May 2008 - Teller Morrow Garage
The soft, early summer breeze made the warm air inside the TM office almost bearable to the tall, slim teenager sitting with her dark, wavy hair forming a curtain around her face as she focused on her paperwork. Her worn, faded black Converse high tops thud softly on the concrete floor as she taps her feet along to the barely audible song playing on the radio on the corner of the desk.
The loud rumble of several motorcycles brought a soft smile to her full, pouty pink lips as she stands to walk over to the doorway, her hand on one slim hip as she watches the familiar black Harleys pull into their designated parking spots. She walks over to her brother as he cuts the engine off, hugging him gently as she murmurs, "Wendy called, the doctor's appointment went well."
Jax nods, kissing her forehead before she steps back to give him room to get off the bike. "Alright, thanks...Aunt Honey." He grins at her as she smacks at his arm playfully.
"Hey, not for 5 more months, dick head." She smiles, shaking her head as she turns to walk back to the office, seeing her mother walking out of the clubhouse with a frown on her face. Honey sits back down at her desk, pretending to be focused on the invoices as Gemma walks in.
"Damn crow eaters are gonna drive me insane." Gemma mutters, walking over to the computer and sitting down. Honey smiles, raising an eyebrow at her mother.
"What, they slacking on their blowjob skills or something?"
Gemma let out a breath that was somewhere between a scoff and a chuckle. "I wish that was all. No, they were supposed to be setting up for tonight's party but when I went in there, you know what they were doing?"
"Getting high and comparing sordid stories of freaky Tig sex?" Honey murmurs, completely serious as she continues filling out the invoices.
Gemma shakes her head, laughing softly. "You spend too much time with those whores, baby girl. Don't get too friendly-"
"You're the original charte's president's daughter, not a piece of ass." Honey recited in perfect unison with Gemma, rolling her eyes before putting the finished invoices away and standing up. "I know mom, don't worry. Any guy who tries anything with me has to deal with Happy's overprotective ass."
Gemma nods, smiling at her daughter as Honey walks out calling over her shoulder, "I'm gonna go help set up, the paperwork is done."
"Okay baby, make sure the girls are actually working." Gemma turns back to her work, silently dismissing her only daughter. Honey nods, tucking a thick lock of her dark brown hair behind her ear and walking across the lot casually, the familiar reaper logo signs and sounds of her psuedo uncles and brothers bringing her comfort and allowing her to relax as she entered the clubhouse.
~ inside the clubhouse ~
As a few crow eaters worked stocking the bar and preparing food in the kitchen, Half Sack was sweeping the floor, not paying attention as he turned to grab the dust pan from the seat behind him. His thoughts focused on his first Friday night party as a SAMCRO Prospect, he let out a soft grunt as he collides with a smaller body and automatically wraps his arms around the small girl's waist to steady her.
"Shit, I am so sorry!" He blushes softly as he looks down at her, his blue eyes meeting her green ones. "Are you okay?"
Honey nods slowly, blushing as she steps back a bit, smoothing her olive green tshirt to hide her nerves. "Y-yeah, sorry I should've been watching where I was going."
He smiles, shrugging as he steps back a little, his eyes wandering down to her long toned legs exposed by her tight denim shorts. "Nah it was my fault. Are you for the party?" He knew he should get back to work, having just seen Gemma chewing out the crow eaters for dawdling, but he didn't want to give up the chance to talk to the pretty girl he had never met before.
Honey laughs softly and nods, walking over to the bar and sitting down. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I haven't seen you before...Prospect?" She let her eyes slowly drift down his body to the simple black cut he wore.
A proud grin forms on his lips as he nods, leaning against the bar beside her. "Yeah, two weeks now."
Honey nods, crossing her legs at the knee. "Want some help? I have nothing better to do until the guys come in." Half Sack shakes his head, smiling at her as he thinks, 'She can't be a crow eater...can she?'
"No, it's fine. I'm almost done sweeping up." He finishes sweeping the floor dust into the dustpan, going behind the bar to empty it into the trash can. Honey turns to face him, resting her elbows on the bar.
"You sure? Oh, wait.." She leans over the bar and gently brushes some lint and dust off the back of his cut. "Sorry, it was bugging me."
Half Sack smiles and nods, turning to face her. "Thanks. I'm Half Sack, by the way."
She smiles softly then frowns, raising an eyebrow. "Half Sack, huh? Is that uh...literal?"
