Hey guys so this is my first fanfic and I would like to tell everyone that I have the exact same story on wattpad just incase you came across this or something and I have the same username and stuff. But I will admit this is my first fanfic "I'm publishing" but please do review and whatnot but I do like helpful criticism. So my story is called 'No ties' but the first chapter is called 'The finding' just hope you don't get confused.
The Finding.
"Clarissa hurry before they get here!" Valentine yelled, while putting weapons into a duffle bag.
"Ok seriously dad how many times do I have to tell you, it's Clary!" She yelled back coming down the rough concrete stairs into the main foyer.
"Can't you just listen before you get us all killed" Sebastian chimmined in revealing the sass. Clary rolled her eyes mid way through the sentence.
"Honestly I say let them come, let's see what they're made out of" She said folding her arms over her chest with confidence.
"Are you on drugs? Or just totally lost it-" before Sebastian could finish his sentence a loud bang came from upstairs. They all turned their heads to the noise.
"They're here and get prepared to get a little bloody" Valentine specifically looking a Clary. She rolled her eyes.
Two demons came flying down the stairs and within not seconds later turned to ashes. An arrow skimmed through the air and straight into Sebastian' arm. He let out a small yelp, but then played it cool by pulling it out, acting as if it never happened.
A woman came down the stairs elegantly and latched her whip around Clary's ankle and yanking hard, making her fly into the hard concrete wall. Hitting her head, making her vision a bit blur but blinked it away easily. She got to her feet and reached for her seraph blade prepared into a fighting stance. The woman releases her whip at her, but Clary was fast enough to move to the side and holding out her seraph blade, watching the whip wrap around the blade. As she got the leverage and yanked hard on the blade. Seeing the girl go tumbling to the ground, she walks over to her and is about to drive her blade into the girl's chest but suddenly a strong, muscular figure tackled her to the ground.
She was unable to identify the feature of the figure, but she was able to see he was a male and out of the corner of her eye she also saw her father at blade point. "NOO!" she screamed stunning the figure holding the blade to her father, giving him leverage and stunning the figure on top of her.
With this she knees him in between his legs and he falls to the ground groaning. She stands, grabbing the seraph blade that fell out of her hand before and walking over to the tall, slightly less muscular figure. Grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him against the wall, pulling the blade up to his throat.
She noticed he was quite handsome with the moonlight shining down on him. He had beautiful blue eyes, with black/brown hair, and a little on the pale side but he was still attractive. She heard a noise behind and turned her head to see Sebastian pulling their father up from the ground. And the other two figures doing the same, while dusting themselves off.
Within a second the tables turned and she was at blade point with the blade at her throat. She looked at the male in front of her and all she could see in his eyes were anger, and hatred.
"Well we've gotten ourselves into some situation, huh?" She said while smirking, trying to break the awkward silence.
She looks above the tall man's shoulder witnessing her father trying to discreetly opening a window. Then is suddenly the window creeks, making the two unoccupied figures turn their heads, while the male in front of her had his eyes burning into her, as if he was trying to burn into her soul.
"I'm sorry my dear Clarissa, but we'll be back we promise" and with that her father and brother we out the window. The two figures rushed to the window, disappointed probably because they had gotten away.
Her eyes wide and facial expression torn with shock. But quickly shook it off as if it didn't matter. "I will admit this was fun, but I must go now" Clary says trying to laugh off and get out of the man's tight grip. But which may have been the wrong move considering the man in front of her pushed the blade more in her throat causing some blood to seep through.
Clary winces at the pain but tries to discreetly look like nothing is happening. "Alec" the male figure said coming up to put his hand on his shoulder. As the male comes into the moonlight Clary can see his features. He had golden blonde hair that reflected as a halo in the moonlight, was muscular in all the right places and by his form she could tell there was not a single ounce of fat on his body. Clary looked at his face and could see he had a strong jawline but was soft at the same time, golden orbs that were counted as his eyes. But just in general he was beautiful.
As the man with the knife to her throat positively known as "Alec" was not giving up and may have caused more blood to be drawn, another figure appears from the shadows.
"That's enough Alec." As the figure comes out of the shadows it was different, more as she was different. She had black, straight, silky hair that reached just a little past her waist, she was tall and had all the right curves that would make every girl suddenly become self-aware. She looked very intimidating but not enough to scare Clary off. She was very pretty with high waisted black jeans, with a top that could pass as a bra and heels could possibly be taller than Clary herself.
As for the two boys they had dark skinny jeans with a dark shirt. Nothing interesting. "Why should I she has killed so many of our people, the least we can do if return the favour" Alec spits out.
Silence falls through the room as everyone is staring at Clary. "What?" she asks trying to break the silence once again.
"We can use her" the Blonde one chimes in with a smirk on his face as if we was proud he came up with an idea.
"What are you talking about Jace?" The woman asks. 'So his name is Jace.. Interesting.' Clary thought.
"We can use her to get Valentine and Sebastian out of hiding 'cause angel knows they are to cowardice to come fight their own battles" Clary clears her throat and giving him a warning glance, while he still has that stupid smirk on his face.
Alec pushes off Clary and looks straight at Jace. He first looks confused then his expression turns to proud. Jace starts to walk towards Clary. "Ok wait-" and without warning the blonde boy strikes Clary's head against the wall. And her vision goes black.
Alright so there's that. I know it's super long but I really hope you like please review!