A.N.: Hello party people!
Like I already said, I am going to do a GMW season 4!
The endgame pairings are most likely Joshaya, Rucas and Smarkle, but that doesn´t mean that there won´t be a bit drama with other pairings through out the season, if you know what I mean ;)
That doesn´t mean that I`m going to kill any friendships. I am just going to spice things a bit up!
I was thinking about 25 episodes to do and every episodes probably gets about 3 chapters and 1 chapter before the new episode with Sneak Peaks and the summary! :)
If you guys have any wishes or suggestions, just write me or leave a comment! :)
Anyways here´s the first episode called "Girl Meets New Beginnings"! I hope you guys enjoy it and if you do, let me know in the comments below! :)
Gabrie xoxo
Girl Meets New Beginnnings
The new school year for the 6 starts which means they are not the youngest anymore and a new school year also means new courses, but the same old history teacher. While Cory tells them about new beginnings Riley once again wants to try something new while Maya doesn´t want anything to change, but will really nothing change?
Sneak Peak 1
In history class
"New beginnings!" Cory stated, pointing with a wood stick at the cupboard and repeated, "New beginnings!"
Riley beamed wide, exclaiming, "Yay! We´re sophomores now! We´re not so little anymore!"
Cory nodded at that while Maya just groaned. "Isn´t it enough that we passed our freshman year? Isn´t that new beginning enough?"
Their history teacher raised both eyebrows at the blonde and then said, "Well, Mrs. Hunter I wouldn´t say all changes or all new beginnings are something bad and they happen all the time, not just at the beginning of the school year."
"I agree with Maya for once. Last year was enough already." Lucas stated and this time even Maya turned surprised around to him.
Riley was still beaming and said, "Daddy, what new things will wait for us this year?"
Cory smiled at her and replied, "You just have to find out."
Sneak Peak 1 end
Sneak Peak 2
At the Bay Window
"I don´t want anything to change. It has already been bad enough as I thought you guys were moving to London. Why does everything have to change every year?" Maya asked annoyed, sitting there with her best friend.
Riley took the blonde´s hand and replied, "Maya, changes and new things are good sometimes. I mean, otherwise you wouldn´t be Maya Hunter and I did not leave after all."
The blonde crossed her arms and shrugged. She still did not like it.
"That doesn´t change anything." She stated.
"Maya it will be fine. And you know why?" Riley squeezed her best friends hand as to emphasize what she was going to say.
The blonde looked at her questioning even though she already knew the answer.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because I´m right here. We all are. It´ll be fine and we don´t even know what´ll change yet, so don´t worry. I mean I´ll try out for new things, you should try out for some new things, too and new beginnings could also mean other things." Riley suggested.
"You´re not going to try out for cheerleading again, will you?" Maya now asked Riley.
Riley shook her head and then stated, "No, I actually wanted to ask Lucas if he´d be in for couples dancing."
Maya´s eyes went wide at the thought of her best friend, trying to dance.
"You´re kidding right?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
Sneak Peak 2
A.N.: So what do you think? Do you like the idea of the first episode? What do you want to see in it?
Let me know in the comments below! :)
It´s the first episode, so I might change the name up a bit and the summary through this week of writing it to have it like I need it more for the season.
Can we get at least 5 reviews before the first part?
Gabrie xoxo