11 year old Clint Barton was excited to go to Hogwarts.

As a "muggle-born" he had been born in Iowa but had moved around so much from a young age that he didn't really consider himself to have a home base.

His brother Barney had deserted him and when Clint had received the letter on one rainy morning he had been shocked with no one to turn to.

Clint had never heard of magic or wizards in his entire life, not even in the circus did the magicians claim to believe in real magic.

Here he was, all by himself at King's Cross Station trying to figure out how the hell he was supposed to find a platform that didn't exist.

He was tall for his age of 11 with close cropped dusty blond hair and gray blue eyes.

People had often commented that he looked a lot older than his actual age, but what they didn't know is that Clint had seen and experienced a lot in his short life so far.

He looked around the station nervously, feeling very self-conscious and anxious and more than a little lost.

It wasn't like he couldn't manage on his own, he was very capable but the world of magic was still new to him and he was treading in unfamiliar territory.

He had read all of the course material in advance, trying to learn as much as he could in the short time before he went to school.

He didn't want to be behind the other kids and as a muggle born he was already at a distinct disadvantage.

Clint, who had never fit in anywhere in his life, was more than a little scared at how things would be like at Hogwarts.

This was his chance to finally find a place where he belonged and for that, he was excited.

11 year old Steve Rogers plodded apprehensively after his friend-more-like-brother Bucky as they walked through the station dragging their heavy trunks behind them.

He was by no means unaware of the magical world, his father had been a wizard but Steve hadn't really gotten a chance to know him because he died when Steve was just a little kid.

His mother, a muggle, had introduced him to the world of magic a few years ago when Steve had produced his first bouts of accidental magic.

His friend Bucky, coincidentally, had also turned out to be a wizard, something for which Steve was grateful.

He wasn't sure what he would do without Bucky.

Steve, skinny and long-limbed had a very innocent face, with blond hair that stuck up in the front and very very blue eyes.

Bucky was the complete opposite, with dark hair and dark eyes and a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Steve had come with Bucky because his mother hadn't been feeling well, leaving Steve and Bucky to fend for themselves.

Bucky's mother had been preoccupied with his three siblings and Bucky, always resourceful and overachieving had offered to take Steve with him so that he wouldn't be alone.

Bucky was muggleborn but had learned quickly about their new culture, adapting even faster than Steve had.

They knew where they were going, heading towards the barrier in between platforms nine and ten, platform nine and three quarters awaited.

11 year old Bruce Banner waded his way through the other "witches and wizards" at platform nine and three quarters.

He felt vaguely awkward as most of the other kids had parents and family members crowding around them excitedly, chatting and saying their last good-byes before the school years.

Bruce had no one. He had come alone, figuring out how to access the platform without needing to ask for help by just watching and observing.

He had only just learned about magic when his letter had arrived in the mail.

Apparently his mother had been a witch, unbeknownst to his father and to Bruce as well.

It had shocked him at first, his logical and scientifically driven mind not understanding the concept of magic.

It eventually began to make sense, all the accidents and seemingly unexplainable things that happened to Bruce on a regular basis.

His aunt, whom he lived with, couldn't make it to seeing him off at the platform, as much as she had wanted to come.

Bruce had said his goodbye to her a few hours prior before quietly making his way to the platform as the kind teacher that had visited him a few months ago had instructed.

He felt for his wand to reassure himself and made sure that he still the book he had chosen for the train ride with him.

He had curly dark brown hair, brown eyes and black-framed glasses which made him look studious and was thin and scrawny.

He scanned his gaze over the magnificent train and decided to find a compartment before they were all taken by the multitude of students.

11 year old Tony Stark was thrilled to be going to Hogwarts, a little bored, but thrilled.

His father, famous in the wizarding world, was well-known and a household name because of his successful muggle and wizarding world combined industry.

Tony walked confidently to the platform, all by himself, in his crisp expensive clothes.

His black mahogany trunk rolled smoothly on behind him and Tony smirked at a few other kids that he passed along the way.

After flooing to the platform from his mansion he made his way briskly over to the train, bypassing multitudes of crying parents and sobbing whiny kids.

He wasn't intimidated by the older students, smirking at them confidently as he could feel them sizing him up.

He knew who he was, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

It didn't matter that he had come alone, and it didn't matter that his father didn't even say good bye before Tony left for the school year.

Tony ran a hand through his spiky dark brown hair as his dark brown eyes challenged everyone and everything.

He knew his course material already, he didn't think of himself as a genius for nothing.

Hogwarts wouldn't know what hit them.

11 year old Thor Odinson was feeling bad for his brother Loki.

Loki, exactly a year younger, wouldn't be accompanying Thor to Hogwarts this year but the following year, leaving an entire year without the brothers being close together.

Loki would remain in their family's mansion in Norway where the Odinsons lived.

Thor walked assuredly into the station, his father walking a few steps behind, Loki even further behind, his features stony and callous.

Thor was excited, of course, he had waited his entire life to go to Hogwarts, he was eager to prove himself and to make new friends.

He had long blonde hair that reached down until the middle of his neck and shining blue eyes that swept the surroundings confidently.

Very big for his age he knew that he would be slightly intimidating to his fellow classmates but he didn't mind, they would learn that he was friendly and eager to make friends.

Thor knew that he wasn't the smartest in terms of learning and school but he was athletic and amiable and knew that somehow he would find the right people for friends.

All in all, he couldn't wait to get on the train.

11 year old Natasha walked by herself to platforms nine and ten.

She wasn't scared, she had learned how not to be afraid of things.

She had originally planned to attend Durmstrang but a last minute change of decisions had left her unprepared for Hogwarts.

She had been living in a magical orphanage in Russia when her letter had come, somehow managing to find its away among the shambles of the building in which she lived.

She had always known about magic and had even used it to defend herself now and then against some particularly nasty boys at the orphanage.

She had long red hair that blew in her face from the patches of air that flew across the station from the incoming and departing trains.

She had dark blue eyes that looked like they had seen too much and glowing pale skin.

She was small and wiry for her age, after having a propensity for athletics from a young age. She was particularly skilled at flips and handstands, a form of gymnastics that she had never officially been taught.

She had read all of the course material and was ready to make a name for herself, she knew that she wouldn't give up on anything until she proved herself and her abilities.

Now, standing in between platforms nine and ten she debated the missing platform with narrowed eyes before spotting a lost looking boy with dusty blonde hair and scruffy clothes. Making up her mind she walked over to him, maybe they would be able to help each other.

11 year old Sam Wilson was just recently getting accustomed to the fact that he was a wizard. After growing up in a bad neighborhood it was one of those things that one would never expect but somehow made sense.

The letter had shown up completely out of the blue.

The teacher that had visited him had said that his father had been a wizard, and it had sounded completely absurd to Sam at first but eventually things started to make more sense.

Sam's father had died when he was young but Sam had distinct memories of him, mainly him listening and healing people.

Sam's mother had also died and he had moved around from place to place after that, until now. This whole magic thing was still very odd for him to deal with and he had no idea what to expect from Hogwarts.

He had close-cropped dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and skin. He was lean and lanky but was tall for his age.

He was worried about the classes and course materials but was looking forwards to having a clean slate in a new area of the world with new people and new opportunities.

Walking through the station of King's Cross he spotted two boys, one blond and one dark-haired, dragging trunks like his own.

He listened to his gut and followed them along the way, guessing that they were there for the same purpose as him, heading to Hogwarts.

Next chapter, the sorting. Reviews are gladly welcome.