damaged copy of him."

Julian thought hard about what Cisco just told him. A copy of Barry was Savitar? In which world might that make sense. But then he remembered that he lived in a world full of metahumans, so everything was possible. Though it was still a shock to hear that news, he never thought that Barry could be their enemy. But it also had a positive aspect. They now knew who the enemy was and, so they would be able to prepare their battle properly. Cisco had the same thought because his expression changed suddenly. The time went by, while they developed a plan.

Late that night Julian went home and found a Killer Frost version of Caitlin sitting before his doorstep. "What are you doing here?" he asked calmly, and a warm smile appeared on his lips. She returned it and waited until he unlocked his door. Slowly she followed him inside and closed the door behind her. Julian turned around and faced her, his eyes locked in hers. Some of her white hair fell into her face.

Slowly Julian came nearer, their eyes still locked until his face was near hers. His warm hand touched her cold face, to put the hair out of it. He could feel her breath on his skin, was able to hear her heart beating fast, her cold skin on his hand, which touched her face once more, wandering to her neck and pushing her against the door, their bodies very close. The warm and cold body mixed their temperatures, their faces were now very close, the tips of their noses met. Ice cold met warm and finally their lips met.

When they met, an explosion went through both their bodies and joy filled them. Affectionate their tongues met, their kiss was very passionate. The time seemed to stand still, the room around them flew away in circles. A very long moment both forgot about Savitar and the rest of the world, they just enjoyed this moment. His hands ran through her white hair, soft but so pure white. Her scent filled his nostrils, her soft lips merged more and more with his. Carefully he broke the kiss and looked at her. Suddenly he grabbed her waist and carried her onto his bed, where he started to kiss her again.

Julian woke the next morning with her in his arms. First, he thought that he was dreaming but when she turned around he saw her struggling with waking up. She made some weird noises and finally opened her eyes. First, she was puzzled, probably didn't know where she was but realised what happened the last night at his place.

"Good morning, love." Julian smiled at her. "Morning." Was all she said but he loved seeing her like that. The next moment she sprang out of his bed, shock written over her face. "I need to go back!" she nearly screamed at him. Puzzlement made him raise, too. For the evening he forgot about all about the problems they had.

"Listen. Cisco and I have a plan.." and so Julian told her everything he and Cisco had planned throughout the last week. It was a risk they would face but he knew that it was crucial to let her know everything.

Caitlin listened patiently while he spoke. She nodded here and there. Her eyes locked with his all the time and when he was done her mouth stood open. She understood what was necessary to do but it needed a lot of strength to execute this plan.

She left from Julian's with a knot in her throat. Not only because of what she had heard but also because she knew she had to go back. Again. And explain to Savitar where she was. When everything went after plan, she wouldn't get hurt at all, no one would. But there was a ten percent chance that their plan wouldn't work at all. Only ten percent. She clung her thoughts onto that. It had to work.

While Caitlin was on her way back to Savitar, Cisco planned everything with Julian over his phone. Cisco tabbed on his tablet almost as fast as Barry was able to run. Every time someone entered the room, he winced and took a deep breath afterwards.

Once Iris came in and watched him with fascination. "You work hard today." Cisco didn't look up from his tablet. "Yeah obviously. This is vital." He held up his tablet in the air and wield it in his hand. After he gave her an exhausted look he started to tab again. Iris gave him an annoyed gaze but let him be his usual self. Though, she observed that something about him was rather odd today.

Cisco sighed when he finished and pulled his hair out of his face. Three hours left until they stroke. It was the perfect time, the perfect place. He just needed to get Iris. So, when the sun was nearly behind the horizon, he looked for her. And found her in the end in the cortex room. He was lucky that she was alone. The last thing he wanted was meeting Barry during their plan.

"Iris, we need your help. Barry is in trouble at the old cemetery." When Cisco saw an awestruck expression on her face, he knew that he had her. "Come with me. We gonna portal there right now." He opened a breach and they went through before Iris could complain.

"Tell me what's going on, Cisco." But Cisco wasn't answering. Instead he got out his phone and dialled Barry's number. When he picked up, Cisco took a deep breath and almost screamed in his phone. "He has her. We're at the old cemetery. Hurry. Please." He turned around and saw that Iris gave him a disapproving look.

Julian on the other hand followed Caitlin to Savitar's hideout. Memories of Alchemy came back into his mind, but he pushed them back. He needed to focus. When she went inside he hid behind some containers and sat still. He didn't know what would happen if their plan failed but he couldn't think about it either. Imagine the worst things was terrible.

So, he waited until she came back outside. "It worked. He is on his way. He said I should stay put. I don't think he trusts me that much, after all." Julian embraced her in a hug and felt her relax in it. "Let's go." Julian encouraged her, his heart beating very fast.

Cisco saw Savitar arriving. Well, he saw the blue lightning flashing towards them. With all his might he tried to stop himself from smiling. It actually worked. Now only Barry and Julian and Caitlin were missing.