He blushes, scratching the scruffy stubble on his jaw. "Uh, yeah...Accident in Iraq, lost my right nut." He figured being blunt was better than beating around the bush.
Honey blushes then looks around before biting her lip softly. "Oh uh lovely...does it still" Her high cheek bones glow red, even under her light makeup.
He nods, looking down before giving her a playful grin. "Yeah everything still works. Lefty's a fighter." Honey smiles and giggles softly, leaning forward a bit so that the laced up top of her tshirt gives him a glimpse of her cleavage.
"Good to know. Now what's your real name?" She smiles at him, not even realizing she was being flirty as she twirls a lock of hair around her pointer finger.
He laughs softly, cleaning up around the bar as he watches her. "You really don't beat around the bush, do you?"
Honey laughs and shrugs, giving him a soft smirk. "I get it from my mom I guess. I'm Honey."
Half Sack laughed this time, shaking his head. "No way, what's your real name?" Honey smiles and raises her eyebrow.
"I asked first, Half Sack."
"Kip." He found himself drawn to her, her sweet smiles and soft voice, especially her laugh. "I'm Kip. Your turn."
Honey smiled, humming softly. "Nice to meet you, Kip. My name is actually Honey. It's my middle name, but my dad chose it and everyone called me it when I was a baby so I guess it stuck." She shrugged, surprised at how easily she was talking to him.
"Awesome name. So...are you sweet like Honey?" He almost facepalmed, about to apologize before he heard that soft almost melodical laugh that he had begun to enjoy as she covered her mouth to quieten it.
"Oh my god, no one has ever said that before." As her giggles died down she shook her head. "Maybe that's something you'll have to find out for yourself."
The subtle change of her voice from playful to sultry had him fighting himself, reminding himself that he had to keep working. "Maybe I'd like that."
Their flirting was cut short as the crow eaters returned from the back and Honey stretched, arching her back like a cat as she stood up. "Well I'll see you later...Kip." She smiled at him meaningfully as she turned to walk over to where a couple of the crow eaters were sharing a joint on one of the couches.
He watched her go, his eyes on her round ass as her hips moved naturally. He shook his head to focus as he turned away, trying to finish his prospecting duties as Honey sat beside one of the nicer crow eaters, a curvy blonde named Lisa whom Bobby tended to favor.
"I see you met the new kid, huh?" Lisa gave her a knowing smile as she passed the blunt to Honey. Honey smiled and took a puff as she glanced over at Half Sack.
"Just having a little fun. You know how my parents are, flirting around is as close as i can get to having a boyfriend." She shrugs, passing the blunt to the girl on her left, a skinny Asian girl she thought was named Joanna.
Lisa smiles and bumps her shoulder against Honey's gently. "Well he keeps looking over here. I think the Prospect has the hots for you, baby girl."
Honey blushes and looks down, giggling nervously. "Really? He is cute..."
Nadine, one of the most popular crow eaters, scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Oh please, you're like 15. Do you even know what a dick looks like, kid?"
Honey rolls her eyes, knowing Nadine was just in a bad mood after being rebuffed by Jax earlier. "16, and yeah I do. I even know how babies are made, isn't that amazing? God bless public schools."
The other girls snicker at the sarcasm as Nadine glares at her but passes the joint silently back to Lisa. Honey smiles triumphantly and stands up as she runs her fingers through her hair. "I better go before mom comes in. See y'all later."
She walks back out to the lot, leaving the crow eaters to talk amongst themselves. Half Sack sighs, thinking, 'I guess she is a crow eater...' He frowns as he finishes cleaning up and leans against the bar, thinking about the playful young woman who had captured his interest.
Outside, Honey walks up behind Jax and hops onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Oh, big brother!" She grins as he holds her legs, laughing at her antics.
"Hey, brat. Why're you on my back?" He looks over his shoulder at her and she smiles sweetly.
"You're my pretty pony-man. Giddy up, my handsome steed!" She nudges his sides with her knees and he laughs but indulges her, galloping one lap around the picnic tables. She giggles as she holds onto him, feeling like a child again. Once he stops, she hops down and hugs him, smiling. "Thank you, Jax."
He nods, rubbing her back as he hugs her. "Anytime, sis. You been smoking?" He lifts her chin gently to see her slightly red eyes. She nods, knowing better than to lie and not seeing a reason to.
"Yeah, a little. Lisa and a couple other girls had a joint passing around."
He nods, smoothing her hair. "Alright. Don't let mom see you hanging around the crow eaters, she'll lock you in the office for the rest of the summer."
Homey smiles and nods, knowing he's probably right. "I know. I'm probably gonna go home and change before the party."
"Want a ride?" Jax offers, lighting a cigarette. Honey shakes her head smiling.
"Nah, I can drive. Where are the other guys?" She looks around only seeing a couple bikes parked in the lot.
He blows some smoke in her direction playfully. "Warehouse. Got a big shipment in, I'm about to head back out too."
Honey nods, not really needing any more info than that. Her knowledge of what the club did was limited to the basics by Clay but Jax and Chibs were her trustworthy informants.
"Alright well, I'm gonna go. See you later." She kisses Jax's stubbly cheek softly then walks over to her car, a 2005 Mustang, the all black exterior making her grin as it glints in the afternoon sun. She gets in and tries to start it, frowning as she turns the key and gets no response. "Shit. Come on." She tries a couple times before groaning and getting out, popping the hood open.
Half Sack walks across the lot, seeing her bent over the engine, her shorts riding high on her milky smooth thighs. "Uh need some help?" He stuffs his hands into his pockets, his eyes lingering on her rounded ass as she smiles at him.
"Sure, but I don't know what you could do to help. I think it's the transmission, it's been making a funny sound for awhile." She leans over further and Half Sack has to bite back a groan as he watches.
"Uh well you could leave it here and I can give you a ride..." He blushes as she stands up and almost catches him ogling her.
She smiles and shuts the hood, nodding. "Alright, that sounds good." He grins and walks over to his white Dyna as she locks the car and follows.
He hands her his helmet as he puts his black Ray-Bans on. "You've been on a bike before, right?"
She smirks as she straps the helmet on and nods, wrapping her arms around his midsection as she presses against his back. "Oh, a few times." She lays her head on his back comfortably, closing her eyes as he starts to drive off. Both of them were unaware of Gemma's watchful eyes following them from the TM office.
While stopped at a red light, Half Sack hollers over the roar of the engine, "Where am I headed?"
Honey sighs softly as she raises her head and says, "You know the way to Gemma and Clay's house, right?" He nods, frowning as he wonders why she'd be going there. "That's where I'm going."
He nods and as the light changes to green, he drives off again. All too soon for his liking, he pulls up to the curb in front of the Morrow household and Honey takes the helmet off, getting off the bike carefully.
"Thanks for the ride. You don't have to wait, I can get my brother to stop by and pick me up." She bites her lip softly, playing with her long slim fingers.
Half Sack frowns a little as he nods slowly before the light bulb slowly goes off in his head. "Oh shit...You're Clay's daughter, aren't you?"
She nods slowly, looking down sadly. "Uh yeah...I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Kip. It was nice having some fun without my dad or one of the guys hovering over me, y'know?"
He nods slowly, looking around nervously. "Uhm yeah, I get it. Look, I gotta go." Before she could respond, he had driven off. She watches him go, feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness that she can't explain. Once he can't be seen anymore from her spot, she heads inside and upstairs to her room, turning the radio on and smiling softly as one of her favorite Michael Jackson songs comes on. She sings along as she begins to undress.
"I just wanna touch and kiss, and I wish that I could be with you tonight. You give me butterflies inside, inside and I...
She lets out a soft sigh as she walks into the bathroom only wearing her plain nude panties. 'Do I have a crush on the prospect? No, I can't...but he seemed interested until he found out who I was...' Filing it away to revisit later, she finishes undressing and steps into the shower, trying to clear her mind but the feeling of her body against his strong back lingers. 'He felt so strong...I mean, he said he fought in Iraq so it's logical that he's in shape but...' Shivering a bit as the cool water hits her body, she sighs. "He's a man, a SoA prospect. I'm a 16 year old girl." A small voice sounding suspiciously like her mother whispers in the back of her mind, 'You're also the Princess of Charming.'
Honey presses her forehead against the cool tile and counts to 30, then backwards to zero. "This is just a crush, I'll get over it by tomorrow." Reassured by her own inner monologue, she gets out and dries off, grabbing the ripped, black skinny jeans and SAMCRO tshirt that laced up at the cleavage from the hanger in her closet.
As she looks at herself in the mirror, dressed and smudging some black eyeliner around her eyes skillfully, she smiles. "Crush or not...I'm gonna have some fun."