His inwardly smile passed as Savitar grabbed Iris and held a blade in front of her throat. "I don't know what's going on, but I can kill her in this very second. The time doesn't matter." A shrill laugh made Cisco cringe. How he hated the speedster.

Barry arrived a second later and screamed a loud "Nooo!" Savitar approached him and another laugh made the earth quake.

Finally, also Julian and Caitlin arrived. They were a bit off road and watched the disaster. Caitlin looked at Julian, partly in shock, partly with insecurity. "You sure that will work?" she whispered, and Julian turned to her. "It has to." Then a smile decorated his face. His hands touched her cheeks and their eyes locked. He flinched at the touch of her cold face, because he forgot how big the Killer Frost influence still was. Finally, he relaxed and caressed her cheeks, with his left hand he put a strand of hair behind her ear. Carefully he reached out and pressed a kiss on her forehead. His lips tingled and when he broke away she gave him a warm grin. "I will. I know it."

"It's my performance now. Wish me luck." She said when Savitar was about to cut Iris' throat. With a flick of her hand pikes of ice flew towards the speedster. His blade froze and he let Iris fell to the ground out of shock. The next second Barry had Iris in his grip and flashed away. Caitlin shot more spikes at him and just as the first one, it hit Savitar by surprise.

"I thought better of you, Caitlin. But it seemed you are no longer an ally." His rich voice flooded the environment and Caitlin faltered for a moment. But a flicker of hate appeared in her eyes. She put more effort in fighting him. "I never was your ally. You used me." It was hurt that spoke out of her.

Julian couldn't really do much to help. But he hoped that everything would work out. The next set of spikes were no surprise for Savitar anymore and he flashed behind Caitlin. "Look out." Julian screamed, and she just got a wall of ice behind her in time. A second later and his blade would have run through her spine.

Good lord, Julian thought. Caitlin threw more spikes at him, but he dodged everyone of them. It was close a few times but against the speedster Caitlin did a very good job. Though, when Savitar vanished, she stood in surprise for a second. Julian and Cisco were irritated, too.

Suddenly a laugh made a shiver ran down Julian's spine. It made him freeze in place. "You have annoyed me more than enough." The voice of Savitar behind him made Julian turn around on the spot. And he froze again, when his blade emerged again, after a hell of pain hit him in his stomach. Julian looked into Savitar's glowing eyes. The pain was gone. But he felt blood leaving his body.

"Goodbye Julian." Was all the figure in front of him said. His sight blurred and when the blade left his body he collapsed to the ground. His knees trembled first, then he felt nothing, and his sight became blank. In the distance he could hear Caitlin shout and Cisco cursing.

Caitlin threw more ice at the speedster, now Killer Frost got full control of her. The anger and pain must have triggered it. Stronger than before she fought against Savitar. Her anger made her loose control. Almost, because the last bit of her consciousness held grip. Before Savitar could hit her with his blade, too, Cisco opened a breach and Savitar was gone.

"What took you so long?" Killer Frost asked him angrily. "Well, he's gone now.." was all Cisco could answer. His breath went heavily. He had used a lot of power. As Caitlin, he had reached his limits.

When Barry flashed back in, he looked at the situation in shock. "What happened?" he asked speechless. "Help me with them." Cisco didn't answer Barry. He just showed Barry to help him bring Caitlin, who collapsed, too, and Julian back to Star Labs.

Julian woke in a room he knew too well. It was the room in which Caitlin became Killer Frost and almost killed him. Though, this time he was the patient and she was sitting next to him, her head lay on the bed next to him. Careful he tried to stand up but the pain made him fall back.

Caitlin who must have heard him cry out in pain, woke up, too. "You're awake." She smiled and grabbed his hand. He realised she was back to her old Caitlin looks. Also, her hand felt beautifully warm. To nod was all he did. She squeezed his hand and her warm eyes stared into his.

"Did it work?" Julian asked after a while and she nodded. "Yeah, Cisco was able to breach him. It was close. But now everyone needs to heal up. Everyone's asleep. I came to look after you." She touched his cheek. An amazing tingling ran down his body from the space where she touched him.

"You need to go back to sleep. Okay?" she asked, worriedly and he cocked his head. "I'm fine." He said but the pain in his stomach said otherwise. "It will need some weeks for you to heal. Please, Julian." He sighed. "I have no other choice. Do I?" She shook her head. "No, you don't." With that she had the intention to turn around but Julian grabbed her wrist.

"Caitlin. I…" was all he could press out his lips before his voice was lost. She turned around once more and pressed a kiss on his lips. "I love you, too."

- End

Okay guys, I know it took me forever to finish this fanfic and I am soooo sorry. I had some problems to continue when I saw the rest of the third season and after I found out that Tom isn't in the fourth season. But here it is. Maybe it is rushed a bit but that is just what came into my mind. Tell me if it's a worthy ending or what you would have wished for an ending.

Still hope you enjoyed this fic and I hope I could do something good with it, at least. Because I know it was a really long time. Forgive me T_